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What’s The Secret Of Pattaya’s Success?


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What’s the secret of Pattaya’s success?

PATTAYA: -- Property boom continues into 2006 People said the huge growth rates of recent years could never be sustained, yet the Pattaya property bonanza shows few signs of slackening. The evidence is before your eyes. The land registration office in Suksabai Villa is choked with cars most days, the number of estate agents in the Jomtien and Pattaya area has now reached 160, or more, and applications for permits for new villa estates are going up and up.

A key reason for continuing growth is undoubtedly the huge of inflow of foreign capital. Take the United Kingdom as an example. The housing boom there in recent years has made lucky owners into sterling millionaires. So, when they sell up or inherit property back home, some of that cash finds it way into the Pattaya housing market which is still cheap by comparison. Although some Thai property laws are theoretically hostile to foreign investors – they can’t own freehold land for example – in practice solutions have been found.

Most prospective buyers know about the establishment of companies with a 30 year leaseback to the foreign investor, and other variations, which are not difficult to arrange. With a knowledgeable lawyer, you can own property in Thailand “de facto” if not “de iure”. And condos, a big slice of the market, pose no ownership problem in any case. It’s true that problems can crop up with Thai-farang companies – if one of the Thai silent partners dies for instance – but in practice the difficulties are rare.

One estimate is that 10,000 such companies were set up last year and legal hassles are known to have occurred in a mere handful, mostly because an untried lawyer was hired. With success rates like these, most foreigners can see no reason to stay out of the market place. Sticking to estate agents and property lawyers with a good track record is the key. The Thai government has made the property environment sweet by progressive discretion in the implementation of immigration law. It’s never been easier for foreigners of any age to obtain a 12 months’ visa provided they maintain a Thai bank balance or can demonstrate proof of a pension in the home country or even rental income there.

Looking back to the 1980s, it was the near certainty that almost all farangs had to visit the Thai consulate in Penang to renew their visa three or four times a year which was such a stumbling block to putting the real estate market on its feet. Penang today is a ghost town for the former visa agents. But why Pattaya? Long before marketing gurus thought up the concept of niche (specialist) markets, Pattaya was offering “something for everybody”. That’s even truer today. The variety and cheapness of first class restaurants in the resort, to take one example, is quite breathtaking. Whether you are looking for Norwegian cod and chips in Soi Honey Inn for under 200 baht or a tiptop restaurant in that stretch of road going into Jomtien (Mata Hari, Bruno’s, Indian by Nature and now Gians) it’s difficult to go wrong.

One of Pattaya’s secrets is that she makes everybody feel welcome, no matter how big their pocket book. Entertainment shows the same, wide diversity. No matter what you are looking for (naughty shows being the exception these days as the fuzz raid them) you are likely to find it in Pattaya. Transvestite shows, quiz leagues, beer halls, cocktail lounges, “real” music, discos, trendy pubs, sports, health spas and darts competitions all mingle together no matter what your passion and wallet size happen to be. Much the same can be said of shopping with every facility from the Royal Garden Plaza to open air markets.

And more coming all the time. Pattaya was one of the first resorts in Asia to cash in on the pink pound or gay crowd. In the resort, the hotels and bars are mostly owned or controlled by foreigners. Nobody knows that the total worth per year is but it certainly runs into many billions of baht, especially if property purchases are taken into account. Other niche markets include medical tourism – people are said to come from Japan specifically to have their teeth fixed – which the private hospitals are encouraging wholeheartedly. Look at the new block going up at the Bangkok Pattaya hospital for confirmation.

Although Pattaya certainly has its drawbacks – a rising street crime level, pollution, traffic jams and an infrastructure which doesn’t always work – these factors don’t put people off on any scale. Journalist Andrew Chant recently told Thailand Property Report that bad publicity (a murder for instance) tends to have a very limited effect as the public perception is that the country is still full of happy, smiling people. True, the traffic congestion can be dreadful, but there are now so many facilities all over the city that it’s possible to avoid some of the problems by eating out or visiting the bank branch near to where you live.

Not many people drive into downtown Pattaya these days unless they really mean to. The resort, it seems, can even manage successfully its own drawbacks. Perhaps that’s why she continues to boom.

by Barry Kenyon

--Pattaya Today 2006-05-15

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One estimate is that 10,000 such companies were set up last year

That's 10,000 'Companies' paying nominal taxes in order to hold property with a capital value of millions and a significant emotional capital to boot.

