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Burglary While Sleeping?


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More and more there are stories about Farngas having their house broken into while they sleep. They wake up and never remember hearing a thing. I have heard about this in the the Chalong/Rawai/Nai Harn area. I hear stories about things even being taken from the bedside table.

Although I dont know full detalis I know of one farang couple it happened to so it is not like an "inside job" carried out by some one night stand.

How is this possible? Some people speculate that some kind of gas is used but this sounds awfully sophisticated .......

Could it be that the theives wait to see if people have been drinking heavily?

Do I really have to worry at night? I already drilled all the crosses out of the screws on the bars of my window since I am surrounded by jungle and not to far away many aluminum chateus (sp?)

Does anyone know ?

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Its happened on Koh Phangan in the past, haven't heard anything like this in quite a few years tho. If I recall the story from here it was someone's shophouse that was broken into, they believe it was some kind of gas blown in through the open windows.

Seems really dangerous to me. :o

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Im not that isolated and have closeclose neighbors one who has a good dog that barks, and of course a lovely stray hanging around.

Im just wondering really if its true they have this "gas". and how do they not get affected?

Does anyone know for sure?

I really am not to scared at night where I live but I still like to be informed. I just find it hard to believe that there is really this pixie dust.

IF that were the case im sure people would use it in many ways, and not just at home. I mean just blow it on anyone and pick pocket them for example..........

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What are you waiting to install a movement-detector in your home/garden with a big-fat rotating-light (sorry don't know the name in English) well visible from outside?

Yes it's not perfect, but if you were a thief and you had to choose from 10 houses and 1 has a big freaking alarm....

Edited by KhunMarco
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Gas through the window was a popular method used upcountry about 10 or so years ago. There was a gang robbing villagers homes in the KK area.

At that time I was told the gang would put a hose in through the window, wait a while until the occupants were knocked out and then break in with bolt croppers and jimmy bars.

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This gas thing reminds me of last year's story about people handing over their wallets and belongings after being touched on the wrist. Hard to believe. Thai urban/rural legend?

Besides, the burglars couldn't enter our bedroom while we're sleeping as it's already been filled with gas. :o

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I used to hear about the gas stories on the train too, when i was a backpacker. But I still find it so far hard to belive that these thieves , (probably not to sophisticated) have some how gotten some gas , gas the residents of the house, and do not get affected to much by the gas themselves, burglarize the house and have not been caught?

I am still skeptical about the gas thing. I find it easier to belive that some how they know the people are passed out drunk.

I have also heard about peoples dogs being poisoned.

I dont want to come off sounding paranoid either. IM not but just want to really know if this gas REALLY exist? Is there any solid evidence?

I also think that there are some precautions i can take as not to be a victim........... (like discussed on some of the other threads about wearing heavy jewlery etc).

I do like the idea of a mtion/sensor light but geting installed would be a mission.....

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This gas thing reminds me of last year's story about people handing over their wallets and belongings after being touched on the wrist. Hard to believe. Thai urban/rural legend?

Don't know whether or not that story is true, but it is certainly possible to do that by using hypnotism. If you have ever seen Derren Brown's TV show you may have seen him do just that in Blackpool. Unbelievable but apparently not as difficult as one might imagine.

But naff all to do with this topic. :o

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I do like the idea of a mtion/sensor light but geting installed would be a mission.....

If you own a web-cam you can get motion detection software that is pretty easy to set up, of course you have to leave a light on because it won't work in pitch darkness, but depending on the software's sensitivity and quality of the camera you could probably get it to work with just a small light on.

It can be set up to start filming, play a sound file etc when it is activated, hook your PC up to a loud sound system, crank the volume all the way up to 11 and bingo!

Not perfect but a lot cheaper than commercial systems for some peace of mind.

Google for "free webcam motion detection software" and you will get plenty of results.

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Hi dive mistress

I am a uk lorry driver, and I can tell you criminals can and do gas people in their sleep. I would imagine that this may be what is going on.

