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Installing The Ppp Over Ethernet Protocol Help

Guest chingy

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Guest chingy

I sign up for tot adsl, my area is up and working, the bad side is that they don't support any help on how to instal or anything for that matter. so now im stuck, need some help if anybody know anything about Installing the PPP over Ethernet Protocol Creating PPP over Ethernet Dial-up Connections, installing the hardware is quite easy, i install everything by the book but it doen't seem to work or hook up, anyway if anybody can help out i appreciated. my adsl modem (aztech dsl 700p) internal. :o

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What's your OS? Do you have a 3rd party PPPoE client?

For WinXP you can install the PPPoE client the same way as any other dial-up networking connection. To create a PPPoE client connection, follow these steps:

In Control Panel, double-click Network and Internet Connections

Click Network Connections, click Create a new connection in the Network Tasks pane to start the Network Connection Wizard, and then click Next.

Click to select Connect to the Internet, and then click Next.

Click to select Set up my connection manually, and then click Next.

Click to select Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password or Connect using a broadband connection that is always on.

Type the ISP name that your Internet service provider (ISP) provided, and then click Next.

Type the user name that the ISP has provided.

Type the password that the ISP has provided.

Type the password once more to confirm, and then click Next.

Click to select Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop.

Click Finish to complete the wizard.

Should work!


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Guest chingy

im running window98, i have a disk for the dsl modem, instal the modem driver is easy no problem at all, the problem start at installing the raspppoe software, i seem to do everything correctly but somehow i can't get to hook up,

the sad thing about ToT ADSL is that, they will hook you up, give you a user name and password and that's about it, the rest you're on your own and forget about calling them, nobody home lol

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What version of Win98 do you have? What version of Dun?

What is the name of the PPPoE software? Version?

What happens when you install the PPPoE software? Error messages?

What happens when you run the PPPoE software to log in? Does it start? Can you enter your name and password? Messages?

Have you downloaded the latest version of DUN for Win98? Can do so here:


Check the following MS article:


Hard to tell without more info...

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Guest chingy

1. window 98, Second Edition, 4.10.2222a ( i went and updates the DUN for the current version and install.

2. PPP over Ethernet Protocol

Windows 98 NDIS Intermediate Driver INF

written by Robert Schlabbach ([email protected])

Copyright © 2000-2002 by Robert Schlabbach

version: 0.98.0720.0

3. everything went fine no error message

4. everything start fine, enter name and paswword work fine, after dial error message ( Error 678)

PASPPPOE- No service offers recieved No PPP over Ethernet service offers were received. please do the followong:

1. check the configuration of you network adapter in the Device Manager.

2. Make sure the network adapter is properly connected to your broadband device

3. check with your services provider wheather they currently have an outage

1 and 2 im pretty sure is all good

thank for the help

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im running window98, i have a disk for the dsl modem, instal the modem driver is easy no problem at all,
check in your device manager the modem is present without an error although, it sounds like your driver is installed. also check that your machine sees your modem by running diagnosics in your modem properties to send a string that receives a reply ok, ok etc.

also within those modem properties, look for a selection if available that shows a small network type icon "when connected" in your tray this way you will see send & receive traffic or attempted traffic

the sad thing about ToT ADSL is that, they will hook you up, give you a user name and password and that's about it, the rest you're on your own and forget about calling them, nobody home lol

you say they hook you up, as in you see a link light on an external modem or is your modem internal?

4. everything start fine, enter name and paswword work fine, after dial error message ( Error 678)

error 678 usually means no answer from your provider, as in you may have the wrong dialup number or prefix incorrect.

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Yeah, sound like there's something wrong with the connection. You have any lights on the modem blinking? Normally there should be a couple.. One should be called link and one TX or something. If they're not lit you should contact the provider as huski also says, 678 is "NO ANSWER"

C:\utils>err 678

# for decimal 678 / hex 0x2a6 :


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Guest chingy
check in your device manager the modem is present without an error although, it sounds like your driver is installed. also check that your machine sees your modem by running diagnosics in your modem properties to send a string <test> that receives a reply ok, ok etc.
yes i run it everything pass
also within those modem properties, look for a selection if available that shows a small network type icon "when connected" in your tray <bottom right corner> this way you will see send & receive traffic or attempted traffic

yes i do have that little icon show me if im connected or not

you say they hook you up, as in you see a link light on an external modem or is your modem internal?
i have internal modem im seeing it transfering data but not recieve, i call ToT they told me that they saw me connect
error 678 usually means no answer from your provider, as in you may have the wrong dialup number or prefix incorrect.

