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Detectives beaten by PCAD protesters, Police say


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It is perhaps too much to expect Khaosod to interview both sides of a story - a journalistic practice that predates Khaosod considerably. From this, we have one side, a gruesome story - told by the policemen involved - and gruesome pictures to match. But what is the full story ? A full story does not, incidentally, imply justification for violence. There is no justification for violence. What it does is it asks impassioned questions like - what exactly happened ? From what is printed here, there are legitimate questions that ought to be addressed. Let's address some of them here :

1. The fact that they were described as detectives suggests that they were in casual attire.

2. The men admitted that they came on the orders of the police department.

3. They claimed to be collecting evidence. What " evidence " would one be collecting at Lumpini park at 11 at night ? Had it been the scene of a crime that had previously taken place ? If so, why wasn't that released to the press ? Why wasn't it released by the police ? Why were they incognito ? Why wasn't a police detail sent to investigate in the clear light of day instead ? Why wouldn't they tell Khaosod what the evidence they were collecting was ? Or if that was " top secret ", why wouldn't they tell that to Khaosod instead ?

But then, once must inevitably pose questions to the journalistic practices of Khaosod, as shown in this story's coverage :

1. Did you pose any of these legitimate questions to these men ? And if not, why not ?

2. Would you consider - at some point in the future - a policy of interviewing the other side of this story ? But be careful here. The next question is the zinger -

If not, why not ?

I totally get were your coming from about journalism here in Thailand.. BUT gruesome pictures.. I've had worse injuries falling out of bed ...... It may have happened.. but like normal this is total overkill... in hospital beds for bruises.. Christ . no wonder the police aren't't doing anything they are to scared they gonna break a nail.

This is all a show to try and generate public sympathy for the cops, again. A few bruises and a few missing teeth and they are entitled to hospital emergency treatment and then a months paid holiday. They only got a warning by western standards, a real beating would have put them in hospital for a long time.

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Should not dress in black, and carry weapons. ph34r.pngph34r.png

my thoughts exactly - considering several protest sites have come under weapons fire at night these police were either extremely stupid or had sinister intent - either way they shouldn't have been there without uniformed police with them

Do you realise the stupidity of your comment. Go with uniformed officers and give Suthep the confrontation he craves. The protes sites , like Marks ranch, is all done by their own people.

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Just a few days ago, I had to call the cops to restrain a person who seemed to be high on some kind of drugs. That person was getting really violent and was starting to destroy property. I am thankful the police turned up within 5 minutes of making that call. Not all cops are bad. Not all cops are bad all the time.

The cops beaten up by the protesters will surely raise the stakes and will not be forgotten by the Police Department. Bad move by the protesters.

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They should had been shown the way out without violence if caught snooping around in the middle of the night, there's no justification for a beating.

Posters make me SICK HERE

PATHETIC and condoning horrific acts of violence.

Raining grenades on a packed BTS station is a horrific act of violence, punching someone on the face is just violence. Cut down the propaganda a notch or ten, would you? The climate is charged enough without people intentionally distorting things and inflaming the situation further.

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Posters make me SICK HERE

PATHETIC and condoning horrific acts of violence.

'Horrific acts of violence'!!

What bruises, small cuts and a well landed punch to the mouth are horrific!!! Hardly world war 3 breaking out, is it.

I am pleased to see that they are all stable and out of ICU now - have they not heard of 'undercover' and 'mingling in with the crowds' - clearly not!!clap2.gif

Clearly an overt operation!!

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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Disgraceful comment. Some might be crooked but the vast majority are pretty ok and ordinary guys. They are the ones in the front line, ie between YOU , ME and the loonies

Not sure it's a vast majority but apart from that I'm with you on this one.

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Let the police investigate these horrible crimes. I'm sure they'll make better progress than they make in finding the people who are shooting up protesters on a daily basis.

Also, I'm wondering what two detectives were doing in the midst of a peaceful demo. Spying, agitating... what?

"According to the statement, at around 23.00 last night the officers were gathering intelligence" Does that answer your question? Mind you the last place I'd expect to find intelligence would be at a gathering of sutheps groupies whistling.gif

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Should not dress in black, and carry weapons. ph34r.pngph34r.png

my thoughts exactly - considering several protest sites have come under weapons fire at night these police were either extremely stupid or had sinister intent - either way they shouldn't have been there without uniformed police with them

Do you realise the stupidity of your comment. Go with uniformed officers and give Suthep the confrontation he craves. The protes sites , like Marks ranch, is all done by their own people.

what is "Marks ranch"?

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Just a few days ago, I had to call the cops to restrain a person who seemed to be high on some kind of drugs. That person was getting really violent and was starting to destroy property. I am thankful the police turned up within 5 minutes of making that call. Not all cops are bad. Not all cops are bad all the time.

The cops beaten up by the protesters will surely raise the stakes and will not be forgotten by the Police Department. Bad move by the protesters.

Had to go to the police here in Mahasarakham last week when we lost a Samsung tablet at a restaurant car park. Didn't think they would do much but to their credit they came out and spoke to people and were going to look at CCTV. In the end it must have fallen out of the car when I got in and was handed in. Very impressed.

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How is it that Khaosod are always late in informing the public that an incident happened to the detriment of Sutheps followers, this happened last night but we find out about this, this afternoon, surely it didn,t take all day to report this attack on the jacks, or do they only publish in the afternoon, methinks its stinks.

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Let the police investigate these horrible crimes. I'm sure they'll make better progress than they make in finding the people who are shooting up protesters on a daily basis.

Also, I'm wondering what two detectives were doing in the midst of a peaceful demo. Spying, agitating... what?

"According to the statement, at around 23.00 last night the officers were gathering intelligence" Does that answer your question? Mind you the last place I'd expect to find intelligence would be at a gathering of sutheps groupies whistling.gif

Thanks for clearing that up for me. So "gathering intelligence" = spying.

