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Coldest weather in decades hits Thailand


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Oh really:

"Is a Planetary Cooling Spell Straight Ahead? NASA: We May Be On the Verge of a “Mini-Maunder” Event." http://www.globalresearch.ca/nasa-we-may-be-on-the-verge-of-a-mini-maunder-event-is-a-planetary-cooling-spell-straight-ahead/5318725

Global Cooling: Arctic Ice Cap Grows 60 Percent In A Year [NASA PHOTO] http://www.isciencetimes.com/articles/6040/20130911/global-cooling-arctic-ice-cap-60-photo.htm

Yeah,really. The denialist are like zombies, keep coming back with ever more ridicilous stuff.





You're just blindly accepting what journalists and the global warming industry tells you. Do you have any idea about the science of it beyond what you read in The Grauniad?

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That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

NASA has figure that show the warming trend - short term variations are normal - its the long term figures that count - and they do not look good.

"NASA Science News for Jan. 21, 2014

NASA scientists say 2013 tied with 2009 and 2006 for the seventh warmest year since 1880, continuing a long-term trend of rising global temperatures. With the exception of 1998, the 10 warmest years in the 134-year record all have occurred since 2000, with 2010 and 2005 ranking as the warmest years on record.

The average temperature in 2013 was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit (14.6 Celsius), which is 1.1 F (0.6 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline. The average global temperature has risen about 1.4 degrees F (0.8 C) since 1880, according to the new analysis. Exact rankings for individual years are sensitive to data inputs and analysis methods.

Scientists emphasize that weather patterns always will cause fluctuations in average temperatures from year to year, but the continued increases in greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere are driving a long-term rise in global temperatures. Each successive year will not necessarily be warmer than the year before, but with the current level of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists expect each successive decade to be warmer than the previous."

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I like how the media and people like to side track the real issue by getting into some debate over global warming. While there is not debate concerning the extreme weather and climate changes we are having now along with the massive polluting of our air and water to such a degree that there may not be any clean water to drink or air to breath in the near future. These are facts that need to be looked at and dealt with instead of getting side tracked with global warming debates while the Titanic is heading straight for an iceberg!

Aren't those all possibly connected?

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There hasn't been any warming in 16 years. Whilst true that there might be a small warming due to the extra man made CO2, it's not going to have much effect on our climate. Which we can see it hasn't. What does have a huge effect are the number of sunspots. Prepare for a lot colder weather. Soon we will all be wishing that Global Warming was real.

The Scandinavian early winter was mild. But now it is not. Now record cold temperatures are being recorded. Also, the last summer was one of the mildest on record.

And it should be clear to anyone, that people who call others 'denialists' for not believing their theory, do not have an honest agenda.

1998 was exceptionally hot year due mainly to being El Nino year. It was actually a taste of what we are going to get more and more, without El Nino.

"So why was 1998 so hot? Accord­ing to New Sci­en­tist, who touched on the sta­tis­ti­cal rea­son very briefly, it was due to a par­tic­u­larly strong El Niño, a fea­ture of the South Pacific cli­mate that occurs most Christ­mases which results in hot­ter, drier weather."


"Hot in here: 2013 Australia’s hottest year on record - The Bureau of Meteorology’s annual climate statement shows 2013 was Australia’s hottest year since records began in 1910. The national mean temperature was 1.20 degrees celsius above the 1961-1990 average. “One of the interesting things about this is that outside of 2013 [and 2005] the other four hottest years were all associated with El Nino or close to El Nino conditions in the pacific,” Mr Trewin said. The bureau says Australia has experienced just one cooler-than-average year in the past decade – 2011."

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Don't laugh that is from page 10 of Al Gore's bullshit bible. The next page says if it gets cold in Scandanavia just reverse everything you've said. clap2.gif

That is funny, the scientific community is very solidly behind the global climate change, but still your kinds of amateurs think they know better! There is no debate among scientists whether it is happening or not, it is already proven it is happening. That debate among scientists happened already during the 90's.

The only question is how many degrees more warmer. The models have been actually too conservative, the warming is on the upper section of the temperature range. Only in the media the few idiotic (mostly American) denialists are given endlessly time to spill more of their BS, given false impression the climate scientists are somehow still divided about the subject. No, they are not.

Btw, extreme weather patterns are part of the climate change because warming changes the wind patterns, the low and high pressure areas. Scandinavia had very mild, snowless winter until about January 10th, even some flowers started blossoming. Something out of Paris/Zurich latitude level, 20 degrees to the south. Then the temperatures suddenly dropped to -20 to -30 C in few days because the wind patterns turned into more what used to be normal. Northern America had very cold December due to change in the polar vortex but then again summers have been very hot in many places there.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.


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It was actually a taste of what we are going to get more and more, without El Nino.

And how exactly did you come to that conclusion? Again, the sunspots tell us that we're heading towards a colder climate. Possibly another little ice age.

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I am rather enjoying the change for I know in about 2 months there will be many on here complaining about the extreme heat and humidity . It is rather nice to put a jacket on at night , no fans or air conditioning and still warm enough to go swimming during the day with sea a bit cooler not like getting into a warm bath very refreshing .

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Tragic that 63 people from the Northern Provences have lost thier lives due to the weather !!! .... Where is the Government, where is the help ???

