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Help Interpret my test results please


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I haven't been feeling like myself. Very tired, concentration problems, weight gain, reduced labido. So I had some blood tests done. I just received them in an email. Not scheduled to see doctor for a week. I'd like to try to understand the results now.

What do you think?

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how about your height? And where are the blood test results? However, you shouldn't be so cheap, go see a doctor for professional advise.

I'm 6 feet 1 inch tall.

I'm not cheap. As I explained I'm not scheduled to see the doctor for a week and I'd like to know more now

I've tried twice to attach the file both times it has failed. I'll type the whole thing in manually in my next post

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Still don't see any lab results, but I doubt they ran a free testosterone panel. At your age and with your symptoms, you likely suffer from low testosterone. It could also be that you have low thyroid. Weight gain and sluggishness are symptoms of both. One indicator of low thyroid is a lower than normal body temperature. The reason I lean to these two maladies is that I was diagnosed with both at the same age you are now and for the same symptoms.

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Still don't see any lab results, but I doubt they ran a free testosterone panel. At your age and with your symptoms, you likely suffer from low testosterone. It could also be that you have low thyroid. Weight gain and sluggishness are symptoms of both. One indicator of low thyroid is a lower than normal body temperature. The reason I lean to these two maladies is that I was diagnosed with both at the same age you are now and for the same symptoms.

I've typed the information in manually. Sorry for all the posts I should have included it all in one post. Must be the concentration issue!
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Sorry I will not attempt to interpret your "results".

If you are feeling unwell you should consult a physician and not indulge in random "testing"

I believe I could have explained myself better. Sorry!

I went to the hospital and saw a doctor. He ordered the tests. They have emailed the results to me and I'm scheduled for my follow up next week.

I've been under a great deal of stress recently. Normally I handle stress very well. I've got family issues and have lost my position at my company so I need to move to another country. I am applying for other positions in my company and could possibly get an interview very soon. I need to study new material and be at the top of my game and realize now after three weeks of trying that I'm not so I went to the hospital in an attempt to understand what is going on and hopefully improve it rapidly.

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Of the test results you posted, the only abnormalities are a mild elevation of liver enzymes and borderline Hb1AC. What was the fasting glucose, surely they did one? As you look like you may have pre-diabetes. Also what is your height, as I think you may be overweight? Which is a risk factor for many things including diabetes.

As for the elevated liver enzymes, mild elevations of that sort are usually due to medications, I would suspect the simvastatin. Simvastatin can also cause the type of fatigue you describe and a general mental "fogginess".

I note that you did not include any results for lipids (trigylcerides, HDL/LDL cholesterol) which is quite relevant given that you are on simvastatin.

Depending on your lipid profile and other factors might wish to discuss with your doctor changing from the statin to something else, or (if your levels aren't too high) trying just dietary modification and exercise. this is a complicated decision that has to be individualized so do it in consultation with your doctor.

You also did not include results of a complete blood count, hard to believe it would not have also been done as ruling out anemia is a standard part of work up for fatigue. Check and see if you have this, you want to see the hemoglobin level.

Your TSH and free T4 are normal, but to fully rule out thyroid as the problem should check free T3. The thyroid replacement you are on is only T4, normally the body converts some of that to T3 just fine but occasionally there is some problem with that process in which case normal T4 may not equate to normal T3.

As for testosterone levels you are towards the low end of the reference range and this needs to be interpreted in light of your age and clinical picture

A consultation with an endocrinologost to look at both thyroid and testosterone levels may be helpful.

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Sorry I will not attempt to interpret your "results".

If you are feeling unwell you should consult a physician and not indulge in random "testing"

I believe I could have explained myself better. Sorry!

I went to the hospital and saw a doctor. He ordered the tests. They have emailed the results to me and I'm scheduled for my follow up next week.

I've been under a great deal of stress recently. Normally I handle stress very well. I've got family issues and have lost my position at my company so I need to move to another country. I am applying for other positions in my company and could possibly get an interview very soon. I need to study new material and be at the top of my game and realize now after three weeks of trying that I'm not so I went to the hospital in an attempt to understand what is going on and hopefully improve it rapidly.

I have replied to your PM

Best wishes

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Of the test results you posted, the only abnormalities are a mild elevation of liver enzymes and borderline Hb1AC. What was the fasting glucose, surely they did one? As you look like you may have pre-diabetes. Also what is your height, as I think you may be overweight? Which is a risk factor for many things including diabetes.

As for the elevated liver enzymes, mild elevations of that sort are usually due to medications, I would suspect the simvastatin. Simvastatin can also cause the type of fatigue you describe and a general mental "fogginess".

I note that you did not include any results for lipids (trigylcerides, HDL/LDL cholesterol) which is quite relevant given that you are on simvastatin.

