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I'll write this to the best of my ability because it's real hard to describe my situation regarding my wisdom tooth..

So here goes !!

The bottom right side of my wisdom tooth has broken off and left a deep hole instead. Now the gum has started to rapidly grow over the hole and I can't see my tooth anymore, but clearly the root is still under their. I can see some obvious swelling although doesn't hurt. I have to chew on the left side of my mouth now. It bleeds when I touch it or after I've eaten (sometimes). I have to eliminate the problem soon to avoid future problems !!

I think this is no task for an ordinary dentist, so I'm heading to Bangkok on Friday to meet with an oral surgeon.

My question -

Has anyone on TV been in a similar situation? What to expect? What precautions measures will I need to take? Foods I should eat for the next two days to avoid worse infection? any advice/tips/help will be much appreciated !

I've never been into surgery before so I'm freaking out as you can see lols !


Kirsty <3

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I can understand your trepidation, it's my worst nightmare to have a tooth break off and leave the roots there. I imagine an oral surgeon will either put you under or anaesthetise the tooth so it will be relatively painless. I would also think that you may need to take antibiotics before any surgery to clear up the infection, but I'd consult the dentist about that. I know when I got an infected tooth after a filling I had to take antibiotics before the dentist could do an extraction.

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As mentioned, the infection will have to be cleared up first with antibiotics, at least in my experience. I had two buried and impacted wisdom teeth removed at the same time and it was done in a hospital by an oral surgeon. I was put under with a general anesthesia in the dental chair so didn't feel a thing. As he started administrating the anesthesia he asked me to start counting backward from 100 and I can only remember 97. biggrin.png

Woke in the recovery room a bit disoriented but no discomfort. You will need someone to drive you back if they do the general. They will pack the hole with gauze and believe it is removed before you leave. Will usually give you antibiotics, pain killers (for Thailand probably Tylenol with Codeine) and perhaps need to rinse your mouth with salt water periodically for a while. I was back to work the next day without any discomfort.

Really wasn't as bad an experience as I was dreading.

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I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed in a hospital under general anesthetic.

At least one of them was impacted, but there were no complications.

I didn't take any painkillers, but I the next 3 days sleeping, and was using salt-water rinse for 2+ weeks as per what I was told to do.

A mate of mine had all 4 removed under local anesthetic, and said the only weird thing was being able to hear the teeth getting ripped out, even though he couldn't feel a thing.

It was all a lot less scary and painful than I'd imagined, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Had all four taken out at once with just the usual local novacain. It wasn't painful but the next 2 days were.

You really need to get this done, an infection in your jaw can rapidly become very serious.

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Just make sure you walk away from the surgery with handfuls of antibiotics and pain killers. No point in suffering unnecessarily. And don't expect to be able to work (or even think straight) for at least a week.


As mentioned, the infection will have to be cleared up first with antibiotics, at least in my experience. I had two buried and impacted wisdom teeth removed at the same time and it was done in a hospital by an oral surgeon. I was put under with a general anesthesia in the dental chair so didn't feel a thing. As he started administrating the anesthesia he asked me to start counting backward from 100 and I can only remember 97. biggrin.png

Woke in the recovery room a bit disoriented but no discomfort. You will need someone to drive you back if they do the general. They will pack the hole with gauze and believe it is removed before you leave. Will usually give you antibiotics, pain killers (for Thailand probably Tylenol with Codeine) and perhaps need to rinse your mouth with salt water periodically for a while. I was back to work the next day without any discomfort.

Really wasn't as bad an experience as I was dreading.

Great! I feel less worried already. I'm sure everything will be fine & the surgery will go accordingly. I have a tendency to think of the worst, as most people do when it comes to surgery.

May I ask how much u paid for the surgery? I know all surgeons charge different rates but at least i'll have some idea of what I'm expected to pay.



Just simply ask how much it will cost before you go in. The will tell you before. Be prepared to have the money either credit card or cash the day of your surgery.

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Had all four taken out at once with just the usual local novacain. It wasn't painful but the next 2 days were.

You really need to get this done, an infection in your jaw can rapidly become very serious.

I totally agree. The longer I wait the more risk of infection and serious damage to my WHOLE mouth.

From now on I'll check my schedule accordinly and get my teeth checked regularly on time.

When it comes to check ups of any sort I always lack the motivation to do so until the last minute. And I probably speak for most people lols.


Had all four taken out at once with just the usual local novacain. It wasn't painful but the next 2 days were.

You really need to get this done, an infection in your jaw can rapidly become very serious.

I totally agree. The longer I wait the more risk of infection and serious damage to my WHOLE mouth.

