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Amazing Thailand, What's the most shocking/amazing thing you seen in Thailand?


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Many things..but one just got me. In "my" village in Lampang.The appreciation of my free work and interest by the village children at the local school and its parents. Makes me feel necessary and part of the community. I loved to go to the local market everyday to see them smiling at me, trying to communicate with me, offering me free food, playing and joking with me. I was the only farang around there, the "kroo" farang of their children..

One particular day, in 2011, a tourist bus in the way to Phayao stopped to the market and its was "invaded" by farangs. After few minutes, the Thai tour guide show up calling all to get back on the bus. She comes back to check and saw me, and calls me loudly to get into the bus...Everybody responded at her.. yelling in Thai... "NO!!!! HE IS LAMPANG...HE IS LAMPANG!!"...I cry every time I remember that moment of love....and the moment in 2013 when I told them that I was moving to Chiang Rai to get married... I saw some of them crying with me...

Nice stories but you cry a bit too much. Start to exercise, this can help, eycept if you are a lady.

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Why do these topics always have to include "the most shocking" we know all this , so why not the most exciting or the best experience we have had.

Well said.clap2.gif

And your own personal starter for 10 is?blink.png

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i saw a very cruel documentary about indian gangs blinding and amputating kiddnaped

children to use in their begging gang ,they used a hot poker on them

probably one of the sickest things ive ever seen and the organisers treat it like a normal business

Believe me happens here to, totally straightforward for a BiB or other official to be able to buy a human being, shape them to fit the role and put them out to work, usually a whole crew of them working a given neighborhood transported and supervised by a trustee collecting the money.

The baby isn't the child of the supposed mother, gets swapped out when they get too big, the girls selling flowers are regularly raped, start turning tricks not too far past puberty.

Only reason they're Vietnamese from Cambodia is then the Thais won't get upset by it.

Try to help them beyond buying food/clothes/toys and making conversation and you're putting your life in your hands.

Why do these topics always have to include "the most shocking" we know all this , so why not the most exciting or the best experience we have had.

It's called balance, and raising awareness in the hope that maybe one day someone with the power to change the situation might be embarrassed enough to actually do something about it for the sake of the Kingdom's reputation. Or maybe just because it's the right thing to do? Maybe too much to hope for.

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The fish on the balcony after the storm was really ugly!!!!

When I first moved to LOS ( and living near the sea back home) I didn't realise that Thailand had small crabs in the rice paddies etc. I was walking down the street and there was a little crab scuttling across the road. Considering we lived about 400 + km from the nearest beach I ignored it convinced I must be tripping.

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Been here for decades and thought I'd seen it all ... until I went to Suwanaphum Airport early one morning to meet a client. It was cold for Thailand (16C) and as I walked across the enclosed bridge from the car park to the terminal, I was subjected to the wierdest sight. A European female, at least mid fifties, wearing a skimpy Santa bikini, with rolls of fat dripping over the strained bikini straps, walked toward me. She was pushing her trolley and was as drunk as a skunk!! I figured she must have been Russian (they are oblivious to cold) and so delighted to have escaped minus 70!!!!!!

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Seeing dead bodies for the first time twice

1) Going to Nakhon si Thammarat for a teaching job back in 2006. The train stopped for a long time. My wife called me and said I was on the news. A pick up plowed into the train .She said go up and have a look.

I saw two dead bodies.

2) A while back give or take a couple of years where I live, I went to the local fish (pet) shop to get some blood worms for my fish. The BIB were pulling out a body from the moat. Everyone was having a good ol' look.

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