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Number of Thai teen mums second highest within Asean

Lite Beer

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The first problem is beauty -- the women here are very beautiful in SEA. Like many men, I say my Thai wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, to me. I know that is biased because I love her. But others here are also very beautiful, and can be abused for being born beautiful. Thai women are elegant, kind, and very female (the ones who are themselves, and not 'working' their beauty -- and even some of those workers are good souls too, which the western mind seems unable to fathom altogether, as if we own some moral superiority). sleep.png

Anyone who exploits that is a lout, a subhuman not deserving even water. But the core problem is beauty. Only some men can restrain themselves.

The rest are pigs, and should be treated as such. The second problem is the children that occur.

Who will feed them? I accept responsibility for my legitimate child. This is not even an issue to me. Of course I will feed my child. To some from the West and Cambodia, according to Thai statistics, sex workers and children are baggage. Baggage? To call a human being a piece of luggage is so despicable that words cannot contain the vitriole that boils in my angry heart. post-4641-1156693976.gif

I respect people. Human beings deserve that, and I am happy to give this acknowledgement that they are my equals. Human beings are precious to me. Even the ones I hate. I think that I am right, it happens about twice a year (less frequently if you ask my goodwife).

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0.054% of teens get pregnant... so, really, these organizations have done such a good job that they nearly put themselves out of the business of saving the world from rampant teen pregnancy? and are now begging for continued donations because no one will donate funds when the fact is a few will get pregnant no matter what 'we' do? :) Kudos.

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Am rather surprised the Philippines is not a contender

Catholicism may have something to do with that. Illegal to divorce too

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Point well made.

Most people fail to understand how deep Philippines religion goes...

It used to be looked down upon to divorce in Thailand as well,

and that was just 13 years ago.

Now, though it's an everyday occurrence here.


As the result is what the figures are now showing us.

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i heard of a case where young thai girl was being bonked[ i think] by co student at the same school,apparently the girls mother sat down with the boys mother and said if this must stop and if you do not compensate me 10,000 baht i go to the police,the girl was not pregnant,the money was apparently paid,no more was said and the that was the end of it,i gues the girl got a real telling off and blamed,where as the thai boy of course can do no wrong,but to get hit in the hip pocket must have hurt his parents,all in all a very different way of solving the situation than in the west,whole story left me perplexed,suppose the main thing was the satang in the end.

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Idiots who say "farang" are responsible for under 18 pregnancies. The girls and boys are engaged in sex because they are not taught safety and responsibilty.Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nope, kids are encouraged, because their parents say "sex is nasty nasty bad", and EXACTLY such statement awakens the child's rebellious curiosity,... add the Internet access, Facebook LINE or any other social media tool in their homes and,... The rest is history

Thank you Lord. For a moment I thought it had something to do with them being horny!!rolleyes.gif width=20 alt=rolleyes.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2070704717>

It certainly used to be the case,

but recently it appears to be more removed from the concept of pleasure,

and more just like a job.

Which of course takes all the fun out of it.

This is the result of just moving on to the next great thing.

Social media is also fogging the mind of young Thai ladies.

They appear to think they can just jump on line,

and find themselves a replacement for the affection they now receive or don't.

The fog comes in play, so they stop to try to fix whatevers wrong with their current relationship,

thinking what they find online will be so much better. Lol

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Unbelievable posting. Many must still be on the piss.

Blaming ex-pats, "farming mistakes", parents saying it's bad which arouses curiosity: what happened to the mentality around here?

Lots of psychologically removed issues being thwarted thus.

Blame the ex-pats? My god, you must be fertile, as the case may be NOT.

Farming mistakes? Blame it all on the collectivistic why don't you, yet probably the most Buddhist.

Parents, saying it's bad? So when your parents said fire was bad, you obviously put your hand in the fire, and have never forgiven them for the scar since?

Unruly, and ignoble comments, which are totally propropriate to levels of that thought.

It might be a possibility to introduce the sexism, and male dominance, which occurs in this country: rape, threat, torture and murder (or disappearance)?

Terror rules here, and knowingly. Irrational fears abound from them, such as ghosts and voodoos. Much of that is from the western influence, which also accounts for the newest traits in individualism. That leads to hunger and thirst for wealth, greed and dissipation of family values, and is a major reason for the division that has arisen.

So, before blaming, for whatever reason you personally are associated with, consider the influence you are having right now, as a westerner, in your appearance, but more - your words!


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Why the 'Lol' at the end?

Idiots who say "farang" are responsible for under 18 pregnancies. The girls and boys are engaged in sex because they are not taught safety and responsibilty.Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Nope, kids are encouraged, because their parents say "sex is nasty nasty bad", and EXACTLY such statement awakens the child's rebellious curiosity,... add the Internet access, Facebook LINE or any other social media tool in their homes and,... The rest is history

Thank you Lord. For a moment I thought it had something to do with them being horny!!rolleyes.gif width=20 alt=rolleyes.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2070704717>

It certainly used to be the case,

but recently it appears to be more removed from the concept of pleasure,

and more just like a job.

Which of course takes all the fun out of it.

This is the result of just moving on to the next great thing.

Social media is also fogging the mind of young Thai ladies.

They appear to think they can just jump on line,

and find themselves a replacement for the affection they now receive or don't.

The fog comes in play, so they stop to try to fix whatevers wrong with their current relationship,

thinking what they find online will be so much better. Lol

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Perhaps some education would help! Moms and Dads should tell their girls that a jobless, Yah Baa addicted 14 year old dropout who can't achieve anything but bareback humping teenage girls and making a wheelie on his pimped up Honda Click is not the perfect choice to make a future son in law...

