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Swedish tourist dies in Phuket bike smash


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Swedish tourist dies in Phuket bike smash
Eakkapop Thongtub

PHUKET: -- A 51-year old Swedish tourist, Mikael Nilsson from Stockholm, died yesterday morning (January 22) after he lost control of his motorbike and hit a crash barrier on the Airport Rd.

A friend who was on another motorbike following him told police that they were heading for Nai Yang Beach at speed when Mr Nealson hit the barrier near Thalang Technical College and flew over it onto the sand-and-grass verge.

By the time police and rescue staff arrived Mr Nilsson was already dead. His body was taken to Thalang Hospital to await arrangements to send him home. The family has been informed.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/swedish-tourist-dies-in-phuket-bike-smash-44186.php

-- Phuket News 2014-01-23

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Swedish tourist dies in Phuket motorbike crash
Phuket Gazette

Rescue workers arrive at the scene. Photo: Kritsada Mueanhawong

PHUKET: A Swedish man on his way to the beach yesterday morning was killed when his motorbike went off the road in Thalang.

A friend who was following on another bike told police that the pair were headed to Nai Yang Beach.

“He overtook my motorbike on the curve and lost control,” the friend said. “The bike fell over and he bounced on the road and struck the metal guard rail. He died instantly.”

The friend gave the victim’s name as Mikael Nilsson, 51.

Police were called to the scene, on Road 4026 – the main bypass road to the airport – at 11am. They found no helmet and said the only wound on Mr Nilsson’s body was a bruise on his neck.

“We believe he died as a result of striking his head against the guard rail, but the cause of death will be determined by Thalang Hospital,” said Lt Thanom Thongpan of Tah Chat Chai Police.

The Swedish Embassy in Bangkok has been notified of the incident, he added.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2014/Swedish-tourist-dies-in-Phuket-motorbike-crash-23362.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2014-01-23

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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down. It took me several times to really understand how slow speed is needed to ride through it safely.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to make the curve more safe. Yellow warning light and 60km/h sign might or might not help.

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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down. It took me several times to really understand how slow speed is needed to ride through it safely.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to make the curve more safe. Yellow warning light and 60km/h sign might or might not help.

60 Km/h sign!! surely you mean 30 Km/h.

60 is way too fast for an inexperienced rider.

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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down

RIP to the deceased.

But as I commented on another forum, this curve is within minutes of my hotel. It is not a dangerous curve, but simply a curve. I have never heard of an accident at that spot. The curve is long and the road is wide and with a good surface. Only an inexperienced rider would have problems going round that bend, and it seems this rider was inexperienced.


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But as I commented on another forum, this curve is within minutes of my hotel. It is not a dangerous curve, but simply a curve. I have never heard of an accident at that spot. The curve is long and the road is wide and with a good surface. Only an inexperienced rider would have problems going round that bend, and it seems this rider was inexperienced.


I'm not fully inexperienced rider, yet I have underestimated this specific curve before, which I don't regularly do in other locations. I shared my experience about that part of the road.

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60 Km/h sign!! surely you mean 30 Km/h.

60 is way too fast for an inexperienced rider.

I remembered reading that 60km/h signs were suggested to that location. (check: It was on PW).

Even less could be better, but does people really notice the signs?

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Olinki - I concede that the curve can be a little tricky if you enter it too fast and then need to correct your line of travel, since you are travelling down a slope. I drive this curve daily at 80kph (in a car), without problem.

I think that if there were no crash barriers, then this accident might not have been fatal, since Mikael would have not hit the metal structure. But he must have been travelling quite fast to be flung overe the barrier. I cannot recall a previous accident at this spot.


Edited by simon43
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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down. It took me several times to really understand how slow speed is needed to ride through it safely.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to make the curve more safe. Yellow warning light and 60km/h sign might or might not help.

60 Km/h sign!! surely you mean 30 Km/h.

60 is way too fast for an inexperienced rider.

AFAIK in LOS a posted speed in this situation is a maximum recommended speed..if you are inexperienced its up to you to go slower,or at a speed you feel safe at.

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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down. It took me several times to really understand how slow speed is needed to ride through it safely.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to make the curve more safe. Yellow warning light and 60km/h sign might or might not help.

Would it not be feasible to not rent out to all and sundry, people who have never ridden a motorcycle in their lives, and those that rent out supply in the cost decent safe crash helmets, to be openly honest, I read these incident reports, and instead of being upset, I am angry that those that hire don't care a shxxt. To who they they to. Money money money

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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down. It took me several times to really understand how slow speed is needed to ride through it safely.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to make the curve more safe. Yellow warning light and 60km/h sign might or might not help.

