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PDRC protesters disrupt second day of registration in Thai South


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PDRC protesters disrupt second day of registration in South

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Anti-government supporters of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) continued to disrupt constituency registration of MPs in the South on the second day of registration yesterday.

In Phatthalung, Nakhon Si Thammarat and Surat Thani, protesters laid siege to premises where registrations were being held and blocked entrances to prevent candidates and election officials from entering.

Pheu Thai candidates in Surat Thani's six constituencies, led by core red-shirt leaders Yossawit Chuklom and Jeng Dokjik, filed a police complaint accusing election officials of dereliction of duty and accusing former Democrat Party MP Thani Thaugsuban of inciting protesters to assault Pheu Thai candidates.

In Krabi yesterday afternoon, provincial election officials followed in the footsteps of those in Trang and Songkhla by submitting their resignations after PDRC protesters blocked the registration office in Krabi's Muang district. They cited fear for their lives and their families as the reason for quitting their posts.

However, in Phuket two Pheu Thai Party candidates managed to register, after protesters failed to recognise them.

By contrast, registrations in the North, Northeast and Central regions were reported to have run smoothly.

Out of the 375 constituencies nationwide, 37 in seven southern provinces had failed to register candidates, caretaker Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan reported.

He suggested that Pheu Thai candidates unable to register should file complaints with police and present their applications and registration fees, so that election officials could process them.

People had a constitutional right to exercise their vote and those who obstructed election officials from carrying out their duties faced penalties of up to two years' imprisonment, Charupong said.

-- The Nation 2013-12-30

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'He suggested that Pheu Thai candidates unable to register should file complaints with police and present their applications and registration fees, so that election officials could process them'

The EC has already stated that registrations can only happen in a designated venue sanctioned by the commission as detailed under the constitution. This is actually illegal and unconstitutional.

You know, the same constitution that you hide behind in order to force an election that half the country don't want yet. Let's hope this get filed with the constitutional court and they are all banned.

'People had a constitutional right to exercise their vote'

Last time I looked, they were not exercising their right to vote, they were attempting to register as election candidates.

Yet another in a long line of brain dead PTP politicians. Where do they get them from?

Edited by QuiteIntelligent
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Registration in Surat Thani, led by core Redshirt leaders!!thumbsup.gif In the deepest PDRC-land, well done guys!!

Wish Suthep had the same courage, so he would take his stupid fight to, where his "enemy" is, instead of spoling the lives and businesses of people in Bkk!

So dear leader take your rent-a-mob and go to Surin, Buriram or Udon!!

Or don't you have the balls??whistling.gif

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The EC - which is a body that is meant to be separate from whatever administration is in power - are the sole authority to run elections. The interior minister does not have that authority. So these unilateral announcements that registration can now take place in police stations is without legal basis. In order for a new parliament to function, over 95 % of constituencies must be filled. At present, close to 10 % of constituencies - found in the South - are without registered candidates. If the EC cannot run the registration process, they have a duty to inform the administration. They have tried, and likely will continue to try. They can, of course, take the advice of Pheu Thai and simply call the police. The police, however, will very likely be unable to control these situations. But that is the extent of their power. The police are not empowered to hold elections.

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The EC - which is a body that is meant to be separate from whatever administration is in power - are the sole authority to run elections. The interior minister does not have that authority. So these unilateral announcements that registration can now take place in police stations is without legal basis. In order for a new parliament to function, over 95 % of constituencies must be filled. At present, close to 10 % of constituencies - found in the South - are without registered candidates. If the EC cannot run the registration process, they have a duty to inform the administration. They have tried, and likely will continue to try. They can, of course, take the advice of Pheu Thai and simply call the police. The police, however, will very likely be unable to control these situations. But that is the extent of their power. The police are not empowered to hold elections.

So what is this defined rule that registration of candidates can't be done at a police station? They were due to register at a Sports Stadium so why should a police station be any different?

Shouldn't you be focusing your attention on the people illegally preventing candidate registration taking place rather than the venue?

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'He suggested that Pheu Thai candidates unable to register should file complaints with police and present their applications and registration fees, so that election officials could process them'

The EC has already stated that registrations can only happen in a designated venue sanctioned by the commission as detailed under the constitution. This is actually illegal and unconstitutional.

You know, the same constitution that you hide behind in order to force an election that half the country don't want yet. Let's hope this get filed with the constitutional court and they are all banned.

'People had a constitutional right to exercise their vote'

Last time I looked, they were not exercising their right to vote, they were attempting to register as election candidates.

Yet another in a long line of brain dead PTP politicians. Where do they get them from?

"You know, the same constitution that you hide behind in order to force an election that half the country don't want yet. Let's hope this get filed with the constitutional court and they are all banned".

