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Yingluck says she will not resign


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So if you feel rage, then it is okay to burn buildings?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Sure, depending how bad you've been treated. The rural poor have always been viewed and treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The finally have a voice, a government has made developing the poorest parts of the country a priority, and this riles the Bangkok elite. That money should be funnelled into their pockets instead! In the eyes of the elite Thailand=Bangkok and no-one else matters.

They have to fight to protect their rights otherwise the elite will snatch it from them time and time again. If the Thais weren't so tolerant telling each other "mai pen rai" this war would have been fought decades ago.

Is this the anarchist's version of democracy? Or straight from the red hand book?

The red shirts simply want to be able to exercise their political rights without the country's elite trampling all over them. If that eventually means resorting to violence because other measures have failed then that is probably what they'll resort to. They simply want a just outcome.

The yellow shirts want an unjust outcome. They want to impose unelected rulers that represent the interests of a minority on the majority. They want a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.

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So if you feel rage, then it is okay to burn buildings?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Sure, depending how bad you've been treated. The rural poor have always been viewed and treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The finally have a voice, a government has made developing the poorest parts of the country a priority, and this riles the Bangkok elite. That money should be funnelled into their pockets instead! In the eyes of the elite Thailand=Bangkok and no-one else matters.

They have to fight to protect their rights otherwise the elite will snatch it from them time and time again. If the Thais weren't so tolerant telling each other "mai pen rai" this war would have been fought decades ago.

Is this the anarchist's version of democracy? Or straight from the red hand book?

The red shirts simply want to be able to exercise their political rights without the country's elite trampling all over them. If that eventually means resorting to violence because other measures have failed then that is probably what they'll resort to. They simply want a just outcome.

The yellow shirts want an unjust outcome. They want to impose unelected rulers that represent the interests of a minority on the majority. They want a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.

That would be red handbook then. The Idiot's guide to Thai Politics, subtitled Arson for Fun and Profit.

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Why should she resign, she was democratically elected!

because if she cared at all about Thailand she would go and so help resolve the situation and she's not PM is she ?? she's Taksins clone so another reason she should go

?? do you really think if she tries to hang on under orders of her brother its going to be accepted by moat thais and even if she could win again she will only lead a divisive party who would be faced with constant protest.

So best thing for Thailand would be to resign after all even handbag Thatcher went when she realised her support was going but then in UK we don't have puppet governments who are only their for one man

If she does not go this does not end simple as that so if she does not go it increases greatly chances of civil war

Any one with some sense can see it would be far batter for all if she went and handed over to a non Taksin party

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Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra reiterated that she would not resign as demanded by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) but to stay on to protect democracy.

So there you have it folks,.... orders from Skype, and backing up by the Pheu Thai goons. "Steer my puppet sistaaaa!!!!"

Can the Desert Fox not pay his phone bills anymore as he's using Skype ??? cheesy.gif

Where are all those stolen Billions gone ? Little sista bought her private jet already ? Or she bought half of Singapore and Hong Kong ? coffee1.gif

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So if you feel rage, then it is okay to burn buildings?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Sure, depending how bad you've been treated. The rural poor have always been viewed and treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The finally have a voice, a government has made developing the poorest parts of the country a priority, and this riles the Bangkok elite. That money should be funnelled into their pockets instead! In the eyes of the elite Thailand=Bangkok and no-one else matters.

They have to fight to protect their rights otherwise the elite will snatch it from them time and time again. If the Thais weren't so tolerant telling each other "mai pen rai" this war would have been fought decades ago.

Is this the anarchist's version of democracy? Or straight from the red hand book?

The red shirts simply want to be able to exercise their political rights without the country's elite trampling all over them. If that eventually means resorting to violence because other measures have failed then that is probably what they'll resort to. They simply want a just outcome.

The yellow shirts want an unjust outcome. They want to impose unelected rulers that represent the interests of a minority on the majority. They want a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.


