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Is Thailand ready for Asean Economic Community?


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You don't think the current yellow-shirt shenanigans might have something to do with the pending AEC deadline? The Thai "old money" cannot be too keen on increased competition and more openness in granting of contracts, etc.

Indeed sir, indeed.

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That explains why Ministry of Education was allocated over 500 million baht to improve the English proficiency among the students, especially those attending vocational schools.

I'm afraid this huge amount somehow got diverted along the, because the English proficiency of the students, as well as some of the Thai English grammar teachers is still at a below acceptable standard (excepting the Private English schools where the parents pay huge amounts to try and educate their youngsters) if by some miracle the money did get through, then i can almost guarantee that less than 30% reached its destination, the balance of 70% went to finance other projects. the last time i spoke about the AEC to students, I got this blank look, teachers knowledge of the AEC is just as bad as the students.

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Thailand will be flooded with people from other ASEAN countries that will be better qualified for the best jobs availabl to.

countries, who unlike Thailand, have prepared for ( like learning the English language) the target of 2015.

Countries who's people have a good serious work ethic!

Thais will lose jobs and money.

This is Thailand.

Maybe when they realize what a mess their attitude has made of things, they will just decide not to play with their ASEAN neighbors anymore.

Take their ball (jobs) and stay home!

Mai pen rai?

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Thailand will be flooded with people from other ASEAN countries that will be better qualified for the best jobs availabl to.

countries, who unlike Thailand, have prepared for ( like learning the English language) the target of 2015.

Countries who's people have a good serious work ethic!

Thais will lose jobs and money.

This is Thailand.

Maybe when they realize what a mess their attitude has made of things, they will just decide not to play with their ASEAN neighbors anymore.

Take their ball (jobs) and stay home!

Mai pen rai?

And which countries are better developed in ASEAN community than Thailand? Mynamar? Cambodia? Laos? The Phillippines? Indonesia? All those countries are considerably poorer than Thailand, all those countries are even more corrupted than Thailand. The only country which is ahead of Thailand is Singapore and they're also unhappy about AEC. Neither Singapore nor Thailand will benefit from AEC. Malaysia and Vietnam are catching up fast, but they're still behind Thailand. The whole idea of ASEAN is the recipe for a disaster. The countries are so different that it's almost impossible to make them work together as a unit. And we have to take into consideration that both the USA and China see ASEAN as their own sphere of interest so the backlash is inevitable.

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Take a snapshot from two Northern villages i regularly visit for family purposes. I have been asking people what they know about ASEAN now for over a year and everyone i ask, including 'village leaders', know absolutely nothing about it other than it's some name they've seen on posters. If you try to explain anything about it they don't really want to know and the only question that anyone asks is ' how much money will i get from it ? '.

Nothing changes in the mindset of these people unless there is a big carrot being waved right in front of their eyes.

Are they ready ?.........Forget it !

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Nowhere near ready!

For many a year Thailand has taught its people they are number one, the world stops at the border, Thailand is the best place in the world, in fact there is no other hub like it! Joining the new group blows a hole in that for a start! Thailand thinks that joining will be all benefits for them and no disadvantages, I think they will be in for rude awakening, some of those countries are well organised, know whats going in the world, how to learn from others and how to make the most of opportunities, they will show Thailand things they have not seen before the question is will Thailand take in on board quickly enough or will they be exploited by the speed of change. They will have to understand that what works in Thailand may not work over the border, I have had to adapt to the Thai way as I am here, not so sure they will adapt so well.

There are so many facets to this, all will have to make changes for the good of all, the ones who can do this, quickly, willingly and with an open mind for the future will be the winners, I think it will take Thailand time. At this time I would put Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia ahead of Thailand in clout with the Asean although I expect Thailand thinks it is number 1 ( naturally), interesting times ahead.

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You don't think the current yellow-shirt shenanigans might have something to do with the pending AEC deadline? The Thai "old money" cannot be too keen on increased competition and more openness in granting of contracts, etc.

As with all other countries, politics has many unseen levels and mechanisms. Things are not what they seem to be at the best of times, the players will orchestrate a nice diversionary sideshow whilst secretly make deals to benefit themselves.

