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Bangkok 'shutdown': Protest leader Suthep details January 13 strategy


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Mr Suthep said the protesters would gather at intersections or t-junctions across the city but would leave one lane open for public buses and ambulances. However, the lane would be manned by PDRC guards who will not allow government vehicles to pass.

One lane? Like that's enough for Bangkok traffic.

What happens if someone decides to go buy soup and parks his car on that one lane?

Or does the entire traffic have to stop every time a bus stops to drop off one person?

Bangkok's traffic system can't even handle normal traffic with 4 lanes. Imagine what will happen with 1 lane.

Just pray that you or your wife or children don't have an emergency and need to be rushed to the hospital, because they will die on the way, courtesy of Suthep.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

..... Do you have children who are Thai citizens? I do, four to be exact. If you do, do you want them to grow up and live in a country run by a kleptocracy? I don't.

Quite. That's why our future plans are currently undergoing very serious revision. This ongoing nonsense reveals just how backward Thailand is, and no amount of wishful thinking can disguise the fact anymore. Kleptocracy or feudalism (with a good dose of both either way)? It's not much of a choice.............

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

I think you are over-exaggerating a bit.

think back to all the Red Shirts staying put in the CENTRE of bangkok for WEEKS !!!

how has it affected business? did people start getting into debt and loosing their homes, cars etc ???

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''He's a madman' 'He's a raving lunatic' 'He's the new Hitler' 'He's a fascist'

The Anti Suthep's have no real argument against him, they just start with the constant character attacks and saying things like 'He hates all us foreigners' and 'He wants his place at the trough' and 'He's just as bad as the rest of them' yeah yeah blah blah hyperbole, vitriol, hypothetical.

Easier than trying to make some kind of rational intelligent argument I guess...

Instead of attacking Suthep, why not try and defend your beloved Thaksin ? The convicted fugitive on the run with a government made up of mostly criminals. Tell us all, what wonderful things have they done for the country ? Let's look at the facts and this government's record. Tell u7s all, why are PT so good you don't want to see them gone. ''They were democratically elected'' is no argument when they have proven time and again they only believe in 'democracy' when iyt suits them and when it doesn't they brazenly flout the law and the constitution. They are terrible people who have done a terrible job. Prove me wrong Thaksin lovers.....

Ok. I am not here to prove you wrong or neither am I a Thaksin lover. Thaksin is not to be defended due to he is corrupted and self interest man. PT is not good or event the Democrat are and I want both or them gone and let a new fresh face into politic(but not a self elected People Council by Suthep). I agree with you that the PT have done a terrible job runing the goverment But have the Democrat or Suthep done a good job when the run the government?

Then all people starting to say that let the current government resign and path ways for reform? Just to ask all you people that is supporting what Suthep is doing now, what reform idea have Suthep come out with? all I can see is he supporting his people council (without any real details) and selling people with idea of anti-corruption, Thaksin regime and etc. Currently what I can see is this Suthep is as dirty as Thaksin and all he is doing is for his elected people council to control the government and he can be the master mind behind the people council as what he is say on Thaksin that is controlling the government from behind, so what is the different with the situation now that Suthep call the people to go against the currently government? Wake up and face the reality.

What I can see now is Suthep is with his own agenda and using chaos to get what he wants. I cannot see any benefit that is coming from Suthep for the people in this chaos. If you truly believe what Suthep doing is for the people then I tell you that after all this is done, the only one that will suffer is the people living here (Thai or Foreigner) and the economy of the country. Thailand SET, currency and economy have been dropping seen everything started and you tell me is for the good of the country and people. What I can say here is Suthep can do whatever he wants just don't go to deep until there is no turning back for Thailand in the international level.

What I am seeing is that Suthep and if financier is playing with the power and economy of the country. As an old politician as he is, he is not as simple minded and innocent as what he is showing to his supporter. For me I will never believe in a politician (Suthep, Thaksin or etc.) on any ground because they are all dirty, power and money crazy. So just hope everything will go down without facing the worst.

