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Am I just a farang bank to her?


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Many of us must be "bored as hell" as many of us are finding this interesting. Or ?? it reminds us of our worst, most naive experiences here, or in some other similar place?

For me, I will admit, as I think I already did above, that I got conned big time, without any "love chemicals" or sex, or anything to excuse it, just stupid, naive ideas I had, and good Thai con-artists used to people like me. And let me add, a good dose of very low self-esteem carried me here, and made me a people-pleasing idiot! I had already failed in that regard in my marriage, and I guess I thought some third world poor people could help me recover, when in fact, it helped me fall further into despair.

This is not the place for low self-esteem, or we will pay for it! I paid and then I recovered, some years ago, and now, I am not even angry about it, but that took some time too! Well I am a little angry, as in I wouldn't forgive/help the offenders ..if they were on fire I would not P&ss on them, as the saying goes, and take great pleasure in NOT doing that! smile.png) Great Pleasure!!!

But happiness is a good revenge, and I do have that now. Mostly due to factors regarding my health, awesome child, finances, and not outside Thai things. Oh, I do have a great pack of rescue dogs, too many to mention, some real sweeties who make life good too. All those dog noses to kiss, who needs Thai love? Or I have Thai love, Thai dogs??? They seem to be honest and loving and kind and loyal, and really, all the things some of us are looking for!

Gotta agree with you there Amy, for honest, loving and loyal companions, dogs win every time.

(Although the sex isn't quite so good)

Yes FiftyTwo ...

The sex isn't good, as it doesn't exist obviously. It doesn't exist here anyway with humans ...because of my choices. I must say it is liberating and refeshing and new and for ME, GREAT, to NOT have a relationship at all, for years! What a shock that can be for many people too! I can discover life without multiple complications caused by another person, which really have nothing to do with me, and which normally, just ruin my life, or lower the quality of my life, all while I pretend that this is all supposed to improve my life!

I do have an adopted child, so lucky me, no other significant parent, and I got to experience that without all the other major bullshit that normally goes along with that. I really can't imagine how lucky I am in this regard, that I feel capable of taking care of a child alone, that I have a child alone, and that she is doing really well, and that I am doing really well too!

But dog kisses, if you really like them, and actually, I would like to kiss almost every animal I meet, as I am some kind of freak animal lover ...not big cats though ...I don't have a death wish, the tigers and all of those, no love from me there ...

Anyway, I think the main point is what I wrote above, in the first paragraph. People don't always add to your life and often can be negatives ..and we need to realize that, and being alone isn't the worst thing in life!! (Kiss a dog when you are lonely ...maybe you will feel better, or a cat, or whatever, an elephant.)

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Not trying to be nosy or anything, but have you ever had sex with this girl yet? As innocent as you describe her, she would have sex with you after you got married if she loves you. If its a scam, the parents likely told her not to so that they can sell her again afterwards for a higher amount.

No I did not. She is not that kind of girl. I am not interested in that kind of girl really. That is why I am not here for the bar girls! Some people have morals and some people have aids!

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OP. You keep trying to figure out what her feelings are. You know already. I mean, enough is enough. Stop the flowers, the notes, the ipad views, the skype crap.

If I was there, I would bitch-slap you by now.

I am guessing you are one of the single guys...

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OP. You keep trying to figure out what her feelings are. You know already. I mean, enough is enough. Stop the flowers, the notes, the ipad views, the skype crap.

If I was there, I would bitch-slap you by now.

I am guessing you are one of the single guys...

...like you are right now! smile.png

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You knew the answer before you started this thread. she loves your money, and they talk in thai about how you will spend your money on them. i know a few friends who have "girlfriends" when they are in thailand, and these "gfs" make it clear they must date more when they leave, for more money. they know the game, and will get as much money as possible. guilt trips, crying, whatever...they must act and get paid for bad acting. when your money dries up, bye bye....i am sorry, but this is a good lesson. remember, good looks doesn't buy her mom a new car.

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Sorry for the late reply but I have been at a celebration with this family that I am part of.

We BBQ pork and then A and I drove around town on a scooter looking for something good for desert. I wasn't into the BBQ liver but the pork was good.

Before I really tell you the conclusion I want to thank everyone for the moral support, good and bad posts alike. I think that I gained some knowledge but mostly everyone giving me their input and expertise (lol) really helped me through this situation.

Yes I am a movie maker and a script writer, but that wasn't the purpose of this thread. It may very well be the conclusion of it but not the purpose. I have worked on 5 marvel films and about 30 other movies most of ones you all have seen I am sure. I also have several independant films I have directed and produced. Unfortunately I am not going to reveal my name for you to verify. Just know that when you watch your favorite recent Marvel film, my hands were all over the making of it. OK enough about me

There are two posts that I want to especially thank and point out. If you want names you will have to find them because I have too much to write to tell you the story.

