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Frustrated Thai voters say rights violated


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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

I agree that this was wrong of the protestors to stop people voting but.........

I believe the elections should have been postponed considering the current climate

Police inability to do their job

Armed terrorists running around shooting and bombing at will (again police at fault)

Faulty government refusing to step down - in the west no government could have remained in office after such a debacle

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That photo in the OP is very obviously staged

it has been determined it was NOT staged - and there are many other examples - just what is it with you that you cannot see?

the thugs are stopping peoples RIGHT to vote

determined by who - I don't believe any of it because the government are firmly in control of the press now and their propaganda lying machine is in full swing

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That photo in the OP is very obviously staged

it has been determined it was NOT staged - and there are many other examples - just what is it with you that you cannot see?

the thugs are stopping peoples RIGHT to vote

determined by who - I don't believe any of it because the government are firmly in control of the press now and their propaganda lying machine is in full swing

oh this is new... the government in control of The Nation newspaper??? are you serious??? this photo was in the yellow newspaper? you think PTP controls it?

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Platinum Member

Thailand suppressing voting rights and preventing Thai citizens to cast a vote. Unbelievable and astonishing that this doesn't capture more global attention.

Thailand isn't suppressing voting rights - Kwai Suthep and his paid thugs are doing that.

But I agree there shoud be far more global attention.

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Frustrated Thai voters should be entitled to vote. They are also entitled to politicians who act in the best interest of the people and the country. They are entitled to a vote where their vote counts and not one where it is swamped by votes bought by one or other people. Thais are entitled to many things and many things are not on offer.

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That photo in the OP is very obviously staged

it has been determined it was NOT staged - and there are many other examples - just what is it with you that you cannot see?

the thugs are stopping peoples RIGHT to vote

"just what is it with you that you cannot see?"....When agenda walks in the door, common sense walks out!

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I have to say, that photo looks staged by "B" grade actors.

Is this a sly way of trying to say the photograph was staged?

Serious question.

Considering that the Nation is not known for its support of the government and its opinion pieces have not been supportive of the election, why would the Nation plant a staged photograph that is obviously not flattering to the PDRC?

Yes, it was taken by a Nation photographer (who is known as v. trustworthy according to Noppatjak from Nation TV). https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152180614132855&set=a.381659187854.161370.328167122854&type=1&permPage=1

This is the same guy on the floor:


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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

The world has been laughing for awhile. The real comedy is that the country has been being run by convicted fugitive on the run through his puppet sister.

So two wrongs make one right??coffee1.gif

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I have to say, that photo looks staged by "B" grade actors.

Is this a sly way of trying to say the photograph was staged?

Serious question.

Considering that the Nation is not known for its support of the government and its opinion pieces have not been supportive of the election, why would the Nation plant a staged photograph that is obviously not flattering to the PDRC?

Yes, it was taken by a Nation photographer (who is known as v. trustworthy according to Noppatjak from Nation TV). https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152180614132855&set=a.381659187854.161370.328167122854&type=1&permPage=1

This is the same guy on the floor:


OK...but now turn to page one at look at the face of the person in question again. And compare it with the guy lying down on the floor. It is obvious that the person is not the same. It looks as if someone doctored the first photo. All that finger pointing and obvious overacting. Just an opinion. wink.png

Anyway there is no doubt that some people got beaten. But hey, everyone in Thailand knew that was going to happen. Everyone in Thailand know that more people will die unless the election is delayed. It seems as if this Thaksin's proxy government looks forward to having more and more violence. Hence irresponsible mad dash for the election which will bring more deaths and inevitably fail. They will certainly schedule another election but no one will bring dead people back.

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

The world has been laughing for awhile. The real comedy is that the country has been being run by convicted fugitive on the run through his puppet sister.

So two wrongs make one right??coffee1.gif

Absolutely not. Two wrongs do not make a right. However, I'd argue that merely appointing the sister of a divisive, fugitive ex-PM was a slap in the face. It seems like most (surprisingly) accepted that without issue. There were no protests or "peoples councils" or Bangkok shut downs. However, when they went and tried to absolve the fugitive of his crimes at 4:00 AM, that was the final straw. Thaksin asked for this. He could've let things just be the way they were with his clone running Thailand, but his massive ego got in the way, and again people are dying because of it.

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

I agree that this was wrong of the protestors to stop people voting but.........

I believe the elections should have been postponed considering the current climate

Police inability to do their job

Armed terrorists running around shooting and bombing at will (again police at fault)

Faulty government refusing to step down - in the west no government could have remained in office after such a debacle

Is there a date on which Suthep and his sheep would respect the citizens' right to vote?

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

I agree that this was wrong of the protestors to stop people voting but.........

I believe the elections should have been postponed considering the current climate

Police inability to do their job

Armed terrorists running around shooting and bombing at will (again police at fault)

Faulty government refusing to step down - in the west no government could have remained in office after such a debacle

I hate myself for getting drawn into this bizarre delusional forum, but outta curiosity exactly which western government after calling an election, packs up their bags and turns over the keys of the realm to some committee to run for an indeterminate period of time? I must have missed that news story.

