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EC puts brakes on 350-billion baht water project


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EC puts brakes on 350-billion baht water project


BANGKOK: -- The Election Commission (EC) has put brakes on the 350-billion baht water and flood management projects of the caretaker government until the February 2 election is over.

EC secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong said the commission’s action came after the deputy permanent secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office came to seek its advice on the 350 billion baht water and flood management projects which is still in the process of holding public forums to sound out the opinions of local people.

According to the deputy permanent secretary-general, public forums had been held in 74 provinces with the remaining three provinces, namely Nakhon Pathom, Kanchanaburi and Bangkok, still pending.

After the discussion the EC has formally notify the PM’s Office to suspend its public forum until the election is held, reasoning that the forum might be relevant to the government and could violate Article 181 of the Constitution in regard to the use of state resources for election campaign.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/ec-puts-brakes-350-billion-baht-water-project/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-27

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Then why did the EC sanction the release of monies concerning the rice subsidy two days ago ? And although it's good they put a stop to this one, one is still left with the eerie image of these continual requests to the EC for the release of massive amounts of money during an election campaign. Interestingly, although Pheu Thai has this election in the bag - ( no opposition helps ) - they sure are acting as if they don't. And why aren't these requests to the EC only made public after the fact ? Are there further requests pending ? Or are they ongoing ? Speaking of public forums, that seems like a pretty good place to start.

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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

“Some industries are not suitable to be located in Thailand,” Abhisit Vejavija the Thai prime minister, said in explaining the project to viewers of his weekly television address recently. “This is why they decided to set up there,” he said, referring to Dawei...........The Thai government, for its part, is highly supportive of the project. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/27/world/asia/27iht-myanmar.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
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The EC is doing the place a favour, generally the caretaker government can proceed with projects that have passed the approved stage , the EC must be like me I don't trust this mob for all the tea in China, unfortunately this could be only temporally ,when results come in after Feb 2nd, when the bull!!it will really begin.bah.gif

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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Correct me if I am wrong... but no oe forces the people to sell their rice to the govt as there are PRIVATE buyers out there.

And Of course Projects like this will continue.

Infrastructure is good for all countries. It is just a shame that here 50% or so goes missing. How do you expect the rich here to keep the poor where they are now if they have no money to pay them at the ballot box?

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I think that this project is badly needed, unfortunately it has become another cash grab for the Shin clan and company. If it is feasible, efficient and effective, if it could be overseen by an honest person, it may alleviate millions of peoples misery. I would think that a voter that isn't being flooded out every year, a voter who has a reliable source of water for their crops, would be extremely happy to support the party that accomplished it.

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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Correct me if I am wrong... but no oe forces the people to sell their rice to the govt as there are PRIVATE buyers out there.

And Of course Projects like this will continue.

Infrastructure is good for all countries. It is just a shame that here 50% or so goes missing. How do you expect the rich here to keep the poor where they are now if they have no money to pay them at the ballot box?

Thank you marcusd for your poorly informed post, I will gladly educate you on some basic facts. If you enter into a business agreement with someone you generally go through with it or face penalties for misrepresentation. Ergo, when the government says it will pay over the market price for rice and the rice farmers supply that rice they expect to receive that payment. If they don't that could be construed as fraud.

As you said no one force the rice farmer to sell to the government but who wouldn't, given the very attractive price offered. The fact that they now cant pay that money is down to their poor financial management of the Thai treasury.

I agree infrastructure is good for industry, business and the economy of a country and should be conducted as funds allow. However, if the infrastructure is in another country as Dawei is, then it tends to be a bit of less of a good idea.

Then if your government would rather spend its tax money in another country rather than paying its debts to it own farmers then you have to ask, " who's benefit is this government managing this country for?"

Well marcusd, who would you say?

Ramrod 71 I agree that 50 billion would be better spent on flood mitigation projects in Thailand than deep sea ports in Myanmar.

Edited by waza
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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

“Some industries are not suitable to be located in Thailand,” Abhisit Vejavija the Thai prime minister, said in explaining the project to viewers of his weekly television address recently. “This is why they decided to set up there,” he said, referring to Dawei...........The Thai government, for its part, is highly supportive of the project. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/27/world/asia/27iht-myanmar.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

I guess it depends on which pet project you mean. I thought he was talking about Thaksin's project to destroy the Thai rice industry and bankrupt the country since it's going ahead and the EC gave the green light to borrow more money to pay for the already purchased but not paid for rice.

