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Thailand Live Tuesday 21 Jan 2014


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RT @sanitsuda: The reds invaded the Interior Ministry and tried to get me and Khun Abhisit us to beat us, beat up Niphon Prompan's driver, etc -- Suthep.

RT @Lerlaforever: Suthep: We will step up a pace from tmr onward to overthrow Yingluck's government

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RT @Aim_NT: Suthep said the protesters would use more number of people to surround the officers used under the Emergency Decree.

RT @Lerlaforever: Suthep: If they surround us with 50,000, we will send 150,000 of us to surround them. Nothing to fear.

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RT @Aim_NT: From tomorrow, natl police chief Pol Gen Adul Saengsingkaew would be the negotiator w/ the protesters & make them understand. Via @cmpolive

RT @sanitsuda: The govt's at a deadend .It invoked emergency even the situations are normal. Share prices are rising, business is running as normal-Suthep

RT @KentBKK: Latest travel advice. Declaration of State of Emergency in Bangkok. https://t.co/EJwGrl9gWv

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RT @tulsathit: A few things about emergency decree: 1) It's rather unprecedented in terms of police taking centre stage.

RT @tulsathit: 2) Whether "aggression' justified it is up for debate. Suthep insisted ppl were unarmed. But govt can cite "invasions" of govt offices.

RT @tulsathit: 3) Suthep insisted it was govt who was breaking the law, i.e. defying Constitution Court, seeking illegal money to pay farmers.

RT @tulsathit: 4) Perhaps most importantly, Constitution prevents caretaker govt from using state manpower or resources to make electoral gains.

RT @tulsathit: 5) Effect on social media is up to enforcers. Observers expect same leniency as during previous election times.

RT @tulsathit: 6) Can pro-govt demonstrators gather?

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