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This morning, I went to the immigration office in Khon Kaen to apply for visa extension based on wedding with Thai national (my wife since 8 years). Before I went there , I checked on this website and on the official immigration website what documents and copys are necessary and I prepare all the documents required.

One female employee checked again all the documents and give us a few more to fill, in Thai. When they where completed, we take a ticket for queue, and when the officer start to look at or papers, after a while, he ask us the forms from 2 witnesses to testify that we really live together on the given address.

When my wife answer that we do not have this forms, he explain us that if we give put some i money in a envelop, everything will be OK. So we give him 500 TBH, but as we do not have an envelop, my wife fold the note several times, and give him discretely. He look surprised, play with the money in his hands, and smiling say that this is only very few money for a falang who has pension more than 50000 THB... So he keep the money, but say we have to go to or village to find two witnesses, and ask the desk to give us two applications that the witnesses must fill, and join a copy from them ID cart and house book.

In the list of the documents needed for the visa extension I never find out that they also need witnesses; By the way, we went back to our village, and after we found 2 witnesses, we get back to the immigration office. So after a few time, the officer in question made a receipt for the fee, (1900 THB) as I give him 2000 THB, he says that it is a normal practice that he do not have to give change back....

Does somebody else had the same experience in a immigration office from Khon Kaen or from another place? Did you knew that you have to find 2 witnesses for testify where you are living?

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It is normal for the first extension of stay based on marriage, or if you move to another adress. Sometimes they visit you at home and/or interview your neighbours.


No not in regards to marriage documents, but Sakhon Nakhon Immigration constantly wants to rip me off.

Once before I sat down the told me it will cost you 3,000 Baht today, not even knowing what I was there for.

They have also tried to charge me to transfer extensions in to new passport.

They never return change due.

They have taken money for extension and multiple entry and put neither in my passport nor given me receipts for the same. When I handed back my passport they said sorry forgot.

I understand how the director there drives a mercedes, he blocks the entrance with it.


It is normal for the first extension of stay based on marriage, or if you move to another adress. Sometimes they visit you at home and/or interview your neighbours.

The OP is alleging corruption is that "normal" or should he have demanded to see a Senior Officer ?


Sorry to say, I agree.. that immigration in Khon Kaen is slowly but surely going down the moral steps.

A couple of the guys are proffessionals that treat me completely OK while others treat me like a


Now last time the officer stole 2.000 baht from me, as he were given me slips of 90 days report for a full year,

I didn´t dare to refuse to accept. So now I am sitting with slips and I do not have to go back to Khon Kaen

until october 2014. OK it seems nice, but i really prefer to have all things done the legal way.

Another time, I did report it here, I had lost my arrivel-card slip. Officer told me to go 300 km up to Loiere and get it. I said .-"Oh that is a long way"..

Officer told me 4.000 baht and I fixed it, wife spoke to him and we paid finally 2.000 b aht...

So Khon Kaen that i really like, is going down the moral steps into a garbage bin like all other people in this country sad to say..



2 years ago they wanted ID and Tabbien Baan copies from two witnesses. (eighth application) plus a fee to smooth the process along.

They dealt mostly with my Wife and she paid up. I was not happy when I realised but was too late.

Last year we went armed with the witness documents and was told not needed and everything went smoothly.


I doubt you will find any Thai government office that is not above taking "tea money" for services rendered. The Thai people themselves except this practice as an everyday way of doing business. As they say, "It is what it is"...........

  • Like 1

I doubt you will find any Thai government office that is not above taking "tea money" for services rendered. The Thai people themselves except this practice as an everyday way of doing business. As they say, "It is what it is"...........

I have lived in Thailand a long time and have NEVER been asked for "tea money".


Tea money is becoming more the norm in KK Immigration - used to be very straight laced but.................................................. TIT


December 2013 the same thing happened to me when I handed over 2,000 for the 1,900B fee for visa extension and was not given the change back. I had aleady put 50B in the box for one photocopy of a page in my passport.

