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Bangkok Shutdown: Violence fears realised


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I just had a convo with an interesting Thai i know locally. Hes what is called local mafia, Now this guy collects money mostly from stall holders and the like for doing business on his bosses patch. word is its interfering with business, people cant afford to pay business is down which means his cut is also down and so are his bosses.

Needless to say hes not a happy man and made some rather obscene comments about what should be done. Mores the point he is one of the blackmarket operators that are really not impressed when they lose money. His reckoning is if it continues some one is going to get taken away and pop pop. Now i dont think for a moment hes going to do a thing or his bosses but it does show the underworld isnt happy about losing money. How long itll be before someone without a shirt decides to take out some frustration I dont know, maybe some already are.

Quite a bit of grumbling today about its too much, they dont care about us being selfish they got their election why stay ? etc coming from the usual market traders.... just rumblings that wasnt going on this time a week ago

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and it is only going to get worse ... hope you are happy TS ... more blood on your hands

Yes you beloved, Suthep, nr1 terrorist gets ore blood on his hands, and TS has nothing to do with this, TS is used by this terrorists to take over control, to make you and his followers believe that this is all about TS.

This Suthep is out there making a big mess , only to get what he wants, dictatorship, and we know where it started, but sad enough we don't know where it will end.

.........and then you woke up and realized you had a wet dream?

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I had a feeling, that it wasn't just a firecracker, that blew a hole in Abishit's roof.

They catch somebody with grenades in their possession and they just let them go??? No wonder, there is so much deadly violence.

I know, you are allowed a gun for self defense, but carrying grenades and getting released the same day???

Amazing Thailand! wai2.gif

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I just had a convo with an interesting Thai i know locally. Hes what is called local mafia, Now this guy collects money mostly from stall holders and the like for doing business on his bosses patch. word is its interfering with business, people cant afford to pay business is down which means his cut is also down and so are his bosses.

Needless to say hes not a happy man and made some rather obscene comments about what should be done. Mores the point he is one of the blackmarket operators that are really not impressed when they lose money. His reckoning is if it continues some one is going to get taken away and pop pop. Now i dont think for a moment hes going to do a thing or his bosses but it does show the underworld isnt happy about losing money. How long itll be before someone without a shirt decides to take out some frustration I dont know, maybe some already are.

Quite a bit of grumbling today about its too much, they dont care about us being selfish they got their election why stay ? etc coming from the usual market traders.... just rumblings that wasnt going on this time a week ago

You old farang rogue you! Mates in the Thai mafia, telling you all about their lucrative protection racket, and the adverse affects on extortion due to the current political fracas.

What were you in - SAS, Paras, Royal Marines? Or maybe with the Krays or Richardson's.

Interesting how some farangs cleverly make friends with the well connected. whistling.gif

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It appears to me that the red shirts are behaving well and keeping out of these unsavoury protests I applaud them as it must be very tempting to get involved. As for Suthep lock this madman up before he cause further damage how the hell can one man bring a major Asian city to a standstill it beggars belief he is wanted for murder when he was deputy prime minister so to me that would be good enough to arrest him it seems no one has the balls to go and do it.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Bangkok Post reports of Red Shirt groups stockpiling weapons in Bangkok.

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" PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban claimed the government had something to do with all the attacks last night against the anti-government movement. "

Finally, someone who has the guts to state what's on everyone's mind.

To claim government has something to do with violence, means government is so idiot to need Army step in and make a coup. At least not smart.

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Police, regretting this happened due to their lack of access to rally sites to provide security, would ask protest leaders to let them help screen people who came and left the protest sites,

Typical now the police are suddenly not such a bad lot then, should have accepted the help in the first place but were too busy vilifying everyone who has to work with the elected government at the time rolleyes.gif

​get that security set up and keep the people safe, face and stubbornness shouldnt have even compromised peoples safety in the first place

I would imagine it's pretty difficult to trust a police force that is well known for it's money making traffic/night club control practices. The PDRC is intending to stamp out these and all other corrupt practices if they are able so, to get help from the police would seem to them like asking a wolf to guard a flock of sheep.

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another disingenuous report from The Nation. Every credible news source in the world is talking about the peaceful protests and, in the context of declining support and dwindling numbers, prospects for a peaceful resolution. But not The Nation. I wonder why

maybe because thats the way you like to present it. I was very interested to see how red shirt supporter could wriggle out of they violent conduct. You posting ou excuse them. amaze me once more. AGAIN red shirt supporter use violence and AGAIN you excuse them. Personally I HOPE that no protestors use violence it will bring them down to you red shirt level. Thaksin happy to conduc this affair and see people hurt from his big expensive appartment in Dubai. Maybe you can remind your isaan lady of this fact.

