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Thai Army strongly slams Thaksin’s lawyer, Robert Amsterdam


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It's important for everyone to know that Amsterdam is a business man like Thaksin with ethics that place his client first and democratic realities second. Amsterdam has a sleazy reputation for representing public relations for some of the world's truly odious and undemocratic characters. His point of view is biased.

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Army in every country is a backward force. Their structure is not democratic, is secretive, outside public scrutiny.

In countries like Thailand, where political system is not democratic and where there are large and strong authoritarian currents, army is a status quo force, holding any progress.

You make a vet good point although I do not agree that the military represents a "backward force in every country"

Thailand operates it's version of democracy as an oligarchy and as such the military are the only body that can stand up to and for the people,however,they too have been contaminated in this society of cancerous corruption.

Outside communism and dictatorships there is not a developed country in the world that has the military involved in either commerce or politics as it simply can not work.

IMO the tragic woes of the Thai people are self inflicted wounds brought on by their attitude of indifference or ignorance and their inability to set the bar for their civil servants at a level that would preclude the malfeasance that has become the norm. It is true that you get what you vote for and you will get waht you deserve and deserve what you get but in Thailand it is always somebody else that is at. fault.

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I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Amsterdam on this one!

The army's response is typical - like a little cry-baby they feel offended - but they know why because all he wrote is true!

It is not Amsterdam who is narrow minded with a hidden agenda - it is the Thai armed forces who are the biggest hindrance for real democracy in Thailand. The army chief should have been removed a long time ago and replaced by a professional soldier - if there is such a thing in Thailand.

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It is not Amsterdam who is narrow minded with a hidden agenda - it is the Thai armed forces who are the biggest hindrance for real democracy in Thailand. The army chief should have been removed a long time ago and replaced by a professional soldier - if there is such a thing in Thailand.

No one is actually surprised that you are wholeheartedly endorsing a proven liar and accept lies and propaganda as truth. That speaks volumes about your own character. wink.png

Anyway it appears that you don't understand how Thai political system works. It's a constitutional monarchy. So the priorities are different. When soldiers take oath they swear to protect the independence and the sovereignty of the state, the security of the monarchy, national interests, and government administration under a democratic regime with the King as Head of State. So you'd better pay more attention to wording of the oath and the order of priorities.

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The colonel said this lawyer will be considered an undesirable person for the country, he said.

Since when is it the decision of an army to consider someone an undesirable person?

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, as you would well know yourself.

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The Thai Army on more than one occasion has stood in as the referee and blown the whistle several times before the game gets too bloody.

They then return the levers of government to power mad bureaucrats, criminals and megalomaniac multi millionaires to "run" the

Thai economy. For their own benefit. Lying, defrauding, delluding the Thai people for power and profit.

The Thai Army are not representing, as they have done in many other countries, as extensions of the state, ready to be State executioners.

Well disciplined, it presents as an Army of the people. To protect the people.

Judging by the personnel available for the role of government, I would favour a good Army General over any one of the "elected" autocrats,

available from the Government benches.

What will happen in Thailand? How will the people get their country back from the ghouls?

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"Neutrality in this instance is a non-existent opportunistic chimera created purely to divert a proper analysis of the real conditions within which the Thai Army operate.”

Well Mr Robert Amsterdam.

You should do a little research on your client (Mr Shinawatra). and you will find he has committed some rather appalling atrocities against his own people, as well as buying votes in order to seize power.

As for an "opportunistic chimera".... You are surely one yourself if ever there was one.... You just like the money and the high profile client.... You are a lawyer and would probably work with the Devil himself if the money was there..... Admit it to yourself and shut TFU.

Amsterdam, scaly reptile that he is, is indeed a chimera - of blight.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The colonel said this lawyer will be considered an undesirable person for the country, he said.

Since when is it the decision of an army to consider someone an undesirable person?

Who cares if they say he is “undesirable person”?

What does that mean?

Is he blacklisted? doubt it

probably just means if he comes to Thailand he will not chow down with the military at the mess hall

I doubt Amstedam gives a damn what anyone thinks of him

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Chee Soon Juan? Surely a worthy client? You really do side with the lunatic rightist fringe

The evidence is there for all to see my dear boy. I have only posted facts. Facts. Not guesswork.

Another example of lunacy from Amsterdam:

He Tweets:

"General Prayuth - if any coup is staged Thai Army Chiefs will be held personally responsible under international law."

He does not state which "international laws" stop a nation's military from intervening in violence carried out by an illegitimate regime which is openly run by a convicted criminal hiding abroad.