As for me, between the parties involved in the incident, the protesters would only be the second-to-last place I would expect to find intelligence. giggle.gif

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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Disgraceful comment. Some might be crooked but the vast majority are pretty ok and ordinary guys. They are the ones in the front line, ie between YOU , ME and the loonies

The police here are NOT between me and the loonies. Their sole function is to gather money,

and send it up the chain of command. And they get to pocket a percentage themselves, which

is why police positions are bought. They will solve a crime if there is money involved however.

Or if there is bad press , so they have to do something. The average Thai hates the police,

which is the result of a lifetime of the police leeching off of them. So I can certainly see if the

situation came up where a Thai could get a few punches in on a policeman, I can understand

why they would take advantage of it......

What these guys were doing, I have no idea. But clearly their undercover cover needs a bit of


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You people commenting like tit for tat and things like that, thats fine. But the fact is the PROTESTERS did this under the orders of their supreme leader suthep. That is what is wrong.

You seem to know a lot about what's going on - why don't you report to the Thai police directly and reveal their intelligence (might save some amateur detectives getting beaten up) in the future.

Your surname isn't Clouseau by any chance?

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I suspect they are part of the 140 who were assigned to special duty to gather evidence of wrong doing against the protesters.

The report I read from the police said that some of the officers were to 'disguise themselves as protesters' and infiltrate the rallies.

Perhaps their disguise wasn't good enough, as cops they should know how to blow a whistle.

Do you not mean parking attendants?

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Perhaps a bit of karmic payback....... Given all the beatings the police have handed out,

hard to feel sorry for a couple of policemen being roughed up...

Disgraceful comment. Some might be crooked but the vast majority are pretty ok and ordinary guys. They are the ones in the front line, ie between YOU , ME and the loonies

What front line ? Where are these fine fellows when people are firing live rounds and throwing bombs from cars and motorbikes. To say they are in the front line would strongly suggest that you are very out of touch with both the character and activity of the police.

During the red loony riots in 2010 , yes riots, not demonstrations ,you could not find a policeman for a Kings ransom.

The two gentlemen who got themselves in a bit of bother should have heeded their governments advice and stayed away from the protest areas,especially considering their chosen vocation. It is also refreshing to note that they were neither stabbed or shot.

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Yes the news is impartial and the worst journalism ever. These guys were probably were involved with a bar fight with some ladies and got their @ss kicked. So they made up this story.

So before anyone jump to any conclusion, let's the investigation complete first.

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Yes the news is impartial and the worst journalism ever. These guys were probably were involved with a bar fight with some ladies and got their @ss kicked. So they made up this story. So before anyone jump to any conclusion, let's the investigation complete first.

One thing is wait investigation and one thing is cheer because some policeman (or anyone else) was beaten and deserved it.

It's vile and disgusting, whichever side are you on.

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Yes the news is impartial and the worst journalism ever. These guys were probably were involved with a bar fight with some ladies and got their @ss kicked. So they made up this story. So before anyone jump to any conclusion, let's the investigation complete first.

One thing is wait investigation and one thing is cheer because some policeman (or anyone else) was beaten and deserved it.

It's vile and disgusting, whichever side are you on.

What is all this nonsense about - a few coppers getting a few taps for being a bit naughty and rather un-clever.

There are far more important issues in Thailand at the moment!!

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What were they doing there? Did they identify themselves? Where were they? Wandering around the crowd, or around the back of the stage?

That's right! Did they get Suthep's permission to even be near the demonstations? Did they get permission from Suthep's secret police guard to be on public property? How dare them wander around in public places without recognizing Suthep's control. They are lucky they were not simply executed by Suthep's armed guards for invading Suthep's sovereignty.

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Yes the news is impartial and the worst journalism ever. These guys were probably were involved with a bar fight with some ladies and got their @ss kicked. So they made up this story. So before anyone jump to any conclusion, let's the investigation complete first.

One thing is wait investigation and one thing is cheer because some policeman (or anyone else) was beaten and deserved it.

It's vile and disgusting, whichever side are you on.

What is all this nonsense about - a few coppers getting a few taps for being a bit naughty and rather un-clever.

There are far more important issues in Thailand at the moment!!

Read the first 2 replies to the OP, do you agree with who cheers the beating and tell is what the 2 guys deserved because the actions of other policemen at Japanese Thai Stadium?

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Yes the news is impartial and the worst journalism ever. These guys were probably were involved with a bar fight with some ladies and got their @ss kicked. So they made up this story. So before anyone jump to any conclusion, let's the investigation complete first.

One thing is wait investigation and one thing is cheer because some policeman (or anyone else) was beaten and deserved it.

It's vile and disgusting, whichever side are you on.

What is all this nonsense about - a few coppers getting a few taps for being a bit naughty and rather un-clever.

There are far more important issues in Thailand at the moment!!

Read the first 2 replies to the OP, do you agree with who cheers the beating and tell is what the 2 guys deserved because the actions of other policemen at Japanese Thai Stadium?

Who cares? They shouldn't have been spying on people - if someone was snooping around your house would you like it!!!

Let them play their childish games, just act a bit more professionally next time!!

Knowing the intelligence of the Thai constabulary they were probably dressed in uniform and going around taking pictures and making notes!!

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After shootings at guards on at least 3 stages you can imaging that the guards are not happy with plane clothe police but with guns. As the police, who is the only one who shoot at the protesters, they have to take steps clear that they are police, identify them by head guard and ask for guidance.

Those guards are there to protect protesters from people with guns. A missed chance from the police to bring peace to the protest sites.

Very sad that the inspectors got hit, but blame the guards for mistakes that are done by the police supervisors is wrong.

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