From now on I'll check my schedule accordinly and get my teeth checked regularly on time.

When it comes to check ups of any sort I always lack the motivation to do so until the last minute. And I probably speak for most people lols.

If you take a blood thinner or aspirin, stop for a few days and follow doctor's advice about the formation of a clot following the extraction... to avoid a dry socket.

If possible, have someone go with you. If you're alone they might be less willing to give you a general anesthetic and definitely they should not if you drove yourself to the hospital/clinic.

Let the surgeon/doctor decide if you need antibiotics. Insisting you walk away with handfuls of antibiotics based on some comment in a public forum would be silly. Any medicine you take, no matter how potentially useful, has side-effects and the over-use of antibiotics is something that can come back to bite you in the derriere later when you really need them.

I'm going back tomorrow to have stitches removed. Had a crown & tooth break off and had it removed/dug out a week ago. I was concerned about infection, but the doctor said there was no need for antibiotics. A week later and he was quite right. Took some mild pain killers the first night and nothing since then. No problem.


I just bought a pair of pliers cum wire strippers for 210 Baht. If you can spot me this money back I'll have a bash at it. thumbsup.gif

They are good pliers, like.


Had mine done 35 years ago at a dentist teaching college. Free. He gave me a shot of pain killer in the roof of my mouth. That hurt. He worked for a while. At one time he told me to put my hand under my chin, to support my lower jaw and got out a hammer and chisel to break the tooth up. I can remember him hammering away quite well. I suggest apple sauce and yogurt for eating.


Had mine done 35 years ago at a dentist teaching college. Free. He gave me a shot of pain killer in the roof of my mouth. That hurt. He worked for a while. At one time he told me to put my hand under my chin, to support my lower jaw and got out a hammer and chisel to break the tooth up. I can remember him hammering away quite well. I suggest apple sauce and yogurt for eating.

Now we don't want to scare her off. biggrin.png

However, I do have an amusing anecdote. After I woke up the doctor came to see me and he asked how did my chest feel. Puzzled, I said fine and asked why. He said it may have been sore from putting his knee on it to pull that sucker out. tongue.png Doctor with a sense of humor, a rarity.


I had mine done in Chiang Mai 2 weeks ago. 4 teeth over 3 days. 5 min per tooth. Local anesthetic. No swelling no pain. My nerves are quite far from the roots of my teeth though... so I guess I am just lucky.

All up around 3500 Baht.

Eating normal food 3 days after the extraction.


related to this topic...does anyone know a good dentist who also charges reasonable fees...similar to kirsty, i broke a wisdom tooth (6 months ago)...i went to get it extracted last week...i told the dentist i was concerned about it, and he told me it was an emergency and would cost 30,000 baht...yes...30.000...i had not told him that this happened 6 months ago, and i feel no discomfort...if the fellow is intent on ripping me off, i certainly don't plan to let him near my teeth...

that leaves me without a clear plan or reputable dentist...i reside in BKK, but would travel reasonable distances (e.g., Chon Buri or Hua Hin) for the procedure...any suggestions or positive recommendations? Thanks


FYI for those in Chiang Mai...

I went to "Siamrat Hospital" just north of the old city. Only had to wait 15min to see wisdom tooth specialist without appointment. No very busy hence the high prices 750-3000 B per tooth extraction.


A lot of good dentist here. (Once had a cracked wisdom tooth I did not know about go nuts on me after I arrived Koh Lanta -- serious, serious pain. Clinic run by Bangkok-trained dentists, woman and husband, pretty sure the only real dentists on the island at the time, great.) You may not even need an oral surgeon. In any case, rest assured what you are dealing with is very routine. All will be well.


Just make sure you walk away from the surgery with handfuls of antibiotics and pain killers. No point in suffering unnecessarily. And don't expect to be able to work (or even think straight) for at least a week.

You're a real comfort, aren't you?


my 19 year old son just had all four taken out by a really great dentist in Bangkok in his office. Just local Novocain. He was in pain 3 days and better after that. The same dentist has worked on my family for nearly 20 years. Done numerous inplants for my wife and all of our cavities , root canals and whatever. He is excellent if you want his name and phone. He is down the street from the Dusit thani. Not in a hospital. Can do everything. Pretty amazing since I have used dentist in the states. They are so specialized you have to go to 3 of them to get many issues worked on.


Just make sure you walk away from the surgery with handfuls of antibiotics and pain killers. No point in suffering unnecessarily. And don't expect to be able to work (or even think straight) for at least a week.

You're a real comfort, aren't you?