Depending on your lipid profile and other factors might wish to discuss with your doctor changing from the statin to something else, or (if your levels aren't too high) trying just dietary modification and exercise. this is a complicated decision that has to be individualized so do it in consultation with your doctor.

You also did not include results of a complete blood count, hard to believe it would not have also been done as ruling out anemia is a standard part of work up for fatigue. Check and see if you have this, you want to see the hemoglobin level.

Your TSH and free T4 are normal, but to fully rule out thyroid as the problem should check free T3. The thyroid replacement you are on is only T4, normally the body converts some of that to T3 just fine but occasionally there is some problem with that process in which case normal T4 may not equate to normal T3.

As for testosterone levels you are towards the low end of the reference range and this needs to be interpreted in light of your age and clinical picture

A consultation with an endocrinologost to look at both thyroid and testosterone levels may be helpful.

I went to the doctor in the afternoon. He said that I should have fasted.

I told him my symptoms and that I had been reading on the internet and wanted to make sure my testosterone was checked.

Then he and the two nurses started checking off tests on the monitor. I swear the nurses were doing the checking off. When he said he couldn't do the sugar test one of the nurses suggested the 12 week one that didn't require fasting.

Last November I did have a complete blood test. I don't know why I didn't think to bring it with me when I went to see him. More foggy thinking I guess!

I'll try to get the tests from then and post them.

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Of the test results you posted, the only abnormalities are a mild elevation of liver enzymes and borderline Hb1AC. What was the fasting glucose, surely they did one? As you look like you may have pre-diabetes. Also what is your height, as I think you may be overweight? Which is a risk factor for many things including diabetes.

As for the elevated liver enzymes, mild elevations of that sort are usually due to medications, I would suspect the simvastatin. Simvastatin can also cause the type of fatigue you describe and a general mental "fogginess".

I note that you did not include any results for lipids (trigylcerides, HDL/LDL cholesterol) which is quite relevant given that you are on simvastatin.

Depending on your lipid profile and other factors might wish to discuss with your doctor changing from the statin to something else, or (if your levels aren't too high) trying just dietary modification and exercise. this is a complicated decision that has to be individualized so do it in consultation with your doctor.

You also did not include results of a complete blood count, hard to believe it would not have also been done as ruling out anemia is a standard part of work up for fatigue. Check and see if you have this, you want to see the hemoglobin level.

Your TSH and free T4 are normal, but to fully rule out thyroid as the problem should check free T3. The thyroid replacement you are on is only T4, normally the body converts some of that to T3 just fine but occasionally there is some problem with that process in which case normal T4 may not equate to normal T3.

As for testosterone levels you are towards the low end of the reference range and this needs to be interpreted in light of your age and clinical picture

A consultation with an endocrinologost to look at both thyroid and testosterone levels may be helpful.

Test results November 25 2013

FBS 128 70-110

Cholesterol 107

Triglycerides 142

Hdl 25>35

Ldl 53.6 <160

Ast 35.9<40

Alt 70.5<40


Wbc 5,600

Hct 38%

Platelets adequate

Platelet count 320,000

Neutrophil 68%

Lymphocytes 26%

Eosinophil 1%

Got 35.9

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Two consecutive FBS readings of greater than 126 confirms Type II Diabetes, take a serious look at your diet and consider loosing 10% of your body weight, it's an easily resolvable problem with a little will power and some time, happy that you caught the problem early on.

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When I saw that sugar results I changed my diet to eliminate sugar. Also coffee and that is why I thought I was feeling tired.

When Cheryl mentioned red blood cells I started thinking about iron. So I went to look at the vitamins I take everyday.

I found out I was taking two different manufactures brands of one a day vitamins once a day. So twice what is recommended. I'll cut back to one of those a day.

My cholesterol was low so I will immediately stop the simvastation it might clear up my thinking.

. I think an iron supplement might help me my multivitamin only has 27%.

Short term my objective is to clarifying my thinking and feel less tired to get a job.

I'll begin the new position with a full medical and address all outstandingiissues with that doctor at that time.

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When I saw that sugar results I changed my diet to eliminate sugar. Also coffee and that is why I thought I was feeling tired.

When Cheryl mentioned red blood cells I started thinking about iron. So I went to look at the vitamins I take everyday.

I found out I was taking two different manufactures brands of one a day vitamins once a day. So twice what is recommended. I'll cut back to one of those a day.

My cholesterol was low so I will immediately stop the simvastation it might clear up my thinking.

. I think an iron supplement might help me my multivitamin only has 27%.

Short term my objective is to clarifying my thinking and feel less tired to get a job.

I'll begin the new position with a full medical and address all outstandingiissues with that doctor at that time.