So your solution is to hold the election and allow the same broken mechanism to consume the future of thailand? Remember, if the protestors did not take action, all the things they were doing would get done and where would thailand be now. And if you have an election, and they win, they will just press the resume button and continue on their distructive path.

It is like driving a car from BKK to Chiang Mai. If you notice your car over heating, what do you do? You can keep driving. Then all of a sudden you hear a loud rattling sound from beneath your car, do you keep driving? Now you notice smoke coming out under your hood, do you insist on driving still? You can, but what is your chances of arriving at your destination? What about the safety of your family members and your friends in the car? Actually it would have been more dramatic driving from LA to Las Vegas. There are hardly anything in between.

Would you allow Thai democracy in its condition to transport its citizen toward their future knowing all that is broken?

But you need research Suthep's idea first. Listen to his idea. He speaks about that frequently to the citizens. it's not perfect, but a positive step in the right direction.

This may seem these are desperate measures, but these are desperate time. We can not allow this government to return and return to business as usual. I am all for election. I was happy the YS won and gave her the benefit of the doubt. But as result clearly seen as this, I know I can no longer kid myself and play dumb.

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Mr Suthep said the protesters would gather at intersections or t-junctions across the city but would leave one lane open for public buses and ambulances. However, the lane would be manned by PDRC guards who will not allow government vehicles to pass.

One lane? Like that's enough for Bangkok traffic.

What happens if someone decides to go buy soup and parks his car on that one lane?

Or does the entire traffic have to stop every time a bus stops to drop off one person?

Bangkok's traffic system can't even handle normal traffic with 4 lanes. Imagine what will happen with 1 lane.

Just pray that you or your wife or children don't have an emergency and need to be rushed to the hospital, because they will die on the way, courtesy of Suthep.

If you read it carefully and exactly, the single lane is for buses and emergency vehicles ONLY.

No public or government vehicles permitted. The noodle soup guy is going to have to take the bus to his favorite shop.

Wives or children with emergency just might have the fastest possible ride to the hospital if a single lane is allowed for them and the street is not full of typically disrespectful Thai drivers who do not pull over and give right of way to emergency vehicles.

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''He's a madman' 'He's a raving lunatic' 'He's the new Hitler' 'He's a fascist'

The Anti Suthep's have no real argument against him, they just start with the constant character attacks and saying things like 'He hates all us foreigners' and 'He wants his place at the trough' and 'He's just as bad as the rest of them' yeah yeah blah blah hyperbole, vitriol, hypothetical.

Easier than trying to make some kind of rational intelligent argument I guess...

Instead of attacking Suthep, why not try and defend your beloved Thaksin ? The convicted fugitive on the run with a government made up of mostly criminals. Tell us all, what wonderful things have they done for the country ? Let's look at the facts and this government's record. Tell u7s all, why are PT so good you don't want to see them gone. ''They were democratically elected'' is no argument when they have proven time and again they only believe in 'democracy' when iyt suits them and when it doesn't they brazenly flout the law and the constitution. They are terrible people who have done a terrible job. Prove me wrong Thaksin lovers.....

Ok. I am not here to prove you wrong or neither am I a Thaksin lover. Thaksin is not to be defended due to he is corrupted and self interest man. PT is not good or event the Democrat are and I want both or them gone and let a new fresh face into politic(but not a self elected People Council by Suthep). I agree with you that the PT have done a terrible job runing the goverment But have the Democrat or Suthep done a good job when the run the government?

Then all people starting to say that let the current government resign and path ways for reform? Just to ask all you people that is supporting what Suthep is doing now, what reform idea have Suthep come out with? all I can see is he supporting his people council (without any real details) and selling people with idea of anti-corruption, Thaksin regime and etc. Currently what I can see is this Suthep is as dirty as Thaksin and all he is doing is for his elected people council to control the government and he can be the master mind behind the people council as what he is say on Thaksin that is controlling the government from behind, so what is the different with the situation now that Suthep call the people to go against the currently government? Wake up and face the reality.