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

I agree that this was wrong of the protestors to stop people voting but.........

I believe the elections should have been postponed considering the current climate

Police inability to do their job

Armed terrorists running around shooting and bombing at will (again police at fault)

Faulty government refusing to step down - in the west no government could have remained in office after such a debacle

Is there a date on which Suthep and his sheep would respect the citizens' right to vote?


When the winter olympics are held in hell.

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

The world has been laughing for awhile. The real comedy is that the country has been being run by convicted fugitive on the run through his puppet sister.

"....run through his puppet sister."

And who do you think pulls the strings on Thai Visa's favourite, "Mark"?

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

The world has been laughing for awhile. The real comedy is that the country has been being run by convicted fugitive on the run through his puppet sister.

"....run through his puppet sister."

And who do you think pulls the strings on Thai Visa's favourite, "Mark"?

Abhisit has/had a relative that's a criminal on the run telling him how to run Thailand?

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What kind of a country is it that has more Police presence at a wat concert (real Police) stopping people from dancing, than it does at polling stations to protect peoples democratic and constitutional right to vote?

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

I agree that this was wrong of the protestors to stop people voting but.........

I believe the elections should have been postponed considering the current climate

Police inability to do their job

Armed terrorists running around shooting and bombing at will (again police at fault)

Faulty government refusing to step down - in the west no government could have remained in office after such a debacle

I hate myself for getting drawn into this bizarre delusional forum, but outta curiosity exactly which western government after calling an election, packs up their bags and turns over the keys of the realm to some committee to run for an indeterminate period of time? I must have missed that news story.

First of all. It is not compulsory to post here!!

Secondly. This is not the West!!coffee1.gif

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This is really shameful that people could not exercise their right to vote. The world is laughing at Thailand now.

I agree that this was wrong of the protestors to stop people voting but.........

I believe the elections should have been postponed considering the current climate

Police inability to do their job

Armed terrorists running around shooting and bombing at will (again police at fault)

Faulty government refusing to step down - in the west no government could have remained in office after such a debacle

I hate myself for getting drawn into this bizarre delusional forum, but outta curiosity exactly which western government after calling an election, packs up their bags and turns over the keys of the realm to some committee to run for an indeterminate period of time? I must have missed that news story.

First of all. It is not compulsory to post here!!

Secondly. This is not the West!!coffee1.gif

Did you actually read the part of the previous comment I was referring too (now highlighted for emphasis), and No i dont have to post here, but I also used to like poking hornets nests as a kid LMAO

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OK...but now turn to page one at look at the face of the person in question again.

You know all of it is minutia in the bigger picture.

All over the TV news we see folks being blocked from exercising a basic right to vote.

That is wrong full stop.............

No gang gets to deny the citizenry of any country their right

nor delay it till they can seize power by other means

through so called committees etc.

This is indefensible & it is being seen as such on worldwide television now.

They should pack this dog & pony show up & call it a bad day.

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Watching the news channels it is very obvious that polling stations in Bangkok and the deep south were almost totally devoid of any police presence whilst those elsewhere had the usual police guard and even those appearing to be from the armed forces.

It begs the question why was there no protection for those actually there to vote?

The reason is very simple. Any police presence would fast become Police trying to keep "protesters" away from obstructing the polling stations, and that would in turn be what these tugs really wanted, a clash at 1 or more of the venues. There is a part of this peaceful protest that is only peaceful as there is nothing they can hit with a stick.

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Lets just remember Suthep is not interested in anyone else's rights only his own. How do do you think he will behave

if he is named supreme leader of his hand picked council. Disgracefully I am sure. blink.png

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Watching the news channels it is very obvious that polling stations in Bangkok and the deep south were almost totally devoid of any police presence whilst those elsewhere had the usual police guard and even those appearing to be from the armed forces.

It begs the question why was there no protection for those actually there to vote?

It answers the question who the real leader is. it is definitely not Yingluck. In certain areas it has never been the Reds. In any country this handful of troublemakers would be moved out of the way.

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That photo in the OP is very obviously staged


Looking forward to you retracting your stupid statement!!

I think you will be waiting a long time for that! Lets face it, anyone who states,"I agree that it was wrong for the demonstrators to stop people from voting, BUT", clearly doesn't have a problem with it at all. Looking to justify the unjustifiable. In a free country the basic right of one person- one vote is set in stone, not up for negotiation. No doubt in Smedly's country of origin the right to a vote is taken as read, and any attempt by a minority group of anti democratic demonstrators to forcibly prevent citizens from exercising that right would be given short shrift by the security forces of that country. By whatever means were necessary. Batons would be put across <deleted> and heads very quickly, and if that didn't work the anti would be upped. Any country that allows itself to be held to ransom by a minority of anti democrats,(lets call them for what they are, ie fascists), whose aim is to do away with democracy itself, is on a slippery slope. As somebody once said,"Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it".

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