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Thaksin Returns As Pm

John K

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Thailand's Election Commission Accuses Thaksin's Party of Bribes

Thailand's Election Commission today accused executives of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's Thai Rak Thai party of bribery ahead of April 2 polls that have since been voided.

The Election Commission submitted results of an investigation into charges that ruling party executives paid other political parties to run in the election, Athapol Yaisawang, a spokesman of Attorney General's Office, said in a phone interview today.

Prosecutors will meet tomorrow to consider whether to forward the commission's findings to the Constitutional Court or ask for further investigation, said Athapol. Thai Rak Thai could be dissolved if found guilty of the charges, he said. Thaksin's party rejected the charges.

"Thai Rak Thai party is prepared to answer the charge against the party," spokesman Sita Divari said in a phone interview today. "We will let the legal process prove our innocence."

The Constitutional Court last month nullified the April 2 parliamentary elections because the Election Commission set up polling booths that didn't shield votes and not enough time was allowed for campaigning

- (Bloomberg)

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Thai deputy prime minister resigns

One of Thailand's deputy prime ministers announced his resignation yesterday, dealing a further blow to the government as it grapples with an ongoing political crisis.

Wissanu Krea-Ngam, one of six deputy prime ministers, was in charge of legal matters concerning the government. Political analysts had speculated that he planned to resign to avoid becoming a scapegoat for Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's administration, which has been accused of widespread corruption.

"I told Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra that I am resigning and the prime minister did not stop me," he told reporters. He said he expected his resignation to take effect "soon."

His departure comes after one of the government's top legal aides, Bovornsak Uwanno, resigned earlier this month to become a monk.

Wissanu had advised Thaksin through some of the embattled prime minister's highest-profile legal challenges, including the Thaksin family's sale of its controlling stake in their telecommunication empire, Shin Corp, to Singapore's state-owned Temasek Holdings for a tax-free US$1.9 billion.

The January sale sparked a national outcry that fueled massive anti-government protests. Critics allege the sale involved insider trading and that national assets were sold to a foreign government.

- Associated Press

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But perhaps a ‘Where is Thaksin hiding” thread may come up soon.

Thaksin refrains from political interviews

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has carried on his tasks in the caretaker government and has refrained from any political interviews since earlier this week.

The prime minister chaired a meeting of a government committee on supervising electronic management on fiscal and financial policy at Government House here on Thursday.

He then proceeded to work at his official residence, Ban Phitsanulok, and later went to the Japanese Embassy to Thailand without saying anything to journalists.

It was the second consecutive day this week when the prime minister refrained from giving any interview concerning political issues, according to TNA reporter.

Mr. Thaksin and his Thai Rak Thai (TRT) Party are encoutering such political woes as a ruling on Thursday by Chairman of the Election Commission of Thailand (EC) Pol. Gen. Vasana Puemlarp, in his capacity as the political parties' registrar, that an allegation over TRT Pary's hiring small parties to run against it in the April 2 general election, in which the former three major oppostion parties--the Democrat, the Chart Thai and the Mahachon Parties boycotted the snap poll which was later nullified by the Constitutional Court--had grounds which could lead to a legal order to dissolve the ruling party.

Pol. Gen. Vasana has forwarded his ruling to the Office of the Attorney General.

Mr. Thaksin's administration is also losing such top cabinet members as former Secretary-General to the Cabinet Borvornsak Uwanno and Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-Ngam--the former resigned earlier this month to enter the monkhood for a certain period of time and the latter announced his intention to resign on Thursday, saying he would officially tender his resignation soon.

- (TNA)

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99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer…….

I bet Thaksin is upset that for the moment wire transfers are off line. I expect a visit to Switzerland soon.

Switzerland? Maybe via Japan?

Thaksin refrains from political interviews

He then proceeded to work at his official residence, Ban Phitsanulok, and later went to the Japanese Embassy to Thailand without saying anything to journalists.

- (TNA)

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Thai deputy prime minister resigns

One of Thailand's deputy prime ministers announced his resignation yesterday, dealing a further blow to the government as it grapples with an ongoing political crisis.

Wissanu Krea-Ngam, one of six deputy prime ministers, was in charge of legal matters concerning the government. Political analysts had speculated that he planned to resign to avoid becoming a scapegoat for Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's administration, which has been accused of widespread corruption.

"I told Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra that I am resigning and the prime minister did not stop me," he told reporters. He said he expected his resignation to take effect "soon."

His departure comes after one of the government's top legal aides, Bovornsak Uwanno, resigned earlier this month to become a monk.

Wissanu had advised Thaksin through some of the embattled prime minister's highest-profile legal challenges, including the Thaksin family's sale of its controlling stake in their telecommunication empire, Shin Corp, to Singapore's state-owned Temasek Holdings for a tax-free US$1.9 billion.