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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

“Some industries are not suitable to be located in Thailand,” Abhisit Vejavija the Thai prime minister, said in explaining the project to viewers of his weekly television address recently. “This is why they decided to set up there,” he said, referring to Dawei...........The Thai government, for its part, is highly supportive of the project. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/27/world/asia/27iht-myanmar.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

I guess it depends on which pet project you mean. I thought he was talking about Thaksin's project to destroy the Thai rice industry and bankrupt the country since it's going ahead and the EC gave the green light to borrow more money to pay for the already purchased but not paid for rice.

Well you must have comprehension problems as it is quite clear from the wording ;

"while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation"

You see when he writes "pet project continues" and then uses multiple full stops (or periods) it means that the following text is linked to the preceding text. Therefore Thaksins pet project in this case would be the Dawei project/s. This is further confirmed by the next text

"The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead"

He states that the rice farmer can't get paid i.e the object referred to in the first half of the sentence is defined as a rice farmer therefore the "white elephant" he mentions in the second part of the sentence can only refer to something else he has defined earlier i.e the Dawei project.

I know English comprehension can be hard, especially if it's not your first language, but stick with it, it's very rewarding.

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Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

Speaking of off topic items did you find it strange that George Washington was only elected president after England surrendered?

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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

“Some industries are not suitable to be located in Thailand,” Abhisit Vejavija the Thai prime minister, said in explaining the project to viewers of his weekly television address recently. “This is why they decided to set up there,” he said, referring to Dawei...........The Thai government, for its part, is highly supportive of the project. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/27/world/asia/27iht-myanmar.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Dear Fabby you better check your fact because you are misleading the members again. Abhisit Vejavija made one comment about Dawei in October 2010, that was its better to have toxic industries in Dawei rather than Thailand, he committed no funds, didnt enter into any agreements nor invested himself.....

"It was Yingluck’s first visit to Dawei since the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in developing the area in May 2008. Yingluck was accompanied by a 40-member Thai delegation including Thai businessmen."

While Thaksin has invested his own money buying land in the area and taking potential investors to Dawei and showing them the potential rewards for investing there. Meanwhile his proxy government has spent a fortune building roads and infrastructure to the Myanmar border and now has approval to spend another 50 billion baht on the project.

Yeah that really sound more like Fabby fabrications that twist history, this started as and continues to be Thaksins baby. All MOU on the projects were signed by Thaksin governments all funds were approved by Thaksin governments all work was commenced by Thaksin governments.

"According to ‘The Government Public Relations Department’ of Thailand, Thai and Myanmar governments signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in May 2008 to develop the deep- sea port in Dawei and a connecting road link to Bangkok. Later, in July 2012, both governments signed another MOU on the Comprehensive Development of the Dawei Special Economic Zone and Its Related Project Areas in order to further enhance their cooperation of the Dawei project."

You are forgetting to allow that Yingluck looks better than Abhist to some posters. Lacking facts some must go with who looks the best.whistling.gif

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These 5 useless and biased people cannot change the venue of a candidate registration but they have no problem stopping a water project. let's hope it is going to rain and that Bangkok disappears under 5 meter of water. It would be lovely to point fingers.

Don't you think that due protocol should be followed on all these projects?

Don't you think that more than 2 years has been wasted?

Don't you think that borrowing the full 350B over 2 years ago in an emergency act and doing nothing with it is gross incompetence?

Don't you think the public hearings should have been fairly run?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The taps to the feed trough are interrupted, big deal. All big governments should have well paid forensic accountants

review the books of all projects. Including the purchase of those clocks and coffee tables. Costly yes but that is the

price of stamping out the corruption. Send people to jail. Look at Thaksin, he fled the country and he had what, a two

year sentence. No problem, jail, confiscation of all family assets, no renewal of passports, make thing difficult and

expensive for these scumbags. That includes Suthep. angry.png1zgarz5.gif

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Dear Fabby you better check your fact because you are misleading the members again. Abhisit Vejavija made one comment about Dawei in October 2010, that was its better to have toxic industries in Dawei rather than Thailand, he committed no funds, didnt enter into any agreements nor invested himself.....

"It was Yingluck’s first visit to Dawei since the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in developing the area in May 2008. Yingluck was accompanied by a 40-member Thai delegation including Thai businessmen."

While Thaksin has invested his own money buying land in the area and taking potential investors to Dawei and showing them the potential rewards for investing there. Meanwhile his proxy government has spent a fortune building roads and infrastructure to the Myanmar border and now has approval to spend another 50 billion baht on the project.

