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PDRC activist urges police to safeguard protesters


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This is not red shirts/white shirts, this is citizens of Bangkok who are sick and tired of the southern thugs destroying their city and economy.

You must be that sick citizen in Bangkok!

Bunny you love to quote me. Why? You can't stand the truth being told. licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif alt=licklips.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2507030023 width=25 height=25>

and what make you sure that is the truth ? you have information that nobody else have ?

In fact I do. giggle.gif

In fact I do. giggle.gif

Pls show us the proof.

And below is a link showing 4 people get caught with deadly weapons.

On the very left the lady is a red shirt member.

This is not red shirts/white shirts, this is citizens of Bangkok who are sick and tired of the southern thugs destroying their city and economy.

Oh really?


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This is not red shirts/white shirts, this is citizens of Bangkok who are sick and tired of the southern thugs destroying their city and economy.

You must be that sick citizen in Bangkok!

Bunny you love to quote me. Why? You can't stand the truth being told. licklips.gif alt=licklips.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2507030023 width=25 height=25>

"Truth" requires a modicum of evidence, not just a say so.

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BANGKOK: -- A core leader of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) Issara Somchai this morning called on the police to step up patrol security to safeguard anti-government protesters following last night’s bomb and gun attacks at protest sites and his home in Bangkok.

I like this. Criminals asking for police protection. There aren't enough cells in police stations and prisons to accommodate them all.

But it is a reasonable demand. After all, the same police stood idly by when law-breaking hooligans drove up in lorries loaded with sand bags, unloaded the bags and slowly piled them up, one by one, to create barricades across major traffic arteries in Bangkok.

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