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Thailand plays down coup talk ahead of city 'shutdown' by protesters


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Thailand plays down coup talk ahead of city 'shutdown' by protesters

(Reuters) - Thailand's government on Friday played down talk of a military coup ahead of a planned "shutdown" of the capital next week by protesters trying to overthrow Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and said life would go on much as normal.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said it was alarmist of the U.S. embassy to advise its citizens on Friday to stock up on two weeks' supply of food and water ahead of what protest leaders say will be a prolonged siege of Bangkok.

"Maybe they worry too much ... People will live their normal life. Don't be afraid of things that will happen because we try to control the situation," he said.

Demonstrators led by former opposition politician Suthep Thaugsuban aim to paralyse the capital for between 15 and 20 days by blocking seven main intersections, causing gridlock in a city clogged with traffic at the best of times.

The turmoil is the latest episode in an eight-year conflict that pits Bangkok's middle class and royalist establishment against the mostly poorer, rural supporters of Yingluck and her brother, former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Full story: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/01/10/uk-thailand-protest-idUKBREA090YI20140110

-- REUTERS 2014-01-11

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The Government denying a coup will take place,most likely

means there will be one,I don't think its wise to believe a

word this Government utters,lies,more lies and dam lies.

At the same time this seems to be becoming the norm

for more Governments around the world,they would like

to keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit,little wonder

there is so mistrust in them

regards Worgeordie

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There will always be denials of a coup right until your television begins to play nothing but patriotic songs and messages. I believe that Thai society has shifted and any coup will not be as easy as 2006 was. The army is desperately trying to stay on the sidelines. They know they did not manage things well the last time around and things have only come full circle. A coup, followed by a free election in 6 months would settle nothing. That being said it seems that everything is being done to force one to happen.

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There will always be denials of a coup right until your television begins to play nothing but patriotic songs and messages. I believe that Thai society has shifted and any coup will not be as easy as 2006 was. The army is desperately trying to stay on the sidelines. They know they did not manage things well the last time around and things have only come full circle. A coup, followed by a free election in 6 months would settle nothing. That being said it seems that everything is being done to force one to happen.

ironically, the coup this time is being forced by the government, with its hidden violent attackers, as a coup and then re-election is the only corrupt way for this government to maintain power against what the common people now want - the ousting of Shin Corp...

It's self evident - Chalerm said, "I'm f'king back", and everybody knows his methods, including his own family! 555


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The behaviour of the parties g all point to confrontation.

Some surefire and already manifest effects

Thai economy suffers

Baht weakens,oil import costs boost inflation

Drop in tourists to magnify first

The longer there is no resolution the crisis will continue

Whether,conspiracy ,planned or random a wrong turn into the blind alley of violence is evident

The lack of condemnation,compassion for the sick,elderly who will be harmed most.

I can see no stop date even if there is a coup

The 2 Feb elections are already blighted by insufficient candidates for a legal quorom in parliament ,although re-regisration in secure locations cannot be impossible.

However a government that is unable to control the streets of its capital,armed forces,rogue police ,men in black,exchange rate may stumble on if as likley it were to get a huge mandate from the poor beyond the city gates but then their opponents immune from arrest or restraint will use the courts and other devices.

The higher the death toll.loss of income for middle class hoteliers etc and poor cabbiers street vendors the more the divide.

It is time for negotiation compromise and to put the nation before private greed and advancement.Sadly nepotism ,corruption and cold calculating strategies to avoid loss of face are already causing mayhem,loss of life and an erosion of the peaceful sanook for which the Thai people are rightly proud.

Let us hope,work and pray for peace and reconciliation,inflamatory statements and cheap jibes only promote a culture of hatred.Hard to see any winners.

The US embassy has covered its back (and no doubt insurers who can stuff warned travellers ).

The coming or going of household names could alter the situation overnight and no embassy or politician can control these natural events.For those who scoff at well supplied Americans if there is coup before the fortnight we'll all know who has a fornights food and beer on hand for the tailgate party.

Keep safe,remember however inconvenient having a passport ,airfare,credit card etc gives the foreigner with increasing purchasing power more choices those bent double in a scorching paddy waiting for a promised cheque ,or pushing a noodlecart for 20 baht an hour.

