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Protest leader Suthep declares Bangkok seizure after New Year


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Will the government let this happen? Surely it's time for the Army to just step in now put a stop to all this?

Not the time yet. Will be around failed election time. Because 53 political parties have voted already for dictatorship.

So you think the government will let them bring the city to a standstill for a month?

Please understand that the caretake government is practically powerless and had choosen already the path of less resistence even before dissolving parliament.

No response from oppostion for a negotiated solution.

No protest contrast is obtainable from the police (they are militarly unable, and why they should, after all).

No protest contrast is obtainable from the army (they don't take orders from gov.t)

No call to the masses for a counter protest (would just throw the country in complete chaos and accelerate the coup).

In my opinion, nothing can save Yingluck's political future, and the country from yet another cycle of emergency government and painful negotiations to have it end.

Edited by paz
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Excellent. We should just let the military people govern us for ever more. It's not for us to decide; it's for THEM to rule us for all time.

Will the government let this happen? Surely it's time for the Army to just step in now put a stop to all this?

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Hi cnxforever,

Could you estimate the effect of this on voter percentages?


Is somebody REALLY in the know about house registration/voter registration in this country?

Please post!!!

I understand, may people, for example construction workers who are only temprary in BKK before going back to the farm, cannot vote in BKK because they are not registered in the shack on the construction site.

How long do you have to be registered in a new residence before you can vote there??

Is there a voter registration (US - style) in LOS??

Is it mandatory to get registered and change your ID card after having moved to another province??

If you have children of school age, do you have to register yourself in the town where they go to school???

Thanks for enlightening me!

In Thailand you are registered where ever your "real" home is.

Meaning you are a resident of where ever your Tabian Baan - or house registration says. Also the Thai national ID card states your hometown as to where you are registered - and not where you actually live since most migrant workers live in rented places. Some Thais spent all their life living and working in Bangkok but are not Bangkok residents.

Meaning that millions of Thais who work in Bangkok or other places in the Kingdom away from home - and most can of course not afford to buy property close to their work place in order to register a new home on a new Tabian Baan.

They can only vote in the district where there Tabian Baan / ID says they are registered.

If you can not afford to go home - or can not get time off for elections you can not vote!

This is why certain countries hold elections always on a Sunday and in some countries it is compulsory to participate in parliamentary elections to make sure all citizens are exercising their duty to vote - employers have to give time off to travel home and vote - or if impossible to return to vote by sealed official letter for citizens who reside abroad for example.

Aslo in my home country you have to register where ever you really reside after a period of 2 weeks and not your hometown - even if you live in a rented property you have to register within 2 weeks at your new address. This is also important for the city / town you are moving to as they get a certain amount of tax money per resident from the national budget.

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This is now escalating into what..... i fear the result of what this man now have sat in motion

Something need to be done about this crazy man. Arrest him and his hooligans.

I take it you two are happy with the corrupt PTP Government. Why?

Seriously, isn't it high time to lock this nutcase up and throw away the key??w00t.gif width=18 alt=w00t.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1451809591>

We are way past the peaceful demonstrators wanting to bring down a corrupt government!!

"My dear stupid pawns get in there and get yourself killed, it is a small sacrifice for ME, should you get killed , I and my Amart friends will throw some peanuts to your family"

I do not love Thaksin, but this is getting dangerous!!

Well I have read many posts calling for locking him up. But none suggesting that any thing be done about reform in the Government. The PTP wants the people to reelect them and then they will set up a committee to look into reform. We all know what their idea is. Bring Thaksin back free and clear of all convictions and charges hanging over his head.

They have a commission already to stop corruption yet it has increased from being 63% corrupt to 65% corrupt.

How many people really believe these people are going to do a180 degree turn.

I can understand it being true to a person with a Thai education but really do not the people here on Thai Visa have a better education than that.

I understand Suthep is not trusted. But stop and think it through. Do you believe all these people in his protest will let him carry on with the corruption and nepotism that we have with the PTP. Think about that for a bit. Along with that other than individual posters I have yet to see where he would be the Chairman of a reform commission. If he gets one which is badly needed he most assuredly would make a bad choice for chairman. He is to one track minded and this is a subject that calls for open minded people.

He how ever is good at keeping the protest alive. If the PTP are not stopped now they will be at a later date and it will not be pretty.

I just hope it works. We already know the PTP idea won't.

so unless some one else can come up with a better idea we are stuck with Suthep. No I can not come up with a better idea. But I do know certain people like Suthep and the clones will not help matters on the committee.

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Old Musso's in top form today! Stand by for the Blitzkrieg you lucky Bangkok people! He did let slip that his mob are being backed and financed by big business, not suprising in this land of unfettered monopolies and cartels all enriching themselves at the public expense.

Will be interesting to hear the squeels from the "hi-so" expats working for big International companies when their phone lines and power are turned off by the mob. They might be posted to Singapore and lose all that cheap sex that makes BKK so appealling to them!biggrin.png

What a crass, ignorant post or maybe your just jealous of expats who can actually find a decent job over here. Many of us have families over here and a vested interest in the country.

You seem to think it's quite funny how Suthep and his followers are tearing the capital apart.

And what exactly is your vestment in this country, that you cannot obtain back home, or choose to lay as some grand foundation of your presence here?

Define a decent job for expats here, if you would care to.

Many of us have decent jobs, as you desire to extravagantly insinuate that we don't, and we also have families.

However, none of us are Thai. Tearing the capital apart, as you again insinuate as being another bad thing, may well just be the best thing that has happened to this country, and for many a year. Then again, I am not as much a judge as you pertain to be. What I do know is that more Thais, than I care to know, are vehemently in support of the current chaos.