What these redshirt apologists do not understand, is that this country is the closest it has ever been to a civil war in its entire history, and there are several factors that can push it over the edge.

Thanks to certain people such as Channel 4's John (<deleted>) Sparks. If there is ANY anti westerner sentiment about if and when this happens, it is a good chance that it will be the redshirts who are the ones that will be all out to hack farangs to death.... Including the apologists.

I would imagine most red shirt apologist farang are embedded in the north, so they would probably be the first to get wasted.

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there should be drones flying soon

American drones you mean of course. Funny to think American banks financed Thaksin and should violence break out American forces will be knocking on the door I'm sure to stabilise and seize control. Probably all pre planned between the goverment and the banks in the good old USA. The recent growth of China means they want to control more countries in the region so why not speculate.

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AlecG post # 35.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Bangkok Post reports of Red Shirt groups stockpiling weapons in Bangkok.

No doubt we can all expect a total denial of violence from the Red Shirt faction in 2010 and now. All a pack of lies and the visual evidence available via the public media is of course all fake, photo shopped, holograms, and studio productions etc.

Of course those Red Shirt apologists and Red Shirt supporters all sadly seem to suffer from that unpleasant selective amnesia syndrome which is actually known as F.O.A.M. Free Of All Memories.whistling.gif

Edited by siampolee
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and it is only going to get worse ... hope you are happy TS ... more blood on your hands

Yes you beloved, Suthep, nr1 terrorist gets ore blood on his hands, and TS has nothing to do with this, TS is used by this terrorists to take over control, to make you and his followers believe that this is all about TS.

This Suthep is out there making a big mess , only to get what he wants, dictatorship, and we know where it started, but sad enough we don't know where it will end.

Spoken like a true red shirt, scary thing is they are actually made to believe this !

I am not a red shirt , neither a Taksin lover/follower, I am also in for changes, although I can see the good things this government did, as I can see also the bad things, but if you follow, blind, this lunatic Suthep, you are on the wrong side, I hope you open your eyes soon and change your mind.

This has nothing to do with being red or yellow, nothing with Taksin as well, this is terrorizing a country that we love together with our Thai family and in my case with my company and all my 160 labor .

I am sure there is no winner after this Suthep would get what he wants, we end up with only losers, us "Farangs included.

I hope this madness ends soon, and democratic elections will be held, all parties have their chances to make their promises and to try to get the majority behind them.

Don't start with the comments that the reds buy votes, because they all do, no matter what colour.

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[Pol Colonel Khamthon Ouicharoen, chief of Explosive Ordnance Disposal police, said the grenade picked up at Abhisit's house was a US-made M-26 model, available in military arsenals.]

What time do they open and how much for a box ?

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In spite of it all, I'm impressed that there is so little violence. It says something very good about the Thai people.

I agree but it helps to have the organisers calling for non violence from the stage rather than "burn it all".

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and it is only going to get worse ... hope you are happy TS ... more blood on your hands

Yes you beloved, Suthep, nr1 terrorist gets ore blood on his hands, and TS has nothing to do with this, TS is used by this terrorists to take over control, to make you and his followers believe that this is all about TS.

This Suthep is out there making a big mess , only to get what he wants, dictatorship, and we know where it started, but sad enough we don't know where it will end.

Spoken like a true red shirt, scary thing is they are actually made to believe this !

I am not a red shirt , neither a Taksin lover/follower, I am also in for changes, although I can see the good things this government did, as I can see also the bad things, but if you follow, blind, this lunatic Suthep, you are on the wrong side, I hope you open your eyes soon and change your mind.

This has nothing to do with being red or yellow, nothing with Taksin as well, this is terrorizing a country that we love together with our Thai family and in my case with my company and all my 160 labor .

I am sure there is no winner after this Suthep would get what he wants, we end up with only losers, us "Farangs included.

I hope this madness ends soon, and democratic elections will be held, all parties have their chances to make their promises and to try to get the majority behind them.

Don't start with the comments that the reds buy votes, because they all do, no matter what colour.

Methinks you doth protest too much!

You say it's not about Thaksin when it very much is (unless you are totally ignorant of the protestors' goals) and you are not a red shirt or Thaksin supporter. Complete rubbish. Your other comments are far more revealing (& truthful) about your stance.

Most of the prorestors are not Suthep suporters. He is a catalyst for many people being sick and tired of the Shin dynasty and their corrupt, un-democratic and autocratic rule which, even before the protests have had Thailand going downhill.