What I can see now is Suthep is with his own agenda and using chaos to get what he wants. I cannot see any benefit that is coming from Suthep for the people in this chaos. If you truly believe what Suthep doing is for the people then I tell you that after all this is done, the only one that will suffer is the people living here (Thai or Foreigner) and the economy of the country. Thailand SET, currency and economy have been dropping seen everything started and you tell me is for the good of the country and people. What I can say here is Suthep can do whatever he wants just don't go to deep until there is no turning back for Thailand in the international level.

What I am seeing is that Suthep and if financier is playing with the power and economy of the country. As an old politician as he is, he is not as simple minded and innocent as what he is showing to his supporter. For me I will never believe in a politician (Suthep, Thaksin or etc.) on any ground because they are all dirty, power and money crazy. So just hope everything will go down without facing the worst.

So your solution is to hold the election and allow the same broken mechanism to consume the future of thailand? Remember, if the protestors did not take action, all the things they were doing would get done and where would thailand be now. And if you have an election, and they win, they will just press the resume button and continue on their distructive path.

It is like driving a car from BKK to Chiang Mai. If you notice your car over heating, what do you do? You can keep driving. Then all of a sudden you hear a loud rattling sound from beneath your car, do you keep driving? Now you notice smoke coming out under your hood, do you insist on driving still? You can, but what is your chances of arriving at your destination? What about the safety of your family members and your friends in the car? Actually it would have been more dramatic driving from LA to Las Vegas. There are hardly anything in between.

Would you allow Thai democracy in its condition to transport its citizen toward their future knowing all that is broken?

But you need research Suthep's idea first. Listen to his idea. He speaks about that frequently to the citizens. it's not perfect, but a positive step in the right direction.

This may seem these are desperate measures, but these are desperate time. We can not allow this government to return and return to business as usual. I am all for election. I was happy the YS won and gave her the benefit of the doubt. But as result clearly seen as this, I know I can no longer kid myself and play dumb.

My post solution is not regarding on holding election or not. What I mean is that the Democrat can used a more better ways to put a reform and not by doing chaos to the country. So what do you mean is that if the reform happen and PT or any Thaksin Clan win an election again, then you are saying to go to the street again and start chaos onto the country like now? If you keep this kind of mind set the I will tell you, this will be a never ending story because there will always be people that have self interest and different think and there will never be a government that can satisfy everyone interest that why will have election.

With this kind of Chaos, civil unrest and etc, there will not be a good solution for the country or even to start a reform. Yes you are correct on the example regarding the car.overheating, but just to tell you even is the car is having smoke, broke down or any things happen, there is a lot of other way to handle the trouble (doesn't mean that there is only one way to handle it).

For your information, I have research on Suthep idea and this is not a solution that will benefit for the people. Are you telling me that an elected council by him is a good solution? Then where is the people power that he is always saying on the stage? As I say before, no matter which politician or political party is involve in the government is not to be trusted and the opposition need to find ways to stop the government to implement anything that is not transparent by democratic ways not by overthrowing a government or starting a chaos, furthermore as an old politician like Suthep, he have so many years for him to start a reform and what did he do? Then after all the power have been taken away from him for 20 years then he now stand up and say he represent the people to call on a reform. Do you think this is logic or you are to innocent to believe that? Just a last question, How can you grantee me that the country won't be broken in the future? For me as long as there is politician the is serving for self interest will as bring down a country no matter who is in charge (Suthep or Thaksin is the same)

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Mr Suthep said the protesters would gather at intersections or t-junctions across the city but would leave one lane open for public buses and ambulances. However, the lane would be manned by PDRC guards who will not allow government vehicles to pass.

One lane? Like that's enough for Bangkok traffic.

What happens if someone decides to go buy soup and parks his car on that one lane?

Or does the entire traffic have to stop every time a bus stops to drop off one person?

Bangkok's traffic system can't even handle normal traffic with 4 lanes. Imagine what will happen with 1 lane.

Just pray that you or your wife or children don't have an emergency and need to be rushed to the hospital, because they will die on the way, courtesy of Suthep.

They are leaving a lane open for hospital trips, not noodle soup runs.

You're not trying very hard here, with all due respect.