adsl doesn't have dial-up number do they, mine i just enter x or 0, no need to dial

Yeah, sound like there's something wrong with the connection. You have any lights on the modem blinking? Normally there should be a couple.. One should be called link and one TX or something. If they're not lit you should contact the provider as huski also says, 678 is "NO ANSWER"

im not sure what is the problem, im seeing myself transfering data but not recieving, i have a little icon blinking showing me the transfer data, also like i say i call them and they told me they see me thro their net work, when we test it they even see me disconnect, but that's just about it, they can't give me any solution, they say that the tot adsl services is to new they don't have any tech people to help maybe later down the line, anyway this modem i have was 2-3 year old, back then i hook up with Q-NET ADSL, that was 2-3 year ago, too expensive so i disconnect service, maybe i should buy a new and up to date ADSL modem and test it out

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Do you get an IP-address?

DNS-settings are they hardcoded and provided by TOT or you get them when you connect?

Win98..hm... think you write "winipcgf" at the command prompt or Start => Run => Winipcgf => Choose your adapter and look for the settings


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Guest chingy
Do you get an IP-address?
yes they gave me IP addrerss and password, but usually it alway autoconfig the IP addresss you really don't need it.
Win98..hm... think you write "winipcgf" at the command prompt or Start => Run => Winipcgf => Choose your adapter and look for the settings

its (Winipcfg) i ran it, it gave me a bunch of info, basicly it

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Guest chingy

one quick question, does the telephone line got to do with anything, or is there a certain line i should use

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Certain line? Not sure what you mean.. Normal ADSL you just plug it into the same outlet as the phone, should be connected to the first outlet in the house.

Did TOT give you an ip-address that you manually set in the network config or does it autoconfigure your ip-address when you try to call? If they gave you an IP-address have you tried using that one instead of the autoconfig one?

Can you confirm that you get DNS settings/ip-address for you ADSL adapter. Do you get IP-address for Default Gateway? That bunch of info can be quite vital... ;-)

As they tell you they can see you connect it sounds to me like a config problem. However can also be something with you old ADSL modem. Could be a problem with the PPPoE discovery stage. To be able to start PPPoE your computer needs to obtain the network address of the PPPoE server at TOT and after this they will negotioate a session ID and then you would be up and running normal PPP. Could be here the problem lies..

Check the manufacturer of the modem to see if they have any updated firmware for it. And sure, if you can borrow another one for testing it would be great...

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Guest chingy

-i didn't think the phone line got to do with anything just thought i ask.

-yes it is autoconfigure ip-address

-DNS setting all confirm

-i have a feeling it got to be something about PPPoE that cause the problem, can you explain this again please

To be able to start PPPoE your computer needs to obtain the network address of the PPPoE server at TOT and after this they will negotioate a session ID and then you would be up and running normal PPP

they told me to go here and download the Raspppoe http://www.adslthailand.com , did so

-updated all check

-here's example of the modem http://www.magix.com.sg/help/techsupport/o...h700p/index.htm

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OK, so you confirmed that you get IP-address and DNS address from TOT, right?

You didn't type in the IP config from the webpage www.magix.com.sg? If so delete them, this should be obtained when you dial-up TOT.

PASPPPOE- No service offers recieved No PPP over Ethernet service offers were received. please do the followong:

1. check the configuration of you network adapter in the Device Manager.

2. Make sure the network adapter is properly connected to your broadband device

3. check with your services provider wheather they currently have an outage

1 and 2 im pretty sure is all good

1. After this are you still connected to TOT? Does you leds/lights in the taskbar flash? Can you ping your default gateway? Can you ping www.thaivisa.com?

2. Check the version of NDIS.VXD:

Under [Control Panel > System > Device Manager > Network Adapters], look for the device name "DSL700P ADSL Network Modem". Highlight this device and select [Properties > Driver > Driver File Details…] and you are able to find the driver version for Ndis.vxd

Should be 4.10.2224 if not update from Microsoft:


3. Highlight the dial-up networking for ADSL service, right click on mouse and select [Properties > Server types], what do you see?

4. What version is the modem driver? There is one V. 2.3.4 on Aztech's webpage

5. Did you buy this modem in Thailand or somewhere else? Maybe doesn't meet the Thai standards...? Can you borrow someone's modem for testing if the above doesn't work?

Regarding PPPoE, this is how it works:

To establish a PPPoE connection, the Ethernet address of the remote PPPoE server must be obtained. Additionally, a unique session identifier must also be negotiated. The method to obtain this information is referred to as the PPPoE Discovery Stage.