Best wishes everyone and enjoy the song,the forecast for the future is in the chorus at 2m40

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Surapong must be awfully upset. These are, after all, the same countries that were apparently deliriously happy about the election. Now it seems " they worry too much ".

First of all, the countries of which you speak, including America were not "deliriously happy" about elections. Surapong mentioned that several countries backed the democratic decision to hold an election.

Secondly, the OP is about an advisory from the American Embassy, that's one country's local representatives, so not several countries as you made out. I'm sure Surapong will get over it.

Edited by fab4
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Just received a news text from the other newspaper which reports that the Army Chief has said reporters should stop asking questions about a coup as it is CERTAIN no one will stage it.

The cynic in me says stand by as it's looking more likely !

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Ask yourselves.

Why should the military feel it necessary to stage a coup?

The current situation is coasting along rather nicely on its own, the Thai people are making their own decisions as to what they feel. If the need should arise the military may be called in,thus in effect a possible ''silent coup.''

Monday will not be make or break day, the support for the close down Bangkok move will be substantial but personally I feel it will be an exceptional show of force it will be a of limited impact.

The deciding factor will be the actions of the opposing groups if they actually come into contact and confront each other. The police well let's us not hold our breath there, the possible activities and actions of the more violent members of the assorted factions will be the deciding factor.

No . there is no need for a coup, the people of Thailand will be the factor that may well call upon the military, martial law and perhaps those involved in all of the political factions would be removed from the scene thus the way is paved forward for a short term non political governmental structure to run the country.

Democracy Asian style is vastly different to the western style of democracy, so perhaps the big stick will come out to chastise the children and within a couple of years a decent social stable situation may be in place limited corruption Limited due to the fact that corruption is an inbred trait of Asians and we might just move forward a pace or two.

The past has gone and we seem to have learnt nothing. The current time is here and we seem to have learnt nothing. The future is coming and that is the unknown factor. Might we actually learn from our past so as the future is stable?

Time alone will tell.

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The Government denying a coup will take place,most likely

means there will be one,I don't think its wise to believe a

word this Government utters,lies,more lies and dam lies.

At the same time this seems to be becoming the norm

for more Governments around the world,they would like

to keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit,little wonder

there is so mistrust in them

regards Worgeordie

Are you currently locked in a basement with an armalite and a steady supply of rations? You know this is how Timothy McVeigh started out, right?

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Surapong must be awfully upset. These are, after all, the same countries that were apparently deliriously happy about the election. Now it seems " they worry too much ".

First of all, the countries of which you speak, including America were not "deliriously happy" about elections. Surapong mentioned that several countries backed the democratic decision to hold an election.

Secondly, the OP is about an advisory from the American Embassy, that's one country's local representatives, so not several countries as you made out. I'm sure Surapong will get over it.

45 countries issue Thailand travel warnings

Link to TV story - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695823-45-countries-issue-thailand-travel-warnings/

Nice attempt at a cover-up fabio, but it did not work, as usual, and as another poster said the other day -

I wonder if they're the same countries that Surapong insisted thought this election was a good idea. ? clap2.gif

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The Government denying a coup will take place,most likely

means there will be one,I don't think its wise to believe a

word this Government utters,lies,more lies and dam lies.

At the same time this seems to be becoming the norm

for more Governments around the world,they would like

to keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit,little wonder

there is so mistrust in them

regards Worgeordie

The PTP talk off the cuff, like as if it where the truth, nothing has substance, it's unbelievable and in the farmers case un-achievable.

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45 countries issue Thailand travel warnings

Link to TV story - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695823-45-countries-issue-thailand-travel-warnings/

Nice attempt at a cover-up fabio, but it did not work, as usual, and as another poster said the other day -

I wonder if they're the same countries that Surapong insisted thought this election was a good idea. ? clap2.gif

That's 45 countries who have it all wrong and don't understand "Thainess," as they call it.

Silly foreigners.

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We shall see what happens next week, one thing is for sure, the world has seen where this goes when the army gets involved before recently. it won't be anywhere near as sympathetic to military intervention this time nor would any democratic country.

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