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Delay February 2 election or risk violence: EC


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So the 37 parties who want to go ahead with the election are PT and all the affiliates under Thaksin's thumb. As for the rest they don't really care. Why must the election happen so soon ? For big brother's amnesty, the moment 180 days are over if PT are in power, hello big brother back from his holiday whiter than driven snow HELL NO !!! Also so that all the impending corruption cases against the current crop of cronies can be blanked. Diplomatic immunity and such. HELL NO !!! As ever they are only out for their vested interests and screw the consequences. The statement's from the EC gentleman are priceless and a good reflection of the reality of the PT morons...

Because the law (constitution) says so.

Oh I forgot, you are not one for abiding with the law when it suits you.

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"One side has said there are many problems [with holding a February 2 election]. The other side cannot simply go shopping. There must be a discussion. We should avoid pouting, like they do in TV dramas," he said.

Gotta love the darling of Isan.

Though I doubt that you meant to, you have shown up the EC for what they are. Utterly useless at their job, and totally biased against PTP. For the chairman of the official body charged with carrying out the election to make such a snide comment about the caretaker PM speaks volumes as to why they are unfit to do their job. They are not posting on TV, where we expect such drivel to be spouted by the usual suspects, they are suposed to be politically neutral.

Given the way PT have acted and are still acting now, it is very difficult not to hold them in utter contempt, especially when the EC are trying their best to do their job and the caretakers complain and stonewall at every turn. He is voicing a little bit of the contempt that a great many of us feel towards a puppet PM who refuses to act like a PM. The caretakers / Taksin want violence to delegitimize the protests. As ever, as long as Taksin gets what he desires he doesn't care how many dead bodies of his country men he has to climb over to get it, he clearly demonstrated that in 2010 and is doing so again here in vivid colour. I was brought up with the credo 'Actions speak louder than words', this is a great example of such.

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Maybe the law requires the election to be held Feb 2nd but if all the relevant authorities agree it would be in the countries best interest to postpone it and not to charge the PM. Problem solved?

Indeed. She made that offer and it was rejected out of hand by me Suteph. If he thinks a coup is the best solution, he might need to consider how the international community would react this time. A look at the Washington Post article might give him a hint

You are Suthep?

It all makes sense now

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" It's no use the prime minister trying to avoid us. We have to help ensure peace in our country. The government should have respect for the EC chairman and they should talk with us," Somchai said. "

Yingluck is not answering phone calls, she is avoiding contact with the EC - an institution constitutionally empowered. Through representatives, she is feigning not being contacted. She is refusing to meet them. Thaksin doesn't respect what they have to say, so neither will she. But she has the time to convene an alternate panel, which yesterday embarrassingly came to no conclusion as there were some academics who agreed with the reform first, election later strategy !

And now - to add to the effrontery - the administration is threatening the EC commissioners with legal action if the election doesn't take place ! And how can they ensure it take place ? Are they to form their own armies, and guard all the tens of thousands of polling stations throughout the country, battling supporters and non-supporters of the administration alike ? How can they ensure that the election take place ?

From the Earth to Pheu Thai. The EC's role is to ensure that the rules for the preparation of elections are being properly observed. They do not have the might of a gun behind them - unlike many of your supporters. The people of Thailand are tired of your Richard Nixon administration.

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A veritable feast of BS if ever there was one.


"Somchai said....postponement of the election until May could help ease the ill will....". How would two more months of a caretaker government and Suthep and his shrinking band of loons parading around possibly help?


"The government seems to opt for war by pushing ahead......". Lets not forget this guy is an election commissioner, but he seems to think that holding an election is 'opting for war'. Are you in the right job, Somchai?


"He warned of possible riots by people who disagree with an election". Yeah, so? That's what the police is for.


"There could be widespread outrage if police take action against voters who tear up ballot papars". Well, they've allowed protesters to block the major roads in Bangkok, so they're hardly likely to shoot someone who tears up a ballot paper.


"The other side cannot simply go shopping......We should avoid pouting....". Naked sexism. Doesn't think that women should be in politics.


