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immigration not issuing residency certificates


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I got a certificate of residency here in Pattaya on my triple entry tourist visa so

I could buy a scooter. Cost 300 baht if I remember correctly. Got it about July 18th.

Just brought my passport and condo lease. Took about 15 minutes from the time

I entered Immigration till I walked out the door.

Edited by Ulic
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I paid 500bh one year. Went back the same office again the next. Tried to make them take the money. They would not. Do not broadcast the location. It would get over run. At hotel, had farang associate, he was in uproar. Over two hours about 20bh. Hotel manager came in on day off. Gave him the 20bh. I offered him 50bh to stop his abnormal behavior. That was pretty much the last time would go anywhere with him. He was right they were supposed to give him the 20bh. Instead we got one stooge to entertain us like three stooges for 2+ hours. Self-awarness is such comforting virtue. This clown school grad thinks you can be drunk all your adult life and sober one day and you're clear thinker. Until you're drunk again the next. Some people you can't help. They expect instant changes after lifetime of aberrant behaviors. No thought to the cause and effect of those behaviors. Hope this is on point. No disrespect implied or intended.

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and ukrules - those who work hard 1 month and get a month off and stay here - in a way it is a twist of the tourist visa. If they'd try to "rest" on a regular basis in any stricter country they'd have to apply for a different type of visa

Sure, that's why they come to Thailand as the visa rules say they don't need a visa of any kind which makes it easy and hassle free, just a 30 day stamp on arrival 6 times a year.

If those rules were ever to change then I'm sure they would simply take their $10-$20k per month depending on what job they do and spend it in some other more welcoming country.

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Thanks for the replys

I just thought 3000 bhats for a 100 bhat driving licence was excessive , i dont mind paying 500 bhat like last year at immigration

but i think its not in proportion

If i was buying a condo worth 3 million i would not mind

I am here for 6 months and own the vehicles and i want to be legal

apparently its ok paying the police if you have no licence but in the case of an accident the insurance company would not approve

Any way be Happy and safe out there

My Dear Friend The very requirement for RC (Residency Certificate ) is a Passport copy ,marriage certificate KOR ROR 2,doctor certificate,an Non imm visa pages ,Home blue book all copies in threes,

recently i got mine from Korat Immigration

6 year License ,

may be go through Immigration web site

Good luck

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it's true, you don't need a Thai drivers license to move a car here. An International driving permit backed by your home country's drivers license is all it takes. No matter if you are on a tourist visa or live here on a Non immigrant visa.

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