I was given a lot of stick from TV members with comments like it was only 100B. To me this is just stealing no matter what the amount. A good job that the highest bank note is only 1,000B and not say 20,000B (which is less than the value of the 500 Euro banknote). I would have been 18,100B out of pocket. To me this was not acceptable. If the officer had asked for a tip then I would have said keep the 100B As it happens when I queried the receipt and no change, he did offer to give it me back, but I told him to keep it.

Last December I went armed and ready with an envelope containing 1,900B and marked it clearly 'Visa Extension Fee' as suggested by a TV member. No problems this time.

It does seem that Khon Kaen immigration has a very bad reputation but maybe only the same as other offices in Thailand.

Since my 90 day report in September last year, this office is now computerised so I do not think anyone can be given multiple 90 day slips.and I if I was the member above who had this done last September I would be a little worried when he has to go back in December 2014 as the computer will surely pick this up and questions may well be asked. No doubt it will be a different immigration officer he will see.but another 2 t6o 5000B will no doubt make any problems go away.

Forwarned etc.....


Removed a flame and the replies to it.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



December 2013 the same thing happened to me when I handed over 2,000 for the 1,900B fee for visa extension and was not given the change back. I had aleady put 50B in the box for one photocopy of a page in my passport.

I was given a lot of stick from TV members with comments like it was only 100B. To me this is just stealing no matter what the amount. A good job that the highest bank note is only 1,000B and not say 20,000B (which is less than the value of the 500 Euro banknote). I would have been 18,100B out of pocket. To me this was not acceptable. If the officer had asked for a tip then I would have said keep the 100B As it happens when I queried the receipt and no change, he did offer to give it me back, but I told him to keep it.

Last December I went armed and ready with an envelope containing 1,900B and marked it clearly 'Visa Extension Fee' as suggested by a TV member. No problems this time.

It does seem that Khon Kaen immigration has a very bad reputation but maybe only the same as other offices in Thailand.

Since my 90 day report in September last year, this office is now computerised so I do not think anyone can be given multiple 90 day slips.and I if I was the member above who had this done last September I would be a little worried when he has to go back in December 2014 as the computer will surely pick this up and questions may well be asked. No doubt it will be a different immigration officer he will see.but another 2 t6o 5000B will no doubt make any problems go away.

Forwarned etc.....

Well you see its easy for them now to update the computer at the relevent time of the report..ie every 90 days..in the past it had to be writen in the big book on the day..Yesterday i paid 1000 Baht for a full year of 90 day slips...as it is a 150 km round trip for me, i think it was worth it. The wife and i have a good rapport with the 90 day officer( a very pleasent man) and it was explained that the tea money is shared amongst them all in the office, but anyway ill see at my next extension as to what happens..and by the way it only takes a tray or 2 of fried bugs and some veg from the garden to keep them sweet up here...its nice to be nice.

  • Like 2

Removed a troll post.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



December 2013 the same thing happened to me when I handed over 2,000 for the 1,900B fee for visa extension and was not given the change back. I had aleady put 50B in the box for one photocopy of a page in my passport.

I was given a lot of stick from TV members with comments like it was only 100B. To me this is just stealing no matter what the amount. A good job that the highest bank note is only 1,000B and not say 20,000B (which is less than the value of the 500 Euro banknote). I would have been 18,100B out of pocket. To me this was not acceptable. If the officer had asked for a tip then I would have said keep the 100B As it happens when I queried the receipt and no change, he did offer to give it me back, but I told him to keep it.

Last December I went armed and ready with an envelope containing 1,900B and marked it clearly 'Visa Extension Fee' as suggested by a TV member. No problems this time.

It does seem that Khon Kaen immigration has a very bad reputation but maybe only the same as other offices in Thailand.

Since my 90 day report in September last year, this office is now computerised so I do not think anyone can be given multiple 90 day slips.and I if I was the member above who had this done last September I would be a little worried when he has to go back in December 2014 as the computer will surely pick this up and questions may well be asked. No doubt it will be a different immigration officer he will see.but another 2 t6o 5000B will no doubt make any problems go away.