And in among all this deluded drivel, not one single word of criticism for his Democrat friends who have turned their backs on democracy. Not one single word of criticism for those who would instigate violence. Just an endless whine that the government should cave in to the threat of violence. No awareness at all from Election Commissioner Somchai that the election is mandated by the constitution and Royal Decree, and as such cannot be changed.

A rich vein of BS indeed.

Your post is certainly 'A veritable feast of BS if ever there was one.' This news story is about an election that has been boycotted by the Dems and about Yingluck being stubborn and awkward. It has nothing to do with the Dems so why mention them ? The ones instigating violence right now are the government against the protestors. However that may change if the election does happen...

Of course the royal decree can be changed. Yingluck tells the king she wants to change it to avoid potential violence and of course and he will agree, not difficult. Hiding behind the royal decree 'that can't be changed' is indeed a rich vein of bs.

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Though I doubt that you meant to, you have shown up the EC for what they are. Utterly useless at their job, and totally biased against PTP. For the chairman of the official body charged with carrying out the election to make such a snide comment about the caretaker PM speaks volumes as to why they are unfit to do their job. They are not posting on TV, where we expect such drivel to be spouted by the usual suspects, they are suposed to be politically neutral.

You are completely correct. Suggesting that the PM is too busy shopping to do her duties is crude and unprofessional; which shows the lack of neutrality of the EC, and the not too secret support they have for Suthep and his fairytale council of handpicked incorruptible and honorable men.

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Fire the bunch of them. Seems like the just don't want to do their job and trying to find a way out of it. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

They are doing their job. Just that they aren't willing to break the law and risk violence to appease Taksin. ''Wah wah it's all a conspiracy I tell ya !!''


When an election commissioner refers to the Prime Minister as quote "the other side", it's hard to argue that he's doing an impartial job.

Oh right, that is very clever. I see what you did there, you referred to the second half of a sentence to make it look like he was saying that he was on the opposing "team".

So let's just try that again, as a complete sentence, ...

"One side has said there are many problems [with holding a February 2 election]. The other side cannot simply go shopping. There must be a discussion. We should avoid pouting, like they do in TV dramas,"

so, it actually seems to be more of a "on the one hand ... and on the other hand" comment, as opposed to what you are trying to imply...!

Please don't post half a comment and expect to get away with it...!!

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A veritable feast of BS if ever there was one.


"Somchai said....postponement of the election until May could help ease the ill will....". How would two more months of a caretaker government and Suthep and his shrinking band of loons parading around possibly help?


"The government seems to opt for war by pushing ahead......". Lets not forget this guy is an election commissioner, but he seems to think that holding an election is 'opting for war'. Are you in the right job, Somchai?


"He warned of possible riots by people who disagree with an election". Yeah, so? That's what the police is for.


"There could be widespread outrage if police take action against voters who tear up ballot papars". Well, they've allowed protesters to block the major roads in Bangkok, so they're hardly likely to shoot someone who tears up a ballot paper.


"The other side cannot simply go shopping......We should avoid pouting....". Naked sexism. Doesn't think that women should be in politics.


And in among all this deluded drivel, not one single word of criticism for his Democrat friends who have turned their backs on democracy. Not one single word of criticism for those who would instigate violence. Just an endless whine that the government should cave in to the threat of violence. No awareness at all from Election Commissioner Somchai that the election is mandated by the constitution and Royal Decree, and as such cannot be changed.

A rich vein of BS indeed.

Your post is certainly 'A veritable feast of BS if ever there was one.' This news story is about an election that has been boycotted by the Dems and about Yingluck being stubborn and awkward. It has nothing to do with the Dems so why mention them ? The ones instigating violence right now are the government against the protestors. However that may change if the election does happen...

Of course the royal decree can be changed. Yingluck tells the king she wants to change it to avoid potential violence and of course and he will agree, not difficult. Hiding behind the royal decree 'that can't be changed' is indeed a rich vein of bs.


