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One of those groups, Nightlight, is particularly evil and is an organization that tries to "save" sex workers but actually screws them over in many ways, I have detailed first-hand knowledge of this.


You were a sex worker and they screwed you over??


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"Big difference between Buddhists and Xians: Buddhists don't cry to cram their religion down other people's throats, don't try to get people to give up their religion for theirs. This is one of many Xian sects' (especially the "born again" ones) major goals. My way or the highway."

That is funny since Buddhism didn't originate in Thailand but spread. How do you think that happened? If it wasn't from people sharing their faith and spreading their word it wouldn't be in countries all over the world. I even saw a Buddhist temple in a small town in middle America do you think that they didn't convert people?

All religions grow because people share their faith and that faith speaks to certain people.

Personally, I don't discuss my faith in public but there is nothing wrong with those that do.

I do find the keep it in your pants comments pretty juvenile since those people are most likely to discuss their sexual exploits from the night before in a crowded restaurant.

I am not a proponent of the preacher types of people but I have met many spiritually grounded people of faith that express and share their faiths and it is nice to see how a religion can give people comfort.

FYI in Japan Buddhist monks used their teaching to support expanding their empire and encouraged WWII. There was an interesting book about 10 years ago written about it.

I also call BS on Filipinos running away from someone claiming to be Aetheist. If you said devil worshiper, I would believe it. But they don't care about Atheists, they might not discuss things with you and feel that they have nothing in common so what is the point. Most people don't challenge others faith. They discuss to share and find common interests.


I think Thailand needs some Buddhist missionaries to covert Thais to real Buddhism instead of what they have now, Thai's claim to be Buddhist but most don't really understand what that is.


One of those groups, Nightlight, is particularly evil and is an organization that tries to "save" sex workers but actually screws them over in many ways, I have detailed first-hand knowledge of this.


You were a sex worker and they screwed you over??


No, smartass, I do research with sex workers and know many who have had bad experiences with Nightlight.

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"Big difference between Buddhists and Xians: Buddhists don't cry to cram their religion down other people's throats, don't try to get people to give up their religion for theirs. This is one of many Xian sects' (especially the "born again" ones) major goals. My way or the highway."

That is funny since Buddhism didn't originate in Thailand but spread. How do you think that happened? If it wasn't from people sharing their faith and spreading their word it wouldn't be in countries all over the world. I even saw a Buddhist temple in a small town in middle America do you think that they didn't convert people?

All religions grow because people share their faith and that faith speaks to certain people.

Personally, I don't discuss my faith in public but there is nothing wrong with those that do.

I do find the keep it in your pants comments pretty juvenile since those people are most likely to discuss their sexual exploits from the night before in a crowded restaurant.

I am not a proponent of the preacher types of people but I have met many spiritually grounded people of faith that express and share their faiths and it is nice to see how a religion can give people comfort.

FYI in Japan Buddhist monks used their teaching to support expanding their empire and encouraged WWII. There was an interesting book about 10 years ago written about it.

I also call BS on Filipinos running away from someone claiming to be Aetheist. If you said devil worshiper, I would believe it. But they don't care about Atheists, they might not discuss things with you and feel that they have nothing in common so what is the point. Most people don't challenge others faith. They discuss to share and find common interests.

Dust off your old history textbooks. Buddhism spread by people being attracted to its ideas. Christianity spread in large part via the barrel of a gun, and other means of force.

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One of those groups, Nightlight, is particularly evil and is an organization that tries to "save" sex workers but actually screws them over in many ways, I have detailed first-hand knowledge of this.


You were a sex worker and they screwed you over??


I do research with sex workers...

Don't we all...

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"Big difference between Buddhists and Xians: Buddhists don't cry to cram their religion down other people's throats, don't try to get people to give up their religion for theirs. This is one of many Xian sects' (especially the "born again" ones) major goals. My way or the highway."

That is funny since Buddhism didn't originate in Thailand but spread. How do you think that happened? If it wasn't from people sharing their faith and spreading their word it wouldn't be in countries all over the world. I even saw a Buddhist temple in a small town in middle America do you think that they didn't convert people?

All religions grow because people share their faith and that faith speaks to certain people.