It doens't take a genious (I'm sure Gordon Brown could figure it) to realize this is a cash cow in the making.

What level of taxes would owner/managers be willing to pay in order to keep their dream home?

Not a position I'd like to be in.

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What will the Pattaya bashers say about this article?

The positives far outweigh the negatives.

Positive thinking people are those with big smiles on their faces, are great drinking partners and always look on the bright side of life.

Negative Pattaya bashers are a dull and boring breed, hate their own reflection in the mirror and spend their dreary lives moping around and kicking the cat.

Long live Pattaya and all those who enjoy it's charm. :o

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What will the Pattaya bashers say about this article?

The positives far outweigh the negatives.

Positive thinking people are those with big smiles on their faces, are great drinking partners and always look on the bright side of life.

Negative Pattaya bashers are a dull and boring breed, hate their own reflection in the mirror and spend their dreary lives moping around and kicking the cat.

Long live Pattaya and all those who enjoy it's charm. :D

And living in Isaan on 10,000 Baht a month ... and trying to convince us it's

where they want to be ... gotta love it :o:D:D


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Nah ... living someplace way more interesting ... paying less ... having 1/4 the headlines of farangs attacks and hookers doing whatever ... oh yeah and guys locked into rooms :o

But my trip down there last weekend for the party was a blast!

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I still remember my first time in Pattaya was 1987 when I was 19 yrs old. later on I spent holidays few time a year (say 3-4 days) in Pattaya until now. I can't find any reason not to go to Pattaya in near future, for sure some other places in Issan are good as well but after a long trip over there, she make me feel like I'm back to my home.

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What will the Pattaya bashers say about this article?

The positives far outweigh the negatives.

Positive thinking people are those with big smiles on their faces, are great drinking partners and always look on the bright side of life.

Negative Pattaya bashers are a dull and boring breed, hate their own reflection in the mirror and spend their dreary lives moping around and kicking the cat.

Long live Pattaya and all those who enjoy it's charm. :D

They will totally ignore it and "carry on bashing"..... )

(Hm.. not a bad name for a movie, wonder if Barbara Windsor is available? :o )

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Long live Pattaya and all those who enjoy it's charm. :D

Hear hear... :D

I'll have an ale or two with you MM... :o

Having said that, I do wish that the powers that be did a little more planning with regard to infrastructure development to support the property development and expanding population... transportation, access, power, water, sewerage, drainage etc... these are key issues that (in my opinion) are not getting enough attention.

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What’s the secret of Pattaya’s success? :o

Men and sex of course. :D

Horny men who come for cheap sex, who fall in love with cheap boys and girls who then decide to set up home to be with their newly aquired cheap partner.

So the secret of Pattaya's success has to be men who initially come for sex.

Pattaya is cheapness pesonified. Westerners who live in Pattaya are cheapness personified. That's the wonderful success of Pattaya :D

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What’s the secret of Pattaya’s success? :o

Men and sex of course. :D

Horny men who come for cheap sex, who fall in love with cheap boys and girls who then decide to set up home to be with their newly aquired cheap partner.

So the secret of Pattaya's success has to be men who initially come for sex.

Pattaya is cheapness pesonified. Westerners who live in Pattaya are cheapness personified. That's the wonderful success of Pattaya :D

Hey, nothing wrong with a little frugality. I happen to be an awesome tipper as well (New Yorker; 'nuff said) :D

Edit to add:....but then again, I don't live in Pattaya.

Edited by Dragonmode
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What’s the secret of Pattaya’s success? :D

Men and sex of course. :D

Horny men who come for cheap sex, who fall in love with cheap boys and girls who then decide to set up home to be with their newly aquired cheap partner.

So the secret of Pattaya's success has to be men who initially come for sex.

Pattaya is cheapness pesonified. Westerners who live in Pattaya are cheapness personified. That's the wonderful success of Pattaya :D

Feel better now? :o

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What’s the secret of Pattaya’s success? :o

Men and sex of course. :D

Horny men who come for cheap sex, who fall in love with cheap boys and girls who then decide to set up home to be with their newly aquired cheap partner.

So the secret of Pattaya's success has to be men who initially come for sex.

Pattaya is cheapness pesonified. Westerners who live in Pattaya are cheapness personified. That's the wonderful success of Pattaya :D

Aye Aye

Cheap Breakfast

Cheap rooms

Cheap ho's

Cheap beer

Almost heaven

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What’s the secret of Pattaya’s success? :o

Men and sex of course. :D

Horny men who come for cheap sex, who fall in love with cheap boys and girls who then decide to set up home to be with their newly aquired cheap partner.

