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Suthep threatens to seize Yingluck’s assets‏


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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

Would the Belgium people tolerate 3 years of pillage???? or are they too week to fight something like this--I think NOT they would do the same as here, any country would. No country near on earth would wait for an election with no demonstrations and no reform, When people pillage they have to GO.

If persons mobilizing the protests are found very wrong they also will have to GO.

I don't know the Belgians, only their waffels and chips.. but this has absolutely nothing to do with what is maybe happening now: a forced non-democratic takeover. Yes, there has been pillaging for years, Thaksin got in on the game and understood how to pillage with greater finesse (sometimes) than his predeccors. AND: he understood the gains coming from populistic politics. Throw some gifts, paid from Government coffers and gain the trust of the people you are robbing. I used to call him a "Berlusconi gone bad". So, at part we agree. Thaksin and his like are scum. Problem is though that "and his like" are now leading the protests against Yingluck. Plague og Cholera? What will be your choice, Sir?

None of these diseases ---- Maybe you need snake poison to inject to remedy the problem. There are some of the lowest of the lowest here, it is a crying shame.

A forced non democratic take over from a non democratic government--- my snake comparison is my remedy.

I cannot believe the PM when she says give her a chance to "heal the wounds" no way when after 1 year in government and the complaints started early she come on TV and said, "please give me time I need the time to make things good" 2 years later and all the pillaging she wants again to heal the wounds--it doesn't wash with me it may to a few posters and 48% of the electorate.

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

I am certain payment will come with being at protest...years ago in Pattaya money was being dished out for protesters..glad to have the money and being out of their low payed work..aw..relief..lets party now..about what..who cares the protesters have the money now...about tomorrow..who cares..the Thai way..is a rough Hi-way that ends ....

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

The aim is to get rid of the Shin Regime of which she is a part. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS INTO SOMETHING IT IS NOT. Your constant hyperbole is extremely annoying and misleading. FACTS please.

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He keeps saying "follow the will of the people",,, well if he has "the will of the people" then go to the election and take government democratically,(legally)...

BUT HE DOSE NOT, that's why he wont go too the election, same as Mark.

I'd love to be reading soon that his assets will be seized , that would be just fine although late in coming.

THAKSIN = DIRTY ELECTION. What part of this don't you understand ??!!

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

Hitler never got more than 30% of the vote but by burning down the parliament and ruling thereafter through emergency decree he managed to hi-jack the country and

no further elections took place as the country was then ruled by 'the best people'. See any parallels???

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The only ones who have burnt down buildings here thus far are the reds ipso facto PT / Thaksin. Sounds more like them to me. He has the personality cult already in the north east, his aim is dictatorship - sounds a lot closer to Hitler than Suthep. All you have on Suthep; are hypotheticals and hyperbole, on Thaksin we have the facts.

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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

The aim is to get rid of the Shin Regime of which she is a part. STOP TRYING TO MAKE THIS INTO SOMETHING IT IS NOT. Your constant hyperbole is extremely annoying and misleading. FACTS please.

You don't have to yell and scream.

My apologies for upsetting you as it was not my intention. I am sincerely sorry.

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My interpretation of his speech is that

The Thai People would take her assets and put them to good use replacing the stolen billions from the Thai people

Please show me where in his speech where he made it clear he was to get the assets

I many countries now it is common place for courts to remove the assets of criminals

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

Hitler never got more than 30% of the vote but by burning down the parliament and ruling thereafter through emergency decree he managed to hi-jack the country and

no further elections took place as the country was then ruled by 'the best people'. See any parallels???

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The only ones who have burnt down buildings here thus far are the reds ipso facto PT / Thaksin. Sounds more like them to me. He has the personality cult already in the north east, his aim is dictatorship - sounds a lot closer to Hitler than Suthep. All you have on Suthep; are hypotheticals and hyperbole, on Thaksin we have the facts.

I have to disagree with you and I think it is Suthep is the dangerous raving lunatic with self interests in mind. I think he and Taksin should be in a cell.

No offence intended.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gif so if shin clan calls for a protest its their fault. and if Suthep calls for a protest then its shin's fault as well cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

fantastic logic:clap2:

Do you know why the average Thai is participating in these protests? Do some research. The amnesty bill and changes to the laws are the reasons. Changes demanded by Thaksin and pushed through by his sister. This is not about Suthep, though he is the protest leader. Unless there was a compelling reason, the average Thai citizen wouldn't participate. They don't like Suthep either.
if the average thai supports the opposition they could take power democratically without all the destruction and death

the government has long since got the point and shelved the amnesty bill so why are people still dying...?

what will taking power by terror achieve?... except for (as history tells us) even more terror on the streets of bangkok next year...?

Never said they supported the opposition. Many don't. They just don't like Thaksin, his cronies and all this corruption. Corruption is on both sides, as they well know.

As for the amnesty bill, it was never killed. Just not passed. It's still active and can be passed without a vote in 180 days. Thus, the continuing protests.