"If you think you understand Thai tradition. You don't understand Thai tradition"

And another one that mentioned that the responses from the single guys is the reason that they are single.

When you hear what happened some of you are going to realise you are #$^@$'s, me included.

Those that gave the most positive responses will probably shed a tear.

Those in suspense will hopefully be entertained... Those that complained about this thread and wanted it shut down.. What are you doing still reading? did I get to you also? LOL

The conclusion to this story is in an ebook and you can buy it for 200 Baht on www.......

Just kidding, but wouldn't that be brilliant?

Don't worry I would never due that to such a captive audience that helped me though this... whatever it was! The conclusion will be in a seperate post...

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Try telling her when you two find time alone that you'd take her back. If she doesn't agree then it's your turn to leave. If she follows, she's a keeper. If she doesn't then you know the answer

Sent from my jack-in-the-box

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I looked inside and saw her father sitting on the couch. He smiled so I entered. Wai's were exchanged and he invited me to sit. I asked him if A read my note. He said "I think it not good". I told him to have her skype me. He said he would speak for her.

Fishy just got fishier...

Her Father, a Thai Man, maybe 20 years your senior Waied you ... whistling.gif

sdshaman ... you've kept this together good for a long time, focus on the detail

otherwise you will lose some old timers.

We need to hear the next communication with her soon, don't extend the tension too long..

This is good ... popcorn-and-drink-smiley-emoticon.gif


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Sorry for the late reply but I have been at a celebration with this family that I am part of.

We BBQ pork and then A and I drove around town on a scooter looking for something good for desert. I wasn't into the BBQ liver but the pork was good.

Before I really tell you the conclusion I want to thank everyone for the moral support, good and bad posts alike. I think that I gained some knowledge but mostly everyone giving me their input and expertise (lol) really helped me through this situation.

Yes I am a movie maker and a script writer, but that wasn't the purpose of this thread. It may very well be the conclusion of it but not the purpose. I have worked on 5 marvel films and about 30 other movies most of ones you all have seen I am sure. I also have several independant films I have directed and produced. Unfortunately I am not going to reveal my name for you to verify. Just know that when you watch your favorite recent Marvel film, my hands were all over the making of it. OK enough about me

There are two posts that I want to especially thank and point out. If you want names you will have to find them because I have too much to write to tell you the story.

"If you think you understand Thai tradition. You don't understand Thai tradition"

And another one that mentioned that the responses from the single guys is the reason that they are single.

When you hear what happened some of you are going to realise you are #$^@$'s, me included.

Those that gave the most positive responses will probably shed a tear.

Those in suspense will hopefully be entertained... Those that complained about this thread and wanted it shut down.. What are you doing still reading? did I get to you also? LOL

The conclusion to this story is in an ebook and you can buy it for 200 Baht on www.......

Just kidding, but wouldn't that be brilliant?

Don't worry I would never due that to such a captive audience that helped me though this... whatever it was! The conclusion will be in a seperate post...

Bugger ... you wrote this while I was writing mine above.

Just wanted to preserve your reply for prosperity.

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Not trying to be nosy or anything, but have you ever had sex with this girl yet? As innocent as you describe her, she would have sex with you after you got married if she loves you. If its a scam, the parents likely told her not to so that they can sell her again afterwards for a higher amount.

No I did not. She is not that kind of girl. I am not interested in that kind of girl really. That is why I am not here for the bar girls! Some people have morals and some people have aids!

I looked inside and saw her father sitting on the couch. He smiled so I entered. Wai's were exchanged and he invited me to sit. I asked him if A read my note. He said "I think it not good". I told him to have her skype me. He said he would speak for her.

Fishy just got fishier...

Her Father, a Thai Man, maybe 20 years your senior Waied you ... whistling.gif

Troll. This person isn't even male, definitely not late 30s. Check out the writing style.

You have had your fun now, troll. So please leave it out young lady and go and do something productive with your time.

Also please don't equate lack of morals with AIDS (though you should say HIV not AIDS). Very offensive. You really are a piece of work!

I have a close friend who is HIV+ and she really is an outstanding human being.

(Just a couple more comments tripping you up exposing yourself for the sock puppet, troll catfish you are)


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I think we should all chip in and have him do this movie. Admit it, it would be cool. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Probably a book and a movie. The title will be the last sentance of the conclusion probably, (in case anyone wants to look for the full story next year)

I will admit, I did come to Thailand only to meet this girl. The movie maker I am, I wanted to get something from here to make a movie about. I didn't know what or have any plans. I just shoot footage all the time and invent things as I go. Up to this point I just had footage of nothing special really. I brought one of my other films to edit while I am here and figured that is all I would get out of this trip. Nothing else was really panning out into any kind of story that I would produce. This one is right up my alley!

