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Another one bites the dust...


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I too joined the club, was certain she was one thing (honest normal not sociopath), but here is the truth cut from emails to my brother, meant as a warning. Firstly I thought people on this forum were negative and racist against Thais.

I have done a 180 degree turn, were are just "rich cows" to be milked and despised...

They are actually taught "all Farangs somehow have unlimited money and are to be swindled if possible".

I tried to break up with girlfriend Mikky, and even after her 100s of promises, she tried to take me for

everything I have.(and she got a fair bit)

I really try not to blame myself too much (although a lot), because she also fooled four guys (and 1 woman) I trust a

lot, and have lived here for 20 years or more and speak Thai etc. You/I just can’t tell if they are lying.

It went from...

Ian (naive and gullible idiot)

Oh you seem like a nice girl with some problems, I’ll try and help you out of poverty, help you use your brain etc etc

“Oh your late husband dropped dead when you were so young and you got robbed, I will make sure

it can’t happen to you again coz I’m a nice guy etc etc”

Mikky (ethics free thief)

Stupid old bastard, while alive I’ll take him for whatever I can get, and if he dies,

I get the apartment, what a moron. I hope he dies soon, and maybe I can get that plane too!

(bit later)

Oh shit, he won’t have a baby with me and seems he wants to break up and just be friends.

I had better RAPE him for as much as possible.

Apparently all Thai's are the same, irrespective of where you meet them or education etc, apparently they do it to each other all the time.

I asked my pal, “How can she be so cruel after I paid for her mom's multiple operations,

her own monthly "salary", getting her a laptop and a scooter plus the trip to Aus etc etc etc etc?”

He says "right of passage if you try and live here. You won’t believe they can have no remorse or conscience

or basic honesty until you experience it”

I literally have known using heroin addicts that have far more ethics.

But you would/could never believe this unless you experience it.

It is soo far out of our Western values/beliefs. However Japanese are as honest as most, if not more honest than most.

(I lived in Japan over 10 years)

So it is not an Asian thing, it must just be a Thai thing (which I am hearing repeatedly).

On this


You often read where some Western guy kills himself over being “seduced/robbed/swindled/humiliated” by some Thai girl.

I used to think ….

“what a whimp” or “must be really gullible” and “he is old enough to be her father, can’t he see

she is just in it for the money?” etc etc.

Other negative stories you hear, you think the guy must have been really gullible/stupid/greedy/sex addict or


Now I think….

"Poor bastard, would never have even seen it coming, probably way too trusting a guy to live in Thailand.”

And can relate completely, many lose their life savings.

Happens a lot….guys fall in love, she takes him for everything, he kills himself.

The ironic thing is, I bet they all think “that will show her”, “she will be sorry now” etc. But the truth is she will not give a shit and simply wonder how she can gain from the death.

Thank God I never loved her, more of a sort of charity thing for me, we made it SUPER clear

and agreed that it was very likely a short relationship. (age etc, and she promised she was fine with that etc)

It still amazes me, the lack of conscience or even belief in Karma here (supposed to be Buddist).

It really is corrupt on soooo many levels.

I am way too much of a trusting guy to be here (perfect 20/20 hindsight!)

I have lived by this….

It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

--Samuel Johnson

Works in most places but not sure it applies here. wanke_r should have said ….

In England, It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

--Samuel Johnson ; )

The girl above cleaned out the safe of 16Bht gold, (been together 18 months and trusted her.) I even had a small aircraft (that must be in a Thai's name), bought on borrowed money (worth 1.5M Bht), in her name. She almost got that too!

I went to the Police and really fought it, as per an article posted here from the Phuket Gazette.

Got a bit of the gold back, about 15%, and made it really hard for her. Most guys just “roll over”

and do nothing due to the humiliation and depression etc. I had two physical brawls with them

and went to police etc. Got death threats so that is why I had to up security (cameras) for a while, (she said I get Mafia kill you) but all sorted now. (probably on to next victim)

I was so duped and trusting, I left her an apartment in my will when I found out she was a widow (Thai husband dropped dead at 58), when she was 26. I have since had the humiliation of changing it back, and felt the derision and

ridicule from some that warned me.