Yeah that really sound more like Fabby fabrications that twist history, this started as and continues to be Thaksins baby. All MOU on the projects were signed by Thaksin governments all funds were approved by Thaksin governments all work was commenced by Thaksin governments.

"According to ‘The Government Public Relations Department’ of Thailand, Thai and Myanmar governments signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in May 2008 to develop the deep- sea port in Dawei and a connecting road link to Bangkok. Later, in July 2012, both governments signed another MOU on the Comprehensive Development of the Dawei Special Economic Zone and Its Related Project Areas in order to further enhance their cooperation of the Dawei project."

You should know I don't post facts without corroboration, but if you insist


"Abhisit completed an agreement to “jointly develop a deep-sea port at Dawei (Tavoy) on Burma’s Andaman Sea coast"


"As Burma’s military generals rebuff international concerns over the legitimacy of their November elections, neighbor Thailand is already eyeing mammoth post-election plans to boost trade with the pariah state. Following a trip to Burma, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said this week that a deal has been signed for Thai firms to build a deep-sea port in Dawei, formerly known as Tavoy, a city in southeastern Burma that could become part of an economic zone....................An agreement signed during the trip includes construction of 100-mile (160-kilometer) road and rail links between Kanchanaburi in western Thailand and the Dawei port, as well as a special economic zone to be built on a 100,000-acre (40,500-hectare) plot near the port, reports said.."


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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

“Some industries are not suitable to be located in Thailand,” Abhisit Vejavija the Thai prime minister, said in explaining the project to viewers of his weekly television address recently. “This is why they decided to set up there,” he said, referring to Dawei...........The Thai government, for its part, is highly supportive of the project. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/27/world/asia/27iht-myanmar.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

Injecting truth into the forum spoils the fun for the frothers........

Most of whom seem to believe that all the currency in circulation and the principal assets of the country are in Yinglucks hand bag..............

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In fairness I think that the EC was correct in allowing the money for the rice farmers to be released. Yes, PTP have totally screwed things up but not allowing the payments would have penalised those who submitted their rice in good faith and also allowed PTP to blame the EC (or Suthep or Abhisit or anyone but themselves) for non-payment.

However they are absolutely right in scrapping the flood abatement scam. A completely mismanaged set of projects by Plodprasop, paid lackeys to attend supposed forums and Plod always saying that they will go ahead anyway no matter who is against them. It should be started again from scratch with some competent person in charge.

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"The Election Commission (EC) has put brakes on the 350-billion baht water and flood management projects of the caretaker government until the February 2 election is over."

"Okay then, until February 2nd, business as usual, dear Pheu Thai, where is our share??"

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Little wonder PT are so desperate to have an election.

The flood scheme in now on hold and I believe there are charges before the courts against the Govt for the sneaky way they held the meetings, charges laid by some of those who have been excluded from the so called consultancy meetings.

What with the NACC now saying there are grounds for prosecution on the charter change bill and starting to lay charges against the former parliament president and his deputy for their role in the attempt to amend the composition of the senate.

This would seem to be a good indication of what will happen when they decide on whether to charge the other 381 MP”s and senators including the PM.


The 2.2 trillion also likely to be thrown out because of the underhand way it was passed

The wheels are sure falling off and they have no spare.

Edited by Robby nz
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Dear Fabby you better check your fact because you are misleading the members again. Abhisit Vejavija made one comment about Dawei in October 2010, that was its better to have toxic industries in Dawei rather than Thailand, he committed no funds, didnt enter into any agreements nor invested himself.....

"It was Yingluck’s first visit to Dawei since the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in developing the area in May 2008. Yingluck was accompanied by a 40-member Thai delegation including Thai businessmen."

While Thaksin has invested his own money buying land in the area and taking potential investors to Dawei and showing them the potential rewards for investing there. Meanwhile his proxy government has spent a fortune building roads and infrastructure to the Myanmar border and now has approval to spend another 50 billion baht on the project.

Yeah that really sound more like Fabby fabrications that twist history, this started as and continues to be Thaksins baby. All MOU on the projects were signed by Thaksin governments all funds were approved by Thaksin governments all work was commenced by Thaksin governments.

"According to ‘The Government Public Relations Department’ of Thailand, Thai and Myanmar governments signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in May 2008 to develop the deep- sea port in Dawei and a connecting road link to Bangkok. Later, in July 2012, both governments signed another MOU on the Comprehensive Development of the Dawei Special Economic Zone and Its Related Project Areas in order to further enhance their cooperation of the Dawei project."