Edited by ding
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my idea the same just get this guy in to jail can nobody see he is a second Hitler only educated people understand the real meaning of democracy

Your idea on the 'real meaning' of Hitler bear any resemblance to reality...? Knee jerk...

taksin has proved himself to be a want to be Hitler Suphet is only to stand up and stop his one party police state Ill take my chances with Suphet thank you as will many Taksin is the real dangerous one and when he's gone ill be cerabrating

but each to their own and if Taksin wins you will see a real Fascist one party state

Thankfully the army will probably save day once again

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my idea the same just get this guy in to jail can nobody see he is a second Hitler only educated people understand the real meaning of democracy

Your idea on the 'real meaning' of Hitler bear any resemblance to reality...? Knee jerk...

taksin has proved himself to be a want to be Hitler Suphet is only to stand up and stop his one party police state Ill take my chances with Suphet thank you as will many Taksin is the real dangerous one and when he's gone ill be cerabrating

but each to their own and if Taksin wins you will see a real Fascist one party state

Thankfully the army will probably save day once again

Yeah, because Suthep is NOTHING like Hitler, right?

Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them"

BANGKOK, March 24, 2011 (AFP) - Thailand on Thursday dismissed suggestions that foreign observers were needed to monitor its upcoming election, with the deputy prime minister saying he does "not respect" Westerners.





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''He's a madman' 'He's a raving lunatic' 'He's the new Hitler' 'He's a fascist'

The Anti Suthep's have no real argument against him, they just start with the constant character attacks and saying things like 'He hates all us foreigners' and 'He wants his place at the trough' and 'He's just as bad as the rest of them' yeah yeah blah blah hyperbole, vitriol, hypothetical.

Easier than trying to make some kind of rational intelligent argument I guess...

Instead of attacking Suthep, why not try and defend your beloved Thaksin ? The convicted fugitive on the run with a government made up of mostly criminals. Tell us all, what wonderful things have they done for the country ? Let's look at the facts and this government's record. Tell u7s all, why are PT so good you don't want to see them gone. ''They were democratically elected'' is no argument when they have proven time and again they only believe in 'democracy' when iyt suits them and when it doesn't they brazenly flout the law and the constitution. They are terrible people who have done a terrible job. Prove me wrong Thaksin lovers.....

Ok. I am not here to prove you wrong or neither am I a Thaksin lover. Thaksin is not to be defended due to he is corrupted and self interest man. PT is not good or event the Democrat are and I want both or them gone and let a new fresh face into politic(but not a self elected People Council by Suthep). I agree with you that the PT have done a terrible job runing the goverment But have the Democrat or Suthep done a good job when the run the government?

Then all people starting to say that let the current government resign and path ways for reform? Just to ask all you people that is supporting what Suthep is doing now, what reform idea have Suthep come out with? all I can see is he supporting his people council (without any real details) and selling people with idea of anti-corruption, Thaksin regime and etc. Currently what I can see is this Suthep is as dirty as Thaksin and all he is doing is for his elected people council to control the government and he can be the master mind behind the people council as what he is say on Thaksin that is controlling the government from behind, so what is the different with the situation now that Suthep call the people to go against the currently government? Wake up and face the reality.

What I can see now is Suthep is with his own agenda and using chaos to get what he wants. I cannot see any benefit that is coming from Suthep for the people in this chaos. If you truly believe what Suthep doing is for the people then I tell you that after all this is done, the only one that will suffer is the people living here (Thai or Foreigner) and the economy of the country. Thailand SET, currency and economy have been dropping seen everything started and you tell me is for the good of the country and people. What I can say here is Suthep can do whatever he wants just don't go to deep until there is no turning back for Thailand in the international level.

What I am seeing is that Suthep and if financier is playing with the power and economy of the country. As an old politician as he is, he is not as simple minded and innocent as what he is showing to his supporter. For me I will never believe in a politician (Suthep, Thaksin or etc.) on any ground because they are all dirty, power and money crazy. So just hope everything will go down without facing the worst.

So your solution is to hold the election and allow the same broken mechanism to consume the future of thailand? Remember, if the protestors did not take action, all the things they were doing would get done and where would thailand be now. And if you have an election, and they win, they will just press the resume button and continue on their distructive path.