Forwarned etc.....

Well you see its easy for them now to update the computer at the relevent time of the report..ie every 90 days..in the past it had to be writen in the big book on the day..Yesterday i paid 1000 Baht for a full year of 90 day slips...as it is a 150 km round trip for me, i think it was worth it. The wife and i have a good rapport with the 90 day officer( a very pleasent man) and it was explained that the tea money is shared amongst them all in the office, but anyway ill see at my next extension as to what happens..and by the way it only takes a tray or 2 of fried bugs and some veg from the garden to keep them sweet up here...its nice to be nice.

Yes, I too have more than a 150Km round trip to the immigration office and it is good if the one year of 90 days slips you were given are indeed validated on the computer.

One has to hope that on the day you were due to next report the official does update the computer. Doubtful in my opinion. But as I have already said, let's see when you do go back in one year and see a different officer or if some conscientious official (who is maybe not getting a share of the 'tea' money) decides to check on entries in the computer and blows the whistle, if it all goes well. I hope so for your sake and if so maybe I will do the same. At the moment I feel it is a bit risky.

I suggest you hold on to all of your 90 day slips until you have to go back.

Can I ask, did bring up the matter and ask for the years worth of 90 day slips or were you prompted by the official?


Got to speak as I find but I did my extension through marriage at KK on 23rd December and the bloke gave me the 100 baht change from the 2000 I gave him.


I doubt you will find any Thai government office that is not above taking "tea money" for services rendered. The Thai people themselves except this practice as an everyday way of doing business. As they say, "It is what it is"...........

I have lived in Thailand a long time and have NEVER been asked for "tea money".

You are lucky.

Actually my 1 experience I was told the fee for a residence verification was 300 Baht. I needed 2 so I paid 600 Baht. The next time I went back for one I was all prepared to pay and was told that they are free if you have your own pictures, which I did. Both times.


December 2013 the same thing happened to me when I handed over 2,000 for the 1,900B fee for visa extension and was not given the change back. I had aleady put 50B in the box for one photocopy of a page in my passport.

I was given a lot of stick from TV members with comments like it was only 100B. To me this is just stealing no matter what the amount. A good job that the highest bank note is only 1,000B and not say 20,000B (which is less than the value of the 500 Euro banknote). I would have been 18,100B out of pocket. To me this was not acceptable. If the officer had asked for a tip then I would have said keep the 100B As it happens when I queried the receipt and no change, he did offer to give it me back, but I told him to keep it.

Last December I went armed and ready with an envelope containing 1,900B and marked it clearly 'Visa Extension Fee' as suggested by a TV member. No problems this time.

It does seem that Khon Kaen immigration has a very bad reputation but maybe only the same as other offices in Thailand.

Since my 90 day report in September last year, this office is now computerised so I do not think anyone can be given multiple 90 day slips.and I if I was the member above who had this done last September I would be a little worried when he has to go back in December 2014 as the computer will surely pick this up and questions may well be asked. No doubt it will be a different immigration officer he will see.but another 2 t6o 5000B will no doubt make any problems go away.

Forwarned etc.....

Well you see its easy for them now to update the computer at the relevent time of the report..ie every 90 days..in the past it had to be writen in the big book on the day..Yesterday i paid 1000 Baht for a full year of 90 day slips...as it is a 150 km round trip for me, i think it was worth it. The wife and i have a good rapport with the 90 day officer( a very pleasent man) and it was explained that the tea money is shared amongst them all in the office, but anyway ill see at my next extension as to what happens..and by the way it only takes a tray or 2 of fried bugs and some veg from the garden to keep them sweet up here...its nice to be nice.

Yes, I too have more than a 150Km round trip to the immigration office and it is good if the one year of 90 days slips you were given are indeed validated on the computer.

One has to hope that on the day you were due to next report the official does update the computer. Doubtful in my opinion. But as I have already said, let's see when you do go back in one year and see a different officer or if some conscientious official (who is maybe not getting a share of the 'tea' money) decides to check on entries in the computer and blows the whistle, if it all goes well. I hope so for your sake and if so maybe I will do the same. At the moment I feel it is a bit risky.

