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New attack on guards at STR rally site in Bangkok injures six


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New attack on guards at STR rally site injures six

Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation

A man injured after a giant firecracker was thrown at the rally site near Makkhawan-Rangsan Bridge is treated at Ramathibodi Hospital.

Injuries caused by two men hurling giant firecrackers at students' protest base

BANGKOK: -- Bloody incidents have continued at the rally sites of anti-government demonstrators in Bangkok, with six more civilians injured yesterday afternoon.

One of the victims suffered an injured right eye while protesting in the Makkhawan-Rangsan Bridge area and, as of press time, he was still being treated at Ramathibodi Hospital.

Following the latest incident, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank said he seriously wanted to catch the culprits to clear any distrust and rumours that police officers may be behind these attacks.

"The police work for Thai people and the demonstrators are also Thai people," he said.

He added that one policeman was also killed during confrontations between police and demonstrators at the Thai-Japan Stadium on Thursday, and suggested that a third party might be instigating violence.

"If you have still photos or video recordings of violent incidents, please forward them to the police. We have cash rewards for useful tip-offs," Camronwit said.

He added that up to Bt2 million in donations had been given to the police to use as rewards in order to facilitate investigations.

A guard for the anti-government protesters was also killed in the gun attack at 3am on Friday.

Assoc Prof Dr Surasak Leelaudomlipi, director of the Ramathibodhi Hospital, said four protesters had been rushed to the hospital with injuries yesterday afternoon.

"They are between 18 and 26 years old. We have already allowed three of them to return home," Surasak said.

The patients had been hit by unknown objects, he said.

According to Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's Erawan Emergency Medical Services Centre, the first person to hurt was a 24-year-old man. He had injuries to his face, right eye and right arm, and he was still undergoing treatment at the hospital as of press time.

The second patient brought in was a 26-year-old man, who had sustained wounds to his left hand.

The third victim was a 20-year-old man who suffering injuries to the left side of his face and his left knee, while the last victim was an 18-year-old man with wounds on the right side of his forehead.

The Makkhawan-Rangsan Bridge area has been a protest site for demonstrators under the leadership of the Students and People's Network for Thailand's Reform (STR) and the Dharma Army.

Samdin Lertbut, a coordinator for the Dharma Army, said the people were injured after two men on a motorcycle hurled giant firecrackers into a tent of volunteer guards at about 1.30pm yesterday.

"Six people were injured. We rushed four to Ramathibodi Hospital," he said.

-- The Nation 2013-12-30

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The first question that came to my mind was; 'how many have to be killed or injured before a giant firecracker becomes a bomb' ?

Lets hope the police are going to get serious about finding out who has done the shootings and giant firecrackering.

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The first question that came to my mind was; 'how many have to be killed or injured before a giant firecracker becomes a bomb' ?

Lets hope the police are going to get serious about finding out who has done the shootings and giant firecrackering.

Have you seen some of the home made or temple made fire crackers here ? .... talk about insane every year at various festivals people get seriously hurt when these things are used.

All very sad lets hope the injured recover to full health soon.

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well, whoever did it, they must be desperate to provoke a coup. That would not be in the red's interest?

Or perhaps they're just trying to intimidate Suthep's remaining supporters, into giving up & going home, which would be very much in the interests of the S-clan ? wink.png

Perhaps former-DPM might care to finally reveal exactly who was behind the Men-in-Black, during the 2010 mess & perhaps also now, before he fulfils his solemn promise to cut his own head off, for having failed to bring Dear Leader home before the year-end ? facepalm.gif

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<<< Following the latest incident, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank said he seriously wanted to catch the culprits to clear any distrust and rumours that police officers may be behind these attacks.>>>

There is only ONE responsible, there is even a court warrant on him "Mr. Suthep" so that is the culprit the Lt-General should be after.

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Following the latest incident, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank said he seriously wanted to catch the culprits to clear any distrust and rumours that police officers may be behind these attacks.

He "seriously wants to catch the culprits", not because they are criminals and it is his mandate to catch them, no, he wants to clear the police' name...

well, news flash for the man with the meter long name (Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Camronwit Toopgrajank - and I am sooo happy they abbreviated the Lieutenant bit), listen up Toopy: it's too late, it's decades too late, moron

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The one thing that the Shinawatras know better than populism is the use of political violence and intimidation. In almost every case, opposition to them or their government has led to violent repercussions, grenades launched at the PAD and multi-colours, pop-up and run shootings, fire bombings, blood-pouring. A few RPGs at a temple, fuel tanks, and a hotel kept the people of BKk on edge. And if you are brave enough to stand up and make your voice heard, don't be surprised if your home and family is targeted.

Rice farmers threatening to block roads should remember what happened to the homes of southern rubber farmers who did the same.

The police so how can never arrest any of these attackersbah.gif

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This is revolting, revolting behavior, and has rightly put the police - already at a low ebb of public trust - on the defensive. No one seriously expects the police to do anything about this, which is why these vicious and cowardly attacks on the protesters are escalating. All the nonsense about third party perpetrators has always been to somehow save face and deflect attention from what is obvious to all those who still have eyes to see. It's time to put on the glasses and view the carnage of intolerance and hate, and call it for what it is - an indiscriminate act of murder against those who have a right to protest.

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well, whoever did it, they must be desperate to provoke a coup. That would not be in the red's interest?

Or it could just be unthinking thugs who don't care about the consequences of their actions. Hate and stupidity are not renowned for leading to rational behaviour.

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Re; the firecrackers.

I was thinking this yesterday when the protest people announced they were holding a New Years fireworks party / revolution now kind of thing. I did not want to post anything about it because it makes me feel like I'm a big kill-joy, but my first thought was "won't that be confusing when there may be shooting and explosions happening at the same time." If your protest has already had shootings and explosions (TT balls etc.) the last thing you want to do is add a background noise of firecrackers and and rockets and stuff. Would make it harder to follow whats going on.

But carry on, none of the politicians give two flying frogs what happens to people on the street level, and when the charred debris is cleared away you will all have to go back to square one anyway because lasting reforms come from mature state level discussions only.

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Or it could just be unthinking thugs who don't care about the consequences of their actions. Hate and stupidity are not renowned for leading to rational behaviour.

Yes, as we all (should) know, all political movements has its douchebags, who just need an excuse to stir up some shit, regardless of any goals or ideals.

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Or it could just be unthinking thugs who don't care about the consequences of their actions. Hate and stupidity are not renowned for leading to rational behaviour.

Yes, as we all (should) know, all political movements has its douchebags, who just need an excuse to stir up some shit, regardless of any goals or ideals.

Yep. Chuck in some alcohol and you have the perfect storm of stupidity.

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The one thing that the Shinawatras know better than populism is the use of political violence and intimidation. In almost every case, opposition to them or their government has led to violent repercussions, grenades launched at the PAD and multi-colours, pop-up and run shootings, fire bombings, blood-pouring. A few RPGs at a temple, fuel tanks, and a hotel kept the people of BKk on edge. And if you are brave enough to stand up and make your voice heard, don't be surprised if your home and family is targeted.

Rice farmers threatening to block roads should remember what happened to the homes of southern rubber farmers who did the same.

Dont forget that your friend suthep oredered the killing of people 3 years with snipers from the police and the army. OK??????????

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Red butcher boys, Thaksin thinks, reshirts act

I think you for got the yellows shirts also, if you want to complain. They did just the same thing. But this time the police and the army have NOT been ORDERED to shoot to KILL, like this suthep did 3 years ago,. OK??????

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