You should know I don't post facts without corroboration, but if you insist


"Abhisit completed an agreement to “jointly develop a deep-sea port at Dawei (Tavoy) on Burma’s Andaman Sea coast"


"As Burma’s military generals rebuff international concerns over the legitimacy of their November elections, neighbor Thailand is already eyeing mammoth post-election plans to boost trade with the pariah state. Following a trip to Burma, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said this week that a deal has been signed for Thai firms to build a deep-sea port in Dawei, formerly known as Tavoy, a city in southeastern Burma that could become part of an economic zone....................An agreement signed during the trip includes construction of 100-mile (160-kilometer) road and rail links between Kanchanaburi in western Thailand and the Dawei port, as well as a special economic zone to be built on a 100,000-acre (40,500-hectare) plot near the port, reports said.."


So Fabby you totally disregard the 2008 MOU between the Thaksin proxy government which started the whole ball rolling. Or the Thaksin investments that have kept it rolling despite the Chinese, Japanese and Ital/Thai company pulling out,

But to get back on topic do you agree that this project should get its funding approved over the Flood mitigation and paying the rice farmer. Remember the EC hasn't agreed to release funds for the farmers yet.

Edited by waza
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Then why did the EC sanction the release of monies concerning the rice subsidy two days ago ? And although it's good they put a stop to this one, one is still left with the eerie image of these continual requests to the EC for the release of massive amounts of money during an election campaign. Interestingly, although Pheu Thai has this election in the bag - ( no opposition helps ) - they sure are acting as if they don't. And why aren't these requests to the EC only made public after the fact ? Are there further requests pending ? Or are they ongoing ? Speaking of public forums, that seems like a pretty good place to start.

although Pheu Thai has this election in the bag - ( no opposition helps )

Yes instead of a big majority they would most likely get if they had opposition now they'll have a massive majority.Either way, their majority is enough to render the PDC and its allies basically irrelevant.

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Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

Speaking of off topic items did you find it strange that George Washington was only elected president after England surrendered?

Oliver Cromwell?

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Apart from being off topic, isn't it strange that Thaksins "pet project" only started after abhisit had signed the agreement with the Burmese dictator Leader, Than Shwe

Speaking of off topic items did you find it strange that George Washington was only elected president after England surrendered?

Oliver Cromwell?

Englebert Humpadink!

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I'm confused, <deleted> does the Election Commission have to do with budgets and other govt business other than elections?

Yep, why is that?

Seems to me that right now there´s no boss, no real poo yai, no real powercenter, so all Gov. Agencies are showing off them red baboon *sses!

Stupid 3rd world backyard country, let the military take over for min. 10 years, keep the idiots under control, and the Baht down, way down...

Good for me, good for tourism, good for all.

If you don´t have the brains to know real democracy from the fake/copy one, then you deserve the Taharn to keep you in check.

Edited by wilailuk
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I'm confused, <deleted> does the Election Commission have to do with budgets and other govt business other than elections?

Yep, why is that?

Seems to me that right now there´s no boss, no real poo yai, no real powercenter, so all Gov. Agencies are showing off them red baboon *sses!

Stupid 3rd world backyard country, let the military take over for min. 10 years, keep the idiots under control, and the Baht down, way down...

Good for me, good for tourism, good for all.

If you don´t have the brains to know real democracy from the fake/copy one, then you deserve the Taharn to keep you in check.

It's definitely at this juncture now.

Personally I don't think there will be civil war or even very serious civil unrest. I do think there'll be military rule however. Probably by March at a guess and probably for a few years.

But you know what? Life here will go on pretty much the same. Kids will still go to school. Shops will still be open with shelves stacked. Tourists will still flock to beaches. People will go on with their daily lives.

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Amazing Thailand one corrupt scam is stopped while Thaksins pet project continues...........

Feasibility study,environmental impact assessment for Dawei infrastructure projects totalling Bt50.2bn will continue despite stalled govt's Bt2tn infrastructure plan /The Nation

The rice farmer cant get paid, but this white elephant project is full steam ahead, theres the Thaksin's proxy governments priorities for you, its all about Thaksin.

Correct me if I am wrong... but no oe forces the people to sell their rice to the govt as there are PRIVATE buyers out there.

And Of course Projects like this will continue.

Infrastructure is good for all countries. It is just a shame that here 50% or so goes missing. How do you expect the rich here to keep the poor where they are now if they have no money to pay them at the ballot box?