I suggest you hold on to all of your 90 day slips until you have to go back.

Can I ask, did bring up the matter and ask for the years worth of 90 day slips or were you prompted by the official?

It was prompted by the officer and i was not in the slightest intimitated to do so...i think maybe because i have not left Thailand for about 3 years and all my extensions were back to back in my passport...if of course i was planning to leave Thailand on holiday or what ever in the next year i would not have taken up his offer as that would mess up the reporting days...i look at it as im doing him a favour, and he`s doing me one also.(how many expats complain about reporting). By the way, in the cities i believe there are agencies that do your reporting for you at a price..but sadly my nearest town is 30km away and the nearest city is Khon Kaen anyway...I`ll report back on the situation after my next extension


December 2013 the same thing happened to me when I handed over 2,000 for the 1,900B fee for visa extension and was not given the change back. I had aleady put 50B in the box for one photocopy of a page in my passport.

I was given a lot of stick from TV members with comments like it was only 100B. To me this is just stealing no matter what the amount. A good job that the highest bank note is only 1,000B and not say 20,000B (which is less than the value of the 500 Euro banknote). I would have been 18,100B out of pocket. To me this was not acceptable. If the officer had asked for a tip then I would have said keep the 100B As it happens when I queried the receipt and no change, he did offer to give it me back, but I told him to keep it.

Last December I went armed and ready with an envelope containing 1,900B and marked it clearly 'Visa Extension Fee' as suggested by a TV member. No problems this time.

It does seem that Khon Kaen immigration has a very bad reputation but maybe only the same as other offices in Thailand.

Since my 90 day report in September last year, this office is now computerised so I do not think anyone can be given multiple 90 day slips.and I if I was the member above who had this done last September I would be a little worried when he has to go back in December 2014 as the computer will surely pick this up and questions may well be asked. No doubt it will be a different immigration officer he will see.but another 2 t6o 5000B will no doubt make any problems go away.

Forwarned etc.....

Well you see its easy for them now to update the computer at the relevent time of the report..ie every 90 days..in the past it had to be writen in the big book on the day..Yesterday i paid 1000 Baht for a full year of 90 day slips...as it is a 150 km round trip for me, i think it was worth it. The wife and i have a good rapport with the 90 day officer( a very pleasent man) and it was explained that the tea money is shared amongst them all in the office, but anyway ill see at my next extension as to what happens..and by the way it only takes a tray or 2 of fried bugs and some veg from the garden to keep them sweet up here...its nice to be nice.

Yes, I too have more than a 150Km round trip to the immigration office and it is good if the one year of 90 days slips you were given are indeed validated on the computer.

One has to hope that on the day you were due to next report the official does update the computer. Doubtful in my opinion. But as I have already said, let's see when you do go back in one year and see a different officer or if some conscientious official (who is maybe not getting a share of the 'tea' money) decides to check on entries in the computer and blows the whistle, if it all goes well. I hope so for your sake and if so maybe I will do the same. At the moment I feel it is a bit risky.

I suggest you hold on to all of your 90 day slips until you have to go back.

Can I ask, did bring up the matter and ask for the years worth of 90 day slips or were you prompted by the official?

It was prompted by the officer and i was not in the slightest intimitated to do so...i think maybe because i have not left Thailand for about 3 years and all my extensions were back to back in my passport...if of course i was planning to leave Thailand on holiday or what ever in the next year i would not have taken up his offer as that would mess up the reporting days...i look at it as im doing him a favour, and he`s doing me one also.(how many expats complain about reporting). By the way, in the cities i believe there are agencies that do your reporting for you at a price..but sadly my nearest town is 30km away and the nearest city is Khon Kaen anyway...I`ll report back on the situation after my next extension

Thanks for the reply. Hope it all goes well. I note that someone else was offered the same as you. It would be great for me as like you it is a long distance each time just to report in. Not got offered this when I did my extension mid Decembe but maybe they will in March when I next have to report.

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