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Where to buy a helmet?

Jack Mountain

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I want to buy a helmet for my GF's daughter, where can i buy one with a good quality/price ratio?

First i was thinking to buy an expensive one (1000+ Baht) but GF said 'better not cuz the maffia will take it if

you not drag it with you all the time'. So, what are the options if we compromise a little?

I am thinking myself that it most be possible to find a reasonable helmet for let say 500 Baht.

Pls, give me your thoughts about this ...


Edited by Jack Mountain
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Yes, probably the best range of helmets from 200b to thousands for superbike full face.Bought two there yesterday as moving from a rented bike to my own so needed helmets as well.Huge range with a decent amount of childrens helmets as well

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if you use a motobike that has a trunk under the seat, you can park off and stash an expensive helmet inside it no fear of having it stolen . . .

In my experience, good quality helmets are bigger than underseat storage spaces. Yamaha Nouveau and Honda AirBlade, to name two, don't hold a Bilmola.

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how much is someones head worth ???? sure as hell these cheap crap plastic so called helmets will not do a damn thing think long term and buy the best you can for her you won't regret it if neccaserry fit a top box to store it in there not expensive and when she is not there or wearing it you have extra storage as well win win situation.

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It amazes me that Thais want to risk their lives and buy cheap helmets . If you want a lifesaving helmet , it will cost you 2000 ++ -

If your GF wants to gamble with her own daughter then fine but if it was my money I would pay for a real helmet .

Edited by balo
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if you use a motobike that has a trunk under the seat, you can park off and stash an expensive helmet inside it no fear of having it stolen . . .

In my experience, good quality helmets are bigger than underseat storage spaces. Yamaha Nouveau and Honda AirBlade, to name two, don't hold a Bilmola.

you should try again, put it in upside down, but only after you removed the trash that thai pre-owners has left in there . . .

I was surprised to see how much one can stash into a Yamaha Nouvo underseat storage . . two bottles of Jacks, glasses, ice cubes and some club sandwiches will always do, and it's not even half full yet . . .

but you might be right, really BIG helmets probably won't fit . . worth a notice . .

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