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Swedish tourist dies in Phuket bike smash


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Some interesting posts, if a little off topic. I guess people have a choice about wearing a helmet, but I will continue to consider anyone without a helmet an idiot when I see them driving a motor bike without a helmet, especially when they drive fast and erratic. But that's just my own opinion.

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Some interesting posts, if a little off topic. I guess people have a choice about wearing a helmet, but I will continue to consider anyone without a helmet an idiot when I see them driving a motor bike without a helmet, especially when they drive fast and erratic. But that's just my own opinion.

I consider people who blindly follow rules because they believe what told by governments and insurance companies are idiots also. Read the facts i post before, helmets make no difference in your survival. Its people crashing into you who should be accountable. But like you, that's just my opinion :)

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Some interesting posts, if a little off topic. I guess people have a choice about wearing a helmet, but I will continue to consider anyone without a helmet an idiot when I see them driving a motor bike without a helmet, especially when they drive fast and erratic. But that's just my own opinion.

i'm not going to respond as i should to the idiot call..it is your opinion after all, and we are all entitled to that....suffice to say, i figure you know my feelings about your words anyway...rolleyes.gif

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andreandre, on 24 Jan 2014 - 12:51, said:
pitchag, on 24 Jan 2014 - 09:30, said:

I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

First off, i'm really glad you love it

Secondly you choose to call me an idiot..that is your perogative when hiding on forum..don't say it to my face will you, just because i'm making my own choice to not wear a helmet!!

Its all summed up IMO by one word....FATE..what will be will be and i'm a strong believer in that..again, my choice.

In my 50 years of motorcycling i have lost one close friend to a fatal motorcycle crash even tho' he was wearing a helmet.

In the same time frame i have had 3 close friends left in a vegatative state after motorcycle crashes also wearing helmets..they, all 3 wish they had died

How do you think their families feel..i know how they feel mate..they also wish that they had died.

You really don't have a clue do you?..Maybe, as suggested you should have your head looked at for cracks.

Not a bike issue, but a helmet one just the same..Micheal Schumaker...wearing a helmet>..Yes?

Now apparently to spend the rest of his life in a non normal state at best, at worst in a vegatative state..Yes?

Get down off your high horse and allow people who make a choice to do do, without being told by some uninformed ignoramus, that he is an idiot.smile.png

"andreandre"...........don't think you like the taste of your own medicine........just remember the "like" you gave to the poster being vulgar to myself and my country.....yes anonymity on a forum can be a bugger sometimes.

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People don't just fall off of bike, it is as simple as that.

Well, this poor guy Mikael did just that.....

I believe he drove into the guard rail at speed, the bike stopped but he didn't, the flying biker hit heard first, and the helmet hitting whatever twisted his head and broke his neck. So not a case of "simply falling off".

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Out of interest, I just drove this curve a few minutes ago (in a car).

There is a 'bends' warning sign and 2 further 60km/h warning signs.

I took the curve easily at 90km/h in the inside lane and was passed at the same time by 2 airport minibuses travelling at maybe 100-105km/h.

So I would say that whatever Mikael was doing, the fact that he was flung over the barrier seems to suggest that he was riding way too fast.

This accident can be attributed to inexperience or riding too fast. Whatever the reason, it's an unnecessary and avoidable death.

Did the original report indicate what type of motorbike he was riding? (scooter, big bike?)

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Be safe people! I had a scooter in my own country when I was younger but I will not drive a motorcycle in S.E.A.

In my country only the brave and well trained ride motorcycles, and it's usually for the love of the trill of speed, and used mostly as a second form of transport.

My advise is to take the bus/taxi or walk with such beautiful weather outside.

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I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

It would seem you are the idiot to have needed the helmet, maybe it did not work as well as you think if you think it is ok to call people idiots, it would seem your brain has been affected more than you understand. Or maybe you think i and other people like me should wear helmets in case idiot crash into me?

If you feel happy to have insurance companies dictate your life style, that is fine, they loved blinkered idiots who pay and never question.

Not wearing a helmet is a victimless crime, and idiots like you should address your concerns to road maintenance, driver ability etc. Nobody have ever ridden a bike at the correct speed, on a safe road and just "fallen off". (Barring a stroke or heart attack.) So i fail to see why i should be forced to wear a helmet in case i fall due to a pot hole, or i get rammed by a drunken driver. Stopping the cause of accidents is the way to go.

May i ask, after your two crashes, did you get a brain scan?

You will never stop an accidents because they are accidents by name mine was caused by black ice ( cannot see black ice in the road) in one case and the other avoiding pedestrians running straight out in front of me, as far as a victim less crime the victims are the ones you leave behind to mourn you or look after you for the rest of your life. I am still alive because of the helmet, so not that much of an idiot . It seems in Thailand it is not so much if it will happen but when it will happen, we have to live with little or no driver education in Thailand so minimising the risk of injury just makes common sense which I feel you are sadly lacking maybe you need the brain scan to see if you have one

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Chrissables, you didn't answer Pitchag's questions:

what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

From your other comments, I take it that you don't even have insurance to ride your bike - it would certainly be invalid if you don't wear a crash helmet.

To answer, i do ride with a helmet 99% of the time. Small soi's near my house, where i ride a 15-20kph i don't. I resent having to wear a helmet by a law that is stupid and actually is of little benefit because we are being told lies about the safety of them.

Head Injuries with Adult Choice

Q.) Is there a 40% increase in head injuries among non-helmeted riders when a state repeals their helmet law?