Yes many buy votes but it is endemic in the north-east and the more that do it the less an election can ever be the real will of the people. Too many, including it seems even Farangs, have a shallow understanding of democracy which is much more than suspect votes.

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You say it's not about Thaksin when it very much is (unless you are totally ignorant of the protestors' goals) and you are not a red shirt or Thaksin supporter. Complete rubbish. Your other comments are far more revealing (& truthful) about your stance.

Most of the prorestors are not Suthep suporters. He is a catalyst for many people being sick and tired of the Shin dynasty and their corrupt, un-democratic and autocratic rule which, even before the protests have had Thailand going downhill.

This is about "the opposition" wanting power for themselves. In the bigger picture, Thaksin is simply the "catalyst" to gain that power.

Once they get power, one has to wonder how they will manage to keep it.

Will it be democracy? Will it be eliminating corruption? Or, will it be something else?

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You say it's not about Thaksin when it very much is (unless you are totally ignorant of the protestors' goals) and you are not a red shirt or Thaksin supporter. Complete rubbish. Your other comments are far more revealing (& truthful) about your stance.

Most of the prorestors are not Suthep suporters. He is a catalyst for many people being sick and tired of the Shin dynasty and their corrupt, un-democratic and autocratic rule which, even before the protests have had Thailand going downhill.

This is about "the opposition" wanting power for themselves. In the bigger picture, Thaksin is simply the "catalyst" to gain that power.

Once they get power, one has to wonder how they will manage to keep it.

Will it be democracy? Will it be eliminating corruption? Or, will it be something else?

You seem to have ignored what Suthep & others have been saying - the clearest is that he (Suthep) has no power grabbing agenda, that he will not be a part nor a leader of any reform group.

The so-called 'getting power' is a straw man which posters build and then speculate on how awful things might be, just as you've done.

IMO the country needs a short pause in the fake democracy that currently exists. An independent reform group with a fixed timetable should be formed, elections temporarily suspended, with a referendum on the findings of that group followed by a general election.

Most people know that it is impossible to completely eliminate the Shin dynasty in the short term but a real organisation - with teeth - to combat corruption and at least abate some of its worst aspects is badly needed. Even if Suthep & co completely fail to reach their objectives, they have raised the corruption (& all its side-issues) menace to a much higher level of awareness and it can't just be ignored like Yingluck & her brother have always done.

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If you make weapons available at every night market and flea market outlet each and every day,... is it any mystery...?

I have seen knives and swords available at the night market which are no worse than the long knives available on the side of the road used for chopping meat or pruning trees.

I have not seen pistols, rifles or grenades for sale at any of the night markets I have been to.

If you have then please let us know where you have been shopping.

I have not been to the same market as our TV blogger but I have seen

quite big arsenal in Chinatown shops.

There is a street plenty of gunrooms and other stuff.

I am not sure about what are the requirements in Thailand to be able

to get these arms, but I don't know maybe I am wrong but after have

living in Thailand for some time here I guess it won't be so difficult to

get it if you are thai and you have the money to pay for the weapon.

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" PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban claimed the government had something to do with all the attacks last night against the anti-government movement. "

Finally, someone who has the guts to state what's on everyone's mind.

To claim government has something to do with violence, means government is so idiot to need Army step in and make a coup. At least not smart.

No no no Gvt has nothing to do with it.

Same as Thaksin must be telling the true after claiming that he asked the rogue red shirt cells not to process with the stock piling of weapons in BKK....

Check BP article, scary...

Edited by CantSpell
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and it is only going to get worse ... hope you are happy TS ... more blood on your hands

The protesters are the ones with blood on their hands, they have no right to stop people from earning a livelihood or going about their business just because they want their own way. The same applied in 2010. Look at it this way. If I was back in Scotland, going to my work, and someone I didn't know, accosted me and tried to stop me, then I would hit back. What's the difference? The protesters are in the wrong here. The way to protest is at the ballot box.

Well this is not Scotland and the ballot box here is bought and in some areas off-limits to those that red shirt mobs oppose. The protestors are not accosting people going to work they are asking (not forcing) those at work in the ministries to stop work in an effort to get some sort of sensible response from Thaksin & his clone.

The protestors have very little blood on their hands - no more than the BIB and whatever third hand is at work. Whether the third hand is Thaksin's work we don't know but the cause certainly is the amnesty attempt which hasn't gone away.

I suppose those protesting against government corruption and/or authoritarianism in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Turkey, Ukraine and Hong Kong recently are all wrong too.