So you think the Democrat party has a veto on democracy? If they don't show up, the election has to be put on hold until they finish their sulk. Of course, PTP is a bigger party, so they could also veto elections by not turning up. And then there's BJT. They'd want a veto too....and ChartThai.....and.....and.....every Somchai, Dick and Harry who forms a political party.

No, nobody has a veto on democracy, and threatening violence is never going to change that. Perhaps you can explain to me why an impartial civil servant is referring to the Prime Minister as 'the other side'?

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Fire the bunch of them. Seems like the just don't want to do their job and trying to find a way out of it. If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.

They are doing their job. Just that they aren't willing to break the law and risk violence to appease Taksin. ''Wah wah it's all a conspiracy I tell ya !!''


When an election commissioner refers to the Prime Minister as quote "the other side", it's hard to argue that he's doing an impartial job.

Oh right, that is very clever. I see what you did there, you referred to the second half of a sentence to make it look like he was saying that he was on the opposing "team".

So let's just try that again, as a complete sentence, ...

"One side has said there are many problems [with holding a February 2 election]. The other side cannot simply go shopping. There must be a discussion. We should avoid pouting, like they do in TV dramas,"

so, it actually seems to be more of a "on the one hand ... and on the other hand" comment, as opposed to what you are trying to imply...!

Please don't post half a comment and expect to get away with it...!!


You missed the point again, which seems to be a habit. A senior civil servant, whose job is to organise and run elections, does not get to refer to anti democracy activists as 'one side' and the elected Prime Minister as 'the other side'. For an election commissioner there can be no parity between an elected government and people who refuse to take part in elections. 'The other side'- Freudian slip if ever there was one.

Edited by Spalpeen
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I don't understand why the EC seems to be running its own campaign through the media. Hard not to see the EC as a politicised body. I thought firemen are meant to put out fires

Because they know the 2nd Feb Elections won't bring legal results. (areas that couldn't register candidates).

They are officially informed that it will be a waste of tax payer money. They must act on that information else it might be neglect of duty.

There are several issues that may make the election complete illegal (change of registration place and fly in the candidates of the major parties with helicopter but not the candidates of small parties).

So they actually MUST point out that it is better to change the date. If they don't do they themself may end in jail.

The Thai Constitution says that if a vote is not able to be carried out in a certain area that the EC will run by-elections, again and again and again until there is a result.

Its very simple.

The EC refused to alter the location of registration to an army camp or police station where it could be carried out and the EC kept the registration in the same place where it was blockaded. That points to an apparent possible total incompetence by the EC.

However, it will come straight back at them when on Feb 3rd they have to start planning and execute by-elections in all the places where a vote was not possible. What goes around comes around, and by Thai Law from the Constitution the EC has to keep attempting the by-elections forever, until a vote is carried out.

In my opinion all of the above of course.

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If the election goes ahead on Feb 2nd, it has already been stated that it will be to no avail, since there will not be a vote in many constituencies thus ensuring that less than 95% of the people are represented.

Therefore the election will be a waste of taxpayers money -estimated at 4000billion baht.

If that is the case, can Mr Jo Public sue the caretaker government and Yingluck herself for gross mismanagement of funds?

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If the election goes ahead on Feb 2nd, it has already been stated that it will be to no avail, since there will not be a vote in many constituencies thus ensuring that less than 95% of the people are represented.

Therefore the election will be a waste of taxpayers money -estimated at 4000billion baht.

If that is the case, can Mr Jo Public sue the caretaker government and Yingluck herself for gross mismanagement of funds?


4000billion baht? Expensive election.

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in every other normal democratic country the election commission are neutral. here they are clearly democrats and yingluck needs to find new commissioners who are totally impartial. this is a disgrace to thailand.

its either democracy or anarchy . there is no other choice.

I don't know where you're from but feel free to explain what would happen in your country if:

MPs cheated during a house vote

MPs cheated with different versions of legislation

The house speaker did not allow opposition debate

MPs attempted to pardon themselves and families of thousands of crimes

A government said it would not recognise the court

Then explain how the Election Commission should proceed when:

The main opposition had boycotted the election

28 constituencies are unregistered

22:constituencies have just 1 candidate

There are huge protests on the streets

The protests are being attacked by guns and bombs

The EC is short of 140,000 volunteers to ensure free and fair elections

I await your replies or indeed from any of the red shirted script followers

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Those of you who suggest that the EC is in dereliction of its duty to the country fail to see that they are actually carrying out their duty by recognising that to hold the election on 2nd February is likely to lead to serious violence.