I doubt either "side" wants to be the one that'll have to change the constitution so that nationals of other ASEAN states can buy land here with 75% ownership. The ones that pass that law will go down in history as the traitors who sold out the country. As far as I understand, this is the reason for the 364 day delay.

In a way, I hope AEC never happens as scapegoats will be needed if things go pear shaped for Thailand.

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Thailand will be flooded with people from other ASEAN countries that will be better qualified for the best jobs availabl to.

countries, who unlike Thailand, have prepared for ( like learning the English language) the target of 2015.

Countries who's people have a good serious work ethic!

Thais will lose jobs and money.

This is Thailand.

Maybe when they realize what a mess their attitude has made of things, they will just decide not to play with their ASEAN neighbors anymore.

Take their ball (jobs) and stay home!

Mai pen rai?

And which countries are better developed in ASEAN community than Thailand? Mynamar? Cambodia? Laos? The Phillippines? Indonesia? All those countries are considerably poorer than Thailand, all those countries are even more corrupted than Thailand. The only country which is ahead of Thailand is Singapore and they're also unhappy about AEC. Neither Singapore nor Thailand will benefit from AEC. Malaysia and Vietnam are catching up fast, but they're still behind Thailand. The whole idea of ASEAN is the recipe for a disaster. The countries are so different that it's almost impossible to make them work together as a unit. And we have to take into consideration that both the USA and China see ASEAN as their own sphere of interest so the backlash is inevitable.

I guess I could have been clearer in my post.

The point I was trying to make is that even though the government has spent tons of money to improve the English speaking skills of Thais, the money has vanished ( into thin air or thick wallets) and Thailand is rated one of the worst of all the ASEAN countries in their ability to speak and understand the English language.

English is the language of international business and that is where the the best paying jobs will be in the future.

Other ASEAN countries who have learned the language will be qualified for these jobs and the Thais will not.

I do honestly wonder if Thailand will seek a way out of ASEAN when they see other nationalities benefiting from it and Thais losing out on good jobs.

I feel the youth of Thailand has been cheated out of a good future.

I hope that is a little more clear.

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from the World Bank ...

"Thailand is one of the great development success stories. Due to smart economic policies it has become an upper middle income economy and is making progress towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals"

Thailand is better prepared than most other ASEAN countries. If anyone doubts this pls check the economic and other indicators.

But when I look at the EU I wonder about the project itself .....

Edited by bundoi
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Thailand will be flooded with people from other ASEAN countries that will be better qualified for the best jobs availabl to.

countries, who unlike Thailand, have prepared for ( like learning the English language) the target of 2015.

Countries who's people have a good serious work ethic!

Thais will lose jobs and money.

This is Thailand.

Maybe when they realize what a mess their attitude has made of things, they will just decide not to play with their ASEAN neighbors anymore.

Take their ball (jobs) and stay home!

Mai pen rai?

And which countries are better developed in ASEAN community than Thailand? Mynamar? Cambodia? Laos? The Phillippines? Indonesia? All those countries are considerably poorer than Thailand, all those countries are even more corrupted than Thailand. The only country which is ahead of Thailand is Singapore and they're also unhappy about AEC. Neither Singapore nor Thailand will benefit from AEC. Malaysia and Vietnam are catching up fast, but they're still behind Thailand. The whole idea of ASEAN is the recipe for a disaster. The countries are so different that it's almost impossible to make them work together as a unit. And we have to take into consideration that both the USA and China see ASEAN as their own sphere of interest so the backlash is inevitable.

I guess I could have been clearer in my post.

The point I was trying to make is that even though the government has spent tons of money to improve the English speaking skills of Thais, the money has vanished ( into thin air or thick wallets) and Thailand is rated one of the worst of all the ASEAN countries in their ability to speak and understand the English language.

English is the language of international business and that is where the the best paying jobs will be in the future.

Other ASEAN countries who have learned the language will be qualified for these jobs and the Thais will not.

I do honestly wonder if Thailand will seek a way out of ASEAN when they see other nationalities benefiting from it and Thais losing out on good jobs.

I feel the youth of Thailand has been cheated out of a good future.

I hope that is a little more clear.

