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No one's saying this problem is limited to Thailand, it's just this is a place to talk about Thailand, both good and bad.

Finding more current counter examples might help you make that point.

Not to mention ones with the same scale and intensity of problem, I don't think the US firms are routinely enslaving and killing the mistreated foreigners.

If you read my post you would discover......da da da (trumpet) it is about Thailand.

"The Thai workers were assigned to work at six farms in Hawaii (Captain Cook Coffee Company, Del Monte Fresh Produce, Kauai Coffee Company, Kelena Farms, MacFarms of Hawaii, and Maui Pineapple Farms) and two farms in Washington (Green Acre Farms and Valley Fruit Orchards), harvesting a variety of items from pineapples to coffee beans."

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If you read my post you would discover......da da da (trumpet) it is about Thailand.

"The Thai workers were assigned to work at six farms in Hawaii (Captain Cook Coffee Company, Del Monte Fresh Produce, Kauai Coffee Company, Kelena Farms, MacFarms of Hawaii, and Maui Pineapple Farms) and two farms in Washington (Green Acre Farms and Valley Fruit Orchards), harvesting a variety of items from pineapples to coffee beans."

Thai workers "trafficked" to the US.

And as I said very old news and not at all the same degree of evil.


This is sort of a dead story as Thailand is pretty much fished out. The bulk of fish that are sold and exported come from neighboring countries, illegslly imported by and large. Fishing is the second most illict industry next to drugs.


Need an embargo. Still Lieland will just fudge what needs fudging to get through it- like offering up some ladyboys to the UN inspectors.

I find myself sick that I've been contributing to enabling this country's deplorable practices with my time and energy in running a small business.

Thailand has been on the US State Department Trafficking in Persons watch list for a number of years, this includes issues such as the Rohingya, sex trafficking & the fishing industry. The UN could posssibly request sanctions to be applied by member countries. However its more likely the US State Department warning of downgrading Thailand to Tier 3 status this year will be implemented & includes possible sanctions such as:

Withhold or withdraw nonhumanitarian, non-trade-related foreign assistance. In addition, countries on Tier 3 may not receive funding for government employees participation in educational and cultural exchange programs. Consistent with the TVPA, governments subject to sanctions would also face U.S. opposition to assistance (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance) from international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

The US President does have the power to waiver Tier 3 sanctions for strategic considerations.

You're avin a larf aren't you! Uncle Sam is already scared sh1tless that the Chinese are going to slam the door shut on American interests in Thailand, do you honestly believe the US will rock the boat over this? (No pun intended).

The truly democratic USA with their excellent record of human rights overseas who routinely violently impose their foreign policy and their version of democracy on others has known about the Thai Fishing criminality for decades!



80% of all people trafficked in the world are men, but the media almost exclusively reports on women, this is a welcome change but not sexy.




If you read my post you would discover......da da da (trumpet) it is about Thailand.

"The Thai workers were assigned to work at six farms in Hawaii (Captain Cook Coffee Company, Del Monte Fresh Produce, Kauai Coffee Company, Kelena Farms, MacFarms of Hawaii, and Maui Pineapple Farms) and two farms in Washington (Green Acre Farms and Valley Fruit Orchards), harvesting a variety of items from pineapples to coffee beans."

Thai workers "trafficked" to the US.

And as I said very old news and not at all the same degree of evil.

I know you meant that Thai visa in this thread is supposed to be Thai negative but some of us think that the USA should take care of it's own human rights problems and mind its own business rather than police the world. If you know anything about agriculture in Florida and Texas then you know about the terrible living conditions of migrant labor (both legal and illegal) in the USA. Reminds me of the old woman rocking on the front porch saying, "mind your own knitting missy."


If you read my post you would discover......da da da (trumpet) it is about Thailand.

"The Thai workers were assigned to work at six farms in Hawaii (Captain Cook Coffee Company, Del Monte Fresh Produce, Kauai Coffee Company, Kelena Farms, MacFarms of Hawaii, and Maui Pineapple Farms) and two farms in Washington (Green Acre Farms and Valley Fruit Orchards), harvesting a variety of items from pineapples to coffee beans."

Thai workers "trafficked" to the US.

And as I said very old news and not at all the same degree of evil.

I know you meant that Thai visa in this thread is supposed to be Thai negative but some of us think that the USA should take care of it's own human rights problems and mind its own business rather than police the world. If you know anything about agriculture in Florida and Texas then you know about the terrible living conditions of migrant labor (both legal and illegal) in the USA. Reminds me of the old woman rocking on the front porch saying, "mind your own knitting missy."

Hi, guys,

So - what's wrong with a world push, including the UK farming industry,the US, South Africa, South America et al, and even Thailand, to eliminate what is basically slavery?

Except, of course, that it'll never happen - we're all ruled by the elite one way or another, and the majority of them are having a bl***dy great networking party piss-up in Davos right now. The recently released news that 85 people own more money than half the rest of the world didn't come as much of a shock. Sickening.


Need an embargo. Still Lieland will just fudge what needs fudging to get through it- like offering up some ladyboys to the UN inspectors.

I find myself sick that I've been contributing to enabling this country's deplorable practices with my time and energy in running a small business.

Thailand has been on the US State Department Trafficking in Persons watch list for a number of years, this includes issues such as the Rohingya, sex trafficking & the fishing industry. The UN could posssibly request sanctions to be applied by member countries. However its more likely the US State Department warning of downgrading Thailand to Tier 3 status this year will be implemented & includes possible sanctions such as:

Withhold or withdraw nonhumanitarian, non-trade-related foreign assistance. In addition, countries on Tier 3 may not receive funding for government employees participation in educational and cultural exchange programs. Consistent with the TVPA, governments subject to sanctions would also face U.S. opposition to assistance (except for humanitarian, trade-related, and certain development-related assistance) from international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

The US President does have the power to waiver Tier 3 sanctions for strategic considerations.

You're avin a larf aren't you! Uncle Sam is already scared sh1tless that the Chinese are going to slam the door shut on American interests in Thailand, do you honestly believe the US will rock the boat over this? (No pun intended).

The truly democratic USA with their excellent record of human rights overseas who routinely violently impose their foreign policy and their version of democracy on others has known about the Thai Fishing criminality for decades!

Did you read the first and last sentence? In any case international organisations have already made comments that sanctions would hurt the everyday Thai person more than the Thai government.


The problem isn't fresh news, but the problem remains, and it is a serious one worthy of our attention.

The solution is for international media to hold the problem up to the light prominently enough that western consumers organize to stop buying seafood sourced from Thailand.

The fact that the issue is getting more mainstream international exposure is what is newsworthy.

And that makes it GOOD NEWS not bad.

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