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If you make weapons available at every night market and flea market outlet each and every day,... is it any mystery...?

I have seen knives and swords available at the night market which are no worse than the long knives available on the side of the road used for chopping meat or pruning trees.

I have not seen pistols, rifles or grenades for sale at any of the night markets I have been to.

If you have then please let us know where you have been shopping.

I have not been to the same market as our TV blogger but I have seen

quite big arsenal in Chinatown shops.

There is a street plenty of gunrooms and other stuff.

I am not sure about what are the requirements in Thailand to be able

to get these arms, but I don't know maybe I am wrong but after have

living in Thailand for some time here I guess it won't be so difficult to

get it if you are thai and you have the money to pay for the weapon.

These shops you refer to are legal gun stores and you need a permit from the police to buy from them.

That is completely different than having "weapons available at every night market and flea market outlet".

Of course weapons can be obtained illegally by some people no matter what the gun control laws are. That is the case in any country.

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and it is only going to get worse ... hope you are happy TS ... more blood on your hands

The protesters are the ones with blood on their hands, they have no right to stop people from earning a livelihood or going about their business just because they want their own way. The same applied in 2010. Look at it this way. If I was back in Scotland, going to my work, and someone I didn't know, accosted me and tried to stop me, then I would hit back. What's the difference? The protesters are in the wrong here. The way to protest is at the ballot box.

Well this is not Scotland and the ballot box here is bought and in some areas off-limits to those that red shirt mobs oppose. The protestors are not accosting people going to work they are asking (not forcing) those at work in the ministries to stop work in an effort to get some sort of sensible response from Thaksin & his clone.

The protestors have very little blood on their hands - no more than the BIB and whatever third hand is at work. Whether the third hand is Thaksin's work we don't know but the cause certainly is the amnesty attempt which hasn't gone away.

I suppose those protesting against government corruption and/or authoritarianism in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Turkey, Ukraine and Hong Kong recently are all wrong too.

I am very well aware that this is not Scotland thank you. Protesting is never wrong as long as you do not harm innocent people, and that is what these protesters are doing. At the moment I suppose "blood on their hands" is only a figure of speech, and I hope it stays that way. Wait a minute! there have been about five deaths including a policeman, so the protesters actually do have blood on their hands, I would not call that "very little", and what about that taxi driver only trying to make a livin?

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and it is only going to get worse ... hope you are happy TS ... more blood on your hands

The protesters are the ones with blood on their hands, they have no right to stop people from earning a livelihood or going about their business just because they want their own way. The same applied in 2010. Look at it this way. If I was back in Scotland, going to my work, and someone I didn't know, accosted me and tried to stop me, then I would hit back. What's the difference? The protesters are in the wrong here. The way to protest is at the ballot box.

Well this is not Scotland and the ballot box here is bought and in some areas off-limits to those that red shirt mobs oppose. The protestors are not accosting people going to work they are asking (not forcing) those at work in the ministries to stop work in an effort to get some sort of sensible response from Thaksin & his clone.

The protestors have very little blood on their hands - no more than the BIB and whatever third hand is at work. Whether the third hand is Thaksin's work we don't know but the cause certainly is the amnesty attempt which hasn't gone away.

I suppose those protesting against government corruption and/or authoritarianism in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Turkey, Ukraine and Hong Kong recently are all wrong too.

I am very well aware that this is not Scotland thank you. Protesting is never wrong as long as you do not harm innocent people, and that is what these protesters are doing. At the moment I suppose "blood on their hands" is only a figure of speech, and I hope it stays that way. Wait a minute! there have been about five deaths including a policeman, so the protesters actually do have blood on their hands, I would not call that "very little", and what about that taxi driver only trying to make a livin?

It is very little in number compared to the size and length of the protests (as well as 2010) and it's a pity that you chose to omit the fact that protestors have died too. There is no evidence that the protestors killed the policeman despite the efforts of the police to find their usual scapegoat.

I condemn any violence including the isolated attack on the taxi driver and your patent efforts to blame the protestors for everything is a failure. Apart from Capo which is doing everything it can (including lying) to inflame the protestors I commend the authorities for their attempts to keep violence to a minimum - as are the protest leaders.

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The place to protest is at the ballot box, not going about ruining innocent peoples lives. That applies to any political party, in any country. Where Thailand is concerned, the Reds were wrong in 2010, and the Yellows were wrong with the carry on at the airport. Too many innocent people have been/and are being harmed just because selfish people, in this case, the protesters, can't get there own way. Can't you see that?

But this is a forum, and you are fully entitled to voice your opinion on it, and I respect that, but we will have to agree to differ.

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