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What small businesses make a lot of money in Thailand?

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Hello Re McDonalds: A good return on investment however a franchise cannot be purchased through McDonalds as many years ago they signed an exclusive contract with a Thai businessman who has exclusive and sole rights.

As far as return on investment please may I relate a success story a friend purchased the freehold of a building in Pattaya built a bar and club. His turnover will be in excess of 65 million baht this year.

There are opportunities but suggest you seek advice from someone with success experience and who currently has a profitable business.

My advice is do not look for an investment but to purchase an existing business or start up a business where you have total control and make the major business decisions and have the final say on all financial decisions.

Do not take a partner but employ responsible people.

Thailand has many talented and experienced expats willing to work hard.

Edited by plazot11
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why would you seek advice here and not with a reputable consultancy or officer for trade at your local embassy? Weird.

Weird is as weird does. One thing typical of Thailand is that expats enamoured of either personal relationships or making a living in Thailand are not to be dissuaded by doing things in a way that will put them off the scent and the promised road to paradise promised by the LOS.

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Clearly there are many who have commented on here who have either never owned their own business or aspired to do so, therefore due to this lack of experience (jealousy) feel it more appropriate to pour "sour grapes"on your ideas. Personally, I have built/bought eight houses (and yes I know there are hurdles to get across, but look around people, hundreds of thousands of us have done so) and now run a very profitable house letting business. The return on investment is about 10% per annum and at the present rate of letting (average 87% per annum), a price review is imminent. I know one Guy who run a profitable yoghurt business, another who has his own construction business, one who has a restaurant and condos for rent. My advice is ignore some of the negative comments on here, do your research, followed by a Business Plan (without rose tinted glasses on). If it works out, then I would recommend that you go for it at full tilt - good luck. If you get really desperate, you could buy my houses as a going concern!

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I think the MacDonald's franchise in Thailand is held by one large company for the entire country. I believe that most other fast food enterprises are the same. It is not like the west where you can obtain a franchise as a person. Lots of critics here but staying out of business is Thailand is a good idea. Lots of competition from both Thai and other farangs willing to work for small profit margins. I have owned my own business in Thailand for many years. In the end not worth the problems to make small profits.

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this gadget work only when fed with the appropriate amount of snake oil every 30 minutes. that's a big hassle plus the fact that snake oil is rather expensive.

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this gadget work only when fed with the appropriate amount of snake oil every 30 minutes. that's a big hassle plus the fact that snake oil is rather expensive.

I heard flaxseed oil is a good substitute .

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OP I think you will find there are a lot of people on this forum asking the same question . What should I put my money into and what small busness can I open so on . But the answer is if we knew we would be doing it are selfs and not broad casting it to other people . Thailand like anyware is not easy to get a busness going from the ground up . But from what I can see here any good business with a decent turn over is not for Sale why sell the goose that lays the golden egg . And the ones that are for sale are more than lightly ready to fail . Sorry for my Skepticism and I wish you luck in what ever you decide to do

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my consultancy buisness can guarantee to give you a very large turnover, for a small 1 million baht fee i will arrange a home visit to explainit all to you.

For the same fee i will fly half way around the world give you the same personal consultancy, a set of kitchen knives and a one year membership to a local gym.

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Save your money and live well for more than 40 years with 40 mm bath

Obviously dividends from 40 million could generate 200,000 baht a month forever but for most successful business owners, its not about the money; more the challenge of the growth.

To simply collect your monthly dividends and not have a challenge in life would become a dreary existence.

Only those who struggle everyday at a dead-end job with little savings look at wining the lottery like a dream; for those that are successful, there would be little change in their lifestyle as they enjoy working.

There are other fulfilling challenges than running a business, don't you know?

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Clearly there are many who have commented on here who have either never owned their own business or aspired to do so, therefore due to this lack of experience (jealousy) feel it more appropriate to pour "sour grapes"on your ideas. Personally, I have built/bought eight houses (and yes I know there are hurdles to get across, but look around people, hundreds of thousands of us have done so) and now run a very profitable house letting business. The return on investment is about 10% per annum and at the present rate of letting (average 87% per annum), a price review is imminent. I know one Guy who run a profitable yoghurt business, another who has his own construction business, one who has a restaurant and condos for rent. My advice is ignore some of the negative comments on here, do your research, followed by a Business Plan (without rose tinted glasses on). If it works out, then I would recommend that you go for it at full tilt - good luck. If you get really desperate, you could buy my houses as a going concern!

Thank you….I did something similar to this in Canada for some time and it worked pretty good. Thanks..:) A personal friend started Skyline Investments doing exactly this strategy, branched into commercial real estate and 25 years later has built a $500 million company in Canada.

I see so many foreigners that operate businesses here and seem to do well; I was just looking for some ideas and can't understand what is wring with just debating ideas?

How come so posters are so downright negative, petty and angry. "A NO GO!!!" How would anyone possibly hope to live a positive and prosperous life with that type of attitude towards business? The posters that say…..start with 2 million to make 1 million….what in the hell is that?

My first business in Canada was famous for being in aviation as a saying….how to make $1 million in the airlines…start with 2. I even had one competitor screaming at me in my office after the first year telling me to GO TO <deleted>**ING HELL A$$HOLE I WILL BURY YOU!!! Well, I sold a very profitable and thriving company 10 years later.

That's what I love about business. How angry and petty some people become yet you just work hard everyday and eventually all the screaming and anger is worthless as the customers will ultimately decide the better offer.

Are there any franchises (other than McDonalds apparently) that someone here feels will produce good returns and can be owned by an individual?