Personally, I don't discuss my faith in public but there is nothing wrong with those that do.

I do find the keep it in your pants comments pretty juvenile since those people are most likely to discuss their sexual exploits from the night before in a crowded restaurant.

I am not a proponent of the preacher types of people but I have met many spiritually grounded people of faith that express and share their faiths and it is nice to see how a religion can give people comfort.

FYI in Japan Buddhist monks used their teaching to support expanding their empire and encouraged WWII. There was an interesting book about 10 years ago written about it.

I also call BS on Filipinos running away from someone claiming to be Aetheist. If you said devil worshiper, I would believe it. But they don't care about Atheists, they might not discuss things with you and feel that they have nothing in common so what is the point. Most people don't challenge others faith. They discuss to share and find common interests.

Dust off your old history textbooks. Buddhism spread by people being attracted to its ideas. Christianity spread in large part via the barrel of a gun, and other means of force.

Why all the hate dude?


"Big difference between Buddhists and Xians: Buddhists don't cry to cram their religion down other people's throats, don't try to get people to give up their religion for theirs. This is one of many Xian sects' (especially the "born again" ones) major goals. My way or the highway."

That is funny since Buddhism didn't originate in Thailand but spread. How do you think that happened? If it wasn't from people sharing their faith and spreading their word it wouldn't be in countries all over the world. I even saw a Buddhist temple in a small town in middle America do you think that they didn't convert people?

All religions grow because people share their faith and that faith speaks to certain people.

Personally, I don't discuss my faith in public but there is nothing wrong with those that do.

I do find the keep it in your pants comments pretty juvenile since those people are most likely to discuss their sexual exploits from the night before in a crowded restaurant.

I am not a proponent of the preacher types of people but I have met many spiritually grounded people of faith that express and share their faiths and it is nice to see how a religion can give people comfort.

FYI in Japan Buddhist monks used their teaching to support expanding their empire and encouraged WWII. There was an interesting book about 10 years ago written about it.

I also call BS on Filipinos running away from someone claiming to be Aetheist. If you said devil worshiper, I would believe it. But they don't care about Atheists, they might not discuss things with you and feel that they have nothing in common so what is the point. Most people don't challenge others faith. They discuss to share and find common interests.

Dust off your old history textbooks. Buddhism spread by people being attracted to its ideas. Christianity spread in large part via the barrel of a gun, and other means of force.

You mean JC was more really more like John Wayne ?


Dust off your old history textbooks. Buddhism spread by people being attracted to its ideas. Christianity spread in large part via the barrel of a gun, and other means of force.

You mean JC was more really more like John Wayne ?

JC had exceptionally little to do with the *spread* of Christianity. It spread throughout the Roman / Hellenic world like a wildfire, long after his death, when he had a tiny band of followers. Paul can take a lot more credit for that.

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You've never seen missionaries in Thailand? There are some just up the street in our moo bahn. My previous boss, a Thai national, is a Christian. Really don't understand your confusion or why you find it strange. If you wanted to find out more about her seems you missed your chance at the market as I'm sure she would have been quite happy to explain it to you. wink.png

There are Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, Christians, etc. and associated churches here so bound to run into one on occasion.

As long as the 1st 2 groups stay clear of my door there won't be a problem.


just spend a few moments to read a quality on line news site; bbc.co.uk, guardian.co.uk and you will see where religious intolerance gets you


The people that crack me up the most are the ones that get all up in arms over missionaries, but don't have any problem with the typical goings on in Thai society that involve corruption, violence, crime, etc.. That stuff's all good and fine, but a missionary is way out of bounds.

"I wonder what this woman is thinking of achieving in a country where 95% of the population is buddhist and buddhism is practised bij practically all Thais."

My guess is that that is where the opportunity lies.

Seriously, pouncing on the missionaries is pretty lame. They assimilate here far better than most others, and don't spend their days whining and complaining.

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I came across a few christian Thais, they thankfully left me alone, but I saw a few Filipinos who were trying to convert me, so I tried the nice version along these lines: "do what makes you happy, I'll do what makes me happy". It often didn't work so well, so I then just got to the point: "I'm an atheist!" ... and they ran... and ran... giggle.gif

It is one of the few things I don't like as an atheist.. people peddling their religion. But as long as it does not impact me and laws and certain morality is not forced upon me I am ok with it.


