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Nuttawut: Red shirts not to confront PDRC-led protesters


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I assume they got a call from Army to cancel their Jan 13 confrontation in Bangkok, or why suddenly this flip flopping?

I suspect that Jatuporn's call for his followers to "fight" against the closure of Bangkok failed to rally the support that he wanted.

He's a troublemaker at the best of times, but when it becomes clear that the reds (particularly rice farmers) are now seeing at first hand how they have been betrayed, they prefer to stay at home than provide support to the Shin clan and its followers.

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Bad news for Suthep if the reds actually do that and avoid confrontation he won't have the violence he needs.

Absurd assumption. He doesn't need or want violence and neither do the protesters.

Oh yeah, they're very peaceful indeed.





Appalling violence - but so tame compared to the well armed terrorist insurgents of 2010!

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Guess the Reds will shut down the rest of Thailand whilst Sutheps mob will close down Bangkok... result!

The rat shirt please come to shut down Phuket, we have too many Russians and Mainland Chinese here!

biggrin.png funny!

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Bad news for Suthep if the reds actually do that and avoid confrontation he won't have the violence he needs.

Absurd assumption. He doesn't need or want violence and neither do the protesters.

Clearly I can tell you are drunk. Of course he wants the violence. That is the surest way

to get the military to step in. coffee1.gif

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Or maybe a majority of the population are neither red nor yellow, and are just sick of the corruption of both sides.

and "maybe" an ELECTION would solve that?

How can an election solve corruption? It hasn't solved it for the last 5 elections.

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Or maybe a majority of the population are neither red nor yellow, and are just sick of the corruption of both sides.

and "maybe" an ELECTION would solve that?

How can an election solve corruption? It hasn't solved it for the last 5 elections.

Corruption exists in all political parties as quoted by a former EC. Even since Ayuthaya period, there is corruption, hence it is not a hard and fast solution which people seek.

Election is one of the option where we could see possible solutions legally.

Edited by DMG333
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Bad news for Suthep if the reds actually do that and avoid confrontation he won't have the violence he needs.

You've posted a lot of dumbass stuff but I think this counts as one of the dumbest. No one wants any violence and everyone on both sides of this conflict is breathing a sigh of relief that there probably won't be a confrontation.

Glad you appreciate my contribution.

If you don't understand that Suthep needs confrontation to bring in the troops then where have you been? The military have basically said they will intervene if any occurs.

I believe the reds may have made a good move, not going at all would have been better, and I sincerely hope that everything goes off peacefully and nobody gets hurt.

Whatever happens it will only be the old cycles of Thailand repeating itself and it will achieve exactly the same results as in the past. Back to square one.

Yep. Different paws in the cookie jar. Sutheps dirty paws being far worse IMHO. Keep the people brainwashed & uneducated, and both partys can pull this crap off indefinitely. Election, coup, election, ect.................................................................

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Bad news for Suthep if the reds actually do that and avoid confrontation he won't have the violence he needs.

You've posted a lot of dumbass stuff but I think this counts as one of the dumbest. No one wants any violence and everyone on both sides of this conflict is breathing a sigh of relief that there probably won't be a confrontation.

You are seriously naive if you believe Suthep (and equally importantly his backers) would not like to see the government/security forces crack down violently, not least because it would allow the army/directed judges to step in and remove the Yingluck government.Unfortunately for them the government has been very patient and has won international approval for its approach.

Naive. Hmmm. Do you think the government is behaving like this because they deeply care for the safety and well being of the Thai people? That they really respect the right of protest, democracy and will listen to the people and implement reforms that will benefit the country as a whole?

Or might it just be the usual often confusing machinations associated with their manipulative grand strategist?

Trying to dress up the international approvals as support for PTP is wearing a bit thin now. Not one single government has come out and actually supported the Yingluck government or PTP.

Yes.Obviously the government has concern for the safety and well being of the Thai people.No government (of any political persuasion) wants to harm or damage its own people and only those with a a cartoon "Mr Evil" outlook would believe otherwise.But as the recent protests have shown the current government is much more responsible than its predecessor about public safety.

The current government obviously respects the right to demonstrate and in terms of respecting democracy generally is way in advance of the "Democrats" and Suthep.

In terms of the implementation of reforms you have veered off issue.What reforms are you referring to? Suthep's proposals are often vague and sometimes unacceptable.

As to foreign governments you evidently have some difficulty in grasping the point.None of them support one side or the other.However many have commented Thailand should respect democracy and follow the rule of law.And many have praised Khun Yingluck for her approach to civil disturbances in the current crisis.

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I'm confused, what's the difference between redshirt protests and anti government protests - we have Deputy Commerce Minister and red-shirt leader Nuttawut Saikuar directing the reds and Suthep directing the other lot yet the government just announced that organisers of the latter could face the death penalty

I suspect this about turn by the reds now staying away from BKK makes their protest different from the PDRC as they will not be contributing to the BKK standstill leaving red shirt and government red shirt leaders immune from any action taken against the PDRC leaders and protestors, so it's ok to bring the rest of the country to a standstill but not BKK - rather sinister if you ask me, looks like what ever action they are taking in BKK against the PDRC they don't want the reds involved - what action is being taken at protest sites in other locations - ZERO and unpoliced, rather one sided

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Naive. Hmmm. Do you think the government is behaving like this because they deeply care for the safety and well being of the Thai people? That they really respect the right of protest, democracy and will listen to the people and implement reforms that will benefit the country as a whole?

Or might it just be the usual often confusing machinations associated with their manipulative grand strategist?

