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Suthep to abandon main protest site at Bangkok's Democracy Monument


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displayed to the world to denounce you.”

Suthep you stupid little lunatic, don't you realise the world is laughing at you. You stupid little man.

heya heya, watch it! the thought police will ban you for calling a "stupid lunitic" a stupid lunitic! they banned me once for calling a mentally challenged writer an "idiot"!

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It's interesting how the tenor of these threads has changed! A couple of months ago most TV forum members were in favour of Mr.Suthep and all his works. Glad to see that most of you now see him for what he is.

I love the use of the word "most" by the Red Shirt apologists, when in fact there seem to be growing numbers of people who are very keen to see the elections cancelled, and reforms taking place as a prerequisite to any proposed voting.

And if you want to know the strength of feeling amongst the Thai population, ask Jatuporn why they have decided not to stage a Red Shirt rally in Bangkok a week on Monday...!!

It's because the unpaid rice farmers are showing him the middle finger. They have seen the light, and Thaksin has now lost his stronghold support...!!

Yet another one of the "PTP have lost all their support" mob. If you honestly believe that (as opposed to just trotting out quotes from the Suthep propaganda handbook), then why, oh why do you refuse to allow an election that would wipe out PTP and let a "good" party form the next government?

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The constitutional clearly states:

"Section 68. No person shall exercise the rights and liberties prescribed in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of the State under this Constitution or to acquire the power to rule the country by any means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution."
I don't see she the "Peoples Council" is shown anywhere in the constitution...
Continuing also from the constitution:
"In the case where a person or a political party has committed the act under paragraph one, the person knowing of such act shall have the right to request the Prosecutor General to investigate its facts and submit a motion to the Constitutional Court for ordering cessation of such act without, however, prejudice to the institution of a criminal action against such person."
Where is the order from the Constitutional Court to cease Suthep's actions? Well a ruling by the Constitution Court that the protests have been carried out peacefully without any weapons being used so are not in breach of the charters Section 68. Strange, since section 68 makes no mention about weapons or peaceful protests...
And the next paragraph from the Constitution:
"In the case where the Constitutional Court makes a decision compelling the political party to cease to commit the act under paragraph two, the Constitutional Court may order the dissolution of such political party."

Maybe it's a good thing they boycotted the election because they could be dissolved under the Constitution which is pretty black and white on this issue. Obviously, Suthep is in violation of these articles but the Constitutional Court continues to rule illogically.

Clearly, the Constitutional Court is Thailand's biggest source of corruption.

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It's interesting how the tenor of these threads has changed! A couple of months ago most TV forum members were in favour of Mr.Suthep and all his works. Glad to see that most of you now see him for what he is.

I love the use of the word "most" by the Red Shirt apologists, when in fact there seem to be growing numbers of people who are very keen to see the elections cancelled, and reforms taking place as a prerequisite to any proposed voting.

And if you want to know the strength of feeling amongst the Thai population, ask Jatuporn why they have decided not to stage a Red Shirt rally in Bangkok a week on Monday...!!

It's because the unpaid rice farmers are showing him the middle finger. They have seen the light, and Thaksin has now lost his stronghold support...!!

Yet another one of the "PTP have lost all their support" mob. If you honestly believe that (as opposed to just trotting out quotes from the Suthep propaganda handbook), then why, oh why do you refuse to allow an election that would wipe out PTP and let a "good" party form the next government?

Maybe you could have read the preceding post before the red mist descended. GeorgeO clearly said "reforms taking place as a prerequisite to any proposed voting"

yet another classic example of posters rushing to get their name in lights without preparing a cogent argument.

IF.....IF it were possible to study and prepare acceptable reforms (thus cleaning up both sides of the political cesspit) then there would be no need to talk of delaying the election. However, to rush an election through a flawed system is not in the best interest of the country. All that will happen is that the same corrupt individuals will be back in office and lining their pockets at the expense of those who need the help the most. And then the whole sad saga will continue. Is this what you REALLY want for Thailand?

This is not a post for Suthep and co...he's as bad as Thaksin. It is a post in support of Thailand, assuming a cleaner party (of whatever hue can win)

Edited by Rob8891
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It is really stupid, isn´t?
Why they not organize a statewide signatures action?
A simple petition.
I agree that in future no criminals and/or corrupt people can work in government, parliament or as a civil servant.
Yes / No
It will be excluded, from now on, all persons from the Parliament, which
a have criminal records.
b running free on bail.
c were already banned from parliament in the past.
d against are corruption or crime cases opened.
I agree Yes / No
I guess in 1 Week they can get a lot of signatures from all parts in Thailand.

The problem with your masterplan is, that would leave Thailand with absolute NO politicians at any level!

Which actually could be a blessing in disguise!!coffee1.gif

That is for me zero problem!

If all rotten eggs are out!

Thailand have a lot of honest people.

Let them rule and not the criminals.

That is so funny!

Thailand ruled by honest people.

When is the next blue moon? smile.png

A Government / Parliament free of corruption must surely be the goal.
I am sure that the majority of Thai wants to have a government / parliament /
administration, that is free of criminals and corrupt people.
What we are experiencing now, is that the criminals have for decades the country in a stranglehold for their own interests.

They are unethical and not go willingly!