A.) According to the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation it was determined that, in fatal motorcycle accidents there, 28-29% of fatalities were from head injuries. The percentages were the same whether the victims were WEARING HELMETS OR NOT. Specifically, in fatal motorcycle accidents where the victim WAS wearing a helmet, 29.4% of those fatalities were from head injuries. By comparison, in fatal cycle accidents where the victim WAS NOT wearing a helmet, 28.9% of the victims died of head injuries. The Governor initiated a requirement to investigate all motorcycle accidents after Wisconsin modified their helmet law in 1978. This study was supposed to "prove" whether or not helmets made a substantial difference in fatalities of helmeted riders versus non-helmeted riders. Wisconsin still allows adults their "choice" on the helmet issue.

What insurance are you asking about? My bike and i are totally legal, taxed and insured.

I don't have medical insurance. But admit i should look into as i ride a lot here.

It is not all about fatalities what is the stats on how many left with brain damage due to no helmet laws

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I love it when idiots say wearing a helmet is My choice what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

I am not sure but do the insurance companies honour the policy if you are not legally riding with a helmet.

I have had two accidents where a helmet has saved me from serious head injury, both times the helmet was cracked but my head was not

It would seem you are the idiot to have needed the helmet, maybe it did not work as well as you think if you think it is ok to call people idiots, it would seem your brain has been affected more than you understand. Or maybe you think i and other people like me should wear helmets in case idiot crash into me?

If you feel happy to have insurance companies dictate your life style, that is fine, they loved blinkered idiots who pay and never question.

Not wearing a helmet is a victimless crime, and idiots like you should address your concerns to road maintenance, driver ability etc. Nobody have ever ridden a bike at the correct speed, on a safe road and just "fallen off". (Barring a stroke or heart attack.) So i fail to see why i should be forced to wear a helmet in case i fall due to a pot hole, or i get rammed by a drunken driver. Stopping the cause of accidents is the way to go.

May i ask, after your two crashes, did you get a brain scan?

You will never stop an accidents because they are accidents by name mine was caused by black ice ( cannot see black ice in the road) in one case and the other avoiding pedestrians running straight out in front of me, as far as a victim less crime the victims are the ones you leave behind to mourn you or look after you for the rest of your life. I am still alive because of the helmet, so not that much of an idiot . It seems in Thailand it is not so much if it will happen but when it will happen, we have to live with little or no driver education in Thailand so minimising the risk of injury just makes common sense which I feel you are sadly lacking maybe you need the brain scan to see if you have one

I understand what black ice is thank you. Yes by definition an accident is an accident. But a car pulling out in front of you is not. A drunk driver rear-ending you is not. Badly maintained roads are not, ill trained drivers and riders are not. Hence my statement that the "if it saves one life" brigade really cared, they would be making protests about that, instead of thinking it is ok to force me to wear a helmet, which actually do not save many, if any lives at all.

It is a victimless crime, if we all think your way, nobody would overeat, drink, walk..........because maybe there could be ill effects that family may have to care about. Ridiculous!

My brain works fine thank you, well enough to question condescending people as you. Keep believing in what your government tells you and protect yourself from all possible forms of harm. It surprises me you have the balls to get up in the morning, let alone ride a motorbike in this country. Or maybe you only go to the local shop in a full set of leathers?

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Chrissables, you didn't answer Pitchag's questions:

what about the trauma you leave behind for your family, or worse having brain damage and having someone waste their life looking after you, feeding you dressing you and worse wiping you bum.

From your other comments, I take it that you don't even have insurance to ride your bike - it would certainly be invalid if you don't wear a crash helmet.

To answer, i do ride with a helmet 99% of the time. Small soi's near my house, where i ride a 15-20kph i don't. I resent having to wear a helmet by a law that is stupid and actually is of little benefit because we are being told lies about the safety of them.

Head Injuries with Adult Choice

Q.) Is there a 40% increase in head injuries among non-helmeted riders when a state repeals their helmet law?

A.) According to the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation it was determined that, in fatal motorcycle accidents there, 28-29% of fatalities were from head injuries. The percentages were the same whether the victims were WEARING HELMETS OR NOT. Specifically, in fatal motorcycle accidents where the victim WAS wearing a helmet, 29.4% of those fatalities were from head injuries. By comparison, in fatal cycle accidents where the victim WAS NOT wearing a helmet, 28.9% of the victims died of head injuries. The Governor initiated a requirement to investigate all motorcycle accidents after Wisconsin modified their helmet law in 1978. This study was supposed to "prove" whether or not helmets made a substantial difference in fatalities of helmeted riders versus non-helmeted riders. Wisconsin still allows adults their "choice" on the helmet issue.

What insurance are you asking about? My bike and i are totally legal, taxed and insured.

I don't have medical insurance. But admit i should look into as i ride a lot here.

It is not all about fatalities what is the stats on how many left with brain damage due to no helmet laws

Please show me where it says that.

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That curve is really dangerous with scooter as it's a long curve which slopes down. It took me several times to really understand how slow speed is needed to ride through it safely.

I'm not sure what would be the best way to make the curve more safe. Yellow warning light and 60km/h sign might or might not help.

Would it not be feasible to not rent out to all and sundry, people who have never ridden a motorcycle in their lives, and those that rent out supply in the cost decent safe crash helmets, to be openly honest, I read these incident reports, and instead of being upset, I am angry that those that hire don't care a shxxt. To who they they to. Money money money

We could also blame the manufacturers for making the motorbikes.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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