Anyway, I will survive, many don’t, especially if they were truly trying to help someone, and then get robbed.

It is worse to get raped by someone you are trying to help, rather than by a stranger.

So hard to believe, few believe it (like me) and so the system/scam/con-game goes on.

Not sure I want to live, knowing everyone is out to scam me, and is insanely good at it.

Your pals warn you, but you can’t see it until you are hurt….. BAD.

As it has been 100% proven, I am unable to tell if a Thai person is 100% honest or 100% evil.

(at the same time I almost got conned very badly by a Thai man I thought of as a friend)

For self protection, I must assume they are all out to totally scam me and must not be trusted.

I simply can't recognize the honest from the dishonest here.

I have read all the books like "Private dancer", have multiple Thai speaker friends that

were also fooled. I had been visiting for 10 years, and STILL I was 100% duped. Be VERY careful

out there guys, if you run into a sociopath, RUN, you can never win in combat, as they will do

what you will be unwilling to do.


I hope this saves the next guys....

1) Put NOTHING in her name. If it can't go in your name, don't own it.

(this include iPads, phones, motorcycles etc. Keep the receipt if

you paid for it.)

2) Don't legally marry them, do the ceremony in their village if you must,

but not the paperwork. Thank God this witch was just my girlfriend and not my wife.

If wife, she gets half or more and you are screwed.

3) She was pushing for a kid, now I see how she could "own" me thru the kid.

Avoid pregnancies unless you are ok with being blackmailed thru the kid.

My 3 best friends have all been paying and paying for over 25 years and

all admit, if no kids, would have "kicked her to the curb" long ago.



PS Thai girls, WARNING Will Robinson WARNING!!!

You are playing VICTIM. Get a clue you dipshit! You guys are pathetic.

for laughs-can you describe the nature of the mothers operations you paid for...........lol. i hope they were all a success.

Ive said over and over. Its the guys own fault.

I'm pleased for you that you have seemingly never made mistakes (or have a positive enough outlook not to let those mistakes linger in your mind) - I hope your superior perspective/ intelligence will lead you to a wonderful and perfect life.

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I think your general point to look out for patterns or clues that suggest sinister motives is good advice.

I was going to suggest that the common pattern was they were all women, but then I remembered the last person to rip me (and up to 100 other members of CM expats club 30-50kGBP each last year) off was a guy that came from Yorkshire.

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Just want to applaud you on your balanced and rational response to this unfortunate situation. The temptation would be to tar all Thais (or all Thai women) with the same brush after having such an experience, but you have studiously avoided doing this because you know that not all Thais (or Thai women) are like this. Some other TV members could learn from your example. I commend you on your attitude and believe it will help you get by this faster.

p.s. my French Canadian ex-wife ripped me off in a different manner (with also a lot of money involved) but I too put it down to her 'evilness' alone.

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Sorry for your loss, but happy to hear that you seem to be learning from you past.

Two quotes I have lived by but still have gotten into a fair spot of trouble...

1) "I wouIdn't tie my shoes without a backup pIan" - David Mamet, screenplay writer

2) "If you want to stay a millionaire, never get married even if you have the best prenuptial agreement in the history of the world" - an LBO financier of the 1980s that will go unnamed.

God knows what and how many more difficulties I would have set myself up for had I not followed these words.

Hope these words help someone more than myself.

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Thai girls that have NPD have potentially been involved with many guys and / or bar work / or worse. You either need to have NPD to work in those industries or you will develop it naturally since you need to trade yourself for money. = BIG warning sign, pull out immediately.

To summarize: If it seems too good and jolly to be true it probably is. There are tons of good girls in this country that wouldn't steal from you and wouldn't be out for money. You just need to date from a different pool. If you find someone who is the opposite of all the points I posted above you should be fine. And don't trust people too much, period.

To work in bar genereally it is accepted girl is poor not that they have NPD....................lol.

If so many tons of good girls why do so many marry northern girls? the answer. the good ones are reserved for thais!