Trying to dress up the international approvals as support for PTP is wearing a bit thin now. Not one single government has come out and actually supported the Yingluck government or PTP.

Yes.Obviously the government has concern for the safety and well being of the Thai people.No government (of any political persuasion) wants to harm or damage its own people and only those with a a cartoon "Mr Evil" outlook would believe otherwise.But as the recent protests have shown the current government is much more responsible than its predecessor about public safety.

The current government obviously respects the right to demonstrate and in terms of respecting democracy generally is way in advance of the "Democrats" and Suthep.

In terms of the implementation of reforms you have veered off issue.What reforms are you referring to? Suthep's proposals are often vague and sometimes unacceptable.

As to foreign governments you evidently have some difficulty in grasping the point.None of them support one side or the other.However many have commented Thailand should respect democracy and follow the rule of law.And many have praised Khun Yingluck for her approach to civil disturbances in the current crisis.

My ass ! There are 3 reasons for the relative peacefulness :

1) The anti government protestors are mostly peaceful.

2) The army refused to act. PT begged and begged and they said no.

They know that they can't start killing people without very good reason. Despite the government's lies and trying every tactic they can to make for violent confrontations ( ie saying terrible things about the protestors over the loud speakers at government house in efforts to make them angry and violent ), they still haven't managed to create the excuse they need. No people burning tyres and buildings and shooting at people, for the most part. I still want proof the bullet in the policeman was from a protestor, prove it !

3) Yingluck doesn't want to be brought up on murder charges.

However it is too late for that.

Black shirts, 'third hand', lies.threats and intimidation. The violence in Ramkamhang was caused by the reds. Still no word who was shooting at the university from the tollway. Protest leaders homes attacked no doubt by reds. The country can never have peace till the red menace is removed...

Very sad indeed.

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Naive. Hmmm. Do you think the government is behaving like this because they deeply care for the safety and well being of the Thai people? That they really respect the right of protest, democracy and will listen to the people and implement reforms that will benefit the country as a whole?

Or might it just be the usual often confusing machinations associated with their manipulative grand strategist?

Trying to dress up the international approvals as support for PTP is wearing a bit thin now. Not one single government has come out and actually supported the Yingluck government or PTP.

Yes.Obviously the government has concern for the safety and well being of the Thai people.No government (of any political persuasion) wants to harm or damage its own people and only those with a a cartoon "Mr Evil" outlook would believe otherwise.But as the recent protests have shown the current government is much more responsible than its predecessor about public safety.

The current government obviously respects the right to demonstrate and in terms of respecting democracy generally is way in advance of the "Democrats" and Suthep.

In terms of the implementation of reforms you have veered off issue.What reforms are you referring to? Suthep's proposals are often vague and sometimes unacceptable.

As to foreign governments you evidently have some difficulty in grasping the point.None of them support one side or the other.However many have commented Thailand should respect democracy and follow the rule of law.And many have praised Khun Yingluck for her approach to civil disturbances in the current crisis.

My ass ! There are 3 reasons for the relative peacefulness :

1) The anti government protestors are mostly peaceful.

2) The army refused to act. PT begged and begged and they said no.

They know that they can't start killing people without very good reason. Despite the government's lies and trying every tactic they can to make for violent confrontations ( ie saying terrible things about the protestors over the loud speakers at government house in efforts to make them angry and violent ), they still haven't managed to create the excuse they need. No people burning tyres and buildings and shooting at people, for the most part. I still want proof the bullet in the policeman was from a protestor, prove it !

3) Yingluck doesn't want to be brought up on murder charges.

However it is too late for that.

Black shirts, 'third hand', lies.threats and intimidation. The violence in Ramkamhang was caused by the reds. Still no word who was shooting at the university from the tollway. Protest leaders homes attacked no doubt by reds. The country can never have peace till the red menace is removed...

Very sad indeed.

You are letting your prejudice overwhelm any critical faculties you might have (though frankly there is precious little evidence of the latter).

1.Yes I agree the anti government protests have been mostly peaceful.That is to the protestors credit.But there are unpleasant thuggish elements on that side and there have been incidents of violence including more than one murder.

2.The army has so far acted responsibly though one suspects its ultimate allegiance is to reactionary elements.Still lessons have been learnt from 2010.Your suggestion the government has begged them "to act" is a lie.

3.It is not the government looking for an excuse as all but apparently a few well understand.Suthep and the powers behind the need the army to intervene (and for that to happen there will need to be a major undisciplined and violent action from the government side).Suthep knows he has lost unless this happens.So your contention the government is looking for an excuse is not only nonsense but completely illogical.

4.Of course Yingluck does not want to be accused of murder.Whatever one's views it must be recognised she more plausibly than most on the other side dreads the thought of blood being spilt.Her government's tolerant attitude reflects this and explains why she has garnered so much international credit.

5.Your account of the Ramkhamhaeng violence is inaccurate.Do your research before making statements such as "violence was caused by the reds".

All good points JB and hopefully the powers that be will remain calm in the face of what is sure to be a deliberate and increasing provocation, as a desperate Suthep tries to raise the stakes to get himself out of the hole he has dug.

Yingluck has shown herself to be decisive and a calming influence.

Many others in her shoes ( including Thaksin probably ) would have already reacted with overwhelming, disastrous force .

The stakes now are pretty high and we should all hope sanity and calm decision making prevails.

To the nutters on here with their hate speech, I wish you a pleasant evening and hope that you will all grow up and realise that we are seriously at risk of the Country being riven apart.

Anybody wishing at this stage for confrontation to increase is, in my opinion, a blood thirsty fool.

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