YL is caretaker prime minister, that's all, and she does not have the right to oppose the EC (or to sack them as some nonsense posters have suggested). Her spokesperson has stated that she hasn't received any invitation to a meeting, so I guess communication is pretty bad where she is (highly built up areas, such as shopping malls) as there are thousands of us who are aware of the invitation.

Ignoring the problem will not make it go away YL...!! You must respond to the EC or they will simply take the decision themselves to declare the election date infeasible, and postpone it until at least May. We are all well aware that this would be no good to you (and TS) because you will already be out of the country by then, probably with him.

Let's just wait until your new opponents (old supporters) arrive in the capital next week for a new twist to the story, shall we....!

Not sure I understand, The constitution says you must hold an election within 90 days of dissolving the legislature. Are you

suggesting that Yingluck suspend the constitution to delay an election that Suthep will not participate in when it was Suthep's supporters who blocked the registration of candidates which will make the election results fail in its candidate to meet the numbers of elected officials needed to form the legislature.The EC was grossly incompetent in its job to provide safe venues for candidates to register. If they want to delay the election let them follow the process that allows them to do this. You, EC or anyone else has not reported any special information that indicates that if the election is pushed back Suthep will participate, his supporters will allow candidates to register, the EC will do a better job of providing a safe venue for candidates to register or that any violence/protest will end. On the contrary I think violence will increase as Suthep supporters see there goal line nearing and Red shirts responding. I say have the election and if it does not meet the constitutional requirements, then the results can be put aside. A new date set, The EC can then be replaced for gross incompetence for allowing this to happen. Suthep can decide to participate or not. Move on to the next election.

As silly as it would be to have to do this, if I were Yingluck I would not suspend the constitution and be charged with that as well. blink.png

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BANGKOK, Jan 10 - Thailand's Election Commission (EC) today denied a news report that it asked the caretaker government to issue a royal decree to postpone the Feb 2 general election.

EC secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong said the poll agency did not submit a letter advising the caretaker government to do so.

He reaffirmed that the EC commissioners neither discussed postponing the election nor drafted such a letter.

Were the EC to propose the idea to the caretaker government, he said the issue must first be approved by all five election commissioners, the EC secretary-general said.

Source: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695701-poll-agency-denies-asking-caretaker-pm-to-postpone-election/

BANGKOK: -- In its strongest warning yet to the caretaker government, the Election Commission yesterday said pushing ahead with the February 2 election could spark a severe conflict, possibly leading to violent civil unrest.

Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, who is one of the five election commissioners, said postponement of the election until May could help ease the ill will between proponents and opponents of the February 2 polls. He said the extended period could be spent implementing reforms or changing laws, as demanded by the protesters, who have rallied for more than 70 days.

Source: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/697214-delay-february-2-election-or-risk-violence-ec/#entry7302206

Wouldn't it be nice if individual members of the Election Commission stopped shooting off their mouths in public, contradicting each other?

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I don't understand why the EC seems to be running its own campaign through the media. Hard not to see the EC as a politicised body. I thought firemen are meant to put out fires
One has to question why the EC board members would not participate in an earlier meeting with yingluck this week. Instead they send a representative? Is the EC really doing their job or falling asleep at their desks?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If the election goes ahead on Feb 2nd, it has already been stated that it will be to no avail, since there will not be a vote in many constituencies thus ensuring that less than 95% of the people are represented.

Therefore the election will be a waste of taxpayers money -estimated at 4000billion baht.

If that is the case, can Mr Jo Public sue the caretaker government and Yingluck herself for gross mismanagement of funds?


4000billion baht? Expensive election.

