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Police told to take action against hardcore Red Shirt elements


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Anxiety and fear are among the silent majority of Pathum Thani over the statement of the Army through its deputy-spokesperson. Instead of asking the Police to take legal against the PDRC who violated the rights of the people there, it intimidated the police through its statement to take legal action against people who wanted the return of their rights. Already, the people do not trust the Army, and now this insensitive statement heightened their fear and anxiety. I think the Army should apologize or clarify or take back their statement in order to maintain their claim of neutrality. Any violence, the Army is responsible.

Another thing you can think about-----The Thai people do not trust the police, ask any of them, you may not even get an answer--they are afraid of their power over them. I can see there is no respect from the ordinary person in the street.

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I'm sorry. I mistook your post. So you fully support the elections on 2nd February in which the Thai people can decide who they want to govern their country?

I would prefer if Yingluck resigned, and Thaksin kept out of Thai politics.

Why? The people elected her knowing she was Thaksin's sister. If the people dont like her, dont go out and vote and that will send a clear message. Provided there is no intimidation at the polling stations, I would say that if Yingluck does not achieve a similar amount of votes as the last election, then she does not have a strong mandate to govern. But let the people decide.

Edited by Mr Yim
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I'm sorry. I mistook your post. So you fully support the elections on 2nd February in which the Thai people can decide who they want to govern their country?

I would prefer if Yingluck resigned, and Thaksin kept out of Thai politics.

Why? She is a popular PM . . . I'll ask you this question. If your brother was a convicted bank robber on the run from the police, should that prohibit you from being a bank manager?

She and Thaksin are the cause of these protests. Stepping down would, IMO, be a huge step forward to solving that issue.

As to your hypothetical, if my bank robber brother was helping me rob the bank while I was bank manager, I probably should be prohibited from being a bank manager.

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Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

And you believe the words of a corrupt, megalomaniac who should be in court facing charges of murder?

Good or bad, the bottom line was the Government was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the people of Thailand. What is so difficult to understand about that?

Can try to understand that, that was the bottom line after that WHAT ???? democratically governed. no way so what is difficult to understand about that ???

so now what ??? have an election that does not have any candidates ??? because most of them are facing charges of umpteen things.

Now is a no go --for this government like it or lump it.

The fact that the opposition are not contesting the election is their choice. If the people dont like the current government dont vote for them. It is as simple as that. It is called a democratic election.

Regarding the buying of votes. It goes on by all parties at all levels in government. I have seen it at village level, for postions on committees etc. My wife has been paid money to vote for candidates. It doesnt mean they get her vote. Bribery for votes goes on across the world. Doubtless, the political parties will be offering incentives to vote for them in the next election in the UK or the United States. It is called politics.

No one will be voting as it will be a farce. so no democratic election will be held.

Did I mention BUYING VOTES NO I didn't

Whatever goes on across the world is not my problem, IT is how you govern when elected--you overlooked this point--you did NOT really respond to my post about a non election --and the part where there is no point as most could be behind BARS--(not the drinking ones)

The answer you posted was though up before you read my post.

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I'm sorry. I mistook your post. So you fully support the elections on 2nd February in which the Thai people can decide who they want to govern their country?

I would prefer if Yingluck resigned, and Thaksin kept out of Thai politics.

Why? The people elected her knowing she was Thaksin's sister. If the people dont like her, dont go out and vote and that will send a clear message. Provided there is no intimidation at the polling stations, I would say that if Yingluck does not achieve a similar amount of votes as the last election, then she does not have a strong mandate to govern. But let the people decide.

NO let the courts decide first if she is corrupt and deserves to be put in jail and banned from politics. Being elected does not mean your above the law.

The courts? Like ...in 20 years? Because the yellow shirt leaders still haven't seen jail or even been convicted for the airport occupations and neither have Abhisit and Suthep for the 2010 killings of civilians.

So, lets start with those that are already in the queue, shall we?

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The courts? Like ...in 20 years? Because the yellow shirt leaders still haven't seen jail or even been convicted for the airport occupations and neither have Abhisit and Suthep for the 2010 killings of civilians.

So, lets start with those that are already in the queue, shall we?

Yes, lets start with the red shirts that attacked Prem in 2007.

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Anxiety and fear are among the silent majority of Pathum Thani over the statement of the Army through its deputy-spokesperson. Instead of asking the Police to take legal against the PDRC who violated the rights of the people there, it intimidated the police through its statement to take legal action against people who wanted the return of their rights. Already, the people do not trust the Army, and now this insensitive statement heightened their fear and anxiety. I think the Army should apologize or clarify or take back their statement in order to maintain their claim of neutrality. Any violence, the Army is responsible.

Another thing you can think about-----The Thai people do not trust the police, ask any of them, you may not even get an answer--they are afraid of their power over them. I can see there is no respect from the ordinary person in the street.

How is it relevant to the information I shared and the feelings of the people? How does your opinion helps to ease the anxiety, fear and tension in Pathum Thani?

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I would prefer if Yingluck resigned, and Thaksin kept out of Thai politics.

