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Thai FDA warns on cheap skin-lightening cream


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Warning on cheap skin-lightening cream
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE FOOD and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday warned teenagers and young people about substandard whitening cosmetics, which are increasingly popular due to low prices and their easy availability from the Internet and beauty salons.

FDA's deputy secretary-general Praphon Angtrakool said an increasing volume of substandard cosmetics purporting to whiten skins has hit the market, some sold by the kilogram or in small jars with no labels or FDA certification.

"The whitening cosmetics are now widely advertised on the Internet and buyers, usually teens and students, are attracted to the goods due to their much cheaper prices," he said.

Praphon was alerted by a report from Phetchburi province that a group of teenagers was found to be allergic to the cosmetics and suffering from serious body rashes, particularly on the legs. Investigations found they had bought the whitening creams from local markets, beauty salons and groceries. Some got the creams from friends and relatives.

The allergies erupted after they'd used the creams about three times a day for six months to two years. He said provincial authorities were investigating if the cosmetics contained forbidden ingredients.

Sellers who put prohibited substances into cosmetics can face imprisonment of not more than one year or a fine of not over Bt60,000.

Meanwhile, Jaruwan Limsajjasakul, director of the fifth medical science centre in Samut Songkram, said officials had collected 11 samples of the suspected whitening creams in Phetchburi and found a high level of a prohibited substance, Clobetasol propionate, in all samples. The substance is used in medicine to cure serious skin diseases.

When consumers use it for a long time, their skin becomes thinner and they risk allergies like those affecting young people in Phetchburi, the director said.

-- The Nation 2014-01-06

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In western countries quite a few people lie in coffins getting radiated for a suntan. This, despite warnings they can get cancer from it. For beauty people like to suffer. Dark people want to look more light, whites want the brown suntan.

The grass is always greener elsewhere.

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Thai people's natural skin tone range is very beautiful.

Trying to promote a change in skin colour is by its very nature offensive on so many levels.

People exploiting this attempted change, for personal gain, are despicable.

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In western countries quite a few people lie in coffins getting radiated for a suntan. This, despite warnings they can get cancer from it. For beauty people like to suffer. Dark people want to look more light, whites want the brown suntan.

The grass is always greener elsewhere.

You have to admire the irony when you visit the coast here. White people trying desperately to be darker whilst getting cancer whilst next to them are brown skinned people covering up and applying lightening creams to get lighter....whilst getting cancer. Each one admiring the other's skin. All they need to do is work out that the world is a beautiful place due to its rich variety and get on celebrating that truth.

Media has a LOT to answer for!

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I wince every time I see a whitening cream commercial on TV. Thai women are beautiful without the rhinoplastic surgery and whitening. Worse, these are oxidants, and everyone knows cancer and oxidants are close relatives. I know this is considered marketing blasphemy. There is a strong cultural trend everywhere in Asia for "not being brown".

I do not understand such racism. I don't. There is no single way for human beings to appear that is ideal.

Beauty is not restricted to any skin type, nor eye color, nor nationality. Pretty is pretty. I often tell my wife that on Thai TV the maids in the background are more attractive than the stars.

The sad thing is she thinks I am joking...

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In western countries quite a few people lie in coffins getting radiated for a suntan. This, despite warnings they can get cancer from it. For beauty people like to suffer. Dark people want to look more light, whites want the brown suntan.

The grass is always greener elsewhere.

Yep,.. it sure is weird. It just shows people's susceptibility to marketing and social popularity.

In the west the marketing spin and philosophy is: "white skin is not as cool as brown skin,- therefore you need to tan up in a salon or spraying booth"

In Thailand/SE-Asia: the marketing spin and philosophy is: "white skin is not only cool,- but a must have for women and therefore you need to get your skin whitened"

In both cases its commercial enterprise that wins at the expense of people to realise that they are just fine the way they are and don't need to buy anyone elses $hite to be "OK".

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Instead of warning people about cheap whitening cream, the FDA, or another auhority - the Health Ministry perhaps, should warn people to abandon the obsession with 'white skin'. It is really silly at best and, in a worst-case scenario, life-threatening. Think skin cancer, for a start.

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Roughly said...

Tanned skin in the Western world = you are rich enough to spend holidays under the sun.

Tanned skin in Thailand = you are a poor peasant or construction worker (etc.) who has to work under the sun.

And remember that In the past (it was still the case about two centuries ago), in Europe, a very pale skin was an aristocratic thing...

I've heard that before from a Thai Friend. Seems that Thai people with Darker skin can (and I use the term lightly) be treated differently to another Thai who has paler skin. My ex GF was mixed race, (part Thai, part European) and was absolutely stunning, however I've noticed that because she has some western features and is fairly tanned, I've witnessed myself first hand, occurences of discrimination from other Thai's. Its so Sad that this social relationship with our bodies and how we are perceived by others, effects our common sense. For me being a Naturally pale North European, who worships the Sun, I only do it naturally, and with plenty of Sun Cream. I personally would never use a Sunbed or spray tan as; 1) it is not a Natural 2) It is not safe. Additionally I couldn't care less what people think of my complextion or Skin tone. I just love the Sun and the natual side effects of that is being darker tone. I believe that anyone who tries to alter their skin tone to conform to society or have better social standing should seriously have a rethink. People love you for who you are underneath as a human being, not the colour your skin tone is.


Anyway, peace love and all that Jazz :)

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  • 5 months later...

Well, I for one, am disappointed about the lack of availability when it comes to intimate bleach products. Keeping the stuff downstairs on the pinker side of life is just good grooming, in the world of me. But, I'm not down for darkening my entire body in the sun, getting some cancer and wrinkles while at it. You can't buy "personal bleaching" products anywhere in Pattaya. I found that surprising.

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