Its factoring in another Shinful administration

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No it won't in short as by-elections will be held until they make up the 95% required. Simple answer to a simple post.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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BANGKOK, Jan 10 - Thailand's Election Commission (EC) today denied a news report that it asked the caretaker government to issue a royal decree to postpone the Feb 2 general election.

EC secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong said the poll agency did not submit a letter advising the caretaker government to do so.

He reaffirmed that the EC commissioners neither discussed postponing the election nor drafted such a letter.

Were the EC to propose the idea to the caretaker government, he said the issue must first be approved by all five election commissioners, the EC secretary-general said.

Source: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695701-poll-agency-denies-asking-caretaker-pm-to-postpone-election/

BANGKOK: -- In its strongest warning yet to the caretaker government, the Election Commission yesterday said pushing ahead with the February 2 election could spark a severe conflict, possibly leading to violent civil unrest.

Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, who is one of the five election commissioners, said postponement of the election until May could help ease the ill will between proponents and opponents of the February 2 polls. He said the extended period could be spent implementing reforms or changing laws, as demanded by the protesters, who have rallied for more than 70 days.

Source: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/697214-delay-february-2-election-or-risk-violence-ec/#entry7302206

Wouldn't it be nice if individual members of the Election Commission stopped shooting off their mouths in public, contradicting each other?

"A week is a long time in politics." Harold Wilson

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When an election commissioner refers to the Prime Minister as quote "the other side", it's hard to argue that he's doing an impartial job.

Oh right, that is very clever. I see what you did there, you referred to the second half of a sentence to make it look like he was saying that he was on the opposing "team".

So let's just try that again, as a complete sentence, ...

"One side has said there are many problems [with holding a February 2 election]. The other side cannot simply go shopping. There must be a discussion. We should avoid pouting, like they do in TV dramas,"

so, it actually seems to be more of a "on the one hand ... and on the other hand" comment, as opposed to what you are trying to imply...!

Please don't post half a comment and expect to get away with it...!!


You missed the point again, which seems to be a habit. A senior civil servant, whose job is to organise and run elections, does not get to refer to anti democracy activists as 'one side' and the elected Prime Minister as 'the other side'. For an election commissioner there can be no parity between an elected government and people who refuse to take part in elections. 'The other side'- Freudian slip if ever there was one.

I didn't miss any point. You posted half a quote and expected to get away with it...!!

The EC were referring to the two parties involved in the current dispute, and referred to them as "one side" and "the other side" without any intended bias.

You choose to read into that something which is not there, which shows that you are simply clutching at straws, and looking at your world through red-tinted glasses...!!

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If the election goes ahead on Feb 2nd, it has already been stated that it will be to no avail, since there will not be a vote in many constituencies thus ensuring that less than 95% of the people are represented.

Therefore the election will be a waste of taxpayers money -estimated at 4000billion baht.

If that is the case, can Mr Jo Public sue the caretaker government and Yingluck herself for gross mismanagement of funds?


4000billion baht? Expensive election.

Its factoring in another Shinful administration

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No it won't in short as by-elections will be held until they make up the 95% required. Simple answer to a simple post.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you replying to my post or did you lose the thread?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Maybe the law requires the election to be held Feb 2nd but if all the relevant authorities agree it would be in the countries best interest to postpone it and not to charge the PM. Problem solved?

Indeed. She made that offer and it was rejected out of hand by me Suteph. If he thinks a coup is the best solution, he might need to consider how the international community would react this time. A look at the Washington Post article might give him a hint

Why change the subject? Do you find it impossible to address the question? This is between the EC and the PM, period, end of story! Furthermore, did she ever make that offer to the EC, answer NO!

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I don't understand why the EC seems to be running its own campaign through the media. Hard not to see the EC as a politicised body. I thought firemen are meant to put out fires

One has to question why the EC board members would not participate in an earlier meeting with yingluck this week. Instead they send a representative? Is the EC really doing their job or falling asleep at their desks?

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The meeting was not with the PM it was packed with MP's, PT members and associated supporters numbering 39? in total. The EC want a 1to1 with the PM for a meaningful discussion, not a kangaroo court.

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