It is like driving a car from BKK to Chiang Mai. If you notice your car over heating, what do you do? You can keep driving. Then all of a sudden you hear a loud rattling sound from beneath your car, do you keep driving? Now you notice smoke coming out under your hood, do you insist on driving still? You can, but what is your chances of arriving at your destination? What about the safety of your family members and your friends in the car? Actually it would have been more dramatic driving from LA to Las Vegas. There are hardly anything in between.

Would you allow Thai democracy in its condition to transport its citizen toward their future knowing all that is broken?

But you need research Suthep's idea first. Listen to his idea. He speaks about that frequently to the citizens. it's not perfect, but a positive step in the right direction.

This may seem these are desperate measures, but these are desperate time. We can not allow this government to return and return to business as usual. I am all for election. I was happy the YS won and gave her the benefit of the doubt. But as result clearly seen as this, I know I can no longer kid myself and play dumb.

My post solution is not regarding on holding election or not. What I mean is that the Democrat can used a more better ways to put a reform and not by doing chaos to the country. So what do you mean is that if the reform happen and PT or any Thaksin Clan win an election again, then you are saying to go to the street again and start chaos onto the country like now? If you keep this kind of mind set the I will tell you, this will be a never ending story because there will always be people that have self interest and different think and there will never be a government that can satisfy everyone interest that why will have election.

With this kind of Chaos, civil unrest and etc, there will not be a good solution for the country or even to start a reform. Yes you are correct on the example regarding the car.overheating, but just to tell you even is the car is having smoke, broke down or any things happen, there is a lot of other way to handle the trouble (doesn't mean that there is only one way to handle it).

For your information, I have research on Suthep idea and this is not a solution that will benefit for the people. Are you telling me that an elected council by him is a good solution? Then where is the people power that he is always saying on the stage? As I say before, no matter which politician or political party is involve in the government is not to be trusted and the opposition need to find ways to stop the government to implement anything that is not transparent by democratic ways not by overthrowing a government or starting a chaos, furthermore as an old politician like Suthep, he have so many years for him to start a reform and what did he do? Then after all the power have been taken away from him for 20 years then he now stand up and say he represent the people to call on a reform. Do you think this is logic or you are to innocent to believe that? Just a last question, How can you grantee me that the country won't be broken in the future? For me as long as there is politician the is serving for self interest will as bring down a country no matter who is in charge (Suthep or Thaksin is the same)

Thank you for your input. It is hard time for Thailand. And I definately appreciate your concern. I feel you. It is a hard time in Thailand to make such a decison. I am not saying I have the right decison. But I will tell you, Suthep does not control the prostestor as you may think. The prostestor or the people will throw him out quickly. If he mistep. There are lots of good people here in the bunch. I think they will not allow Suthep to trick them. If you knew the people out there demonstrating. If you talked to them, you see their frustration. But would you rather have the PTP solution to the reform where the government sets uo the structure and has the final say. Suthep idea is good as far as there atre no politicians involved. But the biggest thing, it will be transparent. Believe me, I have to have faith in the protestors, these are genuinely good and sincere people, they will make sure that this people council will not abuse its power. And as they are vocal about the government today, and they will be in the future as I have been. What are our other choice, YS form of Reform council, where the govt has the final say and where the govt creates the structure. And where they will decide if it will become law or not.

I love Thailand as much as you do, I am truely disappointed by YS. She has shamed the country. And most importantly shamed democracy. Democracy is really based on faith of the people, I would rather place my faith in this than YS govt. They already showed us what they can do. And most agree, it is not good.

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my idea the same just get this guy in to jail can nobody see he is a second Hitler only educated people understand the real meaning of democracy

Your idea on the 'real meaning' of Hitler bear any resemblance to reality...? Knee jerk...

taksin has proved himself to be a want to be Hitler Suphet is only to stand up and stop his one party police state Ill take my chances with Suphet thank you as will many Taksin is the real dangerous one and when he's gone ill be cerabrating

but each to their own and if Taksin wins you will see a real Fascist one party state

Thankfully the army will probably save day once again

Yeah, because Suthep is NOTHING like Hitler, right?

