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Protester says he clearly saw Suthin's killers


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Protester says he clearly saw Suthin's killers
Mongkhon Komprad,
Patcha Suwanlada
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A protester who survived Sunday's bloody incident in Bangkok's Bang Na district said he clearly saw the faces of his attackers.

"One of them had a gun," Cheuy Klaengkratoke, 75, said.

Cheuy, who was helping close down an advance polling station not far from the Bang Na district office, was beaten by a group of men until he lost consciousness.

"The gunman was about to shoot me, but his friends stopped him probably because a woman was right next to me in the pickup. So, they pulled me out and beat me up instead," he said.

Protest leader Suthin Taratin, who was in a vehicle nearby, was shot dead in the same incident. Nakhon Si Thammarat-native Wicharn Sukbangnop, 54, said he was with Suthin when someone began firing on the truck they were in.

"He [suthin] was shot and I was shot too," Wicharn said yesterday, adding that he kept calling on the police for help, but nobody stepped forward.

Meanwhile, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand, the Justice Ministry's inspector-general and forensics expert, said yesterday that Suthin had been shot from two directions and the bullet that killed him had entered on the right side of his neck and exited through his left ear.

Suthin, whose bathing rites were held yesterday afternoon at Wat Somanas, was a leader of the People's Army to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime.

The incident has caused leaders of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee to review security measures to ensure protesters' safety, PDRC leader Issara Somchai said. He condemned the caretaker government for allowing casualties to happen and questioned why no arrests had been made yet.

Dr Niran Pitakwatchara, from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), and Pornthip, who performed an autopsy on Suthin's body upon his relatives' request, said they could not yet determine the type of bullet or gun used because no bullet or shrapnel was found in his body.

Suthin's body has four marks sustained from two gunshots - one that entered in the armpit and another that entered in the neck, Pornthip said. She added that they would need to look at reports on the examination of vehicles nearby and the wounds sustained by others for clarity.

The NHRC plans to discuss protecting people's rights with officials from the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order tomorrow.

National Police chief Pol General Adul Saengsingkaew has called on investigators to speed up their probe into the melee near the Wat Sri-iam advance polling station in Bang Na, during which Suthin was shot on Sunday. He also asked the investigators to find out why, despite the presence of police checkpoints, weapons were brought into the area.

Aek said some 50 men from unidentified political groups travelling on motorcycles and other vehicles from Srinakarin Road had arrived at the scene, adding that no media footage or any other sources had managed to capture the gunman in the act, he added.

Deputy Army spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree, meanwhile, quoted Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha as expressing sorrow over Suthin's death and saying he would ask the CMPO to tighten measures to ensure protesters' safety.

Kanittha Duang-in, Suthin's widow, said their 5-year-old daughter was too young to realise the loss, adding that her husband was the family mainstay. She would leave resolution of the murder up to the police.

-- The Nation 2014-01-28

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

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1. Don't expect the police on site to do anything

2. Don't publicize plans too much in detail (gives the opposition too much info though it seems the Thais are too courteous and always announce their staging plans). Suthin was already a marked target for a while because of his PTT/Thaksin scrutiny

3. Always have 3-4 video camera men on the scene filming the protest from different directions in case something happens

4. Stop the protest

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Edited by Emptyset
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1. Don't expect the police on site to do anything

2. Don't publicize plans too much in detail (gives the opposition too much info though it seems the Thais are too courteous and always announce their staging plans). Suthin was already a marked target for a while because of his PTT/Thaksin scrutiny

3. Always have 3-4 video camera men on the scene filming the protest from different directions in case something happens

4. Stop the protest

Not convinced Suthin was deliberately targetted. I'm guessing these guys showing up was arranged locally, not planned in advance.

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Police arriving after it was over is the MO

Too scared to get shot? too untrained to know what to do?

Paid to do nothing?

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Police arriving after it was over is the MO

Too scared to get shot? too untrained to know what to do?

Paid to do nothing?

All of that could be a factor.

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Police arriving after it was over is the MO

Too scared to get shot? too untrained to know what to do?

Paid to do nothing?

In all fairness to the police I would say it was a result of their training. There is gun fire and an alleged explosion a dangerous situation and you don't just rush in. Most police have a operational safety principles which include steps.

Safety First (to police because if your dead you are of no use to the public)

Risk assessment

Take charge

Planned response

Cordon and contain

Avoid confrontation

Avoid force.

10 minute response in such an incident is quite good.

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Don't think that was the same guy, the guy bloodied on the back of the pick up receieved a gunshot wound to the face, and didn't look 75, look more like in his 50's.

There's a damn sight more people who seen the gunmen up close , all the passing cars, I'm sorry to say but I'd have to question a 75 year old who'd been beaten unconcious's account of being able to see clear enough when he would be suffereinf from concussion, not many 75 year old Thais have 20/20 vision these days. That being said, he can indeed debunk the 80 Cambodian Special Forces snipers on rooftops theory!! coffee1.gif

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She would leave resolution of the murder up to the police.

I wish her all the luck in the world with that, but my expectations are not high. The police will now tell us again, how they warned protesters about a third party becoming involved, my question to them would be "what did you do to prevent it".

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Aek said some 50 men from unidentified political groups travelling on motorcycles and other vehicles from Srinakarin Road had arrived at the scene, adding that no media footage or any other sources had managed to capture the gunman in the act, he added.

Except for every media report identifying the attackers as Red Shirts and the multiple videos with footage from the attack. Case closed boys, no evidence; anyone for tea (money)?

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Don't think that was the same guy, the guy bloodied on the back of the pick up receieved a gunshot wound to the face, and didn't look 75, look more like in his 50's.