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In many ways the protest movement has already succeeded, because it is clear at this point that even if the election took place, there will not be enough constituencies to allow parliament to constitutionally open. And as any number of repeated by-elections would produce massive " no " votes in those constituencies alone, we have an administration that will be in a perpetual state of dissolution. And that means that Yingluck - whether she decides to step down or try to violently quell the protests - in either case - for all practical purposes - the Yingluck administration is effectively finished.

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My interpretation of his speech is that

The Thai People would take her assets and put them to good use replacing the stolen billions from the Thai people

Please show me where in his speech where he made it clear he was to get the assets

I many countries now it is common place for courts to remove the assets of criminals

What are her criminal convictions?

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So if I read the crackpot's latest rant correctly he will seize the PM's assets if she doesn't resign and give him and his cronies control of the country. So is he saying he will allow her to keep her assets if she ends the democratic process, cancels elections and cedes power to a group that nobody elected?

I guess if she chose to resign his gangsters could then charge her with treason for abdicating her responsibility to protect the constitution. Then he could jail her and seize her assets along with any other assets he fancied since he would clearly be operating outside the rule of law. Of course charges of insurrection don't seem to mean much in Thailand these days.

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He keeps saying "follow the will of the people",,, well if he has "the will of the people" then go to the election and take government democratically,(legally)...

BUT HE DOSE NOT, that's why he wont go too the election, same as Mark.

I'd love to be reading soon that his assets will be seized , that would be just fine although late in coming.

THAKSIN = DIRTY ELECTION. What part of this don't you understand ??!!

POLITICIANS OF ALL PARTIES = DIRTY ELECTIONS! What part of this don't YOU understand.

In a recent interview, Korn, of the Dem party ADMITTED the Dem Party spent more than the PTP on votes, and STILL LOST, and also ADMITTED that "vote buying" really doesn't play a part in the elections, or determine the outcome.

Some of you on here act as if Thaksin "invented" vote buying, when the reality is, it was here and doing fine when Thaksin was nothing but a lustful gleam in his father's eye.


No Thaksin = No corruption.


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He keeps saying "follow the will of the people",,, well if he has "the will of the people" then go to the election and take government democratically,(legally)...

BUT HE DOSE NOT, that's why he wont go too the election, same as Mark.

I'd love to be reading soon that his assets will be seized , that would be just fine although late in coming.

THAKSIN = DIRTY ELECTION. What part of this don't you understand ??!!

Please don't shout it really is extremely rude.

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Well well well! This man might feed his opponents to dog like North Korean Kimjong Un in case if he comes to power. Looks like Thais should wake up from their long dream or else they will land up as slaves to Suthep & his team forever. Quite scary watching this man talk!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

So, do you know of anybody else that will stand up to the evils of Thaksin? I'm pretty sure that Suthep will drop from sight once Thaksin and gang are gone.

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gif so if shin clan calls for a protest its their fault. and if Suthep calls for a protest then its shin's fault as well cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

fantastic logic:clap2:

Do you know why the average Thai is participating in these protests? Do some research. The amnesty bill and changes to the laws are the reasons. Changes demanded by Thaksin and pushed through by his sister. This is not about Suthep, though he is the protest leader. Unless there was a compelling reason, the average Thai citizen wouldn't participate. They don't like Suthep either.
if the average thai supports the opposition they could take power democratically without all the destruction and death

the government has long since got the point and shelved the amnesty bill so why are people still dying...?

what will taking power by terror achieve?... except for (as history tells us) even more terror on the streets of bangkok next year...?

Never said they supported the opposition. Many don't. They just don't like Thaksin, his cronies and all this corruption. Corruption is on both sides, as they well know.

As for the amnesty bill, it was never killed. Just not passed. It's still active and can be passed without a vote in 180 days. Thus, the continuing protests.


Ah why make excuses for them? You know fully well this has nothing to do with the amnesty bill and hasn't done for a very long time.

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You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

Yes I wonder what the situation would be IF the red shirt followers were asked to give back vote money and other perks to Thaksin because he was destitute.

Ha ha NO WAY they would tell him to sod off, he used them and in a way they used him. When it come to their turn to pay Near never, They only got to BKK 2010 in BUSES free--pick-ups free--free food--drink, expenses. Without this they would have been on the farm or taking the cows and buffalo out for the day.

A small percent left would have gone on their own to BKK and used their own funds. If this happened no one would have died and the demo would have been just a demo-controllable.

There have been many red shirt fundraising events where locals - some very poor - have contributed varying amounts of money. 'paymaster' seems to have little idea how strongly many Thais feel in support of the red shirts.

'Have heard anecdotal evidence for a while of such fundraisers of varying scales. From what have heard it is 50 percent for expenses and the remaining 50 percents of the money goes to the red shirts. We are not talking Democrat Party Chinese buffet (To Jeen) type money, but we are talking about small-scale widespread fundraisers in many areas throughout the country. Like the yellows before them, the red shirts have created a movement which is not going away soon. There seems to be this view, as articulated by Korn of the Democrats, is that the red shirts are like a house of cards and that if you take away Thaksin’s money it will all fall down. This would have been a fair assessment to make back in 2007, but BP has heard and seen more than ample evidence that the red shirts have created a movement which is self-funding for many events (this is not to say that Thaksin and others do not fund some activities such as trips to Dubai etc).'