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So sad for all these guys cheated in the name of love, but I am sorry and hopeless about you as next time you will also be cheated in the name of love. Just hope that you won't be able to have more kids with a retarded wife, because I don't care you and your problems but the real victims are your kids who didn't ask to have stupid Mom and Dad...

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So sad for all these guys cheated in the name of love, but I am sorry and hopeless about you as next time you will also be cheated in the name of love. Just hope that you won't be able to have more kids with a retarded wife, because I don't care you and your problems but the real victims are your kids who didn't ask to have stupid Mom and Dad...

Daft post........rolleyes.gif

Stoopid too..

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Why not declare bankruptcy and start over? Working for years just to pay off debts seems an odd choice, especially if you can't pay your staff.

It's called honor and not screwing the other guy because you made a mistake.

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Yes she has a gambling addiction but as another poster suggested that is a sympton rather than a cause of all this.

Sometimes I would learn that she was gambling and after I asked why she would say because she wants to make money!

I am not saying all Thais are evil, but some live in dream world that is completely disconnected to reality.

Brit thanks for sharing...and in the process, putting yourself out there for endless (merciless) ridicule.

The one thing that has always perplexed me is this "gambling" thing. I've always thought that this was the domain of drug-addicted bargirls and the like, in some tiny, smoke-filled sh*thole deep in someone's basement. But you seem to suggest that your wife gambled away millions. How can she possibly do that? It's not like she can walk into a Vegas-style casino and put down 100K bt on blackjack. Has anyone ever seen these girls with alleged gambling-addictions actually gambling? I haven't.

Just wondering if she really gambled it away, or is the cash safely parked away in a Swiss bank account.

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Yes she has a gambling addiction but as another poster suggested that is a sympton rather than a cause of all this.

Sometimes I would learn that she was gambling and after I asked why she would say because she wants to make money!

I am not saying all Thais are evil, but some live in dream world that is completely disconnected to reality.

Brit thanks for sharing...and in the process, putting yourself out there for endless (merciless) ridicule.

Not seen much ridicule, most people seem quite supportive.

There are card games and illegal casinos everywhere in Thailand.

You should take a look around you more often.

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Yes she has a gambling addiction but as another poster suggested that is a sympton rather than a cause of all this.

Sometimes I would learn that she was gambling and after I asked why she would say because she wants to make money!

I am not saying all Thais are evil, but some live in dream world that is completely disconnected to reality.

Brit thanks for sharing...and in the process, putting yourself out there for endless (merciless) ridicule.

The one thing that has always perplexed me is this "gambling" thing. I've always thought that this was the domain of drug-addicted bargirls and the like, in some tiny, smoke-filled sh*thole deep in someone's basement. But you seem to suggest that your wife gambled away millions. How can she possibly do that? It's not like she can walk into a Vegas-style casino and put down 100K bt on blackjack. Has anyone ever seen these girls with alleged gambling-addictions actually gambling? I haven't.

Just wondering if she really gambled it away, or is the cash safely parked away in a Swiss bank account.

You can believe me that I know ordinary old Thai folk that have gambled away their nest egg. I know there are card sharks fiddling the cards out there to relieve folk of there savings or land. Gambling is endemic in LOS, whether cards or the lottery.

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Well, new news and fine details every hour.

Now she is not only a thief, a fraudster, a run away wife but a gambler to boot.

I will wait for the announcement that she was an infidel (both religion and marriage wise) and the two kids you are holding are neither yours nor hers.

Be a straight Brit and give them a good education allowance - after all kids are innocent, right?

As to me - I have no high principles... and start seeing this as a humorous story or a trolling piece. laugh.png

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Not everyone who smiles is evil but all evil people can smile. Watch out for evil people.

Just one thought, in thailand you do have something like 67 millions people.

Well, the whole country have heard/witnessed these stories about thai lady getting involved in a relationship with a wealthy foreigner, and in a very short

time did succeed to amass a mountain of money, to buy a house, jewelry, etc, etc. All they have to do, is just to pretend that she love the foreigner.

Just pretend now, and later rip him off.

There is no shortage of golddigger in thailand,-luckily not all of them- and as everyone knows, foreigners are all wealthy and so stupid...