So the secret of Pattaya's success has to be men who initially come for sex.

Pattaya is cheapness pesonified. Westerners who live in Pattaya are cheapness personified. That's the wonderful success of Pattaya :D

Aye Aye

Cheap Breakfast

Cheap rooms

Cheap ho's

Cheap beer

Almost heaven

Aye. Shangri-la. *sigh Hurry up, November!

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Those cheap one liners are the best. Why is everything in Pattaya so cheap?

I personally think Pattaya is not a reflection of Thailand. I don't see the point to come and live in another country and have all the things you expect to have at home. It's like the Brits who went to Spain years ago but couldn't live without a fried breakfast. They couldn't bring themselves to adjust to local life, oh no, they had to change everything to suit their mindset. Pattaya is no different and throw in the sex trade and look what you have in Pattaya, a freak show.

Now I know this suits many, and good luck to you, but it doesn't suit me. As I said Pattaya isn't Thailand to me, it just happens to be in Thailand.

Of course this is not the westerners fault, oh no I don't blame you guys, it's the greedy Thais who want to make a quick buck rather than protect their culture.

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Those cheap one liners are the best. Why is everything in Pattaya so cheap?

I personally think Pattaya is not a reflection of Thailand. I don't see the point to come and live in another country and have all the things you expect to have at home. It's like the Brits who went to Spain years ago but couldn't live without a fried breakfast. They couldn't bring themselves to adjust to local life, oh no, they had to change everything to suit their mindset. Pattaya is no different and throw in the sex trade and look what you have in Pattaya, a freak show.

Now I know this suits many, and good luck to you, but it doesn't suit me. As I said Pattaya isn't Thailand to me, it just happens to be in Thailand.

Of course this is not the westerners fault, oh no I don't blame you guys, it's the greedy Thais who want to make a quick buck rather than protect their culture.

Parrot aping inane twaddle - or, as someone said on another thread - a bag of bile :o

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Those cheap one liners are the best. Why is everything in Pattaya so cheap?

I personally think Pattaya is not a reflection of Thailand. I don't see the point to come and live in another country and have all the things you expect to have at home. It's like the Brits who went to Spain years ago but couldn't live without a fried breakfast. They couldn't bring themselves to adjust to local life, oh no, they had to change everything to suit their mindset. Pattaya is no different and throw in the sex trade and look what you have in Pattaya, a freak show.

Now I know this suits many, and good luck to you, but it doesn't suit me. As I said Pattaya isn't Thailand to me, it just happens to be in Thailand.

Of course this is not the westerners fault, oh no I don't blame you guys, it's the greedy Thais who want to make a quick buck rather than protect their culture.

Everyone is different, some people need english breakfasts me included, I have lived in Asia for 25 years and am still not comfortable with Asian food. :o I personally could no more live up country than live on mars, regret I'm just too old to adjust.

At the end of the day it's a two way street, Pattaya makes a lot of people very happy, both ex pats and locals, one needs and feeds off the other. No problem with that, happens everywhere in the world.

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As I said Pattaya isn't Thailand to me, it just happens to be in Thailand.

Pattaya is perhaps too modern for your liking, is that it, Dumpy?

Would you prefer to live out in the hills where you can work your own rice paddy, have no farangs living near you, no tourists wandering around, read no English newspapers, live in a shanty, speak only Thai, eat only Thai food, become a novice monk, have plastic surgery done on your eyes so that your large European eyes become Asian slitty eyes, have daily conversations with your water buffalo, do your daily dump on a squat toilet etc etc ?

It would also be good for everybody in this forum as you would need to get rid of your computer. Computers are too modern for your ideal Bohemian lifestyle. No more Thai Visa for you. :o

........and good old Pattaya could then continue to bring joy, happiness, excitement, fun, entertainment, companionship, social interludes and fond memories to all those life loving people who either visit the City or live there permanently. :D

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I used to live in San Francisco for ten years.

Many Americans say San Francisco is not the USA, it is left wing, it is European scale, it is over 50 percent Chinese ... etc., etc. And also Miami, which is considered a Latin American city in South America, and Anglo USAers also say Miami isn't the USA. People even say this about New York City (where in Manhattan most residents don't own cars, now that is weird).

Of course, they are wrong.