The PPPoE Discovery Stage is made up of four steps: initiation, offer, request, and session confirmation:

1. The PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation (PADI) packet:

The PPPoE client sends out a PADI packet to the broadcast address. This packet can also populate the "service-name" field if a service name has been entered on the dial-up networking properties of the PPPoE broadband connectoid. If a service name has not been entered, this field cannot be populated.

2. The PPPoE Active Discovery Offer (PADO) packet:

The PPPoE server, or Access Concentrator, should respond to the PADI with a PADO if the Access Concentrator is able to service the "service-name" field that had been listed in the PADI packet. If no "service-name" field had been listed, the Access Concentrator should respond with a PADO packet that has the "service-name" field populated with the service names that the Access Concentrator can service. The PADO packet is sent to the unicast address of the PPPoE client.

3. The PPPoE Active Discovery Request (PADR) packet:

When a PADO packet is received, the PPPoE client responds with a PADR packet. This packet is sent to the unicast address of the Access Concentrator. The client may receive multiple PADO packets, but the client responds to the first valid PADO that the client received. If the initial PADI packet had a blank "service-name" field filed, the client populates the "service-name" field of the PADR packet with the first service name that had been returned in the PADO packet.

4. The PPPoE Active Discovery Session-confirmation (PADS) packet:

When the PADR is received, the Access Concentrator generates a unique session identification (ID) for the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) session and returns this ID to the PPPoE client in the PADS packet. This packet is sent to the unicast address of the client.

When this process has completed, the client is aware of the address of the Access Concentrator and a session ID has been established. At this point, a normal PPP session begins. This session can remain established until a PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate (PADT) packet is sent. The PADT may be sent by either the Access Concentrator or the PPPoE client.

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sounds like you are close, but one of your of your settings is checked or unchecked wrong. check each one, then try to connect, change back, try another check...etc. just a wild chance, is there anyone else like a neighbor that has the same providers and dsl modem you could write down each setting he has inside a working dialup connection. if not, can they fax you or email you some more specific authentication settings that are already working for other customers,

what is a good sign is they can see your modem that means your dsl modem has it's IP already set and the wiring to your house is ok. also you said, they can see you connect and disconnect. that would seem like for that to happen your username/password is working. so it almost like your either your authentication settings are slightly off, or gateway is pointing to the wrong IP and your DNS also should be set.

yes they gave me IP addrerss and password, but usually it alway autoconfig the IP addresss you really don't need it.
forget autoconfig, you need to put the IP address in that they gave you. ps...get a firewall when you get this working if you value your computer's security whatsoever.

try this, get a command prompt

start, run, cmd or command and then type ping with your ip address to see if you can see your modem. if so, then ping your provider's gateway or switch of your provider.

ping xxx.xxx.xx.xx

Regarding PPPoE, this is how it works:

To establish a PPPoE connection, the Ethernet address of the remote PPPoE server must be obtained. Additionally, a unique session identifier must also be negotiated. The method to obtain this information is referred to as the PPPoE Discovery Stage.

i understand what you are saying topprofile but he has a static IP given to him from the provider he said, it should be just a 1 second authentication only, don't you think...not dynamic.

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I know you haven't replied to everything yet but here are som additional steps to check for the RASPPPOE application:

Click the Start button on the taskbar and select Run... to bring up the Run dialog box.

Type RASPPPOE in the edit field and click the OK button to run the Dial-up Connection Setup application.

If the application quits with an error message, follow the advice it gives.

A dialog box comes up with a combo box labeled Query available PPP over Ethernet Services through Adapter: at the top. Select the network adapter your broadband modem is connected to from the list. If the protocol is only operating on one network adapter, the box will be grayed out as there is no choice to make.

Click the Query Available Services button.

If the list view shows one or more offered services and you had tried to connect to a specific Service and/or Access Concentrator, make sure the one you had tried to connect to is listed. If you find your provider has changed the Service Name and/or the Access Concentrator name, simply create a new connection with the new name(s) or edit the Phone number field in your existing dial-up connection accordingly.

Click the Exit button to quit the application.

If you do not want to connect to a specific Service and/or Access Concentrator, make sure the Phone number field of your dial-up connection really only contains a single zero digit.


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Guest chingy
A dialog box comes up with a combo box labeled Query available PPP over Ethernet Services through Adapter: at the top. Select the network adapter your broadband modem is connected to from the list. If the protocol is only operating on one network adapter, the box will be grayed out as there is no choice to make.

Click the Query Available Services button.

when i press Query Available Services button i have an error saying:

No PPP over Ethernet services offers were recieved. Please do the following:

1. chech the Configuration of your network adapter in Device Manager.