The January sale sparked a national outcry that fueled massive anti-government protests. Critics allege the sale involved insider trading and that national assets were sold to a foreign government.

- Associated Press

This is the TRT ship of state. With Captain Fanthaksin and bosun Plod.

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99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer…….

I bet Thaksin is upset that for the moment wire transfers are off line. I expect a visit to Switzerland soon.

Switzerland? Maybe via Japan?

Thaksin refrains from political interviews

He then proceeded to work at his official residence, Ban Phitsanulok, and later went to the Japanese Embassy to Thailand without saying anything to journalists.

- (TNA)

You know being quiet is not his style. Being arrogant and stepping on everyone and anything in his way. He knows the end is near. The Bangkok Post seems to spin a bit of a pessimistic headline today. They are Suggesting the EC wants to do a very poor job so the case falls apart to keep Thaksin happy. This is unusual for him that he is not in control, and I think he is out of his element and will continue to make mistakes.

So are there any deals with Japan in the news, or is he looking for political asylum?

Did you ever notice what cockroaches do when you turn the lights on them?

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[Could we be seeing a new thread soon? Countdown to Dissolutio? Or Not?

Perhaps a pool? A trifecta: Day he resigns again? TRT dissolved? Assests frozen?

Ahhh.... do you refer to the prophecy of post #2?

Whoa, I hadn't read that since this started. Let's hope he just slithers out of town in the middle of the night. He could fly out of the new airport on a "test flight" and not come back. Of course, there will be some who will see this as their time to make a move. Oh, but i forgot, it's been "no coups, we promise"..............

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How about this misterious phrase from The Nation's article on the previous page: " Banking authorities have reportedly been instructed to keep a close watch on the bank accounts holding the Bt73.3 billion."

It's, of course, a natural thing to do, but who are those "authorities"? Who has the authority that dares to keep a close watch on Thaksin's money?

I think I'm with Colpyat on this one - Thaksin's fate has been sealed by higher powers working behind the scenes and we are just watching how it develops. Important developments that generate screaming headlines have been programmed in and don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Nevertheless, if not for massive PAD demonstrations that impressed the higher powers, nothing would have happened at all. It has not been in vain.

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The Nation:

Wissanu's resignation takes effect on June 24

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Friday that the resignation of caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam will take effect on Saturday.

He said he still had many legal experts to assist the government on legal issues.

The Nation

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The Nation again:

Chaturon rumoured to consider quitting

Rumours widely spread among senior Education Ministry officials Friday that caretaker Education Minister Chaturon Chaisang was planning to resign.

Many directors of 175 education zones nationwide discussed that Chaturon might want to resign after the education minister did not show up to chair their meeting at the Tawana Ramada Hotel.

The education minister was initially scheduled to chair the meeting but he rescheduled the meeting to Saturday, but the education zone directors were not informed in advance.

They learnt about the rescheduling only when they came to wait for Chaturon at the hotel.

The Nation

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Bangkok Post:

Finance Minister dismisses resignation rumors

UTTARADIT– Finance Minister Thanong Bidaya on Friday reiterated that he has no plan to resign from his post, saying he would stay in office until nobody wants him.

“I will stay to work for the country until no one wants me to do that,” he said when asked if he thought of resigning.

He also dismissed rumors that Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Somkid Jatusripitak had tendered his resignation.

“In my personal view, Khun Somkid will not resign because he is one of the founding members of ruling Thai-Rak-Thai Party. So, I think the news is just a rumor,” he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Finance Minister Varathep Ratanakorn reiterated that he would definitely not resign from his post. (TNA)

Edited by konangrit
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How about this misterious phrase from The Nation's article on the previous page: " Banking authorities have reportedly been instructed to keep a close watch on the bank accounts holding the Bt73.3 billion."

It's, of course, a natural thing to do, but who are those "authorities"? Who has the authority that dares to keep a close watch on Thaksin's money?

I think I'm with Colpyat on this one - Thaksin's fate has been sealed by higher powers working behind the scenes and we are just watching how it develops. Important developments that generate screaming headlines have been programmed in and don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Nevertheless, if not for massive PAD demonstrations that impressed the higher powers, nothing would have happened at all. It has not been in vain.

I have trouble believing that the Palace ("higher powers") would get involved in this. I also have trouble believing since the shares were held offshore that the majority of the THB 73.3 billion isn't already in an offshore account (which can be held in an onshore bank). Hence, perhaps, the BOT is interested in it. In the grand scheme of things, the PM is only worried about two things, safeguarding his family money and ensuring he stays powerful in Thailand via the Special Administrative Zone he is setting up (and wll run for 8 years). Once these are accomplished, Pol. Gen. Wasana goes, and the TRT as a political party won't matter.

