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Bangkok 'shutdown': Protest leader Suthep details January 13 strategy


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asoke and silom roads are not business districts?

What he doesn't say is which roads exactly will be blocked. I would expect it will still be centered around government complex on Chaengwattana, and all the ministries and government house around Rajadamnoen. I'd be surprised if they try anything around Sukhumvit or the business district.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

"Sad that they can be manipulated so easily".

That's too funny.

It's that very notion that got in this predicament in the first place.

You should be thanking Suthep. He might die for your ungrateful fools.

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“Government officials won’t be able to commute to work as we’ll seize the entire city. We’ll cut off electricity and water supplies at government properties and residences of Cabinet members including the prime minister,” he said."

PSSSSSSST Don't shut down the internet,... ph34r.pngph34r.pngph34r.png

i would not out rule this out with these idiots - same as they did back in december, shutting down the cat tower with it's many data centers and the main international internet gateway of the country. we are in this business and had quite a lot of problems and complaints from thai and foreign customers on that day...

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You can make what reforms you like and vote on them . As my wife is always telling me , Thai people do what they like .

There is no rule of law in Thailand , you can make all the laws you like , but they won't be acted upon or enforced .

Suthep is merely trying to pave the way for somebody else to govern in Thailand , but as soon as you have elections the same party will win .

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We farang, have to look at this situation from the common folk, Thai side. What they have experienced/lived under in the past has not brought the utopia, betterment of life that they have been promised.

The farmers have seen their substance farming, cash crop prices, undercut by the Chines inports over the last decade. They have experienced virtually every government program take net profit out of their pocket as well as the promised "give me" and distributed to politicians and their henchmen

The recent min.wage hike, which previously was set by provinence, while prior agriculature wages were not government controlled, were all raised with virtually no input by the majprity of those who would be most most affected. (non salaried workers/businessmen/local vendors) Subsquently the labor cost has risen, supply cost has risen, inflation has sky rocketed and the government has promised to freeze retail prices. (unsuccesfully I might add) Thaksin economics has again proven to be a complete failure, except for those making the rules. Its the Thai people who have to determine their destiny and if a coup is what it takes, along with banishing/jailing/etc the corrupt, then so be it. I hope for the sake of Thailand they face up to the latter tasks and do so on a non political party favoritism.

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.Truly educated people would understand that democracy has several forms and what is currently in practice in this country is Oligarchy and that is what this whole dam protest is all about. The people want a representative democracy which has competency and is devoid of the corruption and self interest and the dysfunctional mantra of the Shiwatra's and the PTP.

That's what the wealthy middle class BKKians want.

"The people" who voted in the last government democraticly want Robin Hood back.

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I can respect anybody, and I mean anybody, when their arguments are logical and they are willing to sit down and speak with the opposition. This, however, is madness. From my point of view, the only "argument" I can see is "we want Thaksin out". That does not really pass as legitimate, sensible discourse. Then, demanding that things happen, without talking or compromising, all while threatening the city's well being and safety of its people? Why is this even being tolerated? I don't understand any of this. At the first sign of Suthep breaking the law, he shuld have been thrown into a jail cell, and a few of his followers who were occupying should have been thrown in for a while as well. Let's see how passionate these people are when they start getting thrown into prison cells. From what I saw on the streets, these are not passionate people, they are people wanting to have a good time and blow whistles on the street, and they have nothing better to do. It is sad to say, but I think the entire state of current affairs in Thailand is perfectly representative of this illogical and non-reasoning country.

" Why is this even being tolerated? I don't understand any of this."


compare how the government and authorities in Thailand are pussyfooting around with this guy to how they are currently dealing with a similar situation in the Ukraine right now and previously in Egypt

Edited by Asiantravel
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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

Small price to pay in order to rid Thailand of the Thaksin mafia!

I say Good luck to them all!

Yea and replace him with a raving lunatic who wants to take rights away from the people, have the country for himself and rule with an iron fist, he wants to model Thailand on Nth Korea. I think Thailand is better off the way it is and not with the madman Suthep ruling.

I don't think the plan has ever been to have Suthep rule. I think the plan was to have him be the muscle, do all the heavy lifting, take all the flak and be the fall guy for any negative repurcusions, and then re-instate Abhisit as the smooth-talking leader.

Of course Suthep will be prominent in the new administration though (post-coup).

Sounds more like the language of a Nazi than a democrat coffee1.gif Orwell would be proud of you.

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People are definitely thinking of the consequences and thinking past today -- that's EXACTLY why so many people think that this is necessary. Do you have children who are Thai citizens? I do, four to be exact. If you do, do you want them to grow up and live in a country run by a kleptocracy? I don't.

A Kleptocracy, totally lost there, what is it?

I am a visitor in this country and I can not effect what is happening nor do I understand it. The fact that I would not like my own home country to change from a democracy to a one party state led by a dictator is the only reasoning I can use to form an opinion but that is only an opinion of a guest of the people of Thailand who must make their own mind up.

Then you owe it to yourself to look into the issue more. It's not about removing democracy. But strengthening it.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

Don't forget the baht's decline. I don't.