Helping herself to a nice new pair of Burberry boots at Paragon with her ill gotten gains. Where did you expect?

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Tragic that 63 people from the Northern Provences have lost thier lives due to the weather !!! .... Where is the Government, where is the help ???

Helping herself to a nice new pair of Burberry boots at Paragon with her ill gotten gains. Where did you expect?

That's nice, they'll keep her nice and warm!

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Tragic that 63 people from the Northern Provences have lost thier lives due to the weather !!! .... Where is the Government, where is the help ???

The government has already helped. More people would probably have died if it wasn't for the now affordable health care system. Which has probably saved thousands more lives.

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That's because of Global Warming!

Record cold temperatures around the world won't stop the global warming industry with their dire predictions.

That is funny, the scientific community is very solidly behind the global climate change, but still your kinds of amateurs think they know better! There is no debate among scientists whether it is happening or not, it is already proven it is happening. That debate among scientists happened already during the 90's.

The only question is how many degrees more warmer. The models have been actually too conservative, the warming is on the upper section of the temperature range. Only in the media the few idiotic (mostly American) denialists are given endlessly time to spill more of their BS, given false impression the climate scientists are somehow still divided about the subject. No, they are not.

Btw, extreme weather patterns are part of the climate change because warming changes the wind patterns, the low and high pressure areas. Scandinavia had very mild, snowless winter until about January 10th, even some flowers started blossoming. Something out of Paris/Zurich latitude level, 20 degrees to the south. Then the temperatures suddenly dropped to -20 to -30 C in few days because the wind patterns turned into more what used to be normal. Northern America had very cold December due to change in the polar vortex but then again summers have been very hot in many places there.

The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

Climate change is part of nature, global warming though has been debunked by scientists. In fact according to some scientists we're entering anoth mini ice-age similar to the one of the 1600's. The reason has nothing to do with aerosols or cows farting but everything to do with the sun with almost zero solar flares at the moment. People who say climate change is the fault of humans need to rethink something. First humans are actually part of nature, like it or not. Second climate change has been with earth for millions of years, it's not new.

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The planet Venus is an extreme example of the greenhouse effect. The wind speeds there are 300-400 km/h. We are going to get more extreme winds because the warming widens the differences in air pressure areas.

The climate difference between Venus and Earth might have something to do with the distance from the Sun. Venus is about 0.7 AU from the Sun, while Earth is 1.

The total solar radiation on Venus is 2643W/m2, while in Earth the TSI is 1370W/m2.

During the little ice age, it's estimated that the total solar radiation to the Earth dropped less than 1W/m2.

If the TSI to Earth would increase 1200W/m2, we would surely have quite different climate. To use Venus as an example of greenhouse effect, while talking about climate politics, is simply wrong and misleading.



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The average temperature in 2013 was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit (14.6 Celsius), which is 1.1 F (0.6 C) warmer than the mid-20th century baseline. The average global temperature has risen about 1.4 degrees F (0.8 C) since 1880, according to the new analysis. Exact rankings for individual years are sensitive to data inputs and analysis methods.

Scientists emphasize that weather patterns always will cause fluctuations in average temperatures from year to year, but the continued increases in greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere are driving a long-term rise in global temperatures. Each successive year will not necessarily be warmer than the year before, but with the current level of greenhouse gas emissions, scientists expect each successive decade to be warmer than the previous."

This is all still a short term trend. Go back several hundred years and you can find long periods of much warmer weather and long periods of much cooler weather.

First you denialists say "no warming since 1998!" and then all of sudden "that is all still a short term trend, you should look at many centuries"! But not the last one, right? Contradicting your own statements. That is so typical for denialists. Switching time periods at will and spot weather statistics, "It was very cold in New York last month, the climate change is a big hoax!".

What matters in science is the published peer reviewed papers, not what somebody says in his blog. Those scientific papers overwhelmingly (99.5 percent or more) support the climate change models. If there were still conflicting facts about the climate change out there, somebody would have already written a paper about it, proving with facts that these models are wrong. Then gotten more and more support eventually but no such paper exists.

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The weather seems to be cold here in Phuket as well. In the evening temperature drops to +23C, which means that I have to put long pants on due cold.

Friends back home are not impressed of when I complain about the cold weather on Facebook. Instead they post temperatures which are 26C with the funny looking dash sign in the front of the number.

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The weather seems to be cold here in Phuket as well. In the evening temperature drops to +23C, which means that I have to put long pants on due cold.

Friends back home are not impressed of when I complain about the cold weather on Facebook. Instead they post temperatures which are 26C with the funny looking dash sign in the front of the number.

It's the mornings where I feel it, and I'm about 300km up the coast from you.

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Always makes me laugh when Thais say their number 1 wish is to "see snow". An average Thai would last about 30 seconds at snow temperatures before running back to Thailand :) its only 12 or 13 degrees here at night, and Thais can't take it. C'est la vie :)

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No A/C or fan at night, just window open and the best nights kip i've had in ages!!!

Agree!!!! Last night was very nice... First time I turned off the AC in years

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I live in Chiang Mai and not had A/C on for 4 months .... makes amazing difference to electric bills :)

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Tragic that 63 people from the Northern Provences have lost thier lives due to the weather !!! .... Where is the Government, where is the help ???

Helping herself to a nice new pair of Burberry boots at Paragon with her ill gotten gains. Where did you expect?


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