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25yrs.of happy marriage,couldnt be more happy[but]


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Been only five years for me however we have never had a major blow up,just two minute tiffs,no shouting as we don't control each other,remain faithful,honest and above all communicate any problems immediately.

Your blessed,don't think about what's left,think about what you had and what you continue to have,don't think about what is yet to come.

Don't change a thing,it's working,and never change for anyone,not even a partner,I continue to put my own pants on in the morning.

Your obviously on track,we should ask you for advice.

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Congratulations 25 years is a long time I only have 7 and they are 7 of the best adult years of my life. I am still finding it hard to adjust to a women who cares for me more than what I can do for them. two of them back in Canada although I will admit the separation from the first one allowed us to be friends like we should have been in the first place.

As for the future. If you are worried about it best take a look at what you are doing today. I get up every day with the same wonder of what else is this day going to bring me. Mostly nothing new but every once in as while some thing out of the blue comes along. I am happy to wait for it as their is lots of joy in my life right now. Just remember the first 25 are the tough ones. Enjoy what ever life brings you.smile.png

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You are living my worst nightmare.

25 years with only one woman.

It works for you good luck.

25 years, with different ladies ? Changing them every day or every month for another catch ?

That would be my worst nightmare:

- wrong conversations, misunderstanding each other,

- not knowing what she really wants, or she what you wants,

- getting scammed, because she has a fallang for a day or month,

- not getting all your drinks, because she fears a drunk man,

- or she gets drunk before you get to your room,

- insignificant sex, (except for a few ones)

I've been there: few years looking for the right one. Found her 14 years ago. Happy to stop that kind of empty life.

If it works for you, Hedghog, good luck.

To Meatboy: congratulations ! Me and my lady are only 14 years together so I know how rich your life is.

Asking us your question, makes me think you really getting old. Stop looking at your birth-year, do something about that !

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A genuine hearty congratulations Meatboy. 25 years is an outstanding acheivement. May you have many more years together.

thanks samran and everyone else who has contributed to this topic.

i can honestly say i have the iceing on the cake,i am lucky that i have a wife who doesnt like spending money.

the sneering remarks and looks she got when we set up home here,nice house,bigest land area[that was my choice not hers] but for 3yrs.she rode around on a rusty old bike[cycle] that you could here squeak a mile away.when she went shopping it was a 2kilometer walk,if i was with her you could read everyone's thoughts "look at her married to a farang and walking" when people knew what house she lived in they were shocked no bike,no car and only 2 of us living in this 5bed.new house.then i bought her a fino[second hand] to go back and fo the market.then came a gift from the kennel in the sky a wonderfull alaskan malamute[husky]

who's owner could no longer look after him.he used to go out with the owner in the car as the person was a sales rep but was about to be relocated so my b.i.l. brought him to us.as he loved the rides in the car we decided to get one that made him happy,trips to makro and immigration make up for the love he gives to us.

what lies ahead nobody knows but i hope there's another long wait before i wake up from my dream.


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Congratulations, MB, and very best wishes for the next 25 years.

Off topic, I know, but can you have a word with your lads in the WRU and the Regions to get their act sorted out?

Roll on 1st Feb.


thanks sc

the past few months i have been getting up 3am and watching the top 14 series i found it hard to reconise the grounds,then i realise they are over the other side of the english channel,have the wru kicked all the welsh players out of wales and shipped them to france.one to follow them should be vincent tan.

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Congrats indeed Meatboy. Keep the love and mutual respect in your relationship. I am quite pleased to read so many TV posters' stories of happiness with their wives after reading so many pitiful anecdotes of dread and doom. There is still hope for you all who have not found that happiness. Perhaps you just need to realistically assess the situation, change your methods, and try another tact. I have been happily married to the same lovely woman for 34 years, but I took a different route than most to help ensure our happiness. I took her back to the States, allowed her to finish her degree, and then took her with me on all my overseas contracts; where she too worked as an expat professional. The experience gave her the insight I fear most Asian wives never know. Since day one, I have been totally honest with her about finances. Our assets are ours jointly, and she has more than adequately contributed her share. All of our decisions are made together. She is still my girlfriend and favorite companion. Most of my friends are jealous, many cannot understand how I could have such a wonderful woman while they have had such losers. She has not become the Westernized woman many dread and she still believes in saving my face in public. She is a wonderful homemaker and cook, entertains my friends without complaint, does all the shopping, makes household repairs, washes my bike, and allows me frequent road trips and nights out with the boys--all without complaint. Of course, it is not one-sided, she too has friends and enjoys their company. She was 18 and in her first year of college when I met her and I was 36 and a 15 year expat with two rather happy marriages behind me. Many of my friends' wives and my female family members said it would never work out between us because of the age and culture difference and we had so little in common--now most of them are divorced or unhappy in their relationships. Well, we did have a lot in common, other than physical attraction. We had fun being together. She wanted to see the world and learn everything she could and I wanted to help enable her. I have always wanted what was best for her and she what was best for me. We actually talk and understand each other. Gee, go figure.

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