My point is, (and what foreigner fell to understand!), the girl who will smile to you, the girl who will come to sit next to you in the subway, the girl who come

talk to you, the girl who said she loves you, the girl who is chasing you, well there is a fat chance that she is a evil golddigger... (of course except you, tv members, because you are so super). Because these evils are hungry and you are the prey.

Because of our money, i can date a different girl everyday of the year, but to found real love, i gonna have to be very very patient, very choosy.

I would have say; Not everyone who smiles is a golddiggerl but all golddiger people can will smile. Watch out for evil/golddigger people.

Now I would actually say my wife is very DIFFERENT because most Thai people are not evil monsters with NPD.

And here i would tend to say, every foreigner are the same... whistling.gif

I hope with this story about NPD, you dont try to tell us, that she is sick, she is not to blame, she is the victim of a mental disorder, she need help, she need a seconde chancefacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

come on she just rip you off... like others, sorry to be harsh!

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Not everyone who smiles is evil but all evil people can smile. Watch out for evil people.

Just one thought, in thailand you do have something like 67 millions people.

Well, the whole country have heard/witnessed these stories about thai lady getting involved in a relationship with a wealthy foreigner, and in a very short

time did succeed to amass a mountain of money, to buy a house, jewelry, etc, etc. All they have to do, is just to pretend that she love the foreigner.

Just pretend now, and later rip him off.

There is no shortage of golddigger in thailand,-luckily not all of them- and as everyone knows, foreigners are all wealthy and so stupid...

My point is, (and what foreigner fell to understand!), the girl who will smile to you, the girl who will come to sit next to you in the subway, the girl who come

talk to you, the girl who said she loves you, the girl who is chasing you, well there is a fat chance that she is a evil golddigger... (of course except you, tv members, because you are so super). Because these evils are hungry and you are the prey.

Because of our money, i can date a different girl everyday of the year, but to found real love, i gonna have to be very very patient, very choosy.

I would have say; Not everyone who smiles is a golddiggerl but all golddiger people can will smile. Watch out for evil/golddigger people.

Now I would actually say my wife is very DIFFERENT because most Thai people are not evil monsters with NPD.

And here i would tend to say, every foreigner are the same... whistling.gif

I hope with this story about NPD, you dont try to tell us, that she is sick, she is not to blame, she is the victim of a mental disorder, she need help, she need a seconde chancefacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

come on she just rip you off... like others, sorry to be harsh!

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Yes she has a gambling addiction but as another poster suggested that is a sympton rather than a cause of all this.

Sometimes I would learn that she was gambling and after I asked why she would say because she wants to make money!

I am not saying all Thais are evil, but some live in dream world that is completely disconnected to reality.

Brit thanks for sharing...and in the process, putting yourself out there for endless (merciless) ridicule.

The one thing that has always perplexed me is this "gambling" thing. I've always thought that this was the domain of drug-addicted bargirls and the like, in some tiny, smoke-filled sh*thole deep in someone's basement. But you seem to suggest that your wife gambled away millions. How can she possibly do that? It's not like she can walk into a Vegas-style casino and put down 100K bt on blackjack. Has anyone ever seen these girls with alleged gambling-addictions actually gambling? I haven't.

Just wondering if she really gambled it away, or is the cash safely parked away in a Swiss bank account.

You can believe me that I know ordinary old Thai folk that have gambled away their nest egg. I know there are card sharks fiddling the cards out there to relieve folk of there savings or land. Gambling is endemic in LOS, whether cards or the lottery.

Yes, transam, I hear you. You too, 52. But I seem to mostly hear about this on internet forums, and rarely from actual live human beings. Yes, I know all about gambling addictions and the like. I'm sure in every society there are people losing their life savings and all on gambling. A very damaging and expensive addiction. But I myself have been to Vegas and Atlantic City countless times to partake in the card games. I actually enjoy a little home game action on occasions with friends. But we never win/lose more than a few thou and even then, most of us break even in the end. So it's amazing to me that someone's wife can go off somewhere and gamble away millions in company proceeds before anyone even notices. But if it seems normal to you guys, my bad.