Would it not be feasible to not rent out to all and sundry, people who have never ridden a motorcycle in their lives, and those that rent out supply in the cost decent safe crash helmets, to be openly honest, I read these incident reports, and instead of being upset, I am angry that those that hire don't care a shxxt. To who they they to. Money money money

Would it not be more feasible for people who have never ridden a motorcycle in their lives to engage the brain and think ''why would i ride a bike in Thailand when i never ride one in my own country?"

We're not talking about schoolkids who may need guidance here, are we talking about adults mainly..so let them think like adults!

You really want all the''wrapped in cottonwool" BS that the west is smothered in to protect ignorant fools from themselves?

I for one don't.

R.I.P to the Swede..any death is one too many, but personal responsibility must be a priority in life IMO

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I will say again.....Even for an expat...to ride bikes or drive cars in Thailand ONLY if is absolutely necessary.....and ONLY with a Thai driver if possible.

For a tourist to rent it and take the risk attached to it....INSANE!......I was insane for 4 months.....never again!

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He crashed because he could not control his bike!

And you point? Many people can't control their bikes properly so at least a helmet could save your life

Then they have no right to be on the road. Maybe he could have crashed into me or another innocent person. And i am totally against being forced to wear a helmet in case i fall off or in case somebody knocks me off my bike. No helmet or a helmet should be up to the person involved.

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He crashed because he could not control his bike!

And you point? Many people can't control their bikes properly so at least a helmet could save your life

Then they have no right to be on the road. Maybe he could have crashed into me or another innocent person. And i am totally against being forced to wear a helmet in case i fall off or in case somebody knocks me off my bike. No helmet or a helmet should be up to the person involved.

100% correct!

Yes wearing a helmet should be the choice of the rider...i wear mine when it rains or if i know the BIB are waiting enroute.

That's all...that's my choice.

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I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

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I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

It would seem you are the idiot to have needed the helmet, maybe it did not work as well as you think if you think it is ok to call people idiots, it would seem your brain has been affected more than you understand. Or maybe you think i and other people like me should wear helmets in case idiot crash into me?

If you feel happy to have insurance companies dictate your life style, that is fine, they loved blinkered idiots who pay and never question.

Not wearing a helmet is a victimless crime, and idiots like you should address your concerns to road maintenance, driver ability etc. Nobody have ever ridden a bike at the correct speed, on a safe road and just "fallen off". (Barring a stroke or heart attack.) So i fail to see why i should be forced to wear a helmet in case i fall due to a pot hole, or i get rammed by a drunken driver. Stopping the cause of accidents is the way to go.

May i ask, after your two crashes, did you get a brain scan?

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He crashed because he could not control his bike!

And you point? Many people can't control their bikes properly so at least a helmet could save your life

Then they have no right to be on the road. Maybe he could have crashed into me or another innocent person. And i am totally against being forced to wear a helmet in case i fall off or in case somebody knocks me off my bike. No helmet or a helmet should be up to the person involved.

100% correct!

Yes wearing a helmet should be the choice of the rider...i wear mine when it rains or if i know the BIB are waiting enroute.

That's all...that's my choice.

******I have to agree here, its my choice or should be. I have worn a helmet a few times but found wearing one impedes my ability to see my right and left side, and blocks out nearly all sound. Not wearing a helmet allows me to both hear and see idiots wizzing up behind me and overtaking on the inside lane/verge.

As for police roadblocks, I personally won't stop as I refuse to support police corruption.

Lastly, a friend saw an accident where the bike rider was indeed wearing a helmet, unfortunately for the biker the helmet got snagged on the bumper of the car that hit him and took the guy's head off, with helmet still firmly attached.

Edited by Hawk
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Chrissables, you didn't answer Pitchag's questions:

what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

From your other comments, I take it that you don't even have insurance to ride your bike - it would certainly be invalid if you don't wear a crash helmet.

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Chrissables, you didn't answer Pitchag's questions:

what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

From your other comments, I take it that you don't even have insurance to ride your bike - it would certainly be invalid if you don't wear a crash helmet.

To answer, i do ride with a helmet 99% of the time. Small soi's near my house, where i ride a 15-20kph i don't. I resent having to wear a helmet by a law that is stupid and actually is of little benefit because we are being told lies about the safety of them.