I think if you do your homework a little better, you will find that there would be a lot more than half the Country that do want an election. And when they do have another Democratic election as like last time the majority will vote for the PTP again.

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Registration in Surat Thani, led by core Redshirt leaders!!thumbsup.gif In the deepest PDRC-land, well done guys!!

Wish Suthep had the same courage, so he would take his stupid fight to, where his "enemy" is, instead of spoling the lives and businesses of people in Bkk!

So dear leader take your rent-a-mob and go to Surin, Buriram or Udon!!

Or don't you have the balls??whistling.gif

Pointless repetition of the same nonsense you spewed yesterday, heard it all before, boring ! coffee1.gif

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'He suggested that Pheu Thai candidates unable to register should file complaints with police and present their applications and registration fees, so that election officials could process them'

The EC has already stated that registrations can only happen in a designated venue sanctioned by the commission as detailed under the constitution. This is actually illegal and unconstitutional.

You know, the same constitution that you hide behind in order to force an election that half the country don't want yet. Let's hope this get filed with the constitutional court and they are all banned.

'People had a constitutional right to exercise their vote'

Last time I looked, they were not exercising their right to vote, they were attempting to register as election candidates.

Yet another in a long line of brain dead PTP politicians. Where do they get them from?

"You know, the same constitution that you hide behind in order to force an election that half the country don't want yet. Let's hope this get filed with the constitutional court and they are all banned".

I think if you do your homework a little better, you will find that there would be a lot more than half the Country that do want an election. And when they do have another Democratic election as like last time the majority will vote for the PTP again.

Same old drivel from a brainwashed red fan. The government did not act in democratic ways, they tried to bully people into doing what they wanted, they did things that were unconstitutional and they brought the country to the edge of a financial abyss by paying out on their stupid populist policies. Thaksin thinks he is above the law and has had his puppets show such extremes of hypocrisy in his name - it is truly astounding ! What have they done that is in the best interests of the country ? Tell me one good thing Yingluck the puppet has done under the control of her puppet master ? Go on, think hard now....

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It may indeed be a possibility that some of you folk spend too much of your valuable time attacking each other!!!

This is a worth while forum where many lucid and credible opinions are given, but with some of them the childish and vitriolic comments totally devalue the legitimate points made.

The fact is the elected opposition has forced the elected government into calling an election, this election process must be allowed to continue through to it's natural conclusion. Yes the government AND the opposition are inept and self serving, it is a fact that neither side of the political fence has a forward thinking, selfless, charismatic and genuine personality to lead this country into the future, but that will not be solved by throwing a spanner in the works of the system. Fortunately for all of us there is a much loved Monarchy, this is possibley the one thing maintaining some control over the warring parties, the population as a whole (irrespective of political beliefs) holds the king in the same esteem, that in itself may be a hand brake on the extremists of both sides.

Until that person with the intellect, drive and honesty comes along we may be dependent on a military keeping control (no matter how much we may abhor the principle) from time to time to ensure there is an economy left to run.

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soi41, on 30 Dec 2013 - 09:29, said:

Registration in Surat Thani, led by core Redshirt leaders!!thumbsup.gif In the deepest PDRC-land, well done guys!!

Wish Suthep had the same courage, so he would take his stupid fight to, where his "enemy" is, instead of spoling the lives and businesses of people in Bkk!

So dear leader take your rent-a-mob and go to Surin, Buriram or Udon!!

Or don't you have the balls??whistling.gif

Thank you, for leaving Khon Kaen out!

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So the Suthep morons continue to block the democratic process!


Pointless repetition of the same nonsense you spewed yesterday, heard it all before, boring ! coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Why not try actually thinking and forming some kind of argument instead of wasting everybody's bandwidth with the same stupid picture in every post...?

Getting under your skin a little are we? Cute little caricature that fits the bill don't you think, a clown playing the pied whistler to his moronic minions.

Why form an argument related to Suthep? The guy is a complete joke, albeit with connections of the highest order.

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So the Suthep morons continue to block the democratic process!


Pointless repetition of the same nonsense you spewed yesterday, heard it all before, boring ! coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

Why not try actually thinking and forming some kind of argument instead of wasting everybody's bandwidth with the same stupid picture in every post...?

Getting under your skin a little are we? Cute little caricature that fits the bill don't you think, a clown playing the pied whistler to his moronic minions.

Why form an argument related to Suthep? The guy is a complete joke, albeit with connections of the highest order.

No, not getting under my skin, just getting fed up of morons wasting my time.

''The guy is a complete joke,''

I could say the same about you, except for jokes are supposed to be funny and you really aren't, you are just irritating.

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Tell me one good thing Yingluck the puppet has done under the control of her puppet master ? Go on, think hard now....

I did like it when she played "Tetris" on camera during that ultra-formal state funeral. But apart from that, you've got me stumped.

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