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Am I the only one, who finds the madmans nonsense rhetoric mantras a little boring??coffee1.gif

No. But I do find the Westerners from their cozy little (quasi) democracies incessant inability to understand an emerging democracy's struggle to succeed in making this country a fully fledged one tedious in the extreme coffee1.gif

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Please, get those tanks on the roads. Enough is enough.

No joke, someone needs to just whack Suthep. At the very least have him and his cronies locked up and the key lost.

You have to be kidding right?

I can not believe that people are naive enough to think that military intervention will work.

Then again i look at the people that are saying kill someone or lock them up.

You must have a narrow mind to think this.

The military IS NOT going to get involved. Yingluck and the Pt and UDD made sure of that. you cannot say in one breath that the military acted wrong against your demonstration and charge them with murder then when things get to where you were in 2010 expect the military to step in and help you.

As to the PDRC leadership and arrest that also would be the stupidest thing that a government could do. All that would accomplish is to insight the masses to get even further out of control and would make MARTYRS that the people could rally around. much like UDD and Thaksin.

The best solution at this stage is both parties ask the Military to set up a joint meeting as the EC suggested and force these people to sit down and go over what they think is best for Thailand Not the Shinawattra family, not Suthep not anyone what is good for the country.

Once that is started and we know it will take awhile then things can be brought to a slow boil and eventually cooler heads will prevail.

I also think it would not be a bad thing for the Thai courts to advise the UAE that if they allow people that are fugitives to stay in their country and voice opinions that they will seek extradition of said people.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

Small price to pay in order to rid Thailand of the Thaksin mafia!

I say Good luck to them all!

Yea and replace him with a raving lunatic who wants to take rights away from the people, have the country for himself and rule with an iron fist, he wants to model Thailand on Nth Korea. I think Thailand is better off the way it is and not with the madman Suthep ruling.

Any actual evidence to support this claim?

Or is this just your view of the situation?

I've seen no evidence that Suthep wants to be the future ruler of Thailand.

Nor have I seen or heard of him claiming he will rule with an iron fist.

Nor has anyone mentioned North Korea, other than yourself.

Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but when your opinion is so extreme, be prepared to back it up with something resembling facts.

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I hope his plan works

The longer the parades go on the worse Thaksin / Yingluck / Chalerm / The Thai police and PTP and co. look

Actually I think it is Suthep and co who are looking worse. Yingluk and Co have actually been commended for their tolerance and they way they have handled these brainless idiots following Suthep.

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Khun Suthep: Rattle, rattle, rattle...!

Undoubtedly, an extreme gifted soap opera script writer but else? Not really convincing in this Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs role. Maybe he should grow his hair longer. w00t.gif

Edited by Richard Hall
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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

Small price to pay in order to rid Thailand of the Thaksin mafia!

I say Good luck to them all!

Yea and replace him with a raving lunatic who wants to take rights away from the people, have the country for himself and rule with an iron fist, he wants to model Thailand on Nth Korea. I think Thailand is better off the way it is and not with the madman Suthep ruling.

Any actual evidence to support this claim?

Or is this just your view of the situation?

I've seen no evidence that Suthep wants to be the future ruler of Thailand.

Nor have I seen or heard of him claiming he will rule with an iron fist.

Nor has anyone mentioned North Korea, other than yourself.

Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but when your opinion is so extreme, be prepared to back it up with something resembling facts.

Now the problem there is, an opinion would no longer be that is it was backed up by facts.

You say I am entitled to an opinion but at the same time you want to take my right to an opinion away by requesting facts.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

Small price to pay in order to rid Thailand of the Thaksin mafia!

I say Good luck to them all!

Yes, because the Thaksin's are the only corrupt ones in Thailand. And if the other side were in charge, it would be good honorable people running the show. Get a clue.

The kool aid that Suthep is serving at Ratchadamanoen must be really great! Did he get the recipe from Jim Jones?

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Please, get those tanks on the roads. Enough is enough.

No joke, someone needs to just whack Suthep. At the very least have him and his cronies locked up and the key lost.
You have to be kidding right?

I can not believe that people are naive enough to think that military intervention will work.

Then again i look at the people that are saying kill someone or lock them up.

You must have a narrow mind to think this.

The military IS NOT going to get involved. Yingluck and the Pt and UDD made sure of that. you cannot say in one breath that the military acted wrong against your demonstration and charge them with murder then when things get to where you were in 2010 expect the military to step in and help you.

As to the PDRC leadership and arrest that also would be the stupidest thing that a government could do. All that would accomplish is to insight the masses to get even further out of control and would make MARTYRS that the people could rally around. much like UDD and Thaksin.

The best solution at this stage is both parties ask the Military to set up a joint meeting as the EC suggested and force these people to sit down and go over what they think is best for Thailand Not the Shinawattra family, not Suthep not anyone what is good for the country.

Once that is started and we know it will take awhile then things can be brought to a slow boil and eventually cooler heads will prevail.

I also think it would not be a bad thing for the Thai courts to advise the UAE that if they allow people that are fugitives to stay in their country and voice opinions that they will seek extradition of said people.

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