Head Injuries with Adult Choice

Q.) Is there a 40% increase in head injuries among non-helmeted riders when a state repeals their helmet law?

A.) According to the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation it was determined that, in fatal motorcycle accidents there, 28-29% of fatalities were from head injuries. The percentages were the same whether the victims were WEARING HELMETS OR NOT. Specifically, in fatal motorcycle accidents where the victim WAS wearing a helmet, 29.4% of those fatalities were from head injuries. By comparison, in fatal cycle accidents where the victim WAS NOT wearing a helmet, 28.9% of the victims died of head injuries. The Governor initiated a requirement to investigate all motorcycle accidents after Wisconsin modified their helmet law in 1978. This study was supposed to "prove" whether or not helmets made a substantial difference in fatalities of helmeted riders versus non-helmeted riders. Wisconsin still allows adults their "choice" on the helmet issue.

What insurance are you asking about? My bike and i are totally legal, taxed and insured.

I don't have medical insurance. But admit i should look into as i ride a lot here.

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Chrissables, you didn't answer Pitchag's questions:

what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

From your other comments, I take it that you don't even have insurance to ride your bike - it would certainly be invalid if you don't wear a crash helmet.

Regarding family, are you suggesting i should not leave the house in case a moron knocks me off the bike, and i need taking care of?

People don't just fall off of bike, it is as simple as that.

I state again, stop the cause of accidents, not make laws that do nothing to work towards the prevention.

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I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

First off, i'm really glad you love it

Secondly you choose to call me an idiot..that is your perogative when hiding on forum..don't say it to my face will you, just because i'm making my own choice to not wear a helmet!!

Its all summed up IMO by one word....FATE..what will be will be and i'm a strong believer in that..again, my choice.

In my 50 years of motorcycling i have lost one close friend to a fatal motorcycle crash even tho' he was wearing a helmet.

In the same time frame i have had 3 close friends left in a vegatative state after motorcycle crashes also wearing helmets..they, all 3 wish they had died

How do you think their families feel..i know how they feel mate..they also wish that they had died.

You really don't have a clue do you?..Maybe, as suggested you should have your head looked at for cracks.

Not a bike issue, but a helmet one just the same..Micheal Schumaker...wearing a helmet>..Yes?

Now apparently to spend the rest of his life in a non normal state at best, at worst in a vegatative state..Yes?

Get down off your high horse and allow people who make a choice to do do, without being told by some uninformed ignoramus, that he is an idiot.smile.png

Edited by andreandre
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Maybe tourists see kids tearing around on scooters and think, " Oh, if a 12 yo is allowed to do that then I can too, it looks fun !"

From the bruise and description of the accident, seems he probably broke his neck, helmet might not have had any effect at all.

I rode scooters for 14 years in my home country with no helmet, which was legal, and noone did and for 7 years here, but always with a helmet,( too many bad drivers and hazards) . But I agree, it is a personal choice that affects no other drivers. In fact, it can be argued those kids tearing around would be more of a hazard to others with helmets on that interfere with hearing and sight.

You can argue family members are affected by a choice that causes death, but then you can argue any foreigner choosing to live in Thaland is sacrificing their safety to the detriment of loved ones.

I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

It would seem you are the idiot to have needed the helmet, maybe it did not work as well as you think if you think it is ok to call people idiots, it would seem your brain has been affected more than you understand. Or maybe you think i and other people like me should wear helmets in case idiot crash into me?

If you feel happy to have insurance companies dictate your life style, that is fine, they loved blinkered idiots who pay and never question.

Not wearing a helmet is a victimless crime, and idiots like you should address your concerns to road maintenance, driver ability etc. Nobody have ever ridden a bike at the correct speed, on a safe road and just "fallen off". (Barring a stroke or heart attack.) So i fail to see why i should be forced to wear a helmet in case i fall due to a pot hole, or i get rammed by a drunken driver. Stopping the cause of accidents is the way to go.

May i ask, after your two crashes, did you get a brain scan?

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I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

Actually, not wearing a bucket/helmet is my choice, just as it is my choice what colour shirt I want to wear today. I personally find helmets extremely dangerous, especially in this land of the fast, furious, stupid and sometimes drunk "drivers".

Today at a set of traffic lights, an idiot(Thai) on a scooter jumps the red light, nearly causes an accident, and 4 cops standing nearby do absolutely nothing. But by not wearing a helmet one can more easily spot these idiots springing out and take evasive action.

As for the brain damage, dementia and Alzheimer's disease are massive problems compared to a few brain dead bikers.

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