Instead of sitting around everyday on the streets, they should prefer to organize a referendum/ petition.
A very simple instrument of grassroots democracy
So let us dream from the blue moon.
Imagine you can get 10 - 20 - 30 million signatures together for a corruption-free Parliament.
The media were reporting on, the CC, the NACC, the EC and the society would discuss it.
The documentation of the peoples will is important.
Corrupt and criminals at the top of a society you can get away, only with a grass-roots democracy,

because many many positions which should guarantee the democratic mechanism're currently occupied with unethical people.

Why so long these unethical people were able to keep at the top?
Because they have always operated the division of society.
North against south
red against yellow
rich against poor.
This is their strategy to enrich themselves.
The times are changing. Internet, smart phones and globalization.
The synchronization of the traditional media (TV and print) gets holes.

Other critical information is available.

To hold the mass in stupidity works not longer so easy.

Now, people ask: What happens to our state money?
That Suthep (and all Thais know about his dirty past) has put this movement in gear, I find not bad.
But now the movement need a clear plan.
Hope that more and more honest people raise there voices.
Make a petition that confirms that the majority do not want in the future criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant.
That woud be good for the country.
Edited by tomacht8
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That is for me zero problem!

If all rotten eggs are out!

Thailand have a lot of honest people.

Let them rule and not the criminals.

The problem with your masterplan is, that would leave Thailand with absolute NO politicians at any level!

Which actually could be a blessing in disguise!!coffee1.gif

That is so funny!

Thailand ruled by honest people.

When is the next blue moon? smile.png

A Government / Parliament free of corruption must surely be the goal.
I am sure that the majority of Thai wants to have a government / parliament /
administration, that is free of criminals and corrupt people.
What we are experiencing now, is that the criminals have for decades the country in a stranglehold for their own interests.

They are unethical and not go willingly!

Instead of sitting around everyday on the streets, they should prefer to organize a referendum/ petition.
A very simple instrument of grassroots democracy
So let us dream from the blue moon.
Imagine you can get 10 - 20 - 30 million signatures together for a corruption-free Parliament.
The media were reporting on, the CC, the NACC, the EC and the society would discuss it.
The documentation of the peoples will is important.
Corrupt and criminals at the top of a society you can get away, only with a grass-roots democracy,

because many many positions which should guarantee the democratic mechanism're currently occupied with unethical people.

Why so long these unethical people were able to keep at the top?
Because they have always operated the division of society.
North against south
red against yellow
rich against poor.
This is their strategy to enrich themselves.
The times are changing. Internet, smart phones and globalization.
The synchronization of the traditional media (TV and print) gets holes.

Other critical information is available.

To hold the mass in stupidity works not longer so easy.

Now, people ask: What happens to our state money?
That Suthep (and all Thais know about his dirty past) has put this movement in gear, I find not bad.
But now the movement need a clear plan.
Hope that more and more honest people raise there voices.
Make a petition that confirms that the majority do not want in the future criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant.
That woud be good for the country.

tomacht8, having studied linguistics, and also having lived in Germany, I suspect that your first language is German, but please feel free to correct me if I am wrong...!! Anyway, the thing I always loved about Germany was the logic...!!

I must say that I admire your post and also applaud your stance on the current situation; indeed, you really "cut to the chase" in your observations, something which many (obvious) native English speakers here, such as fab4, gerry1011, and so on, fail to do.

I am constantly condemned for being a "Suthep supporter", despite the fact that I have never once intimated that he should govern the administration after the fall of the Thaksin regime. I have clearly stated that I believe that Suthep may be "poacher turned gamekeeper", essentially because he has put himself at the front of these demonstrations against corruption.

There is no obvious reason why a man of his age would place himself in the firing line simply in the hope of taking over the reins from Thaksin. Anyone who believes that he is ready to do that, is (to adopt a phrase commonly used by the Red Shirt apologists) a moron...!!

Despite having been involved in shady deals himself in the past, Suthep recognises that the current system could not be allowed to go on, otherwise Thailand would become another Philippines. What he is concerned about, and the reason he has growing numbers of followers, including government administrative workers, is the "survival" of Thailand.

If these clowns, loosely referred to as a "government" were to be allowed to continue on their corrupt path, ultimately leading to the bankruptcy of the nation, where would the 'common' people like rice farmers, rubber farmers and taxi drivers turn to when the house of cards eventually fell?

Elections cannot possibly take place on 2nd February, essentially because they would be based upon the existing system of vote-buying and mutual favours that currently runs the whole show in Thailand. Suthep is demanding that reforms must take place before such elections, and I strongly support that.

Yes, fabbie, gerry, etc., you are going to come back at me and say "what reforms have been proposed?" Well, I'm not in as position to make firm proposals myself, but how about: (i) no vote buying; (ii) no individuals standing for election with prior convictions; (iii) no individuals allowed to stand for election who are currently on bail, despite existing convictions; (iv) no individuals standing for elections in breach of bail conditions; (v) no individuals standing for election having shown themselves in contempt of court; and (vi) no individuals who have been convicted of criminal offences running the country from elsewhere...!! I could go on, but I think you get my drift...!!

The fact is, if these "reforms" were to affect individuals in the PTP, Democrats, Chart Thai, or indeed the Screaming Raving Looney Party, then they should all be barred from taking political office. If the only possible way to serve the nation is to show that you are squeaky clean, is that not a good direction to go...?!

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It just dawned on me that it might be a good idea to demolish the Democracy Monument as it has really meant nothing at all to the Thais since there really is no such thing in Thailand and never has meant anything. 80+ years and 18 coups. Monumental numbers that shouldn't warrant a monument. It's actually a false idol. Just destroy it and start over. Dig a hole and call it the Thai Wishing Well.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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