Of course, Thaksin and a few others contributed the vast amount of money for the red shirt protests in 2010. Just as Suthep's elite backers are funding this movement. The money contributed by people on the street is a nice symbolic show of support - and yes, no doubt that people feel strongly - but it's chicken feed compared to the amount needed. Wonder why people are still denigrating one side or the other by claiming they're paid to protest and that's all there is to it? If it was really like that, there wouldn't be any serious problem.

Precisely, it's estimated that sutheps demonstration costs 5 million baht a day to keep going

"The people behind these protests are the same people behind the 2006 coup. It's impossible that Suthep is acting alone," said Kan Yuenyong, executive director of the Siam Intelligence Unit, a Bangkok think tank.

"They are spending around five million baht (HK$1.27 million) a day on sustaining the protesters, so he must have people behind him providing that money"...................

..................”The elite need someone to protect their interests, so Suthep is acting for them," said Kan. "But no one will admit that in public.

"Instead, they say they want to reform a corrupt system. But if Suthep really wants to reform the system, why isn't he doing it from within parliament?"


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Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

I don't think it's the money that's his objective. As mad as he seems he knows that attacking the assets of Yingluck would have greater value to him than the monetary value of the assets alone. He supposedly has a lot of rich elite backers so I'm certain that collectively they can reward him more than that if he were to gain power.

I think it does back up what I've said elsewhere that he's very good at rallying the protesters even though I'm pretty certain the majority of them don't support much of what he says. His problem is he's now out of his depth when it comes to rational thinking. The government was very much on the back foot after the amnesty plan upset the redshirts and other government supporters as well as those who were anti government. Unfortunately he's quickly losing the advantage through his extreme comments which could have been better used by someone of a more moderate persuasion.

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Suthep has been indicted for murder and has been charged with insurrection and other crimes, and now he threatens (again) the legitimately elected Prime Minister if he doesn't get his way. And he has the gall to call the Prime Minister arrogant. When are the fine citizens of Thailand going to realize that this man is bad for Thailand in so many ways, both in the present and in the future. There's only one place he belongs right now - and that's on the other side of prison bars looking out.

Politically motivated charges.

5.8 million people will tell you that Suthep is almost like God.

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

You went a bit too far there didn't you mate? Suthep is not planning on invading countries,

and gassing millions of people,,,

I agree with you because:

1/ The previous Suthep-Chitcob-PAD government never wanted to invade Poland, only Kampuchea.

2/ They do not plan to gass millions, only quote eradicate unquote the Shinawatra family and supporters.

And is there something wrong with the second part of your second statement?

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Yes I wonder what the situation would be IF the red shirt followers were asked to give back vote money and other perks to Thaksin because he was destitute.

Ha ha NO WAY they would tell him to sod off, he used them and in a way they used him. When it come to their turn to pay Near never, They only got to BKK 2010 in BUSES free--pick-ups free--free food--drink, expenses. Without this they would have been on the farm or taking the cows and buffalo out for the day.

A small percent left would have gone on their own to BKK and used their own funds. If this happened no one would have died and the demo would have been just a demo-controllable.

There have been many red shirt fundraising events where locals - some very poor - have contributed varying amounts of money. 'paymaster' seems to have little idea how strongly many Thais feel in support of the red shirts.

'Have heard anecdotal evidence for a while of such fundraisers of varying scales. From what have heard it is 50 percent for expenses and the remaining 50 percents of the money goes to the red shirts. We are not talking Democrat Party Chinese buffet (To Jeen) type money, but we are talking about small-scale widespread fundraisers in many areas throughout the country. Like the yellows before them, the red shirts have created a movement which is not going away soon. There seems to be this view, as articulated by Korn of the Democrats, is that the red shirts are like a house of cards and that if you take away Thaksin’s money it will all fall down. This would have been a fair assessment to make back in 2007, but BP has heard and seen more than ample evidence that the red shirts have created a movement which is self-funding for many events (this is not to say that Thaksin and others do not fund some activities such as trips to Dubai etc).'


Of course, Thaksin and a few others contributed the vast amount of money for the red shirt protests in 2010. Just as Suthep's elite backers are funding this movement. The money contributed by people on the street is a nice symbolic show of support - and yes, no doubt that people feel strongly - but it's chicken feed compared to the amount needed. Wonder why people are still denigrating one side or the other by claiming they're paid to protest and that's all there is to it? If it was really like that, there wouldn't be any serious problem.

Precisely, it's estimated that sutheps demonstration costs 5 million baht a day to keep going

"The people behind these protests are the same people behind the 2006 coup. It's impossible that Suthep is acting alone," said Kan Yuenyong, executive director of the Siam Intelligence Unit, a Bangkok think tank.

"They are spending around five million baht (HK$1.27 million) a day on sustaining the protesters, so he must have people behind him providing that money"...................

..................”The elite need someone to protect their interests, so Suthep is acting for them," said Kan. "But no one will admit that in public.

"Instead, they say they want to reform a corrupt system. But if Suthep really wants to reform the system, why isn't he doing it from within parliament?"


That's your answer to all these comments---sorry

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