Ok I never knew there were missionaries in Thailand. And I wasnt degrading anyone, just mentioning. I was just wondering because it seems odd. So it seems I am more odd. I apologize for this then.

"feminist housewife style"

out of topic, LaraC, i dont where you found my picture, and use it like your avatar, but its really hurting me, so please can you delete itwhistling.gif

It's her way of getting revenge on other members and their half naked girl avatars. cheesy.gif


I really don't understand why the OP cares if people spread their faith. It wasn't like she was yelling at the Buddhists stating that they were all burning in hell. There are a lot of Christians and Muslims in Thailand and by law in the constitution their right to practice their faith is guaranteed.

I don't find it offensive if someone is passing out cards sharing their faith. There are many Buddhists that believe in Christianity also.

I wonder if the OP saw a woman handing out nude photos of Asian women if he would be protesting.

bah.gif Calm down man where have you seen OP was "protesting" ?

OK I know we are on TV for the answerssmile.png

But it seems OP was only curious, no offence at all towards this lady otherwise why have said "PS. for the lady of this subject, if you recognise yourself in this description, could you please explain your action,philosophy and moral? I am curious."


You've never seen missionaries in Thailand? There are some just up the street in our moo bahn. My previous boss, a Thai national, is a Christian. Really don't understand your confusion or why you find it strange. If you wanted to find out more about her seems you missed your chance at the market as I'm sure she would have been quite happy to explain it to you. wink.png

There are Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, Christians, etc. and associated churches here so bound to run into one on occasion.

Unfortunately very true...non-brights the lot of them...believing some dead Jew who may or not have lived in Palestine around 2000 years ago created the universe.

Rather his father maybecoffee1.gif


whistling.gif It just so happens (by pure coincidence) that the residence where I am living right now and writing this post is only a few houses away from a Thai woman who has a Christian "church" in her house where there are weekly meetings for prayer and worship.

Since today is Sunday, there will be one this evening.

Now, to be clear, I won't be attending.

That's because I consider myself a Buddhist (although not a Thai Buddhist) and I am American farang according to my Thai friends.

Wake up and smell the roses .... Thailand and Bangkok is a more culturally diverse place than you probably imagine.


You've never seen missionaries in Thailand? There are some just up the street in our moo bahn. My previous boss, a Thai national, is a Christian. Really don't understand your confusion or why you find it strange. If you wanted to find out more about her seems you missed your chance at the market as I'm sure she would have been quite happy to explain it to you. wink.png

There are Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, Christians, etc. and associated churches here so bound to run into one on occasion.

Unfortunately very true...non-brights the lot of them...believing some dead Jew who may or not have lived in Palestine around 2000 years ago created the universe.

Well, maybe it's time you spoke to one of these missionaries as your knowledge of history is incorrect. There was no "Palestine" By the time Roman Emperor Hadrian blew a gasket after another uprising by the Israelites trying to get their country back he decided to remove the consideration given of allowing the Judeans to keep their name, albeit as the Roman province of Judea. He rebranded it as Syria Palaestina. The figure called Jesus was born in Judea.

I believe that a great many, if not the majority of Thailand's Christian missions engage in ethical and honourable behaviour. There are a number of public health initiatives that are delivering important services to the rural poor. Some people believe that the gospel is best preached by way of serving as an example and applying the gospel to the benefit of others. And there are some who believe standing on a box and shouting at folks is an effective strategy.

I am surprised at some of the comments. The first missionaries were Portuguese Catholics in the early 1500's , and they were encouraged to build a church by the King. King Taksin is known in Jesuit teachings for his assistance to French priests and his assistance when they built their church in 1780. People make it seem that the missionaries have all been evil. Well, apparently, it was American missionaries in the early 1800's who adapted the printing press to allow for the use of the Thai alphabet. It was also the Christian missionaries who introduced the first public health programs to Thailand. Christian missionaries didn't pop up overnight.