Just a final spell chek and I will send it.....

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The father called me. I am running out of minutes on my phone so I tell him I will come see him. He readily agrees... I wasn't expecting that. I walk to their shop with my recorder going so I could record the conversation. Don't ask me for it because I will never give it to anyone.

To my surprise everyone is there, includig A. She half smiled at me when I walked in the door. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I walked in, and now with everyone there I really didn't know what to expect. They sat me down in a chair and they all sat down around me. I didn't see any knives so I felt safe.

The father picked up his Ipad and said "I write for you" He handed it to me... There was about a half of a page of text. I scroll through it and it was about what I expected to see. He mostly talked about the remaining balance that I agreed to pay them and how upon completion everyone could be happy. I read it ten or twelve times to make sure I understood every word. "what have I got myself back into? Should I just pay it and continue this relationship?" I handed it back really not knowing much more than when I walked in the door. Then A grabbed it and pulled up another page. "Here is my decide". I grabed the I pad and read through 2 pages of text. Hers said just the opposite that her fathers said. I handed it back and said "I am confused because these say two different things?" Hers talked about how she decided she wanted to rethink the relationship and they were going to give me the money back.

Wait? I thought to myself, These people are for real? maybe I do want to be in this relationship? Did I just completely F up?

I told them I didn't understand and A grabbed the Ipad because she had not read her fathers note. A spoke to her father and then he spoke "We are going to do this because we want to all be friends again like we were before the engagement". Her mom pulled out the money and gold neclace that I had bought A.

Should I stop this and go thru with the relationship? Now I feel terrible... and releived... I don't want to loose this special girl...

They handed me the goods and a note that said what was happening. We both held it with the goods on display and took a picture together smiling.

What is happening? I can't believe this? What did we just do? What did I Just do?

A spoke "We can be good friends and I not look for another. If you find another it ok if you take her I say is ok. I am young now. When I age more and can take care of myself, then I can take care of you. if you are ready we can make agreement again".

What? What just happened? Did she just say what I think she said? How do I stop the tears that are forming in my eyes? (f off, I am human and have feelings OK) What do I say? How do you respond to that?

I don't know what was racing more my mind or my heart?

Now I feel completely terrible! What did I just do to this girl? I know her heart is broken... how come I am crying and she isn't? I am a complete idiot! I don't deserve to be in a relationship with her... But wait? the things I was confused about were real?? But I did f up a couple of times because I didn't trust the situation. I can't change the past. man up a little.

Then she said "If you want to still come with my family when we vacation you are welcome"

What? She just did it again!!! I was expecting to get stabbed, and we are back to the warm friends we were before the engagement a week ago?? How is this possible??

It was like time was reset!

Everyone was smiling and happy.

A said "you ok mai"

I had to shake my head because I could not speak.

A got up and walked to the back room she ran to this morning. My eyes and nose were out of control so I got up to go take care of myself. when I was done I called to her and she came from the room. I told her I wanted to buy her a gold necklace to repay your kindness.

"A gift from a friend"

She turned and walked into another room. I got up and followed her and saw that she was wiping her eyes "finally " I thought. The tears were out of control like I have never seen her cry before. She saw me and turned away from me. Trying to keep myself composed I told her to just say yes. she looked at me, tears flowing from both her eyes, she could not speak."just say yes... just say yes... just say yes". She looked at me completely composed (except for the tears flowing) "yes"

I had to walk away because I could not take it any more.

She walked over to me tears still in full flow, dripping on her now soaked dress.

"Why do you cry? are you not happy?"

I couldn't respond, I couldn't talk, I could barely keep myself from completely breaking down.

I grabbed my phone and opened my text app and wrote...

"I cry because I love you!"

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I think we should all chip in and have him do this movie. Admit it, it would be cool. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Probably a book and a movie. The title will be the last sentance of the conclusion probably, (in case anyone wants to look for the full story next year)

I will admit, I did come to Thailand only to meet this girl. The movie maker I am, I wanted to get something from here to make a movie about. I didn't know what or have any plans. I just shoot footage all the time and invent things as I go. Up to this point I just had footage of nothing special really. I brought one of my other films to edit while I am here and figured that is all I would get out of this trip. Nothing else was really panning out into any kind of story that I would produce. This one is right up my alley!

Just a final spell chek and I will send it.....

Tell me one thing sdshaman please.

I've worked out from sdshaman -> sham man ... what does the 'sd' stand for?

I phoned a friend and they said 'silly d***head'* ... but I defended you and replied ... no, couldn't be ... he's for real.

So ... what does the 'sd' stand for?

* Not my words



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Write both the Happy and the sad endings and let us vote on the one we like better. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Great idea, do this!