The red shirts that simply want to be able to exercise their "rights" is the red shirt party, not the common people of Thailand. Those that support the red shirt party are the ones getting screwed the most, but to ignorant to know it, by design.

It's not the elite trampling all over them, it's Thai people fighting for equal rights for everyone including them, those that support the red shirt party but are getting screwed the most.

The "yellows" do not want an unjust outcome, they want the unjust outcomes to stop once and for all.

You don't seem to know how the Thai government works where people are constantly being appointed but the supposedly elected by the majority government, and then reshuffling cabinets so everybody can get a turn at the trough which only increases "loyalty" to the corrupt system, for money is God here.

They don't want a dictatorship, they want to prevent a dictatorship.

You are so clueless I can only have compassion for those like yourself unless being the newbie that you are have found

this as a way to be employed by spreading lies and misinformation.

The red party does not represent the people, any party system is not democracy anyway. To consider Thailand a democratic society based on

"we came from election" is just proof you have no idea what you're talking about.

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Yingluck is super rich, she doesn't need the job. The question is, why is she holding on to power,

what is her benefit? If so many hate her, why doesn't she just leave?

Is there going to be some kind of consequence for saying "I quit"?

She's worried about something.

Taksin said don't quit, you'll go to jail.

You don't go to jail for quitting your job, so what is she really afraid of?

She does not represent the people of Thailand, she represents her party and her party's interests only,

that's pretty obvious at this point.

The power never stays in anyone in the plant as if it was then it wouldn't come to them. Also she knows that if she let it go this time it will be the end of Pue Thai party and Taksin groups. This is the end for her if she resign

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

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So if you feel rage, then it is okay to burn buildings?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Sure, depending how bad you've been treated. The rural poor have always been viewed and treated as second-class citizens in their own country. The finally have a voice, a government has made developing the poorest parts of the country a priority, and this riles the Bangkok elite. That money should be funnelled into their pockets instead! In the eyes of the elite Thailand=Bangkok and no-one else matters.

They have to fight to protect their rights otherwise the elite will snatch it from them time and time again. If the Thais weren't so tolerant telling each other "mai pen rai" this war would have been fought decades ago.

Is this the anarchist's version of democracy? Or straight from the red hand book?

The red shirts simply want to be able to exercise their political rights without the country's elite trampling all over them. If that eventually means resorting to violence because other measures have failed then that is probably what they'll resort to. They simply want a just outcome.

The yellow shirts want an unjust outcome. They want to impose unelected rulers that represent the interests of a minority on the majority. They want a dictatorship that represents the interests of the Bangkok elite.


The red shirts that simply want to be able to exercise their "rights" is the red shirt party, not the common people of Thailand. Those that support the red shirt party are the ones getting screwed the most, but to ignorant to know it, by design.

It's not the elite trampling all over them, it's Thai people fighting for equal rights for everyone including them, those that support the red shirt party but are getting screwed the most.

The "yellows" do not want an unjust outcome, they want the unjust outcomes to stop once and for all.

You don't seem to know how the Thai government works where people are constantly being appointed but the supposedly elected by the majority government, and then reshuffling cabinets so everybody can get a turn at the trough which only increases "loyalty" to the corrupt system, for money is God here.

They don't want a dictatorship, they want to prevent a dictatorship.

You are so clueless I can only have compassion for those like yourself unless being the newbie that you are have found

this as a way to be employed by spreading lies and misinformation.

The red party does not represent the people, any party system is not democracy anyway. To consider Thailand a democratic society based on

"we came from election" is just proof you have no idea what you're talking about.

Absolute drivel

you really cannot see the elite/amart trying to cling onto power through any means available? you really don't believe the yellows are funded and driven by the ruling class? now THAT is ignorance!

this has little to do with Thaksin and everything to do with the elite retaining control so their kids can drive their lovely Farrari's, shoot who they want with impunity and their lovely grand children can tell us "many Thais lack a true understanding of democracy... especially in the rural areas" she even wants lese majeste strengthened!!!