Suthep: "I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them"

BANGKOK, March 24, 2011 (AFP) - Thailand on Thursday dismissed suggestions that foreign observers were needed to monitor its upcoming election, with the deputy prime minister saying he does "not respect" Westerners.





Lets see now, suthep is inciting people to shut down Thailands largest city, cut off water and power to government buildings, overrun and shut down any media outlets who voice any opinion that is not in lock step with sutheps crazy ideas, and instead of having countrywide elections to find out what the thai people really think he wants to appoint a non elected commission to run the country rolleyes.gif I guess the only thing that is left is the burning of books, perhaps he is saving that for his next "FINAL" protest thumbsup.gif It would certainly appear that suthep is pretty much duplicating good ole adolphs playbook chapter and verse sad.png

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Trying this: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_on_Rome

Risking that: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch

Now we know history never repeats itself, and if Suthep persists like that guy in the second link, Thailand may look forward to a Thousand Year democracy soon.

I'll watch this develop from my safe spot 60km South of the North Korean border.

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Walked through the protest camp last night with 2 Thai friends around 2am - didn't seem to be too many folk there maybe 5000 - many sleeping in tents so tops 8-10k. with minimal visible defences at the entrances and exits. He's going to need considerably more people out on the streets if he is to achieve his objectives. Am sensing a fail here. Could be wrong of course but the Reds camp seemed to be much bigger in 2010.

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Walked through the protest camp last night with 2 Thai friends around 2am - didn't seem to be too many folk there maybe 5000 - many sleeping in tents so tops 8-10k. with minimal visible defences at the entrances and exits. He's going to need considerably more people out on the streets if he is to achieve his objectives. Am sensing a fail here. Could be wrong of course but the Reds camp seemed to be much bigger in 2010.

Put it this way, the red shirts were 'imported' to Bangkok in 2010, nowhere to go to. It was also convenient for many of them, paid daily, food provided. As for the current protests, many of the protesters are actually Bangkokians. They have homes to go to. No need to stay out all night.

Anyway those poor souls from 2010 must feel like outright idiots when they see how many of their leaders enriched themselves over their dead bodies, namely Nattawut and Jatuporn. Will the poor on both sides ever learn their lessons? They're only pawns. They're expendable.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

I think you are over-exaggerating a bit.

think back to all the Red Shirts staying put in the CENTRE of bangkok for WEEKS !!!

how has it affected business? did people start getting into debt and loosing their homes, cars etc ???

Are you following the News


The baht fell for a second week and is down 7 percent in 2013, headed for its worst annual performance since 2000


Thailand’s household debt grew at an alarming 13.6 percent per year since 2008, bringing the country’s household debt-to-GDP ratio to 77 percent from 55 percent, which is up radically from just 45 percent a decade ago. Total lending to Thai households increased at a 17 percent annual rate from 2010 to 2012, while household credit provided by credit card, leasing and personal loan companies rose at a blistering 27 percent annual rate.

Thailand now has one of the highest household debt-to-GDP ratios in Asia:

Thai economy CNBC

The Thai benchmark SET dropped 5.23 percent to close at 1230.77, tapping its lowest levels since September 2012

Thai Tourism

More than 50 countries have issued travel advisories to their citizens

Estimated 500,000 cancellations since protests started and rising

Tell me now im over exaggerating tell me what is happening and about to happen will not affect people.

These are facts.

Both sides are equally to blame in this and it will get worse before it gets better.

Edited by potters
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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

I think you are over-exaggerating a bit.

think back to all the Red Shirts staying put in the CENTRE of bangkok for WEEKS !!!

how has it affected business? did people start getting into debt and loosing their homes, cars etc ???

Are you following the News


The baht fell for a second week and is down 7 percent in 2013, headed for its worst annual performance since 2000


Thailand’s household debt grew at an alarming 13.6 percent per year since 2008, bringing the country’s household debt-to-GDP ratio to 77 percent from 55 percent, which is up radically from just 45 percent a decade ago. Total lending to Thai households increased at a 17 percent annual rate from 2010 to 2012, while household credit provided by credit card, leasing and personal loan companies rose at a blistering 27 percent annual rate.