Thank you marcusd for your poorly informed post, I will gladly educate you on some basic facts. If you enter into a business agreement with someone you generally go through with it or face penalties for misrepresentation. Ergo, when the government says it will pay over the market price for rice and the rice farmers supply that rice they expect to receive that payment. If they don't that could be construed as fraud.

As you said no one force the rice farmer to sell to the government but who wouldn't, given the very attractive price offered. The fact that they now cant pay that money is down to their poor financial management of the Thai treasury.

I agree infrastructure is good for industry, business and the economy of a country and should be conducted as funds allow. However, if the infrastructure is in another country as Dawei is, then it tends to be a bit of less of a good idea.

Then if your government would rather spend its tax money in another country rather than paying its debts to it own farmers then you have to ask, " who's benefit is this government managing this country for?"

Well marcusd, who would you say?

Ramrod 71 I agree that 50 billion would be better spent on flood mitigation projects in Thailand than deep sea ports in Myanmar.

WAZA I do not think that my post is so well misinformed as you state.

Infrastructure at DAWEI can benfit thailand a lot more than ignorant people here with zero business capabilities think. Thailand is a BIG exporter and the Bangkok ports are just not up to spec. I actually export from thailand to Australia and get serious issues with such exports because of restrited shipping capabilities. Although i am on a small scale my shipping is restricted by vessel tonnage.

As to the rice, i also have many friends with thai families who have farms and rely on rice sales as no doubt you will. My friends in Surin sell privately and get a price just below the government price but they get paid quickly.

Too many people assume ALL rice is sold by the government. It is not. yes whilst i agree many do sell through and to the government they are faling behind because of the ill conceived plan of this scheme. But we have to wait and see.

After all we are just VISITORS here. Whilst some of us may have a busines, our core entitiles are elsewhere so we are not finalcial refugees like many who post here with opinions on how to solve all the ills of this country.

Maybe we should consier solving our own ills before we sugest to others?

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Dear Fabby you better check your fact because you are misleading the members again. Abhisit Vejavija made one comment about Dawei in October 2010, that was its better to have toxic industries in Dawei rather than Thailand, he committed no funds, didnt enter into any agreements nor invested himself.....

"It was Yingluck’s first visit to Dawei since the two countries signed a memorandum of understanding to cooperate in developing the area in May 2008. Yingluck was accompanied by a 40-member Thai delegation including Thai businessmen."

While Thaksin has invested his own money buying land in the area and taking potential investors to Dawei and showing them the potential rewards for investing there. Meanwhile his proxy government has spent a fortune building roads and infrastructure to the Myanmar border and now has approval to spend another 50 billion baht on the project.

Yeah that really sound more like Fabby fabrications that twist history, this started as and continues to be Thaksins baby. All MOU on the projects were signed by Thaksin governments all funds were approved by Thaksin governments all work was commenced by Thaksin governments.

"According to ‘The Government Public Relations Department’ of Thailand, Thai and Myanmar governments signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in May 2008 to develop the deep- sea port in Dawei and a connecting road link to Bangkok. Later, in July 2012, both governments signed another MOU on the Comprehensive Development of the Dawei Special Economic Zone and Its Related Project Areas in order to further enhance their cooperation of the Dawei project."

You should know I don't post facts without corroboration, but if you insist


"Abhisit completed an agreement to “jointly develop a deep-sea port at Dawei (Tavoy) on Burma’s Andaman Sea coast"


"As Burma’s military generals rebuff international concerns over the legitimacy of their November elections, neighbor Thailand is already eyeing mammoth post-election plans to boost trade with the pariah state. Following a trip to Burma, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said this week that a deal has been signed for Thai firms to build a deep-sea port in Dawei, formerly known as Tavoy, a city in southeastern Burma that could become part of an economic zone....................An agreement signed during the trip includes construction of 100-mile (160-kilometer) road and rail links between Kanchanaburi in western Thailand and the Dawei port, as well as a special economic zone to be built on a 100,000-acre (40,500-hectare) plot near the port, reports said.."


So Fabby you totally disregard the 2008 MOU between the Thaksin proxy government which started the whole ball rolling. Or the Thaksin investments that have kept it rolling despite the Chinese, Japanese and Ital/Thai company pulling out,

But to get back on topic do you agree that this project should get its funding approved over the Flood mitigation and paying the rice farmer. Remember the EC hasn't agreed to release funds for the farmers yet.

Can I enquire what is so wrong with helping a CLOSE neighbour and at the same time POSSIBLY help your own country, no matter what corrupt government is in power?

Lack of infrastructure for EXPORTING nations is a serious way of making sure you go backwards.

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