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Strange that you can, as the business owner and manager, let debts become so large, without knowing about it.

Anyway, by the sounds of it you have a good business, so work around it and trade out if you can...think how good the future will be without her and her hands in the till........head down, arse up and make it happen.....for the kids if nothing else.

Thanks for the positive advice/outlook...

I was of course very stupid and there are about 20 other people who were stupid - but my wife was very clever to control information flow between people so although we all knew something, none of us knew the full story.

The business was growing so fast that it made sense (on paper) we had debt, and I knew about a lot of it, but I didn't know interest or repayments had not been made and that follow on loans had been made (so the total debt is more than double what we knew about and with many people expecting repayment much sooner than we can pay).

Luckily most lenders have been very understanding and the senior managers have agreed to stick around and basically work for free until we repay suppliers/landlords/lenders, etc. There will be a tough couple of years but I'm confident and quite excited about the future thereafter with the leakage now blocked...

20 million baht is surely not a lot if you have a number of "senior" managers. How many managers are there? How many staff?

What did your wife do before you met her?


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I have heard stories just like this one before. Good luck to you.Think that the support you are getting from the NPD is wonderful for you. Just be careful. Actually, this story reminds me of my ex-wife who was as English as you can get! So I guess where you are from makes no difference when it comes to women like this!

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I don't want to come off as rude or racist or judging, but there is my interpretation.

Thai girls that have NPD have potentially been involved with many guys and / or bar work / or worse. You either need to have NPD to work in those industries or you will develop it naturally since you need to trade yourself for money. = BIG warning sign, pull out immediately.

If your girl comes from a poor family, chances are you are being duped. Exercise caution and don't make her the owner of your business.

If there is a significant age gap, realize that in 9/10 cases you are being duped for money. Exercise extreme caution and don't make her the owner of your business.

If your girl comes from the northeast (bear with me) and has had many farang boyfriends before you, PULL OUT NOW. You are being duped for sure.

If your girl hangs around farangs a lot and seems to like white guys / has many commenting on her posts / texting her, exercise caution and don't invest in the relationship. Probably a gold digger.

To summarize: If it seems too good and jolly to be true it probably is. There are tons of good girls in this country that wouldn't steal from you and wouldn't be out for money. You just need to date from a different pool. If you find someone who is the opposite of all the points I posted above you should be fine. And don't trust people too much, period.

To summarise: if you think she's a whore don't let her get to your money. Wonderful advice. I would never have thought of that myself.

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I honestly believe that it has nothing to to with thai ppl at all

a big chunk of our society has a scammer rotting core to them

its disgusting and I want to vomit!!!! because they would get HUGE money from me with mutal cooperation but choose to snatch and run!!!

I honestly blame the baby boomers, they flipped their way to success and think it was investing, they are not dumb but choose to be naive, todays youth and the in youth in the future will suffer from severe poverty due to the slight of hand of baby boomers even if they dont understand what they did

all this will be exposed with higher interest rates, the fat baby boomers will be forced to ask why, and they will still have that glass of wine in their fat hands

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@brit.. is what your wife has cure-able / treatable.. and is it forgive able.. you should ask you those things. Personally I would have a real hard time forgiving even if its caused by a (mental) illness. But keeping kids from their mother however bad she is is never a real good idea. Unless there is a high risk of self harm and harming the children.

I had a GF with BPD, a personality disorder of the same group including also anxiety etc. and did some research on it and treatment is extremely difficult.

Patients will always deny their condition and refuse treatment, if they agree on treatment it is to fool the medics as soon as they can and get out again. A temporary solution can be medication, but never on the long term.

Advice from most people is as soon as you discover this is RUN! Problem is that most people with personality disorders are very well trained in hiding their condition at first, so it all seems heaven on earth the first period until some unexpected emotional luggage is unpacked and their behavior towards you and others gradually changes. Most people with partners like this stay in denial for a long time, it often takes somebody else with experience to open your eyes.

BPD? What's that?. How have we, as a species, suddenly developed all these three letter acronyms for conditions that have been around for centuries, if not millennia, and now have to categorise and make excuse for them.