Thailand now has one of the highest household debt-to-GDP ratios in Asia:

Thai economy CNBC

The Thai benchmark SET dropped 5.23 percent to close at 1230.77, tapping its lowest levels since September 2012

Thai Tourism

More than 50 countries have issued travel advisories to their citizens

Estimated 500,000 cancellations since protests started and rising

Tell me now im over exaggerating tell me what is happening and about to happen will not affect people.

These are facts.

Both sides are equally to blame in this and it will get worse before it gets better.

its not permanent!

these are just normal 'market fluctuations' when there is a problem in any country!

yes, the results you said (from the news) are spot-on correct.

but they change back to normal as soon as the problem dies down.

you should count the travel warnings against Thailand in the last decade!!!

and the baht weakening because of political upheaval is not uncommon.

the rest is all 'hype' and news stories.

please find a person that is loosing their home from a few weeks of political turmoil!!!

if you find that person, then obviously they were already on the border-line to begin with.

if a few weeks destroys someone livelihood, then they didnt have much backup.

i dont want to sound harsh, but really, the typical newpaper reports are 'hyping' up a story to sell papers and create headlines.

as I said: come back and check the price of the baht and thailands economy in a few months time. (business as normal).

also: dont believe the Tourism departments or governments claims that they lost trillions in revenue from this.

its just to make Thai people worry about doing this again in the future. some of the claims made by the gov are massively exaggerated.

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So Bangkok gets shutdown.

Businesses have to close.

People cant get to work or will be intimidated trying to.

Businesses will go bankrupt

People will lose there jobs

Ordinary folk will accumulate more debt

Cant pay the rent cant pay for food etc.

Loans wont get repaid

Homes get foreclosed

Cars repossessed

Crime will go up as the police will be preoccupied

The list goes on

Are the people really thinking about the consequences of this?

NO as they wont think past today.

Sad that they can be manipulated so easily

I think you are over-exaggerating a bit.

think back to all the Red Shirts staying put in the CENTRE of bangkok for WEEKS !!!

how has it affected business? did people start getting into debt and loosing their homes, cars etc ???

Are you following the News


The baht fell for a second week and is down 7 percent in 2013, headed for its worst annual performance since 2000


Thailands household debt grew at an alarming 13.6 percent per year since 2008, bringing the countrys household debt-to-GDP ratio to 77 percent from 55 percent, which is up radically from just 45 percent a decade ago. Total lending to Thai households increased at a 17 percent annual rate from 2010 to 2012, while household credit provided by credit card, leasing and personal loan companies rose at a blistering 27 percent annual rate.

Thailand now has one of the highest household debt-to-GDP ratios in Asia:

Thai economy CNBC

The Thai benchmark SET dropped 5.23 percent to close at 1230.77, tapping its lowest levels since September 2012

Thai Tourism

More than 50 countries have issued travel advisories to their citizens

Estimated 500,000 cancellations since protests started and rising

Tell me now im over exaggerating tell me what is happening and about to happen will not affect people.

These are facts.

Both sides are equally to blame in this and it will get worse before it gets better.

its not permanent!

these are just normal 'market fluctuations' when there is a problem in any country!

yes, the results you said (from the news) are spot-on correct.

but they change back to normal as soon as the problem dies down.

you should count the travel warnings against Thailand in the last decade!!!

and the baht weakening because of political upheaval is not uncommon.

the rest is all 'hype' and news stories.

please find a person that is loosing their home from a few weeks of political turmoil!!!

if you find that person, then obviously they were already on the border-line to begin with.

if a few weeks destroys someone livelihood, then they didnt have much backup.

i dont want to sound harsh, but really, the typical newpaper reports are 'hyping' up a story to sell papers and create headlines.

as I said: come back and check the price of the baht and thailands economy in a few months time. (business as normal).

also: dont believe the Tourism departments or governments claims that they lost trillions in revenue from this.

its just to make Thai people worry about doing this again in the future. some of the claims made by the gov are massively exaggerated.

