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Thai Army strongly slams Thaksin’s lawyer, Robert Amsterdam


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He went on saying “what is clear is that until the Thai Army is brought under lawful, accountable, democratic and civilian control it will act as a force hindering Thailand’s struggling – yet burgeoning – democracy."

Apart from the fact that this statement is bloody stupid in actual terms, it would also be far more appropriately aimed at Mr Amsterdam's client.

Are you saying that it is a stupid statement i.e should not be even contemplated as it is a perfectly normal status for an Army to be unlawful, unaccountable and not under civilian democratic control or do you mean it is not likely to happen? And why mention Thaksin. This is about the Army and Amsterdams statement. Are you saying that is not appropriate to expose the Army for what it is?

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Simply Thaksin throwing money around (again).

Does Amsterdam write this if not being paid? I don't think so, I don't think he pays any attention without Thaksin pay.

It's just the same as the 500thb for a vote, many talk "Democracy" but how can you have "Democracy" when poor, il-educated people cast their votes for the one that gives them 500thb and buys a couple rounds of beers?

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The Army and the Navy just can't take it when someone tells the truth about them.

So, there it is. You officially endorse and support Amsterdam's statements. That might be a foolhardy action if your side doesn't win. Frankly, I continue to be amazed at many of the posts on this forum that routinely engage in what Thai law regards as criminal defamation. The people doing so, I assume, do not reside in nor plan to visit Thailand anytime soon.

You like the Army and Navy want to make threats to those who don't agree with you. You should become a spoke person for the Suthep.

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The Army and the Navy just can't take it when someone tells the truth about them.

So, there it is. You officially endorse and support Amsterdam's statements. That might be a foolhardy action if your side doesn't win. Frankly, I continue to be amazed at many of the posts on this forum that routinely engage in what Thai law regards as criminal defamation. The people doing so, I assume, do not reside in nor plan to visit Thailand anytime soon.

You like the Army and Navy want to make threats to those who don't agree with you. You should become a spoke person for the Suthep.

Nowhereman60, and what you would like to see is a continuation of the Thaksin clan corruption run government? Satellites? Rice schemes? Hugely inflated costs of government projects?

Forget this Amsterdam guy, he's on the payroll.

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The Army and the Navy just can't take it when someone tells the truth about them.

So, there it is. You officially endorse and support Amsterdam's statements. That might be a foolhardy action if your side doesn't win. Frankly, I continue to be amazed at many of the posts on this forum that routinely engage in what Thai law regards as criminal defamation. The people doing so, I assume, do not reside in nor plan to visit Thailand anytime soon.

You like the Army and Navy want to make threats to those who don't agree with you. You should become a spoke person for the Suthep.

Look, here, precious, I am not making any threat whatsoever. I am outlining the situation some people seem bound and determined to put themselves in. This is Thailand. And they have their own set of laws and cultural norms. You might not like it, but that doesn't matter. Your post was foolish. Just like many others I see who nonchalantly offer personal and institutional insults like they are safe on American soil.

Your a ______ (just look at your picture)

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The colonel said this lawyer will be considered an undesirable person for the country, he said.

Since when is it the decision of an army to consider someone an undesirable person?

when they have the power to do so.

and of course don't be mislead in to thinking that Mr Amsterdam is Dutch.

Edited by jonesthebaker
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Simply Thaksin throwing money around (again).

Does Amsterdam write this if not being paid? I don't think so, I don't think he pays any attention without Thaksin pay.

It's just the same as the 500thb for a vote, many talk "Democracy" but how can you have "Democracy" when poor, il-educated people cast their votes for the one that gives them 500thb and buys a couple rounds of beers?

Mr. Amsterdam has not represented the former PM for quite some time. I believe he was speaking from his position as an internationally recognized expert in human rights law.

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Since when was it amsterdams place to blast the Thai army.

Oh yes, he is Thaksins mouthpiece so he is talking for the convicted crim.

How dare the army attempt to prevent the chosen one from returning to claim his rightful place as the dictator.

The problem with that is that you would only permit information/news/argument supporting YOUR perspective to be available. It's healthy to be able to hear all sides....even that which might be considered by some to be extreme

And the problem with your argument is that Amsterday is the paid mouthpiece of a convicted fugitive from justice and therefor anything but unbiased.