We now have stress related illnesses from social media. Excuse me, bullies have been around before we learned to walk on two feet.

A bastards always been a bastard and a bitch has always been a bitch.

An uncontrollable kid needs a flogging and an uncontrollable adult needs jail. My apologies to the PC apologists and the millionaire psychologists/psychiatrists and the hordes of public servants who survive and prosper on this fraud.

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There are thousands and thousands of similar stories. Most Thai care only about ONE THING MONEY and will say or do anything to get it and they are NEVER SATISFIED no matter how much they get. Learn from your mistake and don't do it again. Some stupid Westerners repeat the same mistakes time and time again. I have learned my lesson after losing a furnished house etc etc!

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I too joined the club, was certain she was one thing (honest normal not sociopath), but here is the truth cut from emails to my brother, meant as a warning. Firstly I thought people on this forum were negative and racist against Thais.

I have done a 180 degree turn, were are just "rich cows" to be milked and despised...

They are actually taught "all Farangs somehow have unlimited money and are to be swindled if possible".

I tried to break up with girlfriend Mikky, and even after her 100s of promises, she tried to take me for

everything I have.(and she got a fair bit)

I really try not to blame myself too much (although a lot), because she also fooled four guys (and 1 woman) I trust a

lot, and have lived here for 20 years or more and speak Thai etc. You/I just can’t tell if they are lying.

It went from...

Ian (naive and gullible idiot)

Oh you seem like a nice girl with some problems, I’ll try and help you out of poverty, help you use your brain etc etc

“Oh your late husband dropped dead when you were so young and you got robbed, I will make sure

it can’t happen to you again coz I’m a nice guy etc etc”

Mikky (ethics free thief)

Stupid old bastard, while alive I’ll take him for whatever I can get, and if he dies,

I get the apartment, what a moron. I hope he dies soon, and maybe I can get that plane too!

(bit later)

Oh shit, he won’t have a baby with me and seems he wants to break up and just be friends.

I had better RAPE him for as much as possible.

Apparently all Thai's are the same, irrespective of where you meet them or education etc, apparently they do it to each other all the time.

I asked my pal, “How can she be so cruel after I paid for her mom's multiple operations,

her own monthly "salary", getting her a laptop and a scooter plus the trip to Aus etc etc etc etc?”

He says "right of passage if you try and live here. You won’t believe they can have no remorse or conscience

or basic honesty until you experience it”

I literally have known using heroin addicts that have far more ethics.

But you would/could never believe this unless you experience it.

It is soo far out of our Western values/beliefs. However Japanese are as honest as most, if not more honest than most.

(I lived in Japan over 10 years)

So it is not an Asian thing, it must just be a Thai thing (which I am hearing repeatedly).

On this


You often read where some Western guy kills himself over being “seduced/robbed/swindled/humiliated” by some Thai girl.

I used to think ….

“what a whimp” or “must be really gullible” and “he is old enough to be her father, can’t he see

she is just in it for the money?” etc etc.

Other negative stories you hear, you think the guy must have been really gullible/stupid/greedy/sex addict or


Now I think….

"Poor bastard, would never have even seen it coming, probably way too trusting a guy to live in Thailand.”

And can relate completely, many lose their life savings.

Happens a lot….guys fall in love, she takes him for everything, he kills himself.

The ironic thing is, I bet they all think “that will show her”, “she will be sorry now” etc. But the truth is she will not give a shit and simply wonder how she can gain from the death.

Thank God I never loved her, more of a sort of charity thing for me, we made it SUPER clear

and agreed that it was very likely a short relationship. (age etc, and she promised she was fine with that etc)

It still amazes me, the lack of conscience or even belief in Karma here (supposed to be Buddist).

It really is corrupt on soooo many levels.

I am way too much of a trusting guy to be here (perfect 20/20 hindsight!)

I have lived by this….

It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

--Samuel Johnson

Works in most places but not sure it applies here. wanke_r should have said ….

In England, It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust.

