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Pheu Thai demands EC to stage elections in 28 constituencies

Lite Beer

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

from wiki: Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004....


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So Pheu Thai demands EC to stage elections in 28 constituencies?

Then I'm sure they can explain the democratic value of having elections, where there are no registered candidates. The only vote possible on a otherwise blank sheet would be "none of the above". So this demand clearly shows the superior cleverness of the PTP leaders.

And even after the election, the parliament can't convene, as too many MPs are missing. Do they think, they can continue with a caretaker government and a disfunctional parliament?

I think, they are scared, that they run out of time to satisfy the farmers, who have pledged their rice. The later the election happens, the more likely the PTP will loose votes of unhappy farmers.

So even if they have to bend the law, they are dead serious to hold the election...


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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

I remember the GT200. They have been used by Thailand since 2004. I didn't realise Suthep was in government then.

The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004. These include 535 bought by the Royal Thai Army for use combating the South Thailand insurgency and another 222 for use in other areas, 50 purchased by the Royal Thai Police for use in Police Region 4 (Khon Kaen), six bought by the Central Institute of Forensic Science, six by the Customs Department, four by the Royal Thai Air Force and one by Chai Nat police.[27] Other agencies such as the Border Patrol Police Bureau and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board use a similar device, the Alpha 6, procured from another company.[26] According to the Bangkok Post, the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006.

Sometimes a bit of research is required before commenting.

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

I remember the GT200. They have been used by Thailand since 2004. I didn't realise Suthep was in government then.

The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004. These include 535 bought by the Royal Thai Army for use combating the South Thailand insurgency and another 222 for use in other areas, 50 purchased by the Royal Thai Police for use in Police Region 4 (Khon Kaen), six bought by the Central Institute of Forensic Science, six by the Customs Department, four by the Royal Thai Air Force and one by Chai Nat police.[27] Other agencies such as the Border Patrol Police Bureau and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board use a similar device, the Alpha 6, procured from another company.[26] According to the Bangkok Post, the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006.

Sometimes a bit of research is required before commenting.

OK, my mistake, the scandal broke during the Suthep Newin Kasit government, but they did not order the things.

And what did the Crusader do while in power, did he condemn the buyers (and his army friend who kept insisting on using the useless things)?

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The EC have to stop complaining and get on with their job.

If they wont do their job they should be sacked.

and if it means breaking the laws they're supposed to be administering, well heck, what's wrong with that ? wink.png

Perhaps the street-army of the PTP should rally outside their homes, throw a little blood or whatever, to encourage them ? whistling.gif

Yay for Red 'True Democracy' ! facepalm.gif

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

And the first ones procured by the Thai authorities were in 2004, was Suthep in-government then, or was it someone supposedly more 'saintly' ? wink.png


There's plenty of blame to spread round, in all directions, on that one. sad.png

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Forget elections on 2. February, they never will stand the laws...And the most Thai dont want it, get it ...cheesy.gif

no we don't 'get it' as most Thais WANT the election and a small group of morons are trying to shut down democracy with the Democratic Party (sic) falling into the trap and trundling along after Master Suthep like lapdogs

the EC are wavering around like straws in the wind - it's embarrassing

Please link me to the offiicai poll that says most thais want it

Or is this more BS from your mouth

My Thai wife ex Issan has always bee on the red shirts side

Now she has seen what they really like she is now on the side of reality not Dems

and is out side protesting with the rest

after the protesting they all come back to our house for a feast and talk about it

As a Farlang I pay the bill of coarse

What I am hearing is things have changed since the last election and sons and daughters still have an influence on family voting

Unlike you I am not sure which way the next election will go

Unlike you who knows all about Thailand people

Are you the supreme one returning

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Finally someone who is telling the real reason why PTP are ready to cause fighting in Thailand


You couldn't be more wrong. If the elections were scheduled for May 2014 or later the amnesty bill would be definitely killed off. Democrats would not have boycotted the elections and all other moderates who support Suthep at the moment would not have any single reason to continue supporting him. They know that the amnesty bill is not dead and buried. It takes 180 days. It is obvious that the puppet PM and her government were dishonest about their intentions hence continual political crisis.


Forget about democracy, the PTP plus many members on this forum want the government back in power before the 180 days runs out

The greatest leap forward is many Thais see this even TV members bury there heads in the sand and denie this is the reason

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The EC have to stop complaining and get on with their job.

If they wont do their job they should be sacked.

And PTP should stop trying to bully the EC into doing what it wants. The EC are doing their job which includes postponing the elections if necessary.