Would you write off Thais because they wear amulets and believe in its special power, or who kneel before statues and pray to those statues? My Thai friends regularly try to get me to come to the Temple with them or to partake in their religious events. I decline, just as I decline to participate in Christian religious activities. It's not hard.

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I love listening/interacting to/with them (bible bashers) just when they think they've hooked you ,drop a bombshell on their argument/belief & walk away smiling.

I love listening too and always invite them in.

You've never seen missionaries in Thailand? There are some just up the street in our moo bahn. My previous boss, a Thai national, is a Christian. Really don't understand your confusion or why you find it strange. If you wanted to find out more about her seems you missed your chance at the market as I'm sure she would have been quite happy to explain it to you. wink.png

There are Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholics, Christians, etc. and associated churches here so bound to run into one on occasion.

Unfortunately very true...non-brights the lot of them...believing some dead Jew who may or not have lived in Palestine around 2000 years ago created the universe.

Oh, the irony.

I like talking to crazy, different people. One of the reasons I came here as 22 years ago there were more interesting characters than the enlightened souls retiring to live in the spiritual city of Pattaya or the retired tax officer from Sheffield who met someone on ThaiLustLines.

If it weren't for 'different' people, most of the '(s)expats' here now wouldn't be living here. The missionaries, the adventurous hippies and the like opened the door for the boring old conformists.

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Xians do a lot of bad in Thailand and other countries in Asia. I feel the same as the OP does about that woman. OP, you do not need to apologize.

Big difference between Buddhists and Xians: Buddhists don't cry to cram their religion down other people's throats, don't try to get people to give up their religion for theirs. This is one of many Xian sects' (especially the "born again" ones) major goals. My way or the highway.

And one sees plenty of them screaming at Buddhists that they're going to hell...the ones that used to stand at the entrances to Nana and Soi Cowboy, for one. One of those groups, Nightlight, is particularly evil and is an organization that tries to "save" sex workers but actually screws them over in many ways, I have detailed first-hand knowledge of this.

The hate and intolerance shown in this post suggests you're probably not a Buddhist.

I am not religious and at some point in my life I decided to let go Christianity, but I don't agree Christians did a lot of bad in Asia.

Of course they did some bad, but the fact that they managed to setup decent schools by far outweighs all the bad thy might have done.

Even if they might have tried to convert some people, they have been not been very successful in doing so because they always were tolerant and open-minded (in Asia). For instance, the Catholic school my son goes too follows all Buddhist festivals and traditions (by inviting Buddhist monks to the school) and almost none of the Christian traditions.


We see a lot of them up in CM and quite frankly it rubs me the wrong way when anyone presumes that their beliefs are better/more righteous and holier than others and organizes methods to sell and or brainwash those who don't believe.

I used to donate $$ and gifts to a charity whose purpose was to convert the hilltribe people into Xtianity by bribing them with gifts/trinkets but stopped when I found out their tactics.

Another Xtian group that was well financed would go into the mountains of Luzon Philippines under the guise of documenting their language and Romanizing it and making a dictionary..........then give them only bibles to read.

Let people be what they are!!


From the POV of preserving authentic traditional cultures, and IMO from that of true spirituality, missionaries are an evil disaster.

However it seems they have been critical in spreading democracy in the developing world.

This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavilyinfluenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were acrucial catalyst initiating the development and spread of religious liberty, mass education, mass printing, newspapers, voluntary organizations, and colonial reforms, thereby creating the conditionsthat made stable democracy more likely. Statistically, the historic prevalence of Protestant missionariesexplains about half the variation in democracy in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania and removesthe impact of most variables that dominate current statistical research about democracy. The associationbetween Protestant missions and democracy is consistent in different continents and subsamples, and it is robust to more than 50 controls and to instrumental variable analyses.



Yes, the chatolic church can't give its terrible dream about push and bother the people around the world.

I always have to laugh when I see Thai nuns, and I have to think: what could be happen to this lady? Something went wrong, that's pretty sure.


Yes, the chatolic church can't give its terrible dream about push and bother the people around the world.

I always have to laugh when I see Thai nuns, and I have to think: what could be happen to this lady? Something went wrong, that's pretty sure.

Care to explain that a little bit further before you're written off as a nutter?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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