Running a regime in this way is Right Wing - if there ever was a definition of Right Wing, this is it.

If you see my previous posts you will note that I have quoted Hitler's Mein Kamp to show just how much of Hitler's ideology is used by Thaksin, Amsterdam et al.

But I do realise that you cannot argue with ideologists even when the truth stares them in the face.

The military are not competent to govern a nation state. The purpose of the military is to pursue the objectives of the nation state as determined by its government. In Thailand the government is elected by the people in accordance to the constitution. Where in the constitution does it state that the military has the right to conduct a military mutiny, i.e., a coup d'état? Where in the UN Charter or in any document or convention of International Law does it state that a military mutiny is a lawful and a justifiable action?

A Putsch is a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force and that is what Suthep and his mobs unlawfully demand. A putsch installed Abhisit as PM in 2008 followed by his rejection at the polls in 2011. Now you guys want an open and shameless putsch.

Edited by Publicus
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Amsterdam has no credibility anyway. Why would anyone want to listen to anything he has to say? He can't even work out the difference between the RTA and the RTP ... "In response to the call by a ["democratically-elected"] Thai government for help, he said, the Thai Army [police force] routinely go missing".

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Chee Soon Juan? Surely a worthy client? You really do side with the lunatic rightist fringe

The evidence is there for all to see my dear boy. I have only posted facts. Facts. Not guesswork.

Another example of lunacy from Amsterdam:

He Tweets:

"General Prayuth - if any coup is staged Thai Army Chiefs will be held personally responsible under international law."

He does not state which "international laws" stop a nation's military from intervening in violence carried out by an illegitimate regime which is openly run by a convicted criminal hiding abroad.

Running a regime in this way is Right Wing - if there ever was a definition of Right Wing, this is it.

If you see my previous posts you will note that I have quoted Hitler's Mein Kamp to show just how much of Hitler's ideology is used by Thaksin, Amsterdam et al.

But I do realise that you cannot argue with ideologists even when the truth stares them in the face.

The military are not competent to govern a nation state. The purpose of the military is to pursue the objectives of the nation state as determined by its government. In Thailand the government is elected by the people in accordance to the constitution. Where in the constitution does it state that the military has the right to conduct a military mutiny, i.e., a coup d'état? Where in the UN Charter or in any document or convention of International Law does it state that a military mutiny is a lawful and a justifiable action?

A Putsch is a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force and that is what Suthep and his mobs unlawfully demand.

Where in the constitution does is state that the military is obliged to stand by whilst a corrupt government strips the nation of all its assets?

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The army discredits itself when it rips up the country's constitution and forcefully overthrows its democratic form of government in the act of a coup.

People supporting a coup deserve neither liberty nor safety.

..."democratic form of government" ... are you f***ing serious...???!!

Edited by GeorgeO
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It is not Amsterdam who is narrow minded with a hidden agenda - it is the Thai armed forces who are the biggest hindrance for real democracy in Thailand. The army chief should have been removed a long time ago and replaced by a professional soldier - if there is such a thing in Thailand.

No one is actually surprised that you are wholeheartedly endorsing a proven liar and accept lies and propaganda as truth. That speaks volumes about your own character. wink.png

Anyway it appears that you don't understand how Thai political system works. It's a constitutional monarchy. So the priorities are different. When soldiers take oath they swear to protect the independence and the sovereignty of the state, the security of the monarchy, national interests, and government administration under a democratic regime with the King as Head of State. So you'd better pay more attention to wording of the oath and the order of priorities.

yes sure hahaha....but you are surely not talking about the Thai army here!

Or better their leadership!

The single most corrupt entity in this country - they have been robbing the country blind since they exist! The leadership has only two priorities - to fill their deep pockets and protect the way of life for the corrupt elite.

You must be new to Thailand - you know what an oath means in this country? It is not worth the paper it is written on!

They are a business enterprise using tax payers money for personal gain - not accountable to anybody.Or why do you think they have billions in "secret military funds" which can not be scrutinized?

Why not have the armed forces leadership personal wealth declared - oh I forgot they will not do that - because nobody will force them to!

The glorious army with the most generals in the world - has been fighting mostly their own people in the last 50 years! If they encounter an enemy who fights back they don't look so good!

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It is not Amsterdam who is narrow minded with a hidden agenda - it is the Thai armed forces who are the biggest hindrance for real democracy in Thailand. The army chief should have been removed a long time ago and replaced by a professional soldier - if there is such a thing in Thailand.