PTP must be really stupid if they think they can bully, lies and cheat through the next election and then carry on as before. Things have gone too far. The game's up, they've been found out.

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no we don't 'get it' as most Thais WANT the election and a small group of morons are trying to shut down democracy with the Democratic Party (sic) falling into the trap and trundling along after Master Suthep like lapdogs

the EC are wavering around like straws in the wind - it's embarrassing

Why it's embarrassing? The Election Commission offered the way out of the current crisis by urging Yingluck's government to delay elections in order to stop violence and save lives. Absolutely logical and reasonable suggestion. Yingluck's government did exact opposite and pushed for further confrontation.

Why are they so in a hurry?

This is very unthai.

1. The Constitution allows subsequent elections or in this country, are now, no riots?

2. Many institutions have advised a shift.

3. The elections on February 4. would not be valid. It can not come to an opening of parliament.

4. Why should again have access to state funds exactly the same corrupt and/or convicted criminals politicians. It would however be further unrest.

5. Better to give the CC, the NACC, the EC and the courts time to complete the process clean.

6. A good caretaker government would try now to integrate other institutions for reforms in to the process.

7. The whole street protests would still lose weight and lose meaning when both sides were really interested in a peaceful and good solution for the good of the country.

8. Who makes all this stress? It's just Suthep and the top 12 from PT.

9. Give the courts the time to eliminate these figures finally forever from the field. This would really help this country.

10. Why not call a new election date? Lets say 01.07.2014. or 01.08.2014

Then all sides have time to clear the situation.

No one wants to curtail the right to vote in this country.

If the elections on February 4 would be carried out, I expect a real bloodbath.

The EC are obligated to hold the elections on Feb 2, and continue bi-elections until they have at least 475 elected MP's. It may take a long time and there are court decisions which may ban some of those elected, causing more bi-elections, but that is how it goes. Moreover, we will have an Acting government during this time that cannot initiate new programs, which could end up damaging the country.

If this continues for a long time, we could see some thinking maybe democracy isn't for us.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I am not sure for this constitution but on the previous the acting caretaker government expires. I recall when Thaksin was caretaker PM and it expires and he just didn't care.

Every election it seems like new waters are being tested. The answers lie somewhere here:


I guess it is possible we could end up with no government, somewhat giving credence to an interim reform committee. A PAD friend tried to explain this possibility to me several months ago, but I didn't totally understand how things could end this f'd up, but am slowly starting to understand it. I would imagine both sides are now thinking several steps down the line.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Forget elections on 2. February, they never will stand the laws...And the most Thai dont want it, get it ...cheesy.gif

no we don't 'get it' as most Thais WANT the election and a small group of morons are trying to shut down democracy with the Democratic Party (sic) falling into the trap and trundling along after Master Suthep like lapdogs

the EC are wavering around like straws in the wind - it's embarrassing

Why it's embarrassing? The Election Commission offered the way out of the current crisis by urging Yingluck's government to delay elections in order to stop violence and save lives. Absolutely logical and reasonable suggestion. Yingluck's government did exact opposite and pushed for further confrontation.

it's a Royal Decree - you know what that is right? The EC said 'we have no power to delay' then they change? they do not allow 28 candidates to register late as they are blocked and forced not to register in a democratic election?

this sounds more like Pol Pot or Myanmar - you REALLY don't think this sounds more like 1930s Germany than 2014 Thailand??? wake UP

Have you read the electoral laws or are you blustering?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The EC have to stop complaining and get on with their job.

If they wont do their job they should be sacked.

For very good reason a caretaker government can't sack the EC.

But I agree they should resign. That would be the best.

Best for who?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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PTP demands elections!

Suthep demands reporters tell his version of the truth!

PTP demands Suthep be arrested!

Suthep demands he appoint a Council of Good People!

PTP demands Thaksin to return!

Suthep demands that Yingluck stop making demands!

Yingluck demands that Suthep stop making demands!

Well, I have a few demands of my own...

I demand they rename the Milkyway galaxy the Douglas Adams Concordat!

I demand that the major leaders of all countries must eat Cadbury's chocolate 20 minutes before important meetings!

I demand that Raman noodles from henceforth be called King Rama noodles!

And I demand that people all over the earth forever more refer to Monday as Miseryday!

Maybe General Prayuth will negotiate it for me......


Certainly seems reasonable to me, good luck with that.

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The elections are a vital means of ensuring ones freedom from prosecutions.

