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Desirable Men


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Ken Dodd's not funny. However, I would prefer Billy Connelly, Sean Hughes, Jack Dee, Paul Merton, Ben Elton, Vic Reeves and a host of others to Brad Pitt. Seriously, the guy is far too pretty & totally thick. Have you ever heard an interview with him? He makes the most inane comments. Yuk!

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geez i don't know who a single one of those men in your post are november rain! (except brad, of course, whom i wouldn't turn down even if he is stupid!)

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Desirable - a guy I can relate, talk to and hang-out with

Hot - a guy who's not afraid to try new things, not afraid to take the back-seat sometimes

EXTRA Hot - a naked guy sprawled in bed! :o

Wow! PlainJane. You've got the same attitude as some of us guys. If you ask me what's desirable in a girl, I'd say, a girl I can relate to, talk to and hang-out with. A girl who takes the back-seat sometimes (and maybe frequently), and a girl who looks really sexy when sprawled out in bed.

So I guess we could say that women and men are really the same. :D

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Desirable - a guy I can relate, talk to and hang-out with

Hot - a guy who's not afraid to try new things, not afraid to take the back-seat sometimes

EXTRA Hot - a naked guy sprawled in bed! :o

Wow! PlainJane. You've got the same attitude as some of us guys. If you ask me what's desirable in a girl, I'd say, a girl I can relate to, talk to and hang-out with. A girl who takes the back-seat sometimes (and maybe frequently), and a girl who looks really sexy when sprawled out in bed.

So I guess we could say that women and men are really the same. :D

You remind me of Babakkkkkkkkkk :D

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Desirable - a guy I can relate, talk to and hang-out with

Hot - a guy who's not afraid to try new things, not afraid to take the back-seat sometimes

EXTRA Hot - a naked guy sprawled in bed! :o

Wow! PlainJane. You've got the same attitude as some of us guys. If you ask me what's desirable in a girl, I'd say, a girl I can relate to, talk to and hang-out with. A girl who takes the back-seat sometimes (and maybe frequently), and a girl who looks really sexy when sprawled out in bed.

So I guess we could say that women and men are really the same. :D

You remind me of Babakkkkkkkkkk :D

I confess, as a male I have no idea at all what you mean, but you sure look embarrassed.

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I'll try one shot at this, if I may. I'd like to see how far I'm off the mark.... :D

Someone with reasonable looks. Someone who can allow, and even guide, you to grow and be the most you wish to be. Someone who is secure enough not to feel threatened by your success when it comes.

Someone who can handle your bad moods without cracking or turning it into a relationship crises. Bring some sparkle to the relationship. Be stable without being perfect. Sensitive without being effeminate or weak. Not too predictable.

Mmmm, a knight in shining armour....

Education helps.

Maybe I should just go back to me one-liners in the pub.... :o

jesus is already dead :D

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I have just come out of a relationship with a wonderful asian man (I am european) after two and a half years spent together deeply loving and hating each other. On the surface very calm, intelligent, serious, and I don't know why, physically irresistible to me - and others, I then discovered.. :o . A very intense relationship heading toward self-destruction for a series of reasons. At first I didn't find him attractive or interesting at all although he looked very pleasant and somewhat mysterious. The sparks started a few months later as we got to know each other and we started trusting each other and committing into the relationship.

I spent most of my twenties ignoring looks and ending up with troubled and insicure men who, who, as a consequence turned to be very high maintainance and deceitful at times. Not so much fun but a lot of learning from both parties.

Then I started thinking: 'I deserve someone exciting who looks good, someone confident with a positive and wise attitude toward life who is therefore an attractive and an interesting person to be with'. 'Why not!? I'm going to work at it by raising my life state'. So I did, and so far so good!

The money issue, in my opinion, often, but not always, indicates professional and personal success in a person's life. Therefore if we both have enough to support each other in case of emergency that's a bonus, it makes life less stressful. I don't necessarily want to lead the lifestyle of a millionaire but I believe that most people feel more at ease with a partner who is financially independent or is even able to provide for a future family.

I'd say that the right chemistry, passion, trust and respect toward each other can justify one's choice to be with a good looking partner who's loaded..

But most importantly, I'm convinced that the better we feel about ourselves the more ideal this 'ideal' man or woman will be..

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he looks too Italian for my taste...bad teenage memories. but he's definetely got an intense look on his face.. :o

ever since i saw 'the prestige' i can't get christian bale out of my head. he is not typically my type but i find him so sexy!!!! he has a very expressive face...


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David Boreanaz

ahhh thanks Boo...hes the guy from Angels.....or whatever its called :D isnt he also in Buffy? or was Buffy visiting his show I suppose....

he looks cuter in the pic you posted.... :D

I still say heath Ledger...but best in a Knight's Tale and Ten Things I hate about you


what about John Cusack girls?? :D

There is something about John Cusack, I always liked him

It's more about what he projects rather than his looks that is appealing about him, could it be said about him that he is the thinking girl's desirable man

Agree, gisele.

Can't say I find him desirable, but I'd much rather watch something with him in than some of the obvious "hunks" or "pretty boys". Did anyone see "Grosse Point Blank"?

Yes, excellent soundtrack too. I must admit though, that James Spader does it for me..

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OK, he may have been mentioned before, but I ain't gonna yomp back through 10 pages to see -

Antonio Banderas - yum! Just remembered the absolutely huge crush I had on him (OK, still got it!) Loved him in Evita (he was the only thing worth watching) :o

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'Cause I got a man with a slow hand

I got a lover with an easy touch

I found somebody who will spend some time

Not come and go in a heated rush

I found somebody who will understand

When it comes to love, I want a slow hand

But then oops back to reality, they aren't the marrying kind.

So.. who to lust after? The Australian guy from Nip/Tuck. Dr. Christian Troy. real name Julian McMahon. I think Jet Li is hot too.

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