Most likely sugar intake is not your problem, your hi/bad carb intake may be so. Here, read this, doen't take long and it could save your life, essential reading for everyone with Type II.


Agree that statins may well be the cause of your high(ish) ALT, cholesterol at 107 is excellent.

Don't know your age but B12 deficiency is common in over 50's, also, I found that B complex did wonderful things for my blood sugar/motility./digestion, perhaps an avenue to look at later.

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Yes, you seem to have mild Type II diabetes, odds are that proper diet, weight loss and exercise would enable you to defer or avoid having to take medication for it but you do need to do something. Home monitoring of your fasting sugars would be a good idea.

Watching the diet becomes esp important if you go off the statin, and should also do a repeat lipid panel a month or so later (does have to be done fasting).

Your hematocrit is low for an adult man -- not drastically low, but low enough to warrant further investigations, including a stool for occult blood and , if you have not had one in the past 5 years or so a colonoscopy would be wise , as it is not common for an adult man to be anemic without some underlying cause. (Its recommended every 10 years or so past the age of 50 anyhow).

You did not list the hemoglobin value nor the other parameters of a CBC that would help indicate the type of anemia that is present. B12 deficiency is indeed one possible cause. Can get a serum level. Also if you have it, please list the full CBC results i.e. the MCV, MCH, hemoglobin etc.

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Yes, you seem to have mild Type II diabetes, odds are that proper diet, weight loss and exercise would enable you to defer or avoid having to take medication for it but you do need to do something. Home monitoring of your fasting sugars would be a good idea.

Watching the diet becomes esp important if you go off the statin, and should also do a repeat lipid panel a month or so later (does have to be done fasting).

Your hematocrit is low for an adult man -- not drastically low, but low enough to warrant further investigations, including a stool for occult blood and , if you have not had one in the past 5 years or so a colonoscopy would be wise , as it is not common for an adult man to be anemic without some underlying cause. (Its recommended every 10 years or so past the age of 50 anyhow).

You did not list the hemoglobin value nor the other parameters of a CBC that would help indicate the type of anemia that is present. B12 deficiency is indeed one possible cause. Can get a serum level. Also if you have it, please list the full CBC results i.e. the MCV, MCH, hemoglobin etc.

I listed everything on the test results form..
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In that case a more complete CBC is in order, including reticulocytes, MCV, MHV. You need a repeat anyhow since last value was low and its been about 2 months more.

What doctor did you see and how selected? (Can't say what I am seeing impressing me much re the quality if medical advice given. This should have been done in Niovember when the low hct was noted. )

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In that case a more complete CBC is in order, including reticulocytes, MCV, MHV. You need a repeat anyhow since last value was low and its been about 2 months more.

What doctor did you see and how selected? (Can't say what I am seeing impressing me much re the quality if medical advice given. This should have been done in Niovember when the low hct was noted. )

I had taken my MIL to an early morning doctors appointment with her ortho. I figured since I hadn't eaten it would be a good time to get a blood test. I walked across the street to a GP would be a good time to ggo exercise. practice and saw the Dr and requested a full blood work up excluding PSA. In Ubon. He pointed out two things the sugar and the hct. The sugar concerned me as well as the liver tests. I didn't understand the hct. Truth be told I was feeling good then. It wasn't until after returning to work and losing my job that I really felt bad. I realize some of it is emotional. ive had a lot of ups and downs in my life and I've always handled them well. But Ifeel to tired to do much now.
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In that case a more complete CBC is in order, including reticulocytes, MCV, MHV. You need a repeat anyhow since last value was low and its been about 2 months more.

What doctor did you see and how selected? (Can't say what I am seeing impressing me much re the quality if medical advice given. This should have been done in Niovember when the low hct was noted. )

I had taken my MIL to an early morning doctors appointment with her ortho. I figured since I hadn't eaten it would be a good time to get a blood test. I walked across the street to a GP would be a good time to ggo exercise. practice and saw the Dr and requested a full blood work up excluding PSA. In Ubon. He pointed out two things the sugar and the hct. The sugar concerned me as well as the liver tests. I didn't understand the hct. Truth be told I was feeling good then. It wasn't until after returning to work and losing my job that I really felt bad. I realize some of it is emotional. ive had a lot of ups and downs in my life and I've always handled them well. But Ifeel to tired to do much now.

As suggested maybe you should make an appointment with a hospital based Consultant Physician a "walk in" GP was not a good choice !

From the results you have posted nothing is seriously amiss but I am sure you need some good advice and reassurance.

If you can say where you are based in Thailand someone may be able to offer suggestions as to where you should seek advice.


Whoops.......... Just noticed you are in Ubon ! Perhaps someone will make a recommendation based on that information

Edited by Sceptict11
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