Yes, the Thai youth have been cheated out of a better future, work wise, but they aren't entirely blameless. This country has had many, many years to prepare for ASEAN by taking English teaching much more serious. Instead they allowed (and still do) these primary school teachers with zero English skills to teach English. What sort of start is that for the students? It's like me teaching the guitar to kids although I don't play a single chord. They wouldn't want to learn any more as it's a waste of time.

The students aren't entirely blameless as I know the vast majority believe English isn't necessary as the Thai language is enough for work. Misguided and very behind the times.

Will they decide to abandon ship? Can they? Either way it'll all end in tears one way or another.

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My answer to this is simple. They are in no way ready for the advent of the AEC, however, this may be a blessing in disguise as their failure to be competitive may well knock some of the arrogance out of them and bring them to the realization that their elected officials have failed miserable in providing the educational and skill infrastructure which would allow them a level playing field.

Furthermore the insular and isolationist policies of past years will come home to roost and will hopefully motivate the Thai people to raise the bar with regard to the public expectancy of their performance on behalf of all the people and not just the cronies and lackeys which abound like piranha.

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Thailand is at the Bottom of being ready for ASEAN

No legal papers in English

No customs papers in English

No Legal system in English

No Business/commerce information in English

Right at the Bottom of this Asean thing.

14 years of English teaching program in Thailand and no one speaks English any where.

Poor Thailand

I spent hours trying to find out why I could not get an AIA insurance policy in English. I could never get a straight answer.

I would add to that a general unwillingness to learn new things. I do not think this is a "cultural" problem but to the dismal failure of the educational system.

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Lol! Thailand ready for AEC! Lol! Worst still their delusions of making Thailand the HQ or HUB for the AEC! Lol! Majority Thais cannot speak English! Majority Thais are Xenophobic! They treat Burmese, Laotians, Cambodians and Vietnamese badly and look down on them. Vietnamese, Burmese and Cambodian prisoners and workers in Thailand are abused and treated badly and yet most of these f@##$! organisations like the UN, Amnesty International and other so called NGOs do nothing to inform the rest of the world about Thailand's behaviour.

The Thai Politicans are all a joke! Only corrupted and cheating money for their families and croynies. The so called Thai Hisos are the worst bunch I ever seen in my life, they cannot even be compared to the feet of the Hisos in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia who are truly humble yet rich and are very philanthropical unlike the thai hisos who even demand monies to attend events!

Oh Please, I have to stop.......its making me laugh hilariously! lol!

Yes, Thialand can be the hub within the AEC community for the most available and cheapest but rubbish quality sex trade! Its all that they are famous for!

(couldn't resist it)....Thailand Hub of AEC (Adult Entertainment Centre)

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I am Singaporean and live in Thailand and so do have a bit of knowledge from Thai and Singapore perspectives.

The first thing to realise is that despite a lot of fine words and perceived intentions, very little will change. Each country in ASEAN is paranoid about promoting and protecting their respective national interests, most of which go counter to any kind of ASEAN free market. It's not just Thailand. Singapore is only interested in being able to invest in Thai companies and isn't about to allow an influx of foreign workers from any country, including Thailand. Likewise, Thailand isn't really going to allow increased investment in Thai companies, nor allow an influx of workers from Lao, Myanmar, or Singapore for that matter.

The ASEAN free market initiative gets zero to nil mention in Singapore, they are smart enough to realise nothing much is really going t happen, so why waste time looking at it when they are other ways to make money. In Thailand, budgets get allocated and money spent for the simple reason that it is an easy way to skim money off the top. Another trough to feed in, so to speak. Just check out the ASEAN passport only in eat the airports. Yes, used just like any other passport line, so any money spent on signage etc is just wasted.

In answer to the question, Thailand isn't ready, but it doesn't matter, there isn't really anything to get ready for. Mature European countries squabble like children in the Eurozone, child like Asian governments have no chance at any kind of free market.

Talk is cheap.

Perhaps the 8 Bilion spent on education/preparedness was spent on those ASEAN passport lines at the Airport? That would explain it. 4 Billion on building them and 4 Billion explaining how they're to be used by officials and public alike.

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Yes Thailand is ready just pop down to Bangkok and see for yourself all welcome, Thailand will lead and the other ASEAN countries will follow our noble upstanding example how a real democratic country should be run and we will also give them any financial guidelines they may require how to become a prosperous free thinking nation like Thailand

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