Hey you guys, long term solutions are no good because by the time it has been sorted, thousands of unwanted kids are growing up.

Bring back the KNICKERBOCKERS definition (loose fitting breaches gathered at the knees).

In the good old days my grandmother called them KNUCKLE TRAPPERS. by the time you managed to get your hand up them the feeling had long since gone.cheesy.gif

It's a laugh but true.

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Education is a big part of the hurdle.

i worked in a school where the students all stayed at the school with no real supervision. there were many couples and it amazed me that there were no pregnant girls.

I have a suggestion though on a different side of this.

This problem is by all means not just relegated to Thailand. Look at the US and the birthrate of young single girls.

the problem is that the girls have no where to turn that they can trust and the peer pressure is huge if you are in the wrong group.

Small villages i am sure have the my mother ws X when she had me so therefore it must be all right.

i would love to see the demographics of where the births take place. Then double it to include the number of abortions that are carried out.

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#2 in Asia for teen child births

#3 in the world for road deaths

Way to go! clap2.gif

Don't hold back now, go for the gold.

I'm sure they are already planning for it....to be the HUB.

Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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#2 in Asia for teen child births

#3 in the world for road deaths

Way to go! clap2.gif

Don't hold back now, go for the gold.

You can add gun deaths too, I think I'm right in saying Thailand was at number 3 or 4 in the world last year.. crazy

I feel a "Hub" comment coming on soon

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Imagine if the Thais gave them welfare benefits and a baby bonus like they do in Australia.. You could triple the births.

One mum I know got 20,000 baht bonus and will get $ every month...don't know for how long and how much

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Am rather surprised the Philippines is not a contender

Catholicism may have something to do with that. Illegal to divorce too

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Point well made.

Most people fail to understand how deep Philippines religion goes...

It used to be looked down upon to divorce in Thailand as well,

and that was just 13 years ago.

Now, though it's an everyday occurrence here.


As the result is what the figures are now showing us.

I'm in Phils now and wife is from here. It's lack of opportunity, not Catholicisim or divorce preventing teen pregnancy. Living in shacks with parents back to back with 3000 other shacks... no one lets them shag. Not bf's, not much opportunity for uncles and grandpas too unlike Thailand.

As for Thailand, I know of police officers that set up 13yo girls then offer sex or jail and tell parents, teachers for grades, grandpa did her when mom went shopping, etc. Stories from perps AND from gf's I had who got preg at 13. In Phils, a girl KNOWS she can get an authority figure in deep doo doo if he even suggests such a thing.

IMHO, YMMV, as always.

Edited by SailingHome
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I can only assume that a pregnancy rate of 54 out of every 100,000 teenage girls under 18 has been incorrectly reported. Compare some approximate stats from some Western countries.

Australia 16.1 babies per 1,000 for females 18 & under in 2012

USA 29.4 births for every 1,000 adolescent females in 2012

UK 18 pregnancies per 1,000 teenage women in 2012

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Kick out the expats. See if that makes a difference in "new arrivals".

As I understand it a large proportion of bars girls get pregnant in their teens to their Thai boyfriend/husbands. When the relationship goes sour, as teenage relationships tend to, then the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok become the best way to provide for their kid(s).
Better education, clear opportunities for young girls to aspire to other than finding a husband or prostituting themselves for quick cash and expansion of a true educated middle class that will bring around the needed cultural changes are the only way to bring down teenage pregnancy rates.

Good sentiments but I wont hold my breath

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I can only assume that a pregnancy rate of 54 out of every 100,000 teenage girls under 18 has been incorrectly reported. Compare some approximate stats from some Western countries.

Australia 16.1 babies per 1,000 for females 18 & under in 2012

USA 29.4 births for every 1,000 adolescent females in 2012

UK 18 pregnancies per 1,000 teenage women in 2012

It's 54 in 1,000.


Unfortunately it looks like we'll have to put Thailand up there at the top for numeric illiteracy too.

And for good measure the worst English fluency in SE Asia.

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Kick out the expats. See if that makes a difference in "new arrivals".

As I understand it a large proportion of bars girls get pregnant in their teens to their Thai boyfriend/husbands. When the relationship goes sour, as teenage relationships tend to, then the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok become the best way to provide for their kid(s).

Better education, clear opportunities for young girls to aspire to other than finding a husband or prostituting themselves for quick cash and expansion of a true educated middle class that will bring around the needed cultural changes are the only way to bring down teenage pregnancy rates.

Partykiller :-)

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Kick out the expats. See if that makes a difference in "new arrivals".

As I understand it a large proportion of bars girls get pregnant in their teens to their Thai boyfriend/husbands. When the relationship goes sour, as teenage relationships tend to, then the bars of Pattaya and Bangkok become the best way to provide for their kid(s).
Better education, clear opportunities for young girls to aspire to other than finding a husband or prostituting themselves for quick cash and expansion of a true educated middle class that will bring around the needed cultural changes are the only way to bring down teenage pregnancy rates.

Only works in countries where people genuinely care about others, have transparency and are democratic.

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Kick out the expats. See if that makes a difference in "new arrivals".

2014 is only 5 days old, but already an early entry for the most stupid post of the year award!!bah.gif

about par for the course, as usual.

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#2 in Asia for teen child births

#3 in the world for road deaths

Way to go! clap2.gif

Don't hold back now, go for the gold.

No, it's not "#2 in Asia for teen child births" ... it's in Asean. They are not the same thing.

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i would have titled this story, "Number of scamming NGOs second highest within ASEAN" but then you'd have to relegate them to third as cambodia is also in ASEAN

What is your source for this? Not saying you're wrong ... I really want to know. I'd like to use this info but want to back it up with verifiable facts.

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