Should I have said "don't worry, there'll be no pain and no risk of infection"? "Everything will be hunky-dory"? "Life will be just grand"?

I've experienced this and I spent a small fortune to have the procedure done privately in Harley Street in London. I remain grateful for the vast quantities of drugs and antibiotics I was given to help me through the next week. It was still a profoundly unpleasant experience.

I could lie and be a "real comfort", or I could be honest and tell the OP that this is going to be difficult and get your self doped up to the gills to get through it. It may be trite, but sometimes honesty is the best policy.


As mentioned, the infection will have to be cleared up first with antibiotics, at least in my experience. I had two buried and impacted wisdom teeth removed at the same time and it was done in a hospital by an oral surgeon. I was put under with a general anesthesia in the dental chair so didn't feel a thing. As he started administrating the anesthesia he asked me to start counting backward from 100 and I can only remember 97. biggrin.png

Woke in the recovery room a bit disoriented but no discomfort. You will need someone to drive you back if they do the general. They will pack the hole with gauze and believe it is removed before you leave. Will usually give you antibiotics, pain killers (for Thailand probably Tylenol with Codeine) and perhaps need to rinse your mouth with salt water periodically for a while. I was back to work the next day without any discomfort.

Really wasn't as bad an experience as I was dreading.


That's an accurate and fair description.

Dental work is probably never relished or fun but the alternative can easily be simply horrible.

I highly recommend getting it done as soon as possible.

Edit: spelling correction


Get them all pulled as soon as possible. They come out more easily the younger you are. If they do become infected

a course of antibiotics will clear that up and this must be done before the teeth are removed. Once you have this issue

it will keep coming back. Next year or the year after, etc.. etc..bah.gif


Get them all pulled as soon as possible. They come out more easily the younger you are. If they do become infected

a course of antibiotics will clear that up and this must be done before the teeth are removed. Once you have this issue

it will keep coming back. Next year or the year after, etc.. etc..bah.gif

If they don't make problems, don't pull them....my mother still have hers without problems...she is 70 now. I have mine (40 years old)

She lost other teeth so he is happy about every healthy teeth she has.

Of course when they make troubles they must go.....

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Just make sure you walk away from the surgery with handfuls of antibiotics and pain killers. No point in suffering unnecessarily. And don't expect to be able to work (or even think straight) for at least a week.

I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth.

They'd given me problems for years.. Sore throats and flu like symptoms, due to the impaction making my gums swollen and inflamed, continued for years until, age 21 the dentist referred me for hospital extraction of all 4 teeth.

I woke later in post op' room and had absolutely no pain. Even after the anesthetic cleared I was still pain free. What I did have though, was a head swollen in size and bruising which extended to my groin.

Later the dental surgeon explained none of the teeth was a routine extraction and bleeding was a problem due to proximity of blood vessels. However, my cognitive reasoning wasn't impaired and I was able to function normally from the following day, when I was allowed home.

If the OP is at all worried about dental surgery and needs more than a single extraction,then I would recommend having general anesthetic since wisdom teeth are among the largest in the jaw and have long deep roots. Hence the likelihood of bruising when a surgeon, quite literally does brace himself against the patients chest !

From my personal experience having them all removed was the best thing that could have happened, since I no longer suffered recurring throat infections and eating was much more pleasurable.


Just make sure you walk away from the surgery with handfuls of antibiotics and pain killers. No point in suffering unnecessarily. And don't expect to be able to work (or even think straight) for at least a week.

You're a real comfort, aren't you?

Should I have said "don't worry, there'll be no pain and no risk of infection"? "Everything will be hunky-dory"? "Life will be just grand"?

I've experienced this and I spent a small fortune to have the procedure done privately in Harley Street in London. I remain grateful for the vast quantities of drugs and antibiotics I was given to help me through the next week. It was still a profoundly unpleasant experience.

I could lie and be a "real comfort", or I could be honest and tell the OP that this is going to be difficult and get your self doped up to the gills to get through it. It may be trite, but sometimes honesty is the best policy.

Harley Street is inhabited by "scammers" who can afford to pay the rent ! They can afford the rent as a result of the exorbitant fees extracted from the gullible !

Not a good place to find a medical or dental adviser !


As far as wisdom teeth go.Find A good oral sergon .He will most like put you under ,maybe nitrous oxide,of hit you up with sodium pentathol .Then most likely he will cut,dig it out.It's not bad.A good doctor will have you out of there in no time.


my top back teeth cracked and got infected, eventually they broke off, a few sharp edges but no problems ever since, Im actually glad I didnt get them pulled as was advised

Are the roots still in there? Has gum grown over the cracked tooth? How long ago did this happen?

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