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Since living in Thailand my teeth are deteriorating rapidly


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Hi there

I'm nearly 30 and before moving from the UK to Thailand almost 3 years ago, in all that time, I had only ever needed 1 filling when I was about 15. However, in nearly 3 years in Thailand I have needed 7 fillings! (I'll be having an 8th later today)

What's that all about? I brush teeth twice per day, use mouth wash every day and do not eat sweets or chocolate etc very often at all. Someone told me it is because they don't put fluoride in the water over here??

Anyone else have similar issues?? Could it just be coincidence?


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This subject is so pathetic but at the same time so sad,....

having to question a doctor...teeth-feet-ears...whatever.

Trust was never founded in Thai society, corrupting did, we all pay the price now.

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Could be an over-zealous dentist. More fillings = more money.

BTW you really should be flossing, too.

Over-zealous dentist? Happens too often in Thailand and often in USA too.

Yes, floss! That is where cavities form, but seldom on surfaces.

Do you drink alcohol more or use AC? Dry mouth gives less saliva that kills bacteria.

But, statistacally, age is at the point you will begin to have problems. Do the above, seek out a fair dentist, and suck it up age wise. Sorry :)

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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This subject is so pathetic but at the same time so sad,....

having to question a doctor...teeth-feet-ears...whatever.

Trust was never founded in Thai society, corrupting did, we all pay the price now.

who is questioning a doctor? I'm certainly not, just looking for more info that's all - as is the nature of an internet forum. If you don't like the topic so much why did you bother to click and reply?

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Could be an over-zealous dentist. More fillings = more money.

BTW you really should be flossing, too.

Over-zealous dentist? Happens too often in Thailand and often in USA too.

Yes, floss! That is where cavities form, but seldom on surfaces.

Do you drink alcohol more or use AC? Dry mouth gives less saliva that kills bacteria.

But, statistacally, age is at the point you will begin to have problems. Do the above, seek out a fair dentist, and suck it up age wise. Sorry smile.png

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, I should floss more.

I rarely drink alcohol and can easily go a couple of months without having a beer or wine.

Interesting you mention AC, I would never have thought this could be a contributing factor. We use the AC most nights.

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Could be an over-zealous dentist. More fillings = more money.

BTW you really should be flossing, too.

Over-zealous dentist? Happens too often in Thailand and often in USA too.

Yes, floss! That is where cavities form, but seldom on surfaces.

Do you drink alcohol more or use AC? Dry mouth gives less saliva that kills bacteria.

But, statistacally, age is at the point you will begin to have problems. Do the above, seek out a fair dentist, and suck it up age wise. Sorry smile.png

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, I should floss more.

I rarely drink alcohol and can easily go a couple of months without having a beer or wine.

Interesting you mention AC, I would never have thought this could be a contributing factor. We use the AC most nights.

Dry mouth is a killer. You can poison urself with Colgate Total at night or read up on other methods of preventing dry,mouth.

Sent from my MyPhone A919 Duo using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yes. I went to the dentist when I was in college. He was alarmed. Besides himself really. Told me I needed 13 fillings! He also told me about his private plane and his membership in the 'fly-there-club' of his national university. I told him I had no money. He made me call mum. She said, "No. Money!" He said,"Never MIND!" Let me see that was 1976 I believe. I still haven't had a single filling. Go to the dentist when you have prolonged pain! Then you know you have a cavity. NO REGULAR CHECK-UPS! No cleanings. Brush, floss, and if you feel so inclined you can buy a floride mouthwash. Once a month maybe brush your teeth hard with salt or baking soda. That is my policy and still NOT a single filling...let me see 2014-1976 so 38 years now. U r being scammed and hurt and dental filings are even considered dangerous by some medical professionals. The filling material can have metal impurities which poison the body. Just my two cents! :) A dentist doing unnecessary dental work to make more money would probably buy the cheapest filling materials possible to bump up profit even a little more. A friend tried this trick. He made the dentist mark up the cavities on a diagram. Went to another dentist. Made that dentist mark up a diagram on his own. Guess what his diagram didn't match the first one. Not even the same number. He didn't go for a third. Spend your money on good times.