I think these kinds of cities are happening spots, and I think Pattaya is on the verge of becoming a much more happening spot. And the last time I looked, it appears on the map of the Kingdom of Thailand.

Edited by Thaiquila
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What will the Pattaya bashers say about this article?

The positives far outweigh the negatives.

Positive thinking people are those with big smiles on their faces, are great drinking partners and always look on the bright side of life.

Negative Pattaya bashers are a dull and boring breed, hate their own reflection in the mirror and spend their dreary lives moping around and kicking the cat.

Long live Pattaya and all those who enjoy it's charm. :D

And living in Isaan on 10,000 Baht a month ... and trying to convince us it's

where they want to be ... gotta love it :D:D:D


I do enjoy living in Isaan...... :D

Wouldn't like to do it on 10K a month though......... :o

Haven't been to Pattaya for a while and not really looking to go back anytime soon, priorities change with a baby.... :D

That said I always had a great time in Patters.... :D

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I used to live in San Francisco for ten years.

Many Americans say San Francisco is not the USA, it is left wing, it is European scale, it is over 50 percent Chinese ... etc., etc. And also Miami, which is considered a Latin American city in South America, and Anglo USAers also say Miami isn't the USA. People even say this about New York City (where in Manhattan most residents don't own cars, now that is weird).

Of course, they are wrong.

I think these kinds of cities are happening spots, and I think Pattaya is on the verge of becoming a much more happening spot. And the last time I looked, it appears on the map of the Kingdom of Thailand.

I enjoy Pattaya but I am under no illusion that it is a DUMP especially the trashy people. Does not compare in the least to NY or Miami, maybe Jurez or some other place with a zillion whores. Pattaya is not on the verge of becoming anything except maybe a bigger dump.

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Those cheap one liners are the best. Why is everything in Pattaya so cheap?

I personally think Pattaya is not a reflection of Thailand. I don't see the point to come and live in another country and have all the things you expect to have at home. It's like the Brits who went to Spain years ago but couldn't live without a fried breakfast. They couldn't bring themselves to adjust to local life, oh no, they had to change everything to suit their mindset. Pattaya is no different and throw in the sex trade and look what you have in Pattaya, a freak show.

Now I know this suits many, and good luck to you, but it doesn't suit me. As I said Pattaya isn't Thailand to me, it just happens to be in Thailand.

Of course this is not the westerners fault, oh no I don't blame you guys, it's the greedy Thais who want to make a quick buck rather than protect their culture.

In the early part of your post you say that the Brits who went to Spain changed everything to suit their mindset, yet you then go on to blame the Thais for making a fast buck in Pattaya.

Could you kindly explain the difference?

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Parrot aping inane twaddle - or, as someone said on another thread - a bag of bile :o

That's quite articulate for you :D

Yeah Dumpy, I can jus' abaht 'old de one liners togever wiv me Kings book of engerlish grammer, me trussty the-saw-russ, and me dick..(heh heh)..shonry. :D:D

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Oh Dumpy!........here you go again.

It`s quite amazing that you hate the place so much, but you can`t keep away from the Pattaya forum.......I think that deep down you`ve actually got a yearning to come to Pattaya and really enjoy yourself.....

Come on do the unspeakable come to Patters.....we won`t tell anybody.....honest :o

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People even say this about New York City (where in Manhattan most residents don't own cars, now that is weird).

Parking in Manhattan runs as high as $600 a month and gas is almost $4 a gallon. I live within a 20 minute walk of work and Chinatown, too! Combine that with a decent mass transit system, a car is purely a luxury, moreso an unnecessary headache for the Manhattanite. :D

Sorry if off topic. :o

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Oh Dumpy!........here you go again.

It`s quite amazing that you hate the place so much, but you can`t keep away from the Pattaya forum.......I think that deep down you`ve actually got a yearning to come to Pattaya and really enjoy yourself.....

Come on do the unspeakable come to Patters.....we won`t tell anybody.....honest :o

Pattaya has an attraction for many. I can see that attraction for you guys. I understand the atttraction. I have friends in Pattaya. I know why they live there. They like the place, each to their own but It isn't for me. Just be honest about the reasons why you choose to live their and not in another part of Thailand.

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Dumpy is most concernend about the number of sex tourists who he believes come to Pattaya to fulfill their wicked desires.

If truth be known, he is forced to sit in a bar with his controlling wife alongside him, whilst dozens of fantastic looking, desirable women stroll past him. A controlling wife one side and trying to control an erection can take their toll on a man. Poor Dumpy. :o

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