2. Make sure the network adapyer is properly connected to your broadband device.

3 Check with your services provider wheather they currently have an outage

ToT told me once before that i should have something in there, like a list or something, maybe this is where the problem is

i have check problem 1 everything is there, and check problem 2 im pretty sure everything is hook up correctly or else i wouldn't go this far, and of course there's problem 3

I have click create a dial up connection ......

it just give me a short cut icon on my desktop, i undestand about the phone field should be 0

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Guest chingy

im getting tired maybe i should just go out and buy a new adsl modem :o , but than again i kinda like the challenge trying to figure out what is wrong with it. i know im close almost there :D

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im getting tired maybe i should just go out and buy a new adsl modem  :o  , but than again i kinda like the challenge trying to figure out what is wrong with it. i know im close almost there  :D
yes they gave me IP addrerss and password, but usually it alway autoconfig the IP addresss you really don't need it.
did you try what i recommended? go into your dialup connection settings for that dsl modem and change the settings within the TC/IP settings under networking

from obtain an IP address automatically


use the following IP address

now enter the IP address they gave you, then reset the modem, you said it's internal so reboot your machine. then try and ping the modem. then try and ping their gateway

you said the provider sees you connect, which is good, can they see you send packets? you said you are sending packets but none of them are returning, then maybe you don't have your IP entered correctly on yourside or the gateway setting is wrong so the packets can't come back to you.

the other possiblility is you are not being authenticated completely which i would still suspect as you keep saying you are getting error 678 . to solve this go over each setting in your dial up connection properities, testing each one until it works.

im getting tired maybe i should just go out and buy a new adsl modem  , but than again i kinda like the challenge trying to figure out what is wrong with it. i know im close almost there 

if you do go out and buy a new one and you still have software problems, then i get your old modem.

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I use ipStar and have an alleged 512/128 connection. Can you tell me how I can accurately test the connection for my actual speed that I can in turn show to ipStar so that they will pump up the volume. :o

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Guest chingy
did you try what i recommended? go into your dialup connection settings for that dsl modem and change the settings within the TC/IP settings under networking
yes i did, start-run-Winipcfg it give you a ip configuration with all the info, i took the ip address use it in the TC/IP setting, and reboot

in the ip config this is what i see

i see adapter:

IP autoconfiguration address:

subnet Mask:

but i don't see default Gateway

IP entered correctly on yourside or the gateway setting is wrong so the packets can't come back to you.

how do i find out my gateway setting, i check but its not there

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Bring up the Network Configuration window, select the network adapter your broadband modem is connected to and click Properties. In the Properties window, select the Advanced tab, look through the options and make sure that the correct Line Speed and duplex mode is selected (most DSL modems only support 10Mbps half duplex mode). If your network adapter has several connectors at the back, make sure the correct connector is selected, which is most likely Twisted Pair (TP).

You would see the Default Gateway under same properties page where you set your IP-address for your connection. Did you type in the correct subnetmask? Did they give you the ip-address for Default Gateway? You should have got a paper with all the info about your username, password, ip-address, subnet, gateway address, dns-address etc... Right?

Can you go to a commandprompt and type:

ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

where xxx is your ip-address

Do you get any replies?

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Guest chingy

1. Click the Start button at the lower-left of your computer's desktop

2. Click on Run... ; the Run window will open

3. Type winipcfgin the Open: field, then click OK ; the IP Configuration window will open

4. Make sure that the Ethernet, Winpoet, or NTS adapter is selected.

5. Note the IP address ( a set of 4 decimal numbers separated by dots; ie: in the Default Gateway field

6. Close out the IP Configuration window

7. Click the Start button again

8. Click Programs

9. Click MS-DOS Prompt ; a new window will open

10. At the C:\ prompt -- which may be something like C:\WINDOWS> -- type:

- the word ping


- the IP address you recorded from the Default Gateway field (in step 5)

11. Press the Enter key on your keyboard

12. Verify that the ping is successful.

If your ping test is successful , something similar to the following will appear in the MS-DOS Prompt window.

Pinging www.prodigy.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=115ms TTL=251

Reply from bytes=32 time=110ms TTL=251

Reply from bytes=32 time=173ms TTL=251

Reply from bytes=32 time=109ms TTL=251

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss) ,

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 109ms, Maximum = 173ms, Average = 126ms

A successful ping test establishes that you have Internet access. That means your problem is not with the DSL connection, but with some other Internet factor.

yes mine look similar to that

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Guest chingy

where do get the ip address for thaivisa lol, or do i just type in www.thaivisa.com, if just to type in, i get not found

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