Probably a book and a movie. The title will be the last sentance of the conclusion probably, (in case anyone wants to look for the full story next year)

Which was "I cry because I love you"

Personally I think A terrible title...definitely a chick book from a female writer (yourself), but writing from the male perspective.

Not bad for a forum, getting other people involved on here is what 'made it', watch the detail though as someone else already posted, you tripped up a few times and also make your writing sound more masculine as this fiction is from the male perspective.

The AIDS jibe showed a weak character though...

Good luck

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The father called me. I am running out of minutes on my phone so I tell him I will come see him. He readily agrees... I wasn't expecting that. I walk to their shop with my recorder going so I could record the conversation. Don't ask me for it because I will never give it to anyone.

To my surprise everyone is there, includig A. She half smiled at me when I walked in the door. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I walked in, and now with everyone there I really didn't know what to expect. They sat me down in a chair and they all sat down around me. I didn't see any knives so I felt safe.

The father picked up his Ipad and said "I write for you" He handed it to me... There was about a half of a page of text. I scroll through it and it was about what I expected to see. He mostly talked about the remaining balance that I agreed to pay them and how upon completion everyone could be happy. I read it ten or twelve times to make sure I understood every word. "what have I got myself back into? Should I just pay it and continue this relationship?" I handed it back really not knowing much more than when I walked in the door. Then A grabbed it and pulled up another page. "Here is my decide". I grabed the I pad and read through 2 pages of text. Hers said just the opposite that her fathers said. I handed it back and said "I am confused because these say two different things?" Hers talked about how she decided she wanted to rethink the relationship and they were going to give me the money back.

Wait? I thought to myself, These people are for real? maybe I do want to be in this relationship? Did I just completely F up?

I told them I didn't understand and A grabbed the Ipad because she had not read her fathers note. A spoke to her father and then he spoke "We are going to do this because we want to all be friends again like we were before the engagement". Her mom pulled out the money and gold neclace that I had bought A.

Should I stop this and go thru with the relationship? Now I feel terrible... and releived... I don't want to loose this special girl...

They handed me the goods and a note that said what was happening. We both held it with the goods on display and took a picture together smiling.

What is happening? I can't believe this? What did we just do? What did I Just do?

A spoke "We can be good friends and I not look for another. If you find another it ok if you take her I say is ok. I am young now. When I age more and can take care of myself, then I can take care of you. if you are ready we can make agreement again".

What? What just happened? Did she just say what I think she said? How do I stop the tears that are forming in my eyes? (f off, I am human and have feelings OK) What do I say? How do you respond to that?

I don't know what was racing more my mind or my heart?

Now I feel completely terrible! What did I just do to this girl? I know her heart is broken... how come I am crying and she isn't? I am a complete idiot! I don't deserve to be in a relationship with her... But wait? the things I was confused about were real?? But I did f up a couple of times because I didn't trust the situation. I can't change the past. man up a little.

Then she said "If you want to still come with my family when we vacation you are welcome"

What? She just did it again!!! I was expecting to get stabbed, and we are back to the warm friends we were before the engagement a week ago?? How is this possible??

It was like time was reset!

Everyone was smiling and happy.

A said "you ok mai"

I had to shake my head because I could not speak.

A got up and walked to the back room she ran to this morning. My eyes and nose were out of control so I got up to go take care of myself. when I was done I called to her and she came from the room. I told her I wanted to buy her a gold necklace to repay your kindness.

"A gift from a friend"

She turned and walked into another room. I got up and followed her and saw that she was wiping her eyes "finally " I thought. The tears were out of control like I have never seen her cry before. She saw me and turned away from me. Trying to keep myself composed I told her to just say yes. she looked at me, tears flowing from both her eyes, she could not speak."just say yes... just say yes... just say yes". She looked at me completely composed (except for the tears flowing) "yes"

I had to walk away because I could not take it any more.

She walked over to me tears still in full flow, dripping on her now soaked dress.

"Why do you cry? are you not happy?"

I couldn't respond, I couldn't talk, I could barely keep myself from completely breaking down.

I grabbed my phone and opened my text app and wrote...

"I cry because I love you!"

I'm a stickler for prosperity ... laugh.png

BTW ... "so I got up to go take care of myself. when I was done" ... an unfortunate turn of phrase ... facepalm.gif


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Thai Style!

I am female and read this thread from the start I have waited all day for the conclusion!! People may think I'm sad but every women likes a good love story.

I wish you both all the best !

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Okay, thanks for your total load of bullshit over days. Those people who called you a troll were right, and I will believe them from now on. What a total a$$hole you are! I hope your job as a doorman in NYC at best, can work out to be the "script writer or producer" you think you are! Marry this stupid chick, you both deserve each other ...true love, or true fantasy, who cares. Thanks for wasting our time!! Again let me call you an A$$hoie ...thank you! Next time, go to Cambodia, Thai scam artists are too good for your true love!

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