Why? The people elected her knowing she was Thaksin's sister. If the people dont like her, dont go out and vote and that will send a clear message. Provided there is no intimidation at the polling stations, I would say that if Yingluck does not achieve a similar amount of votes as the last election, then she does not have a strong mandate to govern. But let the people decide.

NO let the courts decide first if she is corrupt and deserves to be put in jail and banned from politics. Being elected does not mean your above the law.

The courts? Like ...in 20 years? Because the yellow shirt leaders still haven't seen jail or even been convicted for the airport occupations and neither have Abhisit and Suthep for the 2010 killings of civilians.

So, lets start with those that are already in the queue, shall we?

The queue should start with Thaksin OK. he was not sentenced for 2 years for shoplifting was he ??

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How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?

it's Alice in Wonderland stuff isn't it? blink.png

Yesterday it was said that Suthep was demanding answers from the police? facepalm.gif

The same guy they are meant to be arresting……………………… any day nowcoffee1.gif

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The courts? Like ...in 20 years? Because the yellow shirt leaders still haven't seen jail or even been convicted for the airport occupations and neither have Abhisit and Suthep for the 2010 killings of civilians.

So, lets start with those that are already in the queue, shall we?

Taksin comes first then with all his cases.. so lets stay real.

This current government is corrupt investigate it and meanwhile amend the constitution with some laws that make sure no government can rape the country like this one is doing / has.

Its much easier to prove if contracts are fake then prove the murder in 2010 (will never happen just like Thai bak wont be on Taksin his shoulders and or the extra justicial killings by the police of innocent people).

This corruption should be fairly easy proven and can be done fast. I actually hope they go ahead with Abisith and Suthep fast too.. because its crazy that the law is so slow.

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The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

And you evidence is where?

Maybe its that mysterious third hand again eh?

What is worrying is the Army feel the need to have to tell the Keystone Cops to do their job.

Perhaps the caretaker PM/DM would like to make a statement - condemning the perps and demanded swift action from her police force. She might also remind the Army that as DM they should talk to her before making statements like this. Any reason why she isn't speaking out, as you would expect from a PM - even a caretaker one. Her CAPO mob were happy to threaten peaceful demonstrator with arrest and prosecution for protesting against the regime, very soon after this attack, without condemning the attack. Do you think this was just another honest coincidence too? Maybe go home or risk prosecution, or worse?

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Seriously, it is a credit to jackrich to be able to operate a computer keyboard despite having both feet firmly jammed in his mouth ! The man must be a contortionist, (or a three year old) cheesy.gif

Is there a specific reason as to why you have this strong urge to insult people who d not share your political views? Reading your posts is like listening to Suthep on stage rambling about Yingluck being from another planet or a demon (yes, he said that).

It makes for great entertainment for the masses of sheep, but really hold no further value.

If you had said in your earlier post that the courts should reel in dems and the like, but OMITTED that Thaksin should be at the front of the queue, I could understand, so really you cannot blame others who you think are one sided

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The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

5 posts? Troll

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How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?

Just a reminder for Jackrich and his new "Respect My Vote" avatar. Jack, you can't vote, here.

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Asking the police to take action against the Red shirts? We know that will never happen.

So my guess is the military will be using the resulting inaction as justification that the police cannot maintain law and order thereby necessitating the need for a coup.

Kinda like we told you so.

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I'm sorry. I mistook your post. So you fully support the elections on 2nd February in which the Thai people can decide who they want to govern their country?

I would prefer if Yingluck resigned, and Thaksin kept out of Thai politics.

The answer to your question was a no. Along with Suthep,his masters, and the Dems who do not want the Thai people to choose who governs them.

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Anxiety and fear are among the silent majority of Pathum Thani over the statement of the Army through its deputy-spokesperson. Instead of asking the Police to take legal against the PDRC who violated the rights of the people there, it intimidated the police through its statement to take legal action against people who wanted the return of their rights. Already, the people do not trust the Army, and now this insensitive statement heightened their fear and anxiety. I think the Army should apologize or clarify or take back their statement in order to maintain their claim of neutrality. Any violence, the Army is responsible.

Another thing you can think about-----The Thai people do not trust the police, ask any of them, you may not even get an answer--they are afraid of their power over them. I can see there is no respect from the ordinary person in the street.

How is it relevant to the information I shared and the feelings of the people? How does your opinion helps to ease the anxiety, fear and tension in Pathum Thani?

Who elected you to speak for the anxiety and tension in Pathum Thani?

How do you know what the "silent" majority in Pahtum Thani are thinking if their keeping quiet?

Do you have sixth sense to read minds?

Are you really sharing information ?

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I do not insult everyone who I disagree with politically, jackrich, but in your case your arrogant and obnoxious comments deserve to be criticized.

And by insulting people do you mean like - "How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?".......................I am yet to hear you use anything but insults when it comes to anyone who does not agree with you politically, as in Suthep.

Your comments do nothing more than make me feel sorry for you, whether you are a genuine "believer" or just another hoaxer.

Edited by mikemac
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An unjust coup in 2006 started all this.

Had that not happened Thaksin would probably be retired in Chiang Mai now after being kicked out in an election a few years later.


Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

And you believe the words of a corrupt, megalomaniac who should be in court facing charges of murder?

Good or bad, the bottom line was the Government was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the people of Thailand. What is so difficult to understand about that?

Oh god the democratically elected mantra.. .so boring.

It has shown they are corrupt.. voting for multiple people lying in court, sneaking laws through ect ect. The amnesty.. having 25.000 corruption cases dropped. Now.. G2G rice trades are fake.. its enough.. they should step down and be investigated.. prosecuted and jailed if guilty.

Meanwhile the constitution should be changed to make sure this level of corruption can't happen again. Then if they are elected again let them in power but only as long as they play by the rules and don't rape the country blind and lie so much that they lie more then speak the truth.

This just clearly shows the laws are not strong enough and the checks and balances are gone if such blatant corruption and lying is possible. Reforms now.. election later.

Totally agree. I would recommend something I like to call a "Peoples Council" in the interim.

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The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

Hurrah for the military coup then ay?

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I'm sorry. I mistook your post. So you fully support the elections on 2nd February in which the Thai people can decide who they want to govern their country?

I would prefer if Yingluck resigned, and Thaksin kept out of Thai politics.

The answer to your question was a no. Along with Suthep,his masters, and the Dems who do not want the Thai people to choose who governs them.

I would just prefer that it wasn't Yingluck. I don't agree with corrupt governments, elected or not.

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An unjust coup in 2006 started all this.

Had that not happened Thaksin would probably be retired in Chiang Mai now after being kicked out in an election a few years later.


Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

How many relatives of Thaksin were put in power? How has Thaksin changed laws to suit himself? Weren't they for the interests of the industries and the Country? Suthep hasn't changed law to suit himself? He and his party changed the election law before 2011 election. They also changed laws to pave the way for subsidies before the GE. Those laws they cannot changed, they break it - like what they are doing now.

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Anxiety and fear are among the silent majority of Pathum Thani over the statement of the Army through its deputy-spokesperson. Instead of asking the Police to take legal against the PDRC who violated the rights of the people there, it intimidated the police through its statement to take legal action against people who wanted the return of their rights. Already, the people do not trust the Army, and now this insensitive statement heightened their fear and anxiety. I think the Army should apologize or clarify or take back their statement in order to maintain their claim of neutrality. Any violence, the Army is responsible.

Another thing you can think about-----The Thai people do not trust the police, ask any of them, you may not even get an answer--they are afraid of their power over them. I can see there is no respect from the ordinary person in the street.

How is it relevant to the information I shared and the feelings of the people? How does your opinion helps to ease the anxiety, fear and tension in Pathum Thani?

Who elected you to speak for the anxiety and tension in Pathum Thani?

How do you know what the "silent" majority in Pahtum Thani are thinking if their keeping quiet?

Do you have sixth sense to read minds?

Are you really sharing information ?

Yes, I am sharing information. What made you think I am not?

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How about taking action against the nutjob who said he would arrest the democratically elected Prime Minister and Cabinet Members?

Just a reminder for Jackrich and his new "Respect My Vote" avatar. Jack, you can't vote, here.

It says "Respect My Vote", wherever that may be. You should respect a Thai's right to vote just as much as you respect your right to vote in your home country.

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An unjust coup in 2006 started all this.

Had that not happened Thaksin would probably be retired in Chiang Mai now after being kicked out in an election a few years later.


Right. While Thaksin was in power in attempted to reduce the powers of the checks and balances, and put his relatives in positions of power, but you think he would have allowed himself to be kicked out in elections. But Suthep, even though he has said he wants a reform committee for a year and then have elections which he won't be standing in, and, although corrupt, hasn't changed laws to suit himself or put relatives in positions of power, is aiming to be president for life.

And you believe the words of a corrupt, megalomaniac who should be in court facing charges of murder?

Good or bad, the bottom line was the Government was DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the people of Thailand. What is so difficult to understand about that?

Oh god the democratically elected mantra.. .so boring.

It has shown they are corrupt.. voting for multiple people lying in court, sneaking laws through ect ect. The amnesty.. having 25.000 corruption cases dropped. Now.. G2G rice trades are fake.. its enough.. they should step down and be investigated.. prosecuted and jailed if guilty.

Meanwhile the constitution should be changed to make sure this level of corruption can't happen again. Then if they are elected again let them in power but only as long as they play by the rules and don't rape the country blind and lie so much that they lie more then speak the truth.

This just clearly shows the laws are not strong enough and the checks and balances are gone if such blatant corruption and lying is possible. Reforms now.. election later.

Oh God... the anarchist people's-republic matra..blah blah rice.. blah blah corruption (whilst forgetting how corrupt Suthep and his sponsors are) blah b;lah rape country blind blah blah constitution changed again (because the democrats are so dimwitted when they were in power and changed it they changed it to work against themselves) blah blah blah

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This is not such a surprising statement for the army to come out with.

The armys position of support is clear in its mandate. Look up Its main purpose and its role and who is head of the armed forces and that will tell you exactly given the demands of the protesters and its proposed ruling solution where its support lays. At least it lays there with the top brass but not necessarily with the troops and watermelons.

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