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Looks Just Like His Dad!


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My wife Wan gave birth to a baby boy - Peter - this morning by Caesarian. At 2.76Kg, he was still too big for a natural birth. (The doctor confirmed this after 6 hours of screaming - my wife that is, not me or the doctor).

Anyway, both mother and baby are doing fine. I am happy to report that I experienced no pain at all during the labour :o

Now, I have to look ahead to changing nappies, school fees, changing nappies, university fees, changing nappies, stroppy teenage tantrums, changing nappies, terrible girlfriends. But with 3 young children already behind me I'm banking on one of them (at least), looking after me in my old age!!



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Many congratulations to you both. May he grow up to be a source of love, joy and pride to you and yours.

And if you are around in Phuket in July, I would be delighted to wet the baby's head with you.

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My wife Wan gave birth to a baby boy - Peter - this morning by Caesarian. At 2.76Kg, he was still too big for a natural birth. (The doctor confirmed this after 6 hours of screaming - my wife that is, not me or the doctor).

Anyway, both mother and baby are doing fine. I am happy to report that I experienced no pain at all during the labour :o

Now, I have to look ahead to changing nappies, school fees, changing nappies, university fees, changing nappies, stroppy teenage tantrums, changing nappies, terrible girlfriends. But with 3 young children already behind me I'm banking on one of them (at least), looking after me in my old age!!



As long as you're sure he doesn't resemble the soi motorcycle taxi, you're good to go ! Congrats! When it starts to get tuff, just know that there are many of us going through the same sleepless nights...you are not alone.

Regarding the 2.76 being too big for natural birth, that is very very questionable. Most Thai babies average about that. My son was 3.55 kg and did fine on the natural first birth. The mother is not big girl, (43 kg before and 54 at 9 months, 158 cm tall) Some labors just take longer. I don't think 6 hours is too long to suggest an emergency but about average. We were lucky with only 2 hours of labor before her passage was open 10 cm.

I've heard many times that doctors here like to feed farang egos that farang babies are too big for Thai women (which is nothing but bull-<deleted>...I've known several Thais more than 4 kg at birth), as to get the C-section out of them which generally costs atleast 10k more and is quicker, more convenient for them---no waiting for the passage to open. Ofcourse, these are usually the private hospitals who pull this farang baby is too big crap. Nevertheless, 2.76 kg is at the lower end of the size/weight charts...

Perhaps, the doctor was close to the shift change and wanted to get it over with on his shift???

All the government hospitals or government plans (i.e. social insurance) will rarely ever do the c-section because 'it should only be used for emergencies' as I was told...and on top of the fact that we were using social insurance, thus they weren't going to get paid extra for doing the c-section...

Well, the one benefit that your wife didn't have to go through the so called natural birth in Thailand is that she didn't have to experience the horrible episiotamy which many mothers have informed me is the worst experience ever, mostly the healing of it, which can take years for some...

My girl seems to be healing okay, but we still can't do the thing for yet a while...

Anyway, everyone is healthy and happy...

Cheers to carmel squirts and sleepless nights...BTW, if you're using disposable diapers...Drypers and Mammi Poko are the best leak free for the small size... They are the only ones that haven't leeked for us...Even huggies dry was crap...

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I've heard many times that doctors here like to feed farang egos that farang babies are too big for Thai women (which is nothing but bull-<deleted>...I've known several Thais more than 4 kg at birth), as to get the C-section out of them which generally costs atleast 10k more and is quicker, more convenient for them

I don't think it's just farang egos. Thai doctors certainly know about egos! Bamrungrad managed to persuade my wife to have a c-section, and ended up a LOT more cash, the cheating bastards. I think it has a lot to do with the doctiors tee times.

It's very hard to get a natural birth there, although I know some who have done it.

The doc there even managed to wangle a free weekend at my m-i-l's hotel on the coast.

They are 'gods' and you can't question a word they say if you're Thai, if you are a foriegner and speak Thai they refuse to speak in Thai to you, even if your partner can't understand.

Simon43, congratulations mate. :o

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Congratulations Simon43! Cute kid. My son's 7 months old tomorrow and I still haven't gotten a full night's sleep since he was born... gotta love those afternoon naps (mine, not his)!

He was 3.2 kg at birth, natural delivery, about 6 hours of labor. The key for my wife was a sedative and an epidural -- about 5 minutes after labor started she was screaming for a c-section. The doctor (female) said, have this sedative and we'll talk again in a few hours. 4 hours later when the sedative wasn't doing much, the wife was again calling for a c-section. The doctor said, let's do an epidural and see how you feel. After the epidural my wife said, let's go for a normal delivery. After the baby was born she said, if I'd had any idea how much that delivery was going to hurt, I'd have had a c-section.

The episiotomy healed and we were back in the saddle after 7 or 8 weeks.

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Thanks for all the replies. Baby and mother are now at home and doing fine.

Re the caesarian, my wife weighed 30kg prior to the pregnancy and is about 145cm tall (or short!!). So I can well believe that a natural birth was impossible. She did get to 9cm in a few hours, which is very fast. But the doctor then examined her and said 'no way is this head coming out here - her hips are too small'. Also, the baby's heart rate was falling, so a C-section seemed the best option.

Everything is fine now and I'm even getting a few hours of sleep. This is my 4th child, so I'm pretty well used to the ins and outs.

The overall cost of the C-section, 5 days stay in the best private suite and all medicines, food and aftercare was just 42,300 baht. If that's not a bargain, then I'm Taksin Shinawata :o


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