Look at the charges piling up against the M.P.s, . Back in parliament those M.P.s' have yet regained their suits of law breaking allowed armour and to hell with Thailand and its peoples. We are backing parliament so as our puppet master can fill his coffers and we can fill our bank accounts

Thaksin orders, P.T.P. cringes and grovelswhistling.gif

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The EC has stated repeatedly that under the rules they cannot extend the registration period - which ended some time ago - on January 1. Pheu Thai didn't like that answer so they appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said - quite rightly - that the calls of the EC are definitive. So Pheu Thai thinks that means that the EC can now freely make up its own electoral rules, and extend registration three weeks before an election. PT also has the affrontery to suggest that the EC is basing their decision on the Bangkok protest, even though all the constituencies reside in the South. The EC had tried to explain two weeks ago - in vain - that changing the timeline of registration would collide with other provisions of the Election Act. But to be honest, Pheu Thai, really has no respect for the EC, has no respect for the Supreme Court, and has no respect for the South. They just want to open parliament, and to their utter disgust, they will not be able to. When you hold an election in 69 of 77 provinces in the country, and 28 constituencies are a complete vacuum, you get a parliament that cannot open constitutionally. Deal with it.

Really...the EC was very clear that PTP had to appeal to the Supreme Court. It wasn't that the PTP didn't like the answer from the EC. You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder with anything having to do with the PTP. You seem to completely ignore Public EC statements about what they cannot do. I would have no respect of an agency that repeatedly denies it has any authority while acting like it does. When pressured to make a decision it's - "oh, you must go somewhere else." EC has clearly stated it cannot change registration dates or places, yet allowed some nominees to register elsewhere. EC did state that their decision not to allow alternation registration posts was due to the POSSIBILITY of protests. Deal with your bias.

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Thaksin Thinks, Pheua Thai Acts. This is how it is, how it has been, and how it always will be. Thaksin is getting agitated, he knows he needs to get that amendment through and time is slipping by to get it done. Heaven help us all if he gets back here. That's when you will see REAL bloodshed (extrajudicial killing squads are Thaskin's specialty).

Edited by tominbkk
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Nothing new here, the ptp have refused to accept any laws that the courts have passed and demanded they be reversed, the fact that they are also written up in the constitution etc means nothing to them as they have no respect for the laws of Thailand what so ever, just the laws of thaksin and expect everyone to do as they say or they get their red thugs to accost the judges/law makers and threaten them to do as they are told. This is not democracy, that is why the people are protesting, they have had enough.

Actually, the PTP has followed the letter of the law. If you read the constitution, you will realize the Constitutional Court has been outside there jurisdiction in their rulings over charter amendments.

Think about what you would do if you were the PM and a branch of your government was trampling on the constitution...it is your duty and obligation to contest the Court's rulings, or you would be failing to perform your duties. Certainly a difficult position to be in, but necessary.

Look for the motivation behind these illegal actions by the Constitutional Court and you will find the real source of government corruption.

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The EC have to stop complaining and get on with their job.

If they wont do their job they should be sacked.

Moonao, your posts are becoming tiring, essentially because you obviously speak from a position of ignorance.

The EC is doing its job. They have regulations and procedures that they must follow. The PTP is one party, amongst dozens, which intends to stand for election; they have no right whatsoever to place any demands on the EC.

If you wish to pursue a private debate with me on the subject of constitutional law, something which was part of my LLB degree, then please feel free to PM me...!!

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Nothing new here, the ptp have refused to accept any laws that the courts have passed and demanded they be reversed, the fact that they are also written up in the constitution etc means nothing to them as they have no respect for the laws of Thailand what so ever, just the laws of thaksin and expect everyone to do as they say or they get their red thugs to accost the judges/law makers and threaten them to do as they are told. This is not democracy, that is why the people are protesting, they have had enough.

Actually, the PTP has followed the letter of the law. If you read the constitution, you will realize the Constitutional Court has been outside there jurisdiction in their rulings over charter amendments.

Think about what you would do if you were the PM and a branch of your government was trampling on the constitution...it is your duty and obligation to contest the Court's rulings, or you would be failing to perform your duties. Certainly a difficult position to be in, but necessary.

Look for the motivation behind these illegal actions by the Constitutional Court and you will find the real source of government corruption.

Utter nonsense...! If you could see beyond the red haze it would become abundantly clear who was trampling on the constitution...!!