In the UK and in europe criminals are on the look out for lorrys parked up for the night in quiet places. For this reason, most lorry drivers open up the back doors so that idiots can see there is nothing inside, obviously, this is not always the case... A wagon with closed doors is often seen as an indication that there is something inside worth stealing.

Rather than force their way into the cab, and hence risk a violent confrontation with the driver, who may even have time to phone for assistance, and who almost certainly has a weapon of some sort.

The criminals use gas. I dont know how it is introduced, probably through the air-intake. Then they break in ten minutes later, once they can be sure the guy is disabled. This does happen.

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dont want to come off sounding paranoid either.

too late... :o

My vote goes for the big light on the motion sensor thingy....If it can blast Tata Young tunes when the sensor is tripped, it would all the better!

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HI I appreciate the suggestions however what i really want to know is ARE The people who are doing burglaries REALLY REALLY USING some kind of gas? Are the crimes themselves, really that sophisticated that its not just a regular Breaking and Entering but also drugging the victims?? OR IS IT JUST A RUMOR?

iT JUST seems a bit sophisticated ..........

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HI I appreciate the suggestions however what i really want to know is ARE The people who are doing burglaries REALLY REALLY USING some kind of gas? Are the crimes themselves, really that sophisticated that its not just a regular Breaking and Entering but also drugging the victims?? OR IS IT JUST A RUMOR?

iT JUST seems a bit sophisticated ..........

Sorry for suggesting DM, but you are sounding a bit blonde here - why don't you do some investigation and tell us about the outcomes? Just seems a bit twilight zone-ish ... am sure many are interested to know, cos who really knows what is going on around these parts! Please keep us up-to-date.... :o

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Divemistress .... the Gas story is 99.99% B.S.

Just couldn't be practically done .... different air volumes in the room ... different resistances to chemicals ... not one death due to overdose or allergic reaction ....

just a silly urban/Thai myth

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HI I appreciate the suggestions however what i really want to know is ARE The people who are doing burglaries REALLY REALLY USING some kind of gas? Are the crimes themselves, really that sophisticated that its not just a regular Breaking and Entering but also drugging the victims?? OR IS IT JUST A RUMOR?

iT JUST seems a bit sophisticated ..........

Sorry for suggesting DM, but you are sounding a bit blonde here - why don't you do some investigation and tell us about the outcomes? Just seems a bit twilight zone-ish ... am sure many are interested to know, cos who really knows what is going on around these parts! Please keep us up-to-date.... :o

I though posting here was the investigation.

It is no secret that peoples homes get broken into while they are sleeeping. it happened to somone I know who is not the hysterical type, nor blonde. He and his neighbor both had an intruder in their house at night WHILE THey were sleeping and a laptop was missing from the night stand next to the bed. So yes there are they strange stories about people being gased while sleeping then robbed. I persoally am not to worried or paranoid about it, just want to know if this is true.

I wonder if people are just so drunk and dont want to say that is what happeend?

Belfast boy, :D:D:D Thank you for the link... I still cant imagine people living in the labour camps being sophisticated enough to use some kind of gas... as that is who I would suspect first for the petty burglaries on the island.

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Gas through the window was a popular method used upcountry about 10 or so years ago. There was a gang robbing villagers homes in the KK area.

At that time I was told the gang would put a hose in through the window, wait a while until the occupants were knocked out and then break in with bolt croppers and jimmy bars.

Gas is used alot in the robbery of lorries as well, the guy goes to sleep, someone then puts a hose in the air inlet for the night heater, knocks the guy out, then breaks into the cab throws the driver out and steals the lorry. It has happened to a couple of drivers i know, not robbed in the U.K but on the continent. :o

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Tha main reason why burglars enter homes at night whilst the occupants are sleeping is quite simple. The valuables which the occupants carry around with them during the day will be in the house at night and `available` for stealing.

I am talking about wallets, handbags, credit card, jewellery etc.

During the daytime there is more chance of the thieves being spotted and the items which can be turned into ready cash will probably be out with the occupants.

High powered sensor active floodlights and a burglar alarm system which can be operative on a part alarm system as well as a full alarm system and a large bell box on both sides of the property should deter would be thieves.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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