In that case, why did a large proportion of the media deem it newsworthy, but a major source of news for foreigners decided to ignore it? It is worthy of discussion regardless of personal views of its accuracy or otherwise

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You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't piss into the wind, you don't pull the mash off the Lone Ranger, and you don't eff wtth the Thai Army. Really, is antagonizing the Army the best way to get them on your side, Mr. Amsterdam? Your boss has become more and more an idiot in his later years.

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The Army and the Navy just can't take it when someone tells the truth about them.

So, there it is. You officially endorse and support c. That might be a foolhardy action if your side doesn't win. Frankly, I continue to be amazed at many of the posts on this forum that routinely engage in what Thai law regards as criminal defamation. The people doing so, I assume, do not reside in nor plan to visit Thailand anytime soon.

You like the Army and Navy want to make threats to those who don't agree with you. You should become a spoke person for the Suthep.

Not sure if the proposed 2013 amendment to the Thai Computer Crime Act has been enacted; if so Amsterdam's statement would be unlawful with up to two years imprisonment and from the Army statement, I assume also black listed.

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Since when was it amsterdams place to blast the Thai army.

Oh yes, he is Thaksins mouthpiece so he is talking for the convicted crim.

How dare the army attempt to prevent the chosen one from returning to claim his rightful place as the dictator.

The problem with that is that you would only permit information/news/argument supporting YOUR perspective to be available. It's healthy to be able to hear all sides....even that which might be considered by some to be extreme

And the problem with your argument is that Amsterday is the paid mouthpiece of a convicted fugitive from justice and therefor anything but unbiased.

Forget Amsterdam's personal circumstances for a moment.Can you or indeed anybody demonstrate that his comments on the Thai army are other than accurate? Thought not.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Since when was it amsterdams place to blast the Thai army.

Oh yes, he is Thaksins mouthpiece so he is talking for the convicted crim.

How dare the army attempt to prevent the chosen one from returning to claim his rightful place as the dictator.

He reminds me more of Morey Amsterdam every day:


Edited by GazR
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The colonel said this lawyer will be considered an undesirable person for the country, he said.

Since when is it the decision of an army to consider someone an undesirable person?

Yes, accuse the Thai army of interfering in the running of the country and what do they do? Assume the role of the immigration department.

Funny how by trying to deny what Amsterdam said, they pretty much confirmed his statement.

......................."Funny how by trying to deny what Amsterdam said, they pretty much confirmed his statement.".............................

Rubbish !

That reminds me, I have to put the bin out. Thanks jackrich ! biggrin.png

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Love how everyone throws around the "D" word (Democracy). And none of them know the true meaning of it.

And you do? Laughable because you seem to think that your own country is so democratic. It isn't and you are the one who don't understand the true meaning of it.

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he is right the army has already refusing to follow lawful directions from the elected government

".........the elected government."

There is no government. It is in caretaker mode.

And what "lawful" directions are the army disregarding?

Even if it was in caretakers mode it is still a government, an elected one. But sure, be delusional and keep telling yourself otherwise.

An army is supposed to be under orders from the government, not the other way around. That is how it works in a democracy. And Thailand is a democracy. Not a single government in the world states otherwise. Only you, the fascist yellow shirts, and some people on this board do.

Edited by diceq
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Since when was it amsterdams place to blast the Thai army.

Oh yes, he is Thaksins mouthpiece so he is talking for the convicted crim.

How dare the army attempt to prevent the chosen one from returning to claim his rightful place as the dictator.

Please highlight what part of Amsterdams article was factually incorrect so we can all discuss

Right! Amsterdam my be a dubious person, just as much as his client, but even he sometimes may be right. The Thai Army has a history of coups and violence against the Thai people.


so what they are needed until such time as would be dictators like Taksin is able to disregard laws checks and balances. If and when Thailand's leaders accept independent judiciary and such bodies and accept their judgements then feel free to criticise the army here. Taksin has clearly stated he does not believe in democracy, his taksin regime have clearly stated they do not accept court decisions and wont, Taksins government have tried to force through an amnesty bill to give immunity to Taksin and force through changes to constitution so any spending could not be scrutinised even y their own party members or MP's and Taksin has been caught red handed trying to bribe judges (luck box with 2 million baht) as well as plenty of other tube evidence showing he has total disregard for any laws and is quite happy to pay red shirt thugs to do his will.

How much worse does it have to get for people to stop trying to make excuses for Taksin and his one aim to turn here into his own one party dictatorship so he and his clan can have total absolute control of Thailand.

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