--Samuel Johnson ; )

The girl above cleaned out the safe of 16Bht gold, (been together 18 months and trusted her.) I even had a small aircraft (that must be in a Thai's name), bought on borrowed money (worth 1.5M Bht), in her name. She almost got that too!

I went to the Police and really fought it, as per an article posted here from the Phuket Gazette.

Got a bit of the gold back, about 15%, and made it really hard for her. Most guys just “roll over”

and do nothing due to the humiliation and depression etc. I had two physical brawls with them

and went to police etc. Got death threats so that is why I had to up security (cameras) for a while, (she said I get Mafia kill you) but all sorted now. (probably on to next victim)

I was so duped and trusting, I left her an apartment in my will when I found out she was a widow (Thai husband dropped dead at 58), when she was 26. I have since had the humiliation of changing it back, and felt the derision and

ridicule from some that warned me.

Anyway, I will survive, many don’t, especially if they were truly trying to help someone, and then get robbed.

It is worse to get raped by someone you are trying to help, rather than by a stranger.

So hard to believe, few believe it (like me) and so the system/scam/con-game goes on.

Not sure I want to live, knowing everyone is out to scam me, and is insanely good at it.

Your pals warn you, but you can’t see it until you are hurt….. BAD.

As it has been 100% proven, I am unable to tell if a Thai person is 100% honest or 100% evil.

(at the same time I almost got conned very badly by a Thai man I thought of as a friend)

For self protection, I must assume they are all out to totally scam me and must not be trusted.

I simply can't recognize the honest from the dishonest here.

I have read all the books like "Private dancer", have multiple Thai speaker friends that

were also fooled. I had been visiting for 10 years, and STILL I was 100% duped. Be VERY careful

out there guys, if you run into a sociopath, RUN, you can never win in combat, as they will do

what you will be unwilling to do.


I hope this saves the next guys....

1) Put NOTHING in her name. If it can't go in your name, don't own it.

(this include iPads, phones, motorcycles etc. Keep the receipt if

you paid for it.)

2) Don't legally marry them, do the ceremony in their village if you must,

but not the paperwork. Thank God this witch was just my girlfriend and not my wife.

If wife, she gets half or more and you are screwed.

3) She was pushing for a kid, now I see how she could "own" me thru the kid.

Avoid pregnancies unless you are ok with being blackmailed thru the kid.

My 3 best friends have all been paying and paying for over 25 years and

all admit, if no kids, would have "kicked her to the curb" long ago.



PS Thai girls, WARNING Will Robinson WARNING!!!

What a sad insecure little man (and I use the term man advisedly)

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There are card games and illegal casinos everywhere in Thailand.

You should take a look around you more often.

Yes, I'm sure that's what you've heard. Me too. Have you actually been to one? Seen these girls with gambling addictions going at it?

YES I have, women only too, in the lounge with Som Tam and Spy. I was amazed at the large(ish) amounts of money being used (50,000 Baht "pot" was not uncommon). It was happening 3 times a week some weeks. Seemed the ones loosing all the time relied solely on luck, the constant winners were the same girls / women and commonly the lady holding them seemed to do OK, but not always. IMO (the majority of) Thais don't know when to stop and rely TOTALLY on luck.

Took a girl to Aus once, she'd never seen a "one armed bandit", it was unbelievable......

There is a GOOD reason there are no casino's here, they will bet (everything) on ANYTHING !!

Cock fights, bird singing, male Rhino beetles fighting over a female placed inside a piece of piece of bamboo.......

The whole belief system here relies on luck, born male or female, pretty or not, no helmet, no consequences.......

IMHO of course

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Don't feel that it just happens to us farrangs, my wifes brother who had been married for 14 years had two children . She did the same thing to him left owing 100s of thousands of baht . Took there financed pick up truck and sold it . Ran off to parts unknow in fear of being killed by the sharks .....So lets not all take claim of us poor mistreated farrangs . Happens to Thais in real life too ......

How true, my wifes daughter bah.gif has just taken a nice Thai guy for 500,000bht..........bah.gif

Transam, please clarify...she took him for 500,000 baht ( about 16k dollars) or did they share the wealth crated during the relationship? She got her half? he got his?

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