To refer to only two issues that the PTP attempted to push though, (i) they tried to pass the (amended) Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning so as to deprive members of their right to vote on the issue; and (ii) they attempted to dismantle the essential balance of the Senate by changing it to an elected body (given that they had a majority in government, the reason for that is obvious).

When you state that the PTP "has followed the letter of the law", you suggest that you have had you head buried in the sand for approximately two and a half years...!

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

I remember the GT200. They have been used by Thailand since 2004. I didn't realise Suthep was in government then.

The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004. These include 535 bought by the Royal Thai Army for use combating the South Thailand insurgency and another 222 for use in other areas, 50 purchased by the Royal Thai Police for use in Police Region 4 (Khon Kaen), six bought by the Central Institute of Forensic Science, six by the Customs Department, four by the Royal Thai Air Force and one by Chai Nat police.[27] Other agencies such as the Border Patrol Police Bureau and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board use a similar device, the Alpha 6, procured from another company.[26] According to the Bangkok Post, the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006.

Sometimes a bit of research is required before commenting.

OK, my mistake, the scandal broke during the Suthep Newin Kasit government, but they did not order the things.

And what did the Crusader do while in power, did he condemn the buyers (and his army friend who kept insisting on using the useless things)?

The then government stopped the purchase of more GT200's.

Sent from my phone ...

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Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

I remember the GT200. They have been used by Thailand since 2004. I didn't realise Suthep was in government then.

The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004. These include 535 bought by the Royal Thai Army for use combating the South Thailand insurgency and another 222 for use in other areas, 50 purchased by the Royal Thai Police for use in Police Region 4 (Khon Kaen), six bought by the Central Institute of Forensic Science, six by the Customs Department, four by the Royal Thai Air Force and one by Chai Nat police.[27] Other agencies such as the Border Patrol Police Bureau and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board use a similar device, the Alpha 6, procured from another company.[26] According to the Bangkok Post, the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006.

Sometimes a bit of research is required before commenting.

OK, my mistake, the scandal broke during the Suthep Newin Kasit government, but they did not order the things.

And what did the Crusader do while in power, did he condemn the buyers (and his army friend who kept insisting on using the useless things)?

There comes a time, when the hole gets so deep, that one should stop digging....!!

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

Very few of these were bought by government but mostly by Military/Police under Thaksin and the coup government. 'The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004'.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GT200

Suthep almost certainly had nothing to do with these purchases. There is plenty negative reporting on Mr. Suthep without you making up lies. Did you get your information from a Red propaganda publication or did you make it up all by yourself. Your credibility is on par with a PTP spokesperson or Thaksin's lawyer which means nobody will be able to take your comments seriously. Time for you to get a new user name.

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

Very few of these were bought by government but mostly by Military/Police under Thaksin and the coup government. 'The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004'.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GT200

Suthep almost certainly had nothing to do with these purchases. There is plenty negative reporting on Mr. Suthep without you making up lies. Did you get your information from a Red propaganda publication or did you make it up all by yourself. Your credibility is on par with a PTP spokesperson or Thaksin's lawyer which means nobody will be able to take your comments seriously. Time for you to get a new user name.

I answered your question in my post 35.

PS. I find it amusing that you get so stressed out about old elites fighting new elites! What's it to you?

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They can hold elections. I am guessing that "None of the above" will win. Not that there will be any "above" anyway.

But, having said that, I wonder what happens with the party list votes if there are no constituency candidates to vote for?

Remember the GT 200? Bought by a non corrupt government, including Suthep?

Maybe these GT 200 can point out the next members of parlement?

I remember the GT200. They have been used by Thailand since 2004. I didn't realise Suthep was in government then.

The GT200 is used extensively in Thailand.[26] Reportedly, some 818 GT200 units were procured by Thai public bodies since 2004. These include 535 bought by the Royal Thai Army for use combating the South Thailand insurgency and another 222 for use in other areas, 50 purchased by the Royal Thai Police for use in Police Region 4 (Khon Kaen), six bought by the Central Institute of Forensic Science, six by the Customs Department, four by the Royal Thai Air Force and one by Chai Nat police.[27] Other agencies such as the Border Patrol Police Bureau and the Office of the Narcotics Control Board use a similar device, the Alpha 6, procured from another company.[26] According to the Bangkok Post, the Royal Thai Air Force first procured the GT200 to detect explosives and drugs at airports, followed by the army in 2006.

Sometimes a bit of research is required before commenting.

Suthep on GT 200: Don’t worry, we use a different brand

By Bangkok Pundit Jan 26, 2010 11:20PM UTC

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