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"to protect democracy which belongs to the people."

Well it would belong to the people if the government didn't hijack it and do as they pleased whilst running roughshod over the people and the democratic laws they are meant to uphold..... and this applies in western democratic countries was well,- it's endemic!

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That's the great thing about a democracy. A bad government won't stay in power!

If what you claim is true then the PTP won't win the election!

In a few weeks we'll see who really does represent the will of the people!!

This is Thailand: Who's to say that Thaksin won't further entrench his power by continuing to game the system and that his parliamentary dictatorship will not come to rival the longevity of the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines. In fact, his actions suggest that is indeed what he is aiming at, and given his smarts the silent majority on both sides of the political divide are cowed by the prospect of persecution for opposing him and/or the rewards for opposing his rivals.

In any case, a delayed election for reforms to take place seems the most likely outcome at this stage, although Yingluck will no doubt try to spin it as a win for the government etc. etc. while adding a few more fake tears and remembering not to smirk to her handlers while walking off-stage this time.

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That's the great thing about a democracy. A bad government won't stay in power!

If what you claim is true then the PTP won't win the election!

In a few weeks we'll see who really does represent the will of the people!!

Zimbabwe ...

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Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra reiterated that she would not resign as demanded by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) but to stay on to protect democracy.

So there you have it folks,.... orders from Skype, and backing up by the Pheu Thai goons. "Steer my puppet sistaaaa!!!!"

Ok , so Yingluck resigns and the elite and anti government supporter's laugh with glee. Under the constitution and present circumstances she would be charged with dereliction of duty and brought before the Court to face possible goal time. Exactly what Suthep and Abhisit want to force her into. Get informed people. She has played the game courageously thus far.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think everybody is resigned to these occasional statements by Yingluck.

And the band played on....

Except that she is correct in her comments............

So you think that she has previously championed democracy, upheld and respected the law, and carried out her duties responsibly and in accordance with her oath of office?

You really believe her comments?

Too sad for words.

I believe her words. Not like the guy who used a faked document to cheat for a teaching job. He also demanded an election but when it happened he boycotted it. He lied to the whole world that his government had an international arrest warrant.

What has that got to do with the price of fish? So Abhisit lies, Thaksin lies, Blair and Bush certainly lied, as did Thatcher, Hollande, Berlusconi, and most politicians that have spoken.

However, this thread is about Yingluck, who has been caught lying, saying one thing and doing another, breaking promises and doing more u-turns than a motorbike taxi driver since taking office.

You want to believe her - up to you.

ps - I know of some really good investment opportunities. PM me and let's talk.

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Yingluck is super rich, she doesn't need the job. The question is, why is she holding on to power,

what is her benefit? If so many hate her, why doesn't she just leave?

Is there going to be some kind of consequence for saying "I quit"?

She's worried about something.

Taksin said don't quit, you'll go to jail.

You don't go to jail for quitting your job, so what is she really afraid of?

She does not represent the people of Thailand, she represents her party and her party's interests only,

that's pretty obvious at this point.

The power never stays in anyone in the plant as if it was then it wouldn't come to them. Also she knows that if she let it go this time it will be the end of Pue Thai party and Taksin groups. This is the end for her if she resign

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

read my post, if she resigns she goes to court for dereliction of duty and faces a goal sentence... Simple.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra reiterated that she would not resign as demanded by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) but to stay on to protect democracy.

So there you have it folks,.... orders from Skype, and backing up by the Pheu Thai goons. "Steer my puppet sistaaaa!!!!"

Ok , so Yingluck resigns and the elite and anti government supporter's laugh with glee. Under the constitution and present circumstances she would be charged with dereliction of duty and brought before the Court to face possible goal time. Exactly what Suthep and Abhisit want to force her into. Get informed people. She has played the game courageously thus far.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Whats goal time - is it like "Fergie time"!! Maybe she can fly to desert and Join K Thaksin

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"to protect democracy which belongs to the people."