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I read someplace perhaps in another thread that the USA has stopped bank transfers because of missing checks that could support terrorism. That was for one of the Thai banks in the USA, I forgot what one. As far as I know all bank transfers must go through the USA in one way or another. That tidbit was from the Hamas issue in that nobody wanted to risk the USA pulling the plug for sending Hamas money. Did I spell that right?

Watching Thaksin’s money, yes you bet they are. Remember banks draw from their depositors for loans. Losing that much lending power hurts.

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Whoa, I hadn't read that since this started. Let's hope he just slithers out of town in the middle of the night. He could fly out of the new airport on a "test flight" and not come back. Of course, there will be some who will see this as their time to make a move. Oh, but i forgot, it's been "no coups, we promise"..............

The robber will do a runner with the people's money.

Will the Thais insist that the robber returns his booty ?

AND pays some tax ! :o

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The Nation:

OAG to make decision on Thai Rak Thai case on Tuesday

The decision on whether to forward the alleged serious electoral fraud by the ruling Thai Rak Thai Party, to the Constitution Court, will be made on Tuesday morning at 9.30am.

Atthaphol Yaisawang, spokesman of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG), said the OAG initially planned to make a decision Friday but had to postpone the decision to Tuesday due to the huge amount of documents amounting to 2,000 pages.

Senior prosecutors who met Friday came to a conclusion however that even though the Election Commissioners did not summon the head or representatives of the Thai Rak Thai Party to defend themselves, the OAG can go ahead with the case to consider whether they should forward the case to the Constitution Court for ruling or not.

The Nation

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More on Wisanu's resignation:

Wisanu's resignation effective tomorrow : Thaksin

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said on Friday resignation of Deputy Prime Minister Wisanu Kruengam is effective on Saturday.

"Tomorrow (Sunday), Wisanu will be out of his post," Thaksin said.

Wisanu said on Thursday that he will resign from the position but the resignation will be effctive next month as he needed time to finish his unfinished works.

Many observers said Thaksin was giving a cold shoulder to his former legal adviser who was known for his strong defender for him.

When asked who will replace Wisanu to oversee legal affairs, Thaksin said there were plenty of officials who can do the jobs.

Meanwhile Wisanu told reporters that he would travel overseas in the next few days to do some business.

He said he would not want to talk why he resigned and would not comment on speculations that other ministers will follow him by resigning from the government.

So he bid farewell to reporters and emphasised that he would not re-enter into politics and will surely not be deputy prime minister again.

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TRT in denial?

TRT files suit against Suthep

Deputy secretary-general of the Thai Rak Thai Party Prommin Lertsuridej filed on Friday a criminal defamation suit against Democrat Party secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban.

The TRT suit is seeking Bt100 million in damages over accusations by Suthep that senior TRT members had lobbied small parties to filed candidates in the April 2 election.

The suit says that Suthep accused the TRT members of conspiring to subvert the democratic system by recruiting small parties to field contestants in constituencies where TRT candidates were unsure of polling enough votes.

While the court said it had discussed proceeding with the case, it would have to gather further evidence to ascertain whether the case was wellgrounded.

After that they will summon Democrat members to testify.

The court has invited members of each party to a hearing next month.

The Nation

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There must be a lot behind this that we wot not of.

It stands to reason that Temasek must have 'taken some soundings' before they purchased what is basically a lump of Thailand's infrastructure.

If elderly, retired Thai politicians wrote their autobiographies, one wonders what might be revealed in them.

I note that the retiring Deputy Prime Minister did allude to the virtue/necessity of 'transparency' about governmental actions in a parliamentary system. Change is afoot.

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by Anusak Konglang

BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra is facing a new threat to his rule, as prosecutors considered filing vote fraud charges against his party that could lead to its dissolution.

The Election Commission late Thursday ruled that Thaksin's party violated two laws in the campaigning for elections held on April 2 that have since been invalidated.

A panel of prosecutors is set to meet later in the day to decide whether to bring the case against Thaksin's party, which has run the country for the last five years, to the Constitutional Court.

If found guilty, the court could disband the party and bar Thaksin from forming a new one for five years -- a move analysts said could plunge Thailand's young democracy back into turmoil.

"It would send Thai politics further into a tailspin," political analyst Thitinan Pongsudhirak said.

Thaksin, 56, earlier this year survived months of mass street protests demanding his resignation over claims that the billionaire politician used his office to enrich his business empire.

Despite the demonstrations in Bangkok, his popularity in rural Thailand delivered his party a clear victory in the April 2 elections that he called to end the protests.

But an opposition boycott of the polls failed to produce a parliament, forcing Thaksin to temporarily step aside.

He returned to his job last month after the courts invalidated the elections and cleared the way for new polls tentatively set for October 15.

The charges accuse Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai (Thais Love Thais) party of illegally financing fringe groups to contest the April 2 polls in a bid to make the elections look more legitimate after the boycott.

TRT legal adviser Kudeb Saikrachang said the party was already preparing to defend itself before the court.