What say ye?


Well then the very same Thai people have no clue what they want,as they voted in the current government by a landslide victory not very long ago!

The fact is the majority of people in Thailand live in the North,so as long as you have that,which the Shinawatras do,you have Thailand.It's like the people in London,UK rising up and saying we don't want Tony Blair in No.10 Downing Street because he's Scottish and so are most of his cabinet!

Love them or loathe them,at least the Shinawatras do want to educate the poor North,the Illuminati elitists yellows of Bangkok want the exact opposite,keep them dumb and docile!

Abhisit is more qualified to be the PM of Britain and the UK than he is of Thailand.Eton and Oxford educated like David Cameron the current British Prime Minister and with a UK passport to boot!Like it or not the people of Thailand want the Shinawatras in,I'm no big fan of theirs at all but I am a fan of democracy.

How can Thailand ever achieve peace and harmony unless the democratically elected government is afforded the luxury of being able to serve their term,it cannot!sad.png

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Maybe it's time for the civilising influence of the farang to make itself heard....


Wow,so there's drunk Farangs in Thailand,really?There's no drunk Thais here though is there?Do you know what the G7 is,the 7 largest economies in the World?BTW,Thailand's not a member!

It just amazes me that the whole gambit in Thailand is to put Farangs down to big themselves up,don't Thais understand that the international community sees the whole country,political system and leadership as a complete and utter joke?

About on the level of trained chimpanzees!

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Funny (?) thing is that, speaking with Thai people (personally and through my lady's extended family) brings me to the conclusion that almost none of them care whether the government is red or yellow or even military-olive.

So long as they can go about their daily graft and put food on the table, they really do not care.

The only people who do care are those who might lose or gain (or perceive they may) from one or the other.

The general consensus is that "If it don't affect me and mine......why should I care?.......and it WON'T affect me, cuz I won't allow it to. I'll carry on regardless".

Seems that, proportionally, the Farang members of TV are far more animated over the situation than the Thai people, themselves.

Yet the best we can hope for is an extra hour or so's drinking up time or less.

Just an observation smile.png

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The look and style of this official video from the demonstrators posted on YouTube gives good insight into their thinking:


For comparison, here is Fraulein Leni's classic " Triumph of the Will":

One of the reasons " Triumph of the Will" is considered such a classic piece of propaganda is that it such an aesthetically superb film that

it could make a Nazi sympathizer of anyone who had never heard of the Nazis and their misdeeds. From the music on to the carefully selected

shots of healthy, happy Aryans at play, everything is carefully orchestrated in what might be called the world's longest commercial ( I say

commercial, because there was a dress rehearsal the previous year).

Whatever her politics, Fraulein Riefenstahl knew how to make movies. The same cannot be said of Suthep's videographer.

My goodness where does this man get his ideas from?

1936 Germany, by the looks of things.

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The look and style of this official video from the demonstrators posted on YouTube gives good insight into their thinking:


For comparison, here is Fraulein Leni's classic " Triumph of the Will":

One of the reasons " Triumph of the Will" is considered such a classic piece of propaganda is that it such an aesthetically superb film that

it could make a Nazi sympathizer of anyone who had never heard of the Nazis and their misdeeds. From the music on to the carefully selected

shots of healthy, happy Aryans at play, everything is carefully orchestrated in what might be called the world's longest commercial ( I say

commercial, because there was a dress rehearsal the previous year).

Whatever her politics, Fraulein Riefenstahl knew how to make movies. The same cannot be said of Suthep's videographer.

My goodness where does this man get his ideas from?

1936 Germany, by the looks of things.

Someone else has made the same inference.

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Maybe it's time for the civilising influence of the farang to make itself heard....


Wow,so there's drunk Farangs in Thailand,really?There's no drunk Thais here though is there?Do you know what the G7 is,the 7 largest economies in the World?BTW,Thailand's not a member!

It just amazes me that the whole gambit in Thailand is to put Farangs down to big themselves up,don't Thais understand that the international community sees the whole country,political system and leadership as a complete and utter joke?

About on the level of trained chimpanzees!

Siunds like you need to chill out and have a few drinks. Go on you know you want to.
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Many of the TV trolls hate Suthep. If you are one of them, please feel free to offer alternative ideas on how to rid Thailand of the Shin wannabe dictatorship.

There is no Shin dictatorship. There is a party where they happen to have key members that keep winning elections. Elections where everyone with voting rights can participate. Elections that even Korn admited vote buying no longer where a real issue.

PT won last time because men like Suthep pissed off huge numbers of their voting. Democrats (and Newin) probably saved PT billions of baht during the last election. And you can bet your ass the the last two months have done nothing to vote less polarized.

Half the senate is not elected. That is where any reform should start. Its not what this "The people" group want, but its what the majority of thai votes will vote for if asked.

I sgree with most of what you say, but there is a Shin dictatorship. The amnesty vote amply exposes it. Suthep is trying to take advantage of the justifiable outrage and anger that was generated by the brazen demonstration of that power.

Unfortunately Suthep is a solution is worse than the problem; he is just such an idiot.

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I would call it a coup d'etat.

And for the first time I am getting worried about all this.

Don't worry be happy Thailand is renowned for it - business as usual once General Wellbeing takes over the reigns of power once again !

Good ethic... get me a Chang teerak! :D

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Well this just shows me that suthep is NOT fighting for democracy. He is on a personal vedeta against one person. Let him and his mob bring bangkok to a complete halt. I would love to see it. And then the army will come in and take over again. Suthep need to be behind bars as he is a murderer.

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