Well it would belong to the people if the government didn't hijack it and do as they pleased whilst running roughshod over the people and the democratic laws they are meant to uphold..... and this applies in western democratic countries was well,- it's endemic!

And I guess what is happening now is really democratic? Just a thought.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I have lived now in Pattaya, Thailand for two years after retiring and moving here from the USA. I really know very little about Thai politics and I know there are always two sides to every issue. I have not always been happy with the presidents or state governors who were elected in my lifetime. However, in a democracy the majority vote rules and you have to live with the results until the next election. I always hoped any elected leaders would do well and do things that would help the people regardless of which party they were from. Now for some people that is not true, i.e. the protesters in Thailand. I don't know if Ying Luck is good or bad, or if she has helped the people in Thailand or not. However, as far as I know she was legally elected by the people in Thailand and has a high approval rating with what seems to be a majority of the people in Thailand. I believe she did support raising the minimum daily wage to 300 baht a day, which I assume is helpful to most Thai people who work in these low paying jobs. How many of us could survive on 300 baht a day? I know there were many companies and politicians who are opposed to raising wages for the poor, which I have never understood even when I was living in America. If the losing side in other all the other democracies acted like the protesters in Thailand, it would be a very chaotic and depressing world.

As someone who negotiated many things in my life time, including teacher contracts for teachers, I find it very hard to understand while the protesters refuse to compromise on any issue. Their demands that Ying Luck step down don't seem reasonable. She is the leader of a country who was legally elected by a high majority of the people of Thailand. Now I completely understand that Thailand is built on corruption at seemingly every level and I am not sure if any elected leader can fix that, but maybe in time it will eventually get to a level that would be at least acceptable to some degree like many other countries. What I do know is, that the disruption that is now being caused by the protesters is severely hurting the Thai people and the Thai economy. At the very least I would think the people in other countries around the world would be wondering why there is no negotiation and no compromise. Now I completely realize that things are not much better in many other countries including the USA where I am from, but but people in these countries are not trying to shut down their governments, or doing things that would disrupt the economy, which in essence would make things much much worse. Any leader or government who is totally unwilling to negotiate or compromise to help the people of his or her country, is not really a leader and certainly is not a leader I would want! In a democracy, you have to live with the choices of the majority and figure out how to make it work. To me that is the crux of the issue!

48% of a 75% election turnout voted for PTP. You consider that a high majority? Glad you never negotiated anything on my behalf.

Compromise is one of many negotiation techniques. But not the only, or always the right one.

You're right, you know very little about the current situation and maybe should spend some time researching the facts.

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That's the great thing about a democracy. A bad government won't stay in power!

If what you claim is true then the PTP won't win the election!

In a few weeks we'll see who really does represent the will of the people!!

Zimbabwe ...

Thailand has free and fair elections. Zimbabwe doesn't.

The people will decide in a few weeks.

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She and hers have beaten the old fool at just about every turn and will likely do it again as the residents of Bangkok realize they have been Sutheps pawns.

The larger percentage of respect of the world stage is currently in her corner and any credibility whatsoever in the Suthep camp is rapidly being eroded by his increasingly ridiculous actions.

Accepting olive branches to at least talk have been dismissed out of hand as has any form of compromise. The PTP Thaksin camp would have won the world poker championships hands down with the way they have played their hand in this confrontation.

I firmly believe at one point Suthep may just have achieved a fair proportion of his objectives but his continued belligerence related to all things Thaksin has clouded what little judgement he and his masters may have had.

Hopefully it will just peter out and there will be no additional confrontations. And as mentioned by an earlier poster on TV, perhaps the potential savior of Thailand is out there somewhere, but conspicuously absent at the moment.

