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Step-Daughter reports kick in the mouth by "Red" Step-Father to Pattaya Police


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Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

I don't think the girl was making a mountain out of any molehill, she was explaining the circumstances of the alleged assault. I've got a feeling that if it had been you on the receiving end of kick in the mouth you would be making making "a mountain out of a molehill".
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Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

I don't think the girl was making a mountain out of any molehill, she was explaining the circumstances of the alleged assault. I've got a feeling that if it had been you on the receiving end of kick in the mouth you would be making making "a mountain out of a molehill".

based on OMG's posting history, and if Karma works, i think its very possible he may well get the same treatment from some ladyboy that he has slighted and maybe had trouble making a molehill into a mountain..

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Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

I don't think the girl was making a mountain out of any molehill, she was explaining the circumstances of the alleged assault. I've got a feeling that if it had been you on the receiving end of kick in the mouth you would be making making "a mountain out of a molehill".

And did you read where I wrote that if an attack occurred than "by all means" (which for any non-native English speakers is an expression meaning to definitely take some affirmative action) file an assault charge?

I'm just saying the girl didn't seem very injured and as a personal opinion, I don't think every physical act within a familial context rises to a criminal act. I know this is not PC in some circles but it's just my opinion.

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Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

I don't think the girl was making a mountain out of any molehill, she was explaining the circumstances of the alleged assault. I've got a feeling that if it had been you on the receiving end of kick in the mouth you would be making making "a mountain out of a molehill".

based on OMG's posting history, and if Karma works, i think its very possible he may well get the same treatment from some ladyboy that he has slighted and maybe had trouble making a molehill into a mountain..

Why the ad hominem attack? Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Sad, I hope she can find a new place to stay at. Again it shows the inability of many Thais today to accept and respect other peoples believes. This is against all Buddhist teachings and prows again that many Thais of today are not true believers of Buddhism.

I have a place for her to stay, and ya can betcha bottom dollar she will be safe from the likes of him for awhile...........red shirt, yellow shirt, white shirt or T-Shirt - I don;t give a rats ass.

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Civil war!
what war is civil?
Definition of CIVIL WAR. : a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

but not very civil is it pip

Not civil at all..... Btw what is a pip?

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In the name of peace, take the man in and beat the sh_t out of him so he will never hurt women again!Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

Clearly kicking your step-daughter in the mouth seems to be a minor issue for some people. Amazing attempt at a white-wash above and the depths some people will sink to cover up.

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What a despicable piece of s**t.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who strikes a woman is scum. He should be made to spend some time in a prison holding cell with a dozen or so women, with baseball bats, who have had to put up with such treatment from Thai men in the past. Maybe he wouldn't be so cocky once they dragged him back out.

I'm also amazed that he can come out with a comment that as a "Yellow Shirt", her life would be in danger. This clearly spells out the Red Shirt mentality...!

With your idea, your are exactly on the same violent level....

Thank you for that insightful comment...!

I was raised in a violent household, and sometimes wished that someone would have taken a baseball bat to my father to make him realise that what he was doing was wrong...!!

I grew up, had three kids, and now four grandkids, and I never once mistreated any one of them, since I instinctively knew that anyone who commits violence against children is the lowest form of scumbag,

So, please do not think that you have me sufficiently psychologically profiled as to compare me to this piece of s**t child-beating <deleted>, and do feel free to let me know when you come up with a solution to this case that doesn't involve any infringement of his civil rights or liberty...!!

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Civil war!

what war is civil?
Definition of CIVIL WAR. : a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

but not very civil is it pip

Not civil at all..... Btw what is a pip?

its proper british lingo pip pip, n tally ho n all that

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In the name of peace, take the man in and beat the sh_t out of him so he will never hurt women again!Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Looks more like hurt feelings than anything else. In a blended family such as this, there is often various tensions floating about so I'm sure there's allot more to the story. If she was actually physically struck then by all means file an appropriate criminal charge but don't make a mountain out of a political mole-hill.

I assume you must know them well as you make such sweeping remarks. Thai men resort to violence far too easily from what I have seen in my time in the country so this does not surprise me at all. Also people on both sides of this political divide have shown a willingness to resort to violence whenever someone says something they don't agree with. However, this is not just a Thai problem, there a plenty of thugs in the UK that resort to violence as they are incapable of having an intelligent debate. I am sorry that you feel a man kicking his daughter in the head and threatening her life is so insignificant.

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A man kicked a female in the mouth. That is the bottom line no matter what his excuse was. That is disgusting and I feel so sorry for the poor girl. I really hope she can find a better place to live and act like a youngster should do being able to voice her opinions fairly.

I do hope the girls mother realizes how bad this man is and divorces him and they both move out with a restraining order.

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Funny how these reds always result in violence instead of listening to reason & discussing like civil people.

People always resort to violence when they do not have the mental capacity to reason with the situation or the intelligence to enter into a reasonable debate.

Strange how all the PTP voters and supporters are extremely violent people.

Say it all really.

What utter nonsense. There is evidence (from 2010 and the current protests) to show that the vast majority of Red Shirts will readily turn to extreme violence; in contrast, if the the anti-government protests have shown nothing else, they have surely taught us that the vast majority of the current protesters are anything but violent.

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What a despicable piece of s**t.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who strikes a woman is scum. He should be made to spend some time in a prison holding cell with a dozen or so women, with baseball bats, who have had to put up with such treatment from Thai men in the past. Maybe he wouldn't be so cocky once they dragged him back out.

I'm also amazed that he can come out with a comment that as a "Yellow Shirt", her life would be in danger. This clearly spells out the Red Shirt mentality...!

Seems typical, high strung behavior here, yet I would not put this down to a "Red Shirt mentality". I wonder that the girl has not seen this side of him before, and only just now at this precise time has awoken to the fact after allowing her personal views to intimate with an aggressive lunatic. Otherwise, logic dictates that the step father would be demonstrating a bit if remorse by now... or do the police need to drag him before the step daughter (sitting in a chair) and let him grovel at her feet and ask forgiveness?

No, I think he is a lunatic, and she knew this, and walked right into it.

They are both wrong in my view. Him on moral and ethical grounds (she did not deserve that), and her on sheer stupidity (she should have known better when dealing with a lunatic).

It matters not that they both live under the same roof. It is a matter of two differing views between one lunatic and one idiot. Sparks are going to fly regardless of the environment or the relationship.

If I were to go into an Irish bar, or a Liverpool bar and make certain comments about opposing views, respectively, I suggest I would leave those bars with a few teeth missing if I were that fortunate. I am not saying people in those kind of bars are lunatics, but I think you get the point. Thais simply take it a few notches too far and go over the top about the most stupid and lunatic things imaginable.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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