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Snowden Wants to Return to US, But Only After Reforms


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But its not just the American people that the U S authorities are monitoring there was a report on Australian TV recently that stated that they are intercepting millions if not billions of E mails ,text messages daily from around the world ! and in my opinion they will probably be monitoring forums such as this one for any anti american sentiment so beware what you say here or you may find yourself dragged off by the Homeland security gestapo if you ever visit the USA !

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He did alright by telling Americans they were being spied on. But then decided to release other information as we. The guy deserves to hang as a traitor. And I hope they get him.

He told Americans that they are being spied on and because of this he deserves to hang?

Is this what the world has come to now?

He told the American public how its government was breaking several laws, how the government was deceiving everyone, how it was hiding behind "national security" claims to cover up such illegal activity.


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