Hm.....interesting assumption. Let's hope historical results could be a repetitive of future development.

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Thank you for your input. It is hard time for Thailand. And I definately appreciate your concern. I feel you. It is a hard time in Thailand to make such a decison. I am not saying I have the right decison. But I will tell you, Suthep does not control the prostestor as you may think. The prostestor or the people will throw him out quickly. If he mistep. There are lots of good people here in the bunch. I think they will not allow Suthep to trick them. If you knew the people out there demonstrating. If you talked to them, you see their frustration. But would you rather have the PTP solution to the reform where the government sets uo the structure and has the final say. Suthep idea is good as far as there atre no politicians involved. But the biggest thing, it will be transparent. Believe me, I have to have faith in the protestors, these are genuinely good and sincere people, they will make sure that this people council will not abuse its power. And as they are vocal about the government today, and they will be in the future as I have been. What are our other choice, YS form of Reform council, where the govt has the final say and where the govt creates the structure. And where they will decide if it will become law or not.

I love Thailand as much as you do, I am truely disappointed by YS. She has shamed the country. And most importantly shamed democracy. Democracy is really based on faith of the people, I would rather place my faith in this than YS govt. They already showed us what they can do. And most agree, it is not good.

Thank you for your input. It is hard time for Thailand. And I definately appreciate your concern. I feel you. It is a hard time in Thailand to make such a decison. I am not saying I have the right decison. But I will tell you, Suthep does not control the prostestor as you may think. The prostestor or the people will throw him out quickly. If he mistep. There are lots of good people here in the bunch. I think they will not allow Suthep to trick them. If you knew the people out there demonstrating. If you talked to them, you see their frustration. But would you rather have the PTP solution to the reform where the government sets uo the structure and has the final say. Suthep idea is good as far as there atre no politicians involved. But the biggest thing, it will be transparent. Believe me, I have to have faith in the protestors, these are genuinely good and sincere people, they will make sure that this people council will not abuse its power. And as they are vocal about the government today, and they will be in the future as I have been. What are our other choice, YS form of Reform council, where the govt has the final say and where the govt creates the structure. And where they will decide if it will become law or not.

I love Thailand as much as you do, I am truely disappointed by YS. She has shamed the country. And most importantly shamed democracy. Democracy is really based on faith of the people, I would rather place my faith in this than YS govt. They already showed us what they can do. And most agree, it is not good.

I hope you are correct, but I can be very sure the people cannot have a say in the council form by Suthep. Currently regarding on the Council thing, Suthep idea of a council that he want to form is 300 civil people and 100 elected by him ( 100 will hold the power), this is what I can be sure of that this council will abuse it power due to they will need to answer to him. Until now really he have already misstep on everything, I also support him when he was trying to stop the current government on the amnesty bill but after that he have take the advantage of the people support and start his own agenda. You need to remember is if Suthep really want transparency he should stop this chaos and find the fact to prove to the public (not by holding reason on Thaksin regime, anti-corruption and etc. This is all just want to get support from the people that hated Thaksin and not really showing any transparency to the people) and I can tell you if this go the correct way, people from the rural will also support him. Why until today people in the rural area cannot support him is because during he is in the government, he didn't treat the rural and poor people equally and bias just to benefit the elite.

By the end for me what I really care about is the people living here if this chaos continue. I really don't care who is holding the government, just what the can do for the people. By the end starting a chaos onto the country like now is not the way to bring reform cause this will effect the future of the people thinking ( what I mean is if Suthep get what he want by force, then when something goes wrong again the opposition will used the same way to take back the power and this will be never ending story on Thailand politics). No matter how, I just don't want to see a country falls because of just a few self interest people.

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maybe have two governments, one for the north and one for the south.. fair?

North and South Thailand looks like the only option that will bring lasting peace.

Another option would be to start searching for oil and hope that a huge amount is found, then the US could invade and put a US-backed government. While I'm normally against that in other countries, it's a better choice than the clown options available here.

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Should he pull it off (which he won't) Suthep will go down in world history as the first despot ever to declare his madness prior to securing power.

Even the worst of them waited, before.laugh.png

Edited by SebD
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