"I am confident that Thai Rak Thai hasn't done anything illegal," he said.

Kudeb said the party believed the Election Commission's investigation was flawed because Thaksin was never called for questioning.

"We haven't received fair treatment from the Election Commission, which ruled that our party breached the law without calling our party leader to testify," he said.

The courts have already cast doubt on the commission's credibility, urging last month the EC's members to resign because of the ongoing controversy surrounding the elections.

The latest twist in Thailand's months-long political drama could plunge the government back into crisis if the court dissolves the party.

The country's constitution is only nine years old, and legal experts said it was unclear who would run the country if TRT were disbanded.

Thaksin has earned a reputation for bouncing back from legal challenges to his rule, which has been dogged from the outset by charges of corruption and abuse of power.

But analyst Thitinan said the courts may feel emboldened to challenge the premier after the king directly ordered them to resolve the crisis.

"The movement to oust (Thaksin) has entered round two with the judiciary," he said.

"If Thai Rak Thai was dissolved, it would practically spell the end of the Thaksin regime," he said.

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The above news clipping is more of the same, but it does provide another point of view from the media.

The one thing that stands solid is the King said to the judges is fix it or get out. So I suspect the courts will do the right thing.

Edited by john Krukowski
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As the intellectuals of TRT continue to leave Thaksin, the remainder are in a bind. Whether to join the exodus or stay and fight, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.

Will Surakiat go is the next question, his wife is a niece of the queen but he may still hanker after the UN Secretary -General post.

Chaturon could be the next to check out.

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As the intellectuals of TRT continue to leave Thaksin, the remainder are in a bind. Whether to join the exodus or stay and fight, 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'.

Will Surakiat go is the next question, his wife is a niece of the queen but he may still hanker after the UN Secretary -General post.

Chaturon could be the next to check out.

Well ....

Considering that it is likely that if TRT is dissolved ... ALL of the MP's will be barred for 5 years ... is there a real advantage for them to bail at this point? The only thing they could have done is to bail before the pay-offs (alleged?)

Oh well ... I bet it will all work out :o The winds of change are upon us! I love Thailand and have really loved being here for the last few years to witness these great steps towards a more open/transparent Democracy!

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TRT files suit against Suthep

Deputy secretary-general of the Thai Rak Thai Party Prommin Lertsuridej filed on Friday a criminal defamation suit against Democrat Party secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban.

The TRT suit is seeking Bt100 million in damages over accusations by Suthep that senior TRT members had lobbied small parties to filed candidates in the April 2 election.

The suit says that Suthep accused the TRT members of conspiring to subvert the democratic system by recruiting small parties to field contestants in constituencies where TRT candidates were unsure of polling enough votes.

While the court said it had discussed proceeding with the case, it would have to gather further evidence to ascertain whether the case was wellgrounded.

After that they will summon Democrat members to testify.

The court has invited members of each party to a hearing next month.

The Nation

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The MPs are not barred at all, only those considered directly guilty are liable to a ban.

The executive members are barred from being executives for 5 years but there's nothing to stop them from being MPs, Ministers or PM.

If Thaksin is found not to be involved in the hiring of small parties, there is nothing to stop him from joining, for instance, Paen Din Thai and being elected PM by a nominee board assuming they won the majority of seats in an election.

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The MPs are not barred at all, only those considered directly guilty are liable to a ban.

The executive members are barred from being executives for 5 years but there's nothing to stop them from being MPs, Ministers or PM.

If Thaksin is found not to be involved in the hiring of small parties, there is nothing to stop him from joining, for instance, Paen Din Thai and being elected PM by a nominee board assuming they won the majority of seats in an election.

Are you sure on that? I thought it was all that benefitted or were active when the crime was commited.

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Great catch Siriporn,

Excerpt from The Nation:

Under the law, if a party is dissolved because of this misdeed or tries to assume power by unconstitutional means, its executives are banned from founding a new party or being executives of a party for five years.

In other words, if Thai Rak Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra and his executives are found guilty, they can still stand for Parliament and become a minister or even prime minister. All they have to do is switch their allegiance to an existing party and join as an ordinary member.

The name "Thai Rak Thai" would be wiped from the EC's register, but all the familiar names would still be on the political merry-go-round.

So, playing the "dissolution card" is really only designed to discredit the party, not the member.

Should any of the members, including the big names, want to run for House seats in the next election, they can - as things stand at the moment - forget it if the Election Commission holds to the October 15 poll date. Party registration under the 90-day rule has long since passed.

Given this scenario and the prospect of the TRT Party being dissolved, there are a lot of nervous politicians and would-be politicians praying that the EC will postpone the next election just long enough for them to become party eligible. Otherwise they will likely be sitting in the political wilderness for a few years watching rival parties holding the reins of power and making political hay while the sun shines.

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