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IMHO, I think many Thai dentists are very proactive about cavities - more so than there western counterparts. I've had quite a few cavities filled or fillings replaced since I have lived here. I've also had a dentist repair several crowns instead of replacing them. I've always had problems with food getting stuck between my teeth which is a cause of cavities for sure. Now, I use the small brush to clean between my teeth in addition to floss. It has helped a lot.

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1. Improve your general health...proper diet (veggies), exercise.

2. Brush with baking soda, rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide (both locally available & cheap).

3. Practice 'oil pulling' with coconut oil (YouTube for details)

Or not...up to you.

Edited by papa al
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"Someone told me it is because they don't put fluoride in the water over here??"

I don't know where you are but here in Chiang Mai the water is fluoridated. I know because I had my wife ask, once by phone and once by email. But they wouldn't tell us how much they add. You might want to google dental flourosis.

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Thai's put sugar in absolutely everything. If you eat food prepared by a Thai then you are getting way more sugar then you had at home. Hence ....

Dentists do scam. I had one tell me that I needed a Root Canal and scheduled me with another dentist to do the job. Fortunately, the second very nice dentist took some time and re-examined my tooth. She suggested that the filing needed replaced as it was cracked but maybe not need a RC. 4 years later, still doing great.

Buy yourself an electric toothbrush. They are fantastic. And on another note, if you do not floss, you run the risk of heart problems in the future because the plaque often makes its way to the heart ... or so says the literature!

Keep smiling ....

You have brought up a vary valid and overlooked point here about the wide use off sugar in Thai cuisine. Many people think if they don't eat a candy bar they will not eat sugar.

Also I believe the OP was being scammed. This is not just a Thais happening either. There are many good dentists here in Thailand. Here in Chiang Mai there is to many to count. Put up a post on the Chiang Mai forum and you will get plenty of referrals,

My dentist when I first saw here and had my teeth cleaned she filled one filling. total cost 1,800 baht. she then proceeded to tell me I had another one in bad condition and due to the size of it she was not sure if it could be replaced but at the moment it was OK just cracked. That was three years ago. She still does not tell me it has to be replaced or a crown on it. She says at the moment it is still OK.

I was wondering about gums I brush regular and use mouth wash. It seems like in the last six months my gums have been receding. Could it just be an age thing. I am 72

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1. Improve your general health...proper diet (veggies), exercise.

2. Brush with baking soda, rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide (both locally available & cheap).

3. Practice 'oil pulling' with coconut oil (YouTube for details)

Or not...up to you.

My general health is very good. I exercise daily, play football often, Muay Thai, crossfit, i'm a fitness fanatic really.

Also, my diet is good, i'm careful about what i eat.

I'll check out oil pulling, but don't hydrogen peroxide going anywhere near my mouth

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Someone told me it is because they don't put fluoride in the water over here??"

I don't know where you are but here in Chiang Mai the water is fluoridated. I know because I had my wife ask, once by phone and once by email. But they wouldn't tell us how much they add. You might want to google dental flourosis.

I got told that Thailand in general doesn't put fluoride in its water - no idea if this is correct or not, it would appear not going off your info

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Dentists are rip offs, it doesn't matter where you go or where you are, and if you have insurance like I do in Canada they try to take advantage of it. I had a few choice words with mine, told him he was a croock and I wasn't going to pay for his mansion and his big car. He was trying to do some unnecessary work and I told him that if I needed specific work I would let him know or I would get it done in Thailand where it is much cheaper. (Ex. a crown: $950 Cdn Thailand: $300 Cdn, teeth cleanup $ 150 Cdn Thailand: $ 20 Cdn) Those are just a few exemples, I go to the dentist twice a year back home because I have bad teeth and my insurance covers 80% of it, that's the only reason why I go frequently, otherwise I would let them rot.

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It's been said already but I'll say it also: Thai's put a teaspoon of white sugar in almost everything and unless you brush after each meal that sugar harms teeth. When I order Thai food I always ask they not use sugar, besides I think the sugar ruins the food anyway.

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