The biggest losers in this at this moment in time are Abhisit and his "Democrats" and sadly and most importantly- the Thai people.

Just have to say my friend, there is an old adage which goes something like this... Its better to keep your mouth shut and let peoples think you are a buffoon, than to open it and give them the proof... and to add.... there will be no losers in this present conflict... there will be only winners, the peoples of Thailand...hurrahhh

Absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Are you saying that he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about,

or that you have absolutely no idea about what he is talking about ? attachicon.gifDaffy - confused.jpg

Both rather seem to fit the bill!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Suthep is basically saying give me the country or I'll trash the joint.

Wasn't that basically what the reds/Thaksin were saying in 2010?

Actually, as i remember (my office was at CWT at the time) they trashed and burned the place... even after they got the elections they wanted...

In what civilized country would you heed the demands of a maniac threatening to destroy the country if you don't hand him the keys?

Are we talking Suthep or Thaksin? Sorry that comment could equally be placed at the feet of either men, with the exception that Suthep hasnt trashed anything (yet) where as Thaksin's lot did.

The red shirts had reason to be livid in 2010. The army and "others" engineered a coup where a political party that hadn't won an election in 15 years and represented the interests of the Bangkok elite had been installed into power. It was the kind of thing that happens in tinpot banana republics not a modern, democratic, constitutional monarchy.

The red shirts had no real choice but to resort to violence if they wanted their political rights to be respected. The elite had pulled the rug from under them. The red shirts were merely trying to restore what rightfully belonged to them. They wanted justice.

The burning of buildings was a result of rage. Rage against the elite, rage against the army for fanning the flames.

The yellow shirts have nothing to rage against. They're just unhappy that the government wasn't putting the interests of the Bangkok elite first and foremost. Their demands are unjust. They want an unelected ruler who represents a minority.

There is no excuse for what the red shirts did in 2010, they caused death, destruction, and innocent peoples livelihoods. There is no getting away from that.

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Odd that this skype thing is taken seriously. Does anyone honestly and sincerely believe that in a period of national crisis, the prime minister of thailand would have a conversation with her 'shadowy puppet master brother' in full view of random people? Were he so powerful and nefarious do you think HE would allow it, then? That would be insane. So this leaves only two options:

1. A close and trusted advisor is briefing against her.

2. It was made up.

Since the situation is going to be somewhat paranoid anyways, im going with option 2. She said shed give an announcement. She had a chat (no doubt in private) with her brother for advice. She made her mind up. People in the more public meeting where she announced she would carry on 'fabricated the better part of experience'. The end.

Also, its fairly evident the threat has passed now. The next big challenge is the election. So far PTP have played a blinder here. Theyve continually given the protests room to breath and allowed them to carry out their 'peaceful' intentions (though lets be frank, the hardcore want nothing of the sort here - they want a clampdown, and the tanks to roll in and save them from a tyrannous illegitimate government). Riot and they lose the mainstream support. Dont riot and they lose their momentum. The government and their advisers have been extraordinary: give them room and let them expand as far as theyll go. This monday was the big test. I watched it all day. It did nothing. It achieved nothing. Its gone as far as its going in its current form. The only logical next step is dissipation or violence. And this will mean self-implosion SO LONG AS the government allow the protesters the breathing room to act as they have been doing. Its a masterclass, to be honest, in crisis control.

Total rubbish. She wanted to step down and Taksin told her he would have criminal charges brought against her if she did. I am sure if she did step down each and every one of the anti government protestors would not hold it against her, they may want charges against her for what she has done to the country in the name of her fugitive brother, but stepping down would not be on the extensive list....

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"PM says she will not resign"

That's all I need to read.

We've heard so many untruths from this government, hopefully this will be one too (with any luck).

Other then that I don't have the time to waste reading this crap.

I'm just too busy working to pay all of the high prices and taxes on everything (thanks for that too you guys and gal wai.gif )

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