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Phuket Opinion: Beware the water

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Phuket Opinion: Beware the water
Phuket Gazette -

And not just the water: fluoride lurks here too. Photo: Leslie Porterfield

PHUKET: I’ve been losing sleep lately thinking about all the poison I’ve subjected myself to during 12 years in Thailand – alcohol, sugar, fatty and acidic foods, traffic smog, secondhand smoke and perhaps the biggest culprit of them all: water.

I’m referring to fluoridated water, and the “forced-medication” of the planet’s prime life supply – drinking water.

The practice, which the US Centers for Disease Control once called “one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th Century”, is now one of the most heated health debates of our time, called by activist groups such as the Fluoride Action Network an “outdated form of mass-medication; an unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe practice”.

The more I researched, the more alarming I realized the topic was… is. Governments around the world are adding artificial and highly toxic forms of fluoride – sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate – to water and food supplies.

According to the British Fluoridation Society, as of November 2012, roughly 5% of the world’s population was receiving artificially fluoridated water; 70% in the US, 80% in Australia, and 100% in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Fortunately, according to an employee at the Phuket Provincial Waterworks, Phuket’s tap water is not artificially fluoridated. However, that doesn’t mean it’s fluoride-free. The Thai Dental Association, in one test of locally-bottled water, found trace amounts between .08 and .16mg per liter.

And you can’t escape with bottled water either – a 2010 Chulalongkorn University study showed that all commercially bottled water sampled in Bangkok had fluoride levels ranging from .04 mg to Thailand’s maximum allowed amount of .7mg per liter. Whether this was artificial or natural fluoride is not clear, but I’m willing to bet that, at least for the brands with higher concentrations, it is artificial. Most European countries have outright banned water fluoridation.

Proponents of water fluoridation are quick to cite unqualified and even invalidated studies about how fluoride prevents cavities and tooth decay. But does it really?

Try reading more current studies about the causes of skeletal fluorosis and all of its advanced conditions including osteoporosis and osteosarcoma (bone cancer). While you’re at it, read about the effects of fluoride on the thyroid and pineal glands.

Or easier still, just read the warning label on your tube of toothpaste.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/Phuket-Opinion-Beware-the-water-23120.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2013-12-29

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Fluoride occurs naturally in most water tables around the World and also Thailand..plus found in TEA, natural rock & sea salt. This is not harmful as the body can use in this state.

it is the sodium fluoride (a common waste product from aluminium production) thats the bad one and there is no real GENUINE proof it stops any dental decay its all bull

SF does calcifies the pineal gland and that affects many aspects of life inc sleep ....also it is contained in almost ALL Thai manufactured beer

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As soon as they start banging on about "a common waste product from aluminium production", I know that I'm dealing with a nutter.

Whether a substance is a byproduct of some other process is utterly irrelevant.

Hey, aren't you the owner of Jackflash aluminum LTD? Naaaaaa

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In Europe where i live the water does not have fluoride, in Australia the water has fluoride and i noticed that in Europe where i live the children teeth are mostly rotting where in Australia the children's teeth are generally healthier,, i wonder if the fluoride has something to do with it?

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There is also anecdotal evidence to suggest that the overseers in Russian gulags discovered that if you gave the prisoners fluoride they would become more docile and compliant - kind of like being on ProzacTM

I wonder if that has anything to do with the post the other day about a guy whose brain was racing, scattered and couldn't settle down in Thailand - but after a year back in Australia he was much more chilled and coping better ....

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In Europe where i live the water does not have fluoride, in Australia the water has fluoride and i noticed that in Europe where i live the children teeth are mostly rotting where in Australia the children's teeth are generally healthier,, i wonder if the fluoride has something to do with it?

Sorry to tell you that there was a programme on television last week here in Perth Australia all about how badly decayed under 5 childrens teeth are. The problem is breakfast cereals,soft drinks especially Coke, so called fruit snack bars, al the standard junk foods e.g. burgers, chocolate, crisps, etc
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God, here we go again.

I was brought up without fluoride in the water, now I have a gob full of cavities. However, they look much better since the amalgam fillings were replaced with ones the same colour as my teeth (The voices in my head have also stopped).

My kids were brought up on fluoridated water.

My daughter has had 2 fillings in her life and my son has had none.

My daughter has 2 Uni degrees and my son has 2 trade diplomas so fluoride did not seem to affect their brains.

If fluoridation worries you, drink bottled water and get a life.

However, I prefer my Jack Daniels with coke rather than fluoridated water, so much healthier that way.

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In Europe where i live the water does not have fluoride, in Australia the water has fluoride and i noticed that in Europe where i live the children teeth are mostly rotting where in Australia the children's teeth are generally healthier,, i wonder if the fluoride has something to do with it?

Sorry to tell you that there was a programme on television last week here in Perth Australia all about how badly decayed under 5 childrens teeth are. The problem is breakfast cereals,soft drinks especially Coke, so called fruit snack bars, al the standard junk foods e.g. burgers, chocolate, crisps, etc

Exactly,,,,,the kids are not drinking water. They are drinking coke etc or bottled water,

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It was the man on the grassy knoll, the moon landing was staged, all vaccines are unsafe, the average American male

has 14 pounds of putrefied undigested red meat lining the walls of his intestines, etc, etc... I read it on the INTERNET so it

must be true, its a law or something..........coffee1.gif

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Thank god for fluoride. No fillings or cavities. Whats a better option, no fluoride, tens of thousands of dollars in dental and five missing teeth?

I will die from an STD long before any of my teeth will ever fall out!

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