No one is actually surprised that you are wholeheartedly endorsing a proven liar and accept lies and propaganda as truth. That speaks volumes about your own character. wink.png

Anyway it appears that you don't understand how Thai political system works. It's a constitutional monarchy. So the priorities are different. When soldiers take oath they swear to protect the independence and the sovereignty of the state, the security of the monarchy, national interests, and government administration under a democratic regime with the King as Head of State. So you'd better pay more attention to wording of the oath and the order of priorities.

yes sure hahaha....but you are surely not talking about the Thai army here!

Or better their leadership!

The single most corrupt entity in this country - they have been robbing the country blind since they exist! The leadership has only two priorities - to fill their deep pockets and protect the way of life for the corrupt elite.

You must be new to Thailand - you know what an oath means in this country? It is not worth the paper it is written on!

They are a business enterprise using tax payers money for personal gain - not accountable to anybody.Or why do you think they have billions in "secret military funds" which can not be scrutinized?

Why not have the armed forces leadership personal wealth declared - oh I forgot they will not do that - because nobody will force them to!

The glorious army with the most generals in the world - has been fighting mostly their own people in the last 50 years! If they encounter an enemy who fights back they don't look so good!

Nothing annoys the Thaksin cheerleader club more than the army not putting themselves in Thaksin's pocket as per the police. The judiciary as well won't bend over.

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The only surprise is they aren't suing him for defamation. That guy has been, well, I won't say too many bad things about a shark as they may bite me on the ass but he is about as low as the rest of those in Thaksin's employ. Utter rubbish ! Everything he writes is lies or propaganda for his client..

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Thais have to learn to allow criticism. If it was right or wrong who cares. If they blacklist everybody who makes negative remarks about Thailand than they have to blacklist the whole international press. If you include Thais on both sides they are making remarks every day which could be the ground for expulsion.

It's called freedom of press.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Chee Soon Juan? Surely a worthy client? You really do side with the lunatic rightist fringe

The evidence is there for all to see my dear boy. I have only posted facts. Facts. Not guesswork.

Another example of lunacy from Amsterdam:

He Tweets:

"General Prayuth - if any coup is staged Thai Army Chiefs will be held personally responsible under international law."

He does not state which "international laws" stop a nation's military from intervening in violence carried out by an illegitimate regime which is openly run by a convicted criminal hiding abroad.

Running a regime in this way is Right Wing - if there ever was a definition of Right Wing, this is it.

If you see my previous posts you will note that I have quoted Hitler's Mein Kamp to show just how much of Hitler's ideology is used by Thaksin, Amsterdam et al.

But I do realise that you cannot argue with ideologists even when the truth stares them in the face.

The military are not competent to govern a nation state. The purpose of the military is to pursue the objectives of the nation state as determined by its government. In Thailand the government is elected by the people in accordance to the constitution. Where in the constitution does it state that the military has the right to conduct a military mutiny, i.e., a coup d'état? Where in the UN Charter or in any document or convention of International Law does it state that a military mutiny is a lawful and a justifiable action?

A Putsch is a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force and that is what Suthep and his mobs unlawfully demand.

Where in the constitution does is state that the military is obliged to stand by whilst a corrupt government strips the nation of all its assets?

In the part that states "there shall be an election".

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Nothing wrong with the article and its pretty accurate. The military could easily say there will be no blocking roads, shutting down govt buildings and utilities. This could stop any future circus type protest events which we all agree which ever side does it is completely unacceptable. :)

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Instead of worrying about what Robert Amsterdam says on a blog read by no more than 37 people, the army ought to concentrate on its core competencies (as I believe they say in business bullshit circles): killing Thai citizens who step out of line, skimming off vast amounts of state resources, drumming up farcical little tinpot conflicts with the neighbours, offering a full range of mafia services, waving their guns at politicians who aren't sufficiently scared (and, just to be safe, at those who are), and organizing a coup once in a while just to remind us all who is really in charge of things. Oh, hang on a second, they seem to have that all well in hand after all. As you were, soldiers.

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Nothing wrong with the article and its pretty accurate. The military could easily say there will be no blocking roads, shutting down govt buildings and utilities. This could stop any future circus type protest events which we all agree which ever side does it is completely unacceptable. smile.png

It's so bloody obvious the army wants the current government to fall. If the Reds staged the same BS, they'd be mowed down to a nub. The Army's actions are laughable. "we will not stage a coup but do everything in our power to ensure chaos reigns until it's absolutely necessary to send in the boots and the bullets. Crap!"

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What am I missing? In my country the military is under the control of the civilian government. Apparently I am mistaken in Thailand it appears that the military over the civilian government. Might be a good thing to include this in the reforms being discussed!

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