There's a dam_n sight more people who seen the gunmen up close , all the passing cars, I'm sorry to say but I'd have to question a 75 year old who'd been beaten unconcious's account of being able to see clear enough when he would be suffereinf from concussion, not many 75 year old Thais have 20/20 vision these days. That being said, he can indeed debunk the 80 Cambodian Special Forces snipers on rooftops theory!! coffee1.gif

This is the guy:


Pretty sure it's the same guy. You can hear the woman next to him in the pick-up screaming for them to stop when they're beating him.

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"He kept calling on the police for help, but no one stepped forward". Yeah well if you attack police stations, tear down signs to show disrespect, shut off the electricity, the police are not going to be all that interested in helping you.

My thoughts are with the thousands of ordinary decent citizens of Bang Na constituency who were prevented from casting their votes by these armed terrorists.

Oh that's a good one. Everyone who tears down a sign or is associated with someone who tears down a sign can and should be shot with impunity? Please! (heavy sarcasm). How can anyone in good conscience condone killing someone or standing by and not preventing someone being killed or beaten badly because they might have torn down a sign. Even if they defecated on it, no excuse and even less excuse for someone not associated with it condoning it.


Maybe you've forgotten that several police officers were badly beaten by the yellow shirt terrorists a few days ago. I'll bet the police haven't forgotten.

All of the terrorists have whistles. Maybe they should have blown their whistles to summon police assistance!

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Police arriving after it was over is the MO

Too scared to get shot? too untrained to know what to do?

Paid to do nothing?

In all fairness to the police I would say it was a result of their training. There is gun fire and an alleged explosion a dangerous situation and you don't just rush in. Most police have a operational safety principles which include steps.

Safety First (to police because if your dead you are of no use to the public)

Risk assessment

Take charge

Planned response

Cordon and contain

Avoid confrontation

Avoid force.

10 minute response in such an incident is quite good.

No wonder they never catch / kill the armed assailants with a plan like that.

​In America and I assume most other places they don't sit down decide who the leader is, plan a response, cordon and contain an area while a shooter is actively killing people.

The response to an active shooter is known as "Rapid Deployment" Police officers proceed immediately to the area where shots were last heard (of course a risk mitigations is done while on the run). The purpose is to stop the shooting ASAP with lethal force if necessary . The first officers on the scene do not stop to assist the injured either. If they did that means that one more innocent protestor could be shot.

Though with the tomato police I am more than sure they follow the steps you highlighted.

10 minute response? Why weren't the police on the scene? They had 4000 police standing out the front of government house 2 months ago where not a single protestor was causing any problems. They stood there in front of a vacant area. You could hear a cricket chirp. Now with the recent violence one would assume there would be police at polling stations or at the least, deployed when there was potential conflict when the red shirts gathered for a confrontation which was OVER 10 minutes before shots were fired.

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Police arriving after it was over is the MO

Too scared to get shot? too untrained to know what to do?

Paid to do nothing?

Police officers usually arrive at crime scenes after the crime has happened, don't they?

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In answer to djjamie, post 27

Actually that is what we do in the Victoria Police Melbourne Australia. It is very effective and provides safety to members, the public and the offender/s and taking charge is not appointing a leader it is taking charge of the incident.

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Don't ask to much of the police! I saw a video of an Thai man with a knife overcome a police officer at a service station, take possession of his side arm and shoot said police officer dead. There was another police officer less than 20 metres away. What did he do? He ran! Ran and hide behind a petrol pump until the assailant ran off and tossed the pistol!

Not much on the video h- t- t- p- : / / www- .live leak- .com /view?- i=d56 _1375147775- &comments-=1

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"He kept calling on the police for help, but no one stepped forward". Yeah well if you attack police stations, tear down signs to show disrespect, shut off the electricity, the police are not going to be all that interested in helping you.

My thoughts are with the thousands of ordinary decent citizens of Bang Na constituency who were prevented from casting their votes by these armed terrorists.

Oh that's a good one. Everyone who tears down a sign or is associated with someone who tears down a sign can and should be shot with impunity? Please! (heavy sarcasm). .

Yes, pretty much. Serves them right.

What kind of idiots disrespect the police, and then still expect the police to come and put their lives in danger when something like this happens. What does it say, the sign on the police HQ at the moment... 'kwai police headquarters', I recall. If someone called me that and then expected me to help them, they can go kick rocks.

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So is this the guy shown in the video being beaten in the Pickup if it is then he was a fair distance from Suthin. Did he clearly see the person who pulled the trigger killing Suthin or did he clearly see the people who attacked him whilst he was sitting in the back of the pickup?

Guy in the pick-up, yes. Saw a picture of him bloodied and apparently trying to make a phone call (to police?). Can't remember where I saw it now. Apparently police got there about 10 minutes after it was over.

Don't think that was the same guy, the guy bloodied on the back of the pick up receieved a gunshot wound to the face, and didn't look 75, look more like in his 50's.

There's a dam_n sight more people who seen the gunmen up close , all the passing cars, I'm sorry to say but I'd have to question a 75 year old who'd been beaten unconcious's account of being able to see clear enough when he would be suffereinf from concussion, not many 75 year old Thais have 20/20 vision these days. That being said, he can indeed debunk the 80 Cambodian Special Forces snipers on rooftops theory!! coffee1.gif

This is the guy:


Pretty sure it's the same guy. You can hear the woman next to him in the pick-up screaming for them to stop when they're beating him.

Like I said mate. he looks a lot younger than 75 , I've seen the same picture and it said this man received a gunshot wound to the cheek/face..If he was the guy in the truck and he seen the shooter(s) then his wife would have seen the same would she not, and the beatings in the truck looked as if they happened after the shooting as well.

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