What about a 3rd party service for operating commercial laundry facilities for hotels?

I operated a warehouse style club for 5 years which stocked Costco items on a local level. The Makro I visited seemed intent on stocking cheap knockoffs and lacked almost nothing of quality. What about an import outlet that offered higher end brand name products from Costco such as BBQs, gardening tools, meats, etc.? The meat I purchased at Makro had to be thrown out as it was inedible as being too tough.

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OP I think you will find there are a lot of people on this forum asking the same question . What should I put my money into and what small busness can I open so on . But the answer is if we knew we would be doing it are selfs and not broad casting it to other people . Thailand like anyware is not easy to get a busness going from the ground up . But from what I can see here any good business with a decent turn over is not for Sale why sell the goose that lays the golden egg . And the ones that are for sale are more than lightly ready to fail . Sorry for my Skepticism and I wish you luck in what ever you decide to do

Yes, that is normally the case but I sold my business at its peak growth period, for a fair price. Why? Although successful and thriving, after 10 years I wanted to try something different as working 14 hours every day, flying the same aircraft to the same locations was becoming routine. I enjoy the start-up and growth phase but when it becomes routine operations, its time to start new.

I choose Thailand only because I never saw more companies showing more incompetence and lack of proper management. No different than what I saw on the local aviation level in Canada. An owner choosing an aircraft because he liked the looks of it…no market analysis, cost breakdowns, nothing.

When I read a 5 page post here about a guy in Pattaya that can't even find a decent shovel, it makes me think that some business owners aren't listening to their customers.

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Save your money and live well for more than 40 years with 40 mm bath

You would be broke long before 40 years are up with that little money. Even with zero inflation it's only 83,000 baht per month. How much do you think inflation will be over next 10-40 years. Your money would be wiped out very quickly if inflation took off, as it is bound to do some time over the next 40 years.

How – Just 3% pa interest is 100,000 a month?

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I think the MacDonald's franchise in Thailand is held by one large company for the entire country. I believe that most other fast food enterprises are the same. It is not like the west where you can obtain a franchise as a person. Lots of critics here but staying out of business is Thailand is a good idea. Lots of competition from both Thai and other farangs willing to work for small profit margins. I have owned my own business in Thailand for many years. In the end not worth the problems to make small profits.

I don't understand this post. You started out with a business plan projecting certain growth based on some given assumptions. When one part of your growth stalled due to a competitor, customer change, or whatever, what did you do realign the direction?

In the end, not worth the problems……now you know why so many businesses fail. I guarantee you I could come to your business tomorrow and find 10 things you could change to improve your retention. Just because you choose to do something a certain way doesn't mean the customers approve.

How many hotels have you checked into with dirty rooms or staff not caring? Or restaurants with bad food and dirty washrooms? This website is filled with complaints. So why don't the owners get off their buts and fix these issues? If I owned a hotel here, I would ask every customer what I could do to improve their stay and if anyone complained, their stay is on me. No different than running a business anywhere.

Why do some owners not get this? In fact, some owners are so stupid in Thailand that they will physically beat their customers after a disagreement. How stupid can you get?

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this gadget work only when fed with the appropriate amount of snake oil every 30 minutes. that's a big hassle plus the fact that snake oil is rather expensive.

and only useful when you are paying for reactive power which you very likely are not. I'm not.

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Hi Normally I do not read all the comments because I can not understand why people settle in Thailand when everything is soo bad? Sure, there are problems, but they are considerably less then the ones "at home". I have a business idea which provides about 35% gross profit, require only little investment in equipment and fits all over Thailand not only Pattaya. This is perhaps foolish to leave my email, but what to do? ola at myhost4ever.com

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With a 51% interest held by Thai partners,you could most likely

end up with nothing.

regards Worgeordie

Could you elaborate further? Was that based on your personal experience? How were your shares structured that allowed your 49% ownership to be removed from the registry without your knowledge? Sorry, but I just don't understand how this could knowingly happen to you.

Is this case still before the courts?

The fact is basic I guess you know nothing you are troll or fool

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With a 51% interest held by Thai partners,you could most likely

end up with nothing.

regards Worgeordie

Could you elaborate further? Was that based on your personal experience? How were your shares structured that allowed your 49% ownership to be removed from the registry without your knowledge? Sorry, but I just don't understand how this could knowingly happen to you.

Is this case still before the courts?

The fact is basic I guess you know nothing you are troll or fool

How is this fact basic? You know the difference between voting and non voting shares? From what I gather by responses to this thread, the majority of TV members are complete and outright idiots while a select few (probably the successful ones) understand what I am saying.

A short, stupid blurb with nothing substantial to comment or helpful in any way…probably similar to your life now in Thailand, no?

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A very basic Google search presents some URLs for the franchise market in Thailand. Plus go talk with the owners of a Thai franchise e.g. http://www.subway.co.th/en/layouts/page_own_franchise_step.html



As previously mentioned approach some reputable organisations to bounce around ideas, challenges etc e.g.


As indicated by some other posters, as an experienced business guy, don't know why you bother to ask in the public domain for business ideas rather than focussed research. No need to respond...

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Save your money and live well for more than 40 years with 40 mm bath

Obviously dividends from 40 million could generate 200,000 baht a month forever but for most successful business owners, its not about the money; more the challenge of the growth.

To simply collect your monthly dividends and not have a challenge in life would become a dreary existence.

Only those who struggle everyday at a dead-end job with little savings look at wining the lottery like a dream; for those that are successful, there would be little change in